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Nick Trimbee
Nick Trimbee
Nick Trimbee is a twenty-five-year veteran of the data storage industry. Nick’s held positions in systems administration, engineering, product management, pre-sales, solutions architecture, and technical marketing. His primary focus lies within the realm of file and object storage, helping customers to find creative solutions for their unstructured data needs.


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

PowerScale OneFS 9.9

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 13 Aug 2024 15:35:05 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Dell PowerScale is already powering up the summer with the launch of the OneFS 9.9 release which shipped today (13th August 2024). This new 9.9 release is an all-rounder, introducing PowerScale innovations in performance, security, serviceability, protocols, and ease of use.

OneFS 9.9 features include CoS and QoS tagging, 61TB QLC and 200GbE for F710, Auto Maintenance Mode, Alerting suppression, upgrade enhancements -- pre-checks and SMB, IPv6 Support Assist, Performance Enhancements, and Multipath Client Driver

OneFS 9.9 delivers the next version of PowerScale’s common software platform for on-prem and cloud deployments, making it a solid fit for traditional file shares and home directories as well as vertical workloads like M&E, healthcare, life sciences, financial services, and next-gen AI, ML and analytics applications.

Showing the scale-out architecture of OneFS 9.9

PowerScale’s scale-out architecture can be deployed on-site, in co-lo facilities, or as customer-managed Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure deployments, providing core to edge to cloud flexibility with the scale and performance needed to run a variety of unstructured workflows on-prem or in the public cloud.

With data security, detection, and monitoring being top of mind in this era of unprecedented cyber threats, OneFS 9.9 brings an array of new features and functionality to keep your unstructured data and workloads more available, manageable, and secure than ever.

Monitoring and alerting

On the monitoring and reporting front, OneFS 9.9 sees the debut of an automatic maintenance mode, allowing a maintenance window to be automatically triggered during an upgrade, node reboot, shutdown, or similarly disruptive event. In concert with this are the ‘noise reduction’ benefits provided by a new superfluous alerting and call-home suppression feature. Additionally, OneFS 9.9 also adds IPv6 networking support to its SupportAssist ‘phone home’ service.


OneFS 9.9 now provides class of service (CoS) and quality of service (QoS) tagging via the introduction of Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) support within the OneFS firewall. This allows storage and network administrators to classify and separate network traffic, such as transactional data, management, bulk data, etc, in line with an organization’s security mandate and operational needs.


Non-disruptive cluster upgrades (NDU) get a boost in OneFS 9.9 from both enhanced SMB connection management and a new pre-upgrade health check system. The latter identifies potential issues before an upgrade can commence, improving the reliability and efficiency of system updates and ensuring minimal disruption and optimal system performance post-upgrade.

Hardware innovation

On the platform hardware front, OneFS 9.9 also unlocks dramatic performance and capacity enhancements - particularly for the all-flash F710, which sees the introduction of support for 61TB QLC SSDs plus a 200Gb Ethernet backend network.


Performance is further boosted in OneFS 9.9 with the release of an NFS multipath client driver. For successful large-scale AI model customization and training, GPUs need data served to them quickly and efficiently. As such, compute and storage must be sized and deployed accordingly to eliminate potential bottlenecks in the infrastructure. 

To meet this demand, the new multipath client driver enables performance aggregation of multiple PowerScale nodes through a single NFS mount point to one or many NFS clients, dramatically increasing the I/O to multiple PowerScale nodes through a single NFS mount point for higher single-client throughput. This can directly benefit generative AI and machine learning environments alongside other workloads involving highly concurrent streaming reads and writes of different files from individual high-powered Linux servers. As such, the multipath client driver enables PowerScale to deliver the first Ethernet storage solution validated on the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD.

In summary, OneFS 9.9 brings the following new features and functionality to the Dell PowerScale ecosystem:



Events and Alerts

  • Automatic maintenance mode
  • Superfluous alerting suppression


  • NDU improved pre-upgrade healthchecks 
  • SMB disruption reduction


  • Support for a multipath NFS driver for Linux client systems
  • Complete removal of deprecated SWIFT object protocol


  • Nvidia Spectrum-4 switch support for F710 200GbE
  • Support for in-field Ethernet adapter (NIC) swaps.

CoS / QoS Tagging

  • Class of service and quality of service tagging enabled via the introduction of Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) support


  • Infrastructure support for 61TB QLC drives and a 200Gb/s back-end Ethernet network on the all-flash F710 platform


  • IPv6 networking added for SupportAssist phone home service

Additionally, since S3 has become the de facto object protocol due to its extensive features, robust performance, and wide industry adoption while the OpenStack community's focus has shifted significantly, OneFS 9.9 brings the complete removal of the OpenStack Swift protocol & API. Swift will remain available and supported in OneFS 9.8 and earlier until their respective end of support dates. 

We’ll be taking a deeper look at OneFS 9.9’s new features and functionality in future blog articles over the course of the next few weeks. 

Meanwhile, the new OneFS 9.9 code is available on the Dell Support site as both an upgrade and reimage file, allowing both installation and upgrade of this new release. 

For existing clusters running a prior OneFS release, the recommendation is to open a Service Request to schedule an upgrade. To provide a consistent and positive upgrade experience, Dell Technologies is offering assisted upgrades to OneFS 9.9 at no cost to customers with a valid support contract. Please refer to Knowledge Base article KB544296 for additional information on how to initiate the upgrade process. 


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

OneFS System Partition Hygiene

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 02 Jul 2024 19:43:02 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In addition to the /ifs data storage partition, like most UNIX-derived operating systems, OneFS uses several system partitions, including:




Root partition containing all the data to start up and run the system, and which contains the base OneFS software image.


Device files partition. Drives, for example, are accessed through block device files such as /dev/ad0.


Clustered filesystem partition, which spans all of a cluster’s nodes. Includes /ifs/.ifsvar.


Partition for user programs.


Partition to store variable data, such as log files, etc. In OneFS, this partition is mostly used for /var/run and /var/log.


The crash partition is configured for binary dumps.

One advantage of having separate partitions, rather than one big chunk of space, is that different parts of the OS are somewhat protected from each other. For example, if /var fills up, it doesn’t affect the root / partition.

OneFS automatically performs the majority of its system housekeeping. However, on occasion the OneFS /var partition on one or more of a cluster’s nodes will fill up, typically as the result of heavy log writing activity and/or the presence corefile(s). If /var reaches 75%, 85%, or 95% of capacity, a CELOG event is automatically fired and an alert sent.

The following CLI command will provide a view of /var usage across the cluster:

# isi_for_array -s "du -h /var | sort -n | tail -n10"

The typical resolution for this scenario is to rotate the logfiles under /var/log. If, after log rotation, the /var partition returns to a normal usage level, then reviewing the list of recently written logs will usually determine if a specific log is rotating frequently or excessively. Log rotation will usually resolve the full-partition issue by compressing or removing large and old logs, thereby automatically reducing partition usage.
 The ‘df -i’ CLI command, run on the node that reported the error, will display the details of the /var partition. For example:

# df -i | grep var | grep -v crash

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on

/dev/mirror/var0 1013068 49160 882864 5% 1650 139276  92% /var

If the percentage used value is 90% or higher, as above, the recommendation is to reduce the number of files in the /var partition. To remove files that do not belong in the /var partition, first run the following ‘find’ command on the node that generated the alert. This will display any files in the /var partition that are greater than 5 MB in size:

# find -x /var -type f -size +10000 -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'

The output will show any large files that do not typically belong in the /var partition. These could include artifacts such as OneFS install packages, cluster log gathers, packet captures, or other user-created files. Remove the files or move them to the /ifs directory. If you are unsure which, if any, files are viable candidates for removal, contact Dell Support for assistance.

The ‘fstat’ CLI command is a useful tool for listing the open files on a node or in a directory or displaying files that were opened by a particular process. This information can be invaluable for determining if a process is holding a large file open. For example, a node’s open files on a node can be displayed as follows:

# fstat

A list of the open files is helpful for monitoring the processes that are writing large files.

Using the ‘-f’flag will narrow the fstat output to a particular directory:

# fstat -f <directory_path>

Similarly, to list the files opened by a particular process:

# fstat -p <pid>

If there are no open files found in the /var directory, it is entirely possible that a large file has become unlinked and is consuming space because one or more processes have the file open. The fstat command can be used to confirm this, as follows:

# fstat -f /var | grep var

If a process is holding a file open, output similar to the following is displayed:

root lwio 98281 4 /var 69612 -rw------- 100120000 rw

Here, the lwio daemon (PID 98281) has a 100MB file open that is approximately 100 MB (100120000 bytes). The file’s inode number, 69612, can be used to retrieve its name:

root lwio 98281 4 /var 69612 -rw------- 100120000 rw


If a process is holding a large file open and it’s inode cannot be found, the file is considered ‘unlinked’. In this case, the recourse is typically to restart the offending process.

Note: before stopping and restarting a process, consider any possible negative consequences. For example, stopping the OneFS SMB daemon, lwiod, in the example above would potentially disconnect SMB users.

If neither of the suggestions above resolves the issue, the logfile’s rollover file size limit can be reduced and the file itself compressed. To do this, first create a backup of the /etc/newsyslog.conf file as follows:

# cp /etc/newsyslog.conf /ifs/newsyslog.conf

# cp /etc/newsyslog.conf /etc/newsyslog.bak

Next, open the /ifs/newsyslog.conf file in an editor such as ‘emacs’ or ‘vi’ and locate the following line:

/var/log/wtmp 644 3 * @01T05 B

Edit this line to the following:

/var/log/wtmp 644 3 10000 @01T05 ZB

These changes instruct the system to roll over the /var/log/wtmp file when it reaches 10 MB and then to compress the file with gzip. Save and close the /ifs/newsyslog.conf file, and then run the following command to copy the updated ‘newsyslog.conf’ file to the remaining nodes on the cluster:

# isi_for_array 'cp /ifs/newsyslog.conf /etc/newsyslog.conf'

If other logs are rotating frequently, or if the preceding solutions do not resolve the issue, run the isi_gather_info command to gather logs, and then contact Dell Support for assistance.

There are several options available to stop processes and create a corefile under OneFS:

CLI Command



Generate a core dump file of the running process without actually killing it.

kill -6

Stop a single process and get a core dump file

killall -6

Stop all processes and get a core dump file

kill -9

Force a process to stop

The ‘gcore’ CLI command can generate a core dump file from a running process without actually killing it. First, the ‘ps’ CLI command can be used to find and display the process ID (PID) for a running process:

# ps -auxww | egrep 'USER|lsass' | grep -v grep



root   68547  0.0  0.3 150464 38868 ??   S    Sun11PM   0:06.87 lw-container lsass (lsass)

In the above example, the PID for the lsass process is 68547. Next, the ‘gcore’ CLI command can be used to generate a core dump of this PID and write the output to a location of choice, in this example a file aptly named ‘lsass.core’.

# gcore -c /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/lsass.core 68547


# ls -lsia /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/lsass.core

4297467006 58272 -rw-------     1 root  wheel  239280128 Jun 10 19:10 /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/lsass.core

Typically, the /ifs/data/Isilon_Support directory provides an excellent location to write the coredump to. Clearly, /var is not a great choice, since the partition is likely already full.

Finally, when the coredump has been written, the ‘isi_gather_info’ tool can be used to coalesce the core file and pertinent cluster logs and the core into a convenient tarfile.

# isi_gather_info --local-only -f /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/lsass.core


# ls -lsia /ifs/data/Isilon_Support | grep -i gather

4298180122    26 -rw-r--r-- +    1 root  wheel         19 Jun 10 15:44 last_full_gather

The resulting log set, ‘/ifs/data/Isilon_Support/last_full_gather’, is then ready for upload to Dell Support for further investigation and analysis.


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

OneFS NANON clusters NANOAN clusters


Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:44:38 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In OneFS parlance, PowerScale clusters with partial front-end connectivity are known as NANON clusters, the acronym abbreviating ‘Not All Nodes On Network’. Today, every PowerScale node in the portfolio includes both front-end and back-end network interfaces. Both of a node’s redundant backend network ports, either Ethernet or InfiniBand, must be active and connected to the supplied cluster switches at all times, because these form a distributed systems bus and handle all the intra-cluster communication. However, while the typical cluster topology has all nodes connected to all the frontend client network(s), this is not always possible or even desirable. In certain scenarios, there are distinct benefits to not connecting all the nodes to the front-end network.

But first, some background. For example, imagine an active archive workload. The I/O and capacity requirements of the workload’s active component can be satisfied by an all-flash F710 pool. By contrast, the inactive archive data is housed on a pool of capacity-optimized A3000 nodes for archiving inactive data. In this case, not connecting the A3000 archive nodes to the front-end network saves on the cost of the cables, ports, and simplifies the overall configuration, while also increasing security. 

Such NANON cluster configurations are increasing in popularity, as customers elect not to connect the archive nodes in larger clusters to save cost and complexity, reduce load on capacity optimized platforms, as well as creating physically secure and air-gapped solutions. The recent introduction of the PowerScale P100 and B100 accelerator nodes also increases a cluster’s front end connectivity flexibility.

Image depicting a NANON PowerScale cluster configuration.

This NANON configuration is among the simplest of the partially connected cluster architectures. In this example, the deployment consists of five PowerScale nodes with only three of them connected to the network. The network is assumed to have full access to all necessary infrastructure services and client access.

More complex topologies can often include separating client and management networks, dedicated replication networks, multi-tenant and other separated front-end solutions, and often fall into the NANOAN, or Not All Nodes On All Networks, category. For example:

Image showing a NANOAN PowerScale cluster topology with only a subset of the nodes connected to the management subnet.

The management network can be assigned to Subnet0 on the cluster nodes, with a gateway priority of 10 (that is, the default gateway), and the client network using Subnet1 with a gateway priority of 20. This would route all outbound traffic through the management network. Static routes, or source-based routing (SBR) can be configured to direct traffic to the appropriate gateway if issues arise with client traffic routing through the management network.

In the following replication topology, nodes 1 through 3 on the source cluster are used for client connectivity, while nodes 4 and 5 on both the source and target clusters are dedicated for SyncIQ replication traffic.

Image illustrating a SyncIQ replication NANOAN configuration.

Other more complex examples, such multi-tenant cluster topologies, can be deployed to support workloads requiring connectivity to multiple physical networks. 

Image depicting a NANOAN cluster configuration.

This topology can be configured with a management Groupnet0 containing Subnet0, and additional Groupnets, each with a subnet, for the client networks. For example:

# isi network groupnets list
ID         DNS Cache Enabled  DNS Search      DNS Servers   Subnets
Client1    1  subnet1
Client2    1  subnet2
Client3    1  subnet3
Management 1  subnet0
Total: 4

Or from the WebUI by selecting Cluster management > Network configuration > External network.

Screenshot of the OneFS WebUI external network configuration page.

The connectivity details of a particular subnet and pool can be queried with the isi network pools status groupnet.subnet.pool CLI command, and will provide details of node connectivity, as well as protocol health and general node state. For example, querying the management groupnet Management.Subnet0.Pool0 for the six node cluster above, we see that nodes 1-4 are externally connected, whereas nodes 5 and 6 are not:   

# isi network pools status Management.subnet0.pool0
Pool ID: Management.subnet0.subnet0
SmartConnect DNS Overview:
       Resolvable: 4/6 nodes resolvable
Needing Attention: 2/6 nodes need attention
        SC Subnet: Management.subnet0
Nodes Needing Attention:
              LNN: 5
SC DNS Resolvable: False
       Node State: Up
        IP Status: Doesn't have any usable IPs
 Interface Status: 0/1 interfaces usable
Protocols Running: True
        Suspended: False
              LNN: 6
SC DNS Resolvable: False
       Node State: Up
        IP Status: Doesn't have any usable IPs
 Interface Status: 0/1 interfaces usable
Protocols Running: True
        Suspended: False

There are two core OneFS components that have been enhanced in 9.4 and later to better support NANON configurations on a cluster. These are:




Group Management



Allows GMP (Group Management Protocol) to report the cluster nodes’ external connectivity status.

MCP process


Monitors for any GMP changes and, when detected, will try to start or stop the affected service(s) under its control.



Cluster’s network configuration and connection management service. If the SmartConnect daemon decides a node is NANON, OneFS will log the cluster’s status with GMP.

Here’s the basic architecture and interrelation of the services.

This image illustrates the NANON-supporting OneFS architecture.

The GMP external connectivity status is available using the sysctl CLI command output.

For example, take a three node cluster with all nodes’ front-end interfaces connected:

This image shows a three node cluster with all nodes’ front-end interfaces connected.

GMP confirms that all three nodes are available, as indicated by the new external_connectivity field:

# sysctl <79c9d1> (3) :{ 1-3:0-5, all_enabled_protocols: 1-3, isi_cbind_d: 1-3, lsass: 1-3, external_connectivity: 1-3 }

This new external connectivity status is also incorporated into a new Ext column in the isi status CLI command output, as indicated by a ‘C’ for connected or an ‘N’ for not connected. For example:

# isi status -q
                   Health Ext  Throughput (bps)  HDD Storage      SSD Storage
ID |IP Address     |DASR |C/N|  In   Out   Total| Used / Size     |Used / Size
  1|   | OK  | C |25.9M| 2.1M|28.0M|(10.2T/23.2T(44%)|
  2|   | OK  | C | 840K| 123M| 124M|(10.2T/23.2T(44%)| 
  3|   | OK  | C | 225M| 466M| 691M|(10.2T/23.2T(44%)| 
Cluster Totals:              |  n/a|  n/a|  n/a|30.6T/69.6T( 37%)| 
     Health Fields: D = Down, A = Attention, S = Smartfailed, R = Read-Only
           External Network Fields: C = Connected, N = Not Connected

Take the following three node NANON cluster:

This image depicts a three node cluster with only nodes 1 and 3 connected to the front end network.

GMP confirms that only nodes 1 and 3 are connected to the front-end network. Similarly, the absence of node 2 from the command output infers that this node has no external connectivity:

# sysctl <79c9d1> (3) :{ 1-3:0-5, all_enabled_protocols: 1,3, isi_cbind_d: 1,3, lsass: 1,3, external_connectivity: 1,3 }

Similarly, the isi status CLI output reports that node 2 is not connected, denoted by an ‘N’, in the ‘Ext’ column:

# isi status -q
                   Health Ext  Throughput (bps)  HDD Storage      SSD Storage
ID |IP Address     |DASR |C/N|  In   Out   Total| Used / Size     |Used / Size
  1|   | OK  | C | 9.9M| 12.1M|22.0M|(10.2T/23.2T(44%)|
  2|   | OK  | N |    0|     0|    0|(10.2T/23.2T(44%)| 
  3|   | OK  | C | 440M|  221M| 661M|(10.2T/23.2T(44%)| 
Cluster Totals:              |  n/a|  n/a|   n/a|30.6T/69.6T( 37%)| 
     Health Fields: D = Down, A = Attention, S = Smartfailed, R = Read-Only
           External Network Fields: C = Connected, N = Not Connected

Under the hood, a SmartConnect network module evaluates and determines whether the node has front-end network connectivity. This module leverages the GMP_SERVICE_EXT_CONNECTIVITY service and polls the nodes’ network settings every five minutes by default. SmartConnect’s evaluation and assessment criteria for network connectivity is as follows:




Interface IP



























OneFS 9.4 and later also provides an option to MCP, the master control process, which allows it to prevent certain services from being started if there is no external network. As such, the two services that fall under MCP’s new NANON purview are:






Auditing of system configuration and protocol access events on the cluster.



Allows remote cluster monitoring and support through Secure Remote Services (SRS).

There are two new MCP configuration tags, introduced to control services execution depending on external network connectivity:




Delay start of service if no external network connectivity.


Halt service if external network connectivity is lost.

These tags are used in the MCP service control scripts, located under /etc/mcp/sys/services. For example, in the SRS script:

# cat /etc/mcp/sys/services/isi_esrs_d
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="isi_esrs_d" enable="0" display="1" ignore="0" options="require-quorum,stop-on-ext-network-loss">
      <isi-meta-tag id="isi_esrs_d">
            <mod-attribs>enable ignore display</mod-attribs>
      <description>ESRS Service Daemon</description>
      <process name="isi_esrs_d" pidfile="/var/run/"
               startaction="start" stopaction="stop"
      <actionlist name="start">
            <action>/usr/bin/isi_run -z 1 /usr/bin/isi_esrs_d</action>
      <actionlist name="stop">
            <action>/bin/pkill -F /var/run/</action>

This MCP NANON control will be expanded to additional OneFS services over the course of subsequent releases.

When it comes to troubleshooting NANON configurations, the MCP, SmartConnect, and general syslog log files can provide valuable connectivity troubleshooting messages and timestamps. The pertinent logfiles are:

  • /var/log/messages
  • /var/log/isi_mcp
  • /var/log/isi_smartconnect

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS cbind DNS

OneFS Cbind and DNS Caching

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:51:40 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

OneFS cbind is the distributed DNS cache daemon for a PowerScale cluster. As such, its primary role is to accelerate domain name lookups on the cluster, particularly for NFS workloads, which can frequently involve a large number of lookup requests, especially when using netgroups. Cbind itself is logically divided into two parts:



Gateway cache

The entries a node refreshes from the DNS server.

Local cache

The entries a node refreshes from the Gateway node.

The design of cbind helps to distribute the cache and associated DNS workload across all nodes in the cluster. The daemon runs as a OneFS service under the purview of Master Control Program (MCP) and the /etc/mcp/sys/services/isi_cbind_d control script:

# isi services -a | grep i bind
    isi_cbind_d          Bind Cache Daemon                        Enabled

On startup, the cbind daemon isi_cbind_d reads its configuration from the cbind_config.gc gconfig file. If needed, configuration changes can be made using the isi network dnscache or isi_cbind CLI tools.

The cbind daemon also supports multi-tenancy across the cluster, with each tenant’s groupnet being allocated its own completely independent DNS cache, with multiple client interfaces to separate DNS requests from different groupnets. Cbind uses the 127.42.x.x address range and can be accessed by client applications across the entire range. The lower 16 bytes of the address are set by the client to the groupnet ID for the query. For example, if the client is trying to query the DNS servers on groupnet with ID 5, it will send the DNS query to

Under the hood, the cbind daemon comprises two DNS query/response containers, or ‘stallsets’: 



DNS stallset

The DNS stallset is a collection of DNS stalls that encapsulate a single DNS server and a list of DNS queries which have been sent to the DNS servers and are waiting for a response.

Cluster stallset

The cluster stallset is similar to the DNS stallset, except that the cluster stalls encapsulate the connection to another node in the cluster, known as the gateway node. It also holds a list of DNS queries that have been forwarded to the gateway node and are waiting for a response.

Contained within a stallset are the stalls themselves, which store the actual DNS requests and responses. The DNS stallset provides a separate stall for each DNS server that cbind has been configured to use, and requests are handled by a round-robin algorithm. Similarly, for the cluster stallset, there is a stall for each node within the cluster. The index of the cluster stallset is the gateway node's (devid - 1).

The cluster stallset entry for the node that is running the daemon is treated as a special case, known as ‘L1 mode’, because the gateway for these DNS requests is the node executing the code. Requests on the gateway stall also have an entry on the DNS stallset representing the request to the external DNS server. All other actively participating cluster stallset entries are referred to as ‘L2+L1’ mode. However, if a node cannot reach DNS, it is moved to L2 mode to prevent it from being used by the other nodes. An associated log entry is written to /var/log/isi_cbind_d.log, of the form:

isi_cbind_d[6204]: [0x800703800]bind: Error
sending query to dns: Host is down

To support large clusters, cbind uses a consistent hash to determine the gateway node to cache a request and the appropriate cluster stallset to use. This consistent hashing algorithm, which decides on which node to cache an entry, is designed to minimize the number of entry transfers as nodes are added/removed, while also reducing the number of threads and UDP ports used. To illustrate cbind’s consistent hashing, consider the following three node cluster:

This image illustrates cbind’s consistent hashing operation on a three node cluster.

In this scenario, when the cbind service on Node 3 becomes active, one third each of the gateway cache from node 1 and 2 respectively gets transferred to node 3. Similarly, if node 3’s cbind service goes down, its gateway cache is divided equally between nodes 1 and 2. For a DNS request on node 3, the node first checks its local cache. If the entry is not found, it will automatically query the gateway (for example, node 2). This means that even if node 3 cannot talk to the DNS server directly, it can still cache the entries from a different node.

So, upon startup, a node’s cbind process attempts to contact, or ‘ping’, the DNS servers. When a reply is received, the cbind moves into an up state and notifies GMP that the isi_cbind_d service is running on this node. GMP, in turn, then informs the cbind processes across the rest of the cluster that the node is up and available.

Conversely, after several DNS requests to an external server fail for a given node, or the isi_cbind_d process is terminated, then the GMP code is notified that the isi_cbind_d service is down for this node. GMP then notifies the cluster that the node is down. When a cbind process (on node Y) receives this notification, the consistent hash algorithm is updated to report that node X is down. The cluster stallset is not informed of this change. Instead, the DNS requests that have changed gateways will eventually timeout and be deleted.

As such, we can summarize the cbind request and response processes as follows:

  1. A client on the node sends a DNS query on the additional loopback address 127.42.x.x which is received by cbind.
  2. The cbind daemon uses the consistent hash algorithm to calculate the gateway value of the DNS query and uses the gateway to index the cluster stallset.
  3. If there is a cache hit, a response is sent to the client and the transaction is complete.
  4. Otherwise, the DNS query is placed in the cluster stallset using the gateway as the index. If this is the gateway node, then the request is sent to the external DNS server, otherwise the DNS request is forwarded to the gateway node.
  5. When the DNS server or gateway replies, another thread receives the DNS response and matches it to the query on the list. The response is forwarded to the client and the cluster stallset is updated.

Similarly, when a request is forwarded to the gateway node:

  1. The cbind daemon receives the request, calculates the gateway value of the DNS query using the consistent hash algorithm, and uses the gateway to index the cluster stallset.
  2. If there is a cache hit, a response is returned to the remote cbind process and the transaction is complete.
  3. Otherwise, the DNS query is placed in the cluster stallset using the gateway as the index and the request is sent to the external DNS server.
  4. When the DNS server or gateway returns, another thread receives the DNS response and matches it to the query on the list. The response is forwarded to the calling node and the cluster stallset is updated.

If necessary, cbind DNS caching can be enabled or disabled using the isi network groupnets command set, allowing the cache to be managed per groupnet:

# isi network groupnets modify --id=<groupnet-name> --dns-cache-enabled=<true/false>

The global isi network dnscache command set can be useful for inspecting the cache configuration and limits:

# isi network dnscache view
Cache Entry Limit: 65536
  Cluster Timeout: 5
      DNS Timeout: 5
    Eager Refresh: 0
   Testping Delta: 30
  TTL Max Noerror: 3600
  TTL Min Noerror: 30
 TTL Max Nxdomain: 3600
 TTL Min Nxdomain: 15
    TTL Max Other: 60
    TTL Min Other: 0
 TTL Max Servfail: 3600
 TTL Min Servfail: 300

The following table describes these DNS cache parameters, which can be manually configured if desired.



TTL No Error Minimum

Specifies the lower boundary on time-to-live for cache hits (default value=30s).

TTL No Error Maximum

Specifies the upper boundary on time-to-live for cache hits (default value=3600s).

TTL Non-existent Domain Minimum

Specifies the lower boundary on time-to-live for nxdomain (default value=15s).

TTL Non-existent Domain Maximum

Specifies the upper boundary on time-to-live for nxdomain (default value=3600s).

TTL Other Failures Minimum

Specifies the lower boundary on time-to-live for non-nxdomain failures (default value=0s).

TTL Other Failures Maximum

Specifies the upper boundary on time-to-live for non-nxdomain failures (default value=60s).

TTL Lower Limit For Server Failures

Specifies the lower boundary on time-to-live for DNS server failures (default value=300s).

TTL Upper Limit For Server Failures

Specifies the upper boundary on time-to-live for DNS server failures (default value=3600s).

Eager Refresh

Specifies the lead time to refresh cache entries that are nearing expiration (default value=0s).

Cache Entry Limit

Specifies the maximum number of entries that the DNS cache can contain (default value=35536 entries).

Test Ping Delta

Specifies the delta for checking the cbind cluster health (default value=30s).

Also, if necessary, you can use the following CLI syntax to globally flush the cache:

# isi network dnscache flush -v
Flush complete.

OneFS also provides the isi_cbind CLI utility, which can be used to communicate with the cbind daemon. This utility supports both regular CLI syntax, plus an interactive mode where commands are prompted for. To enter interactive mode, invoke the utility without an argument, for example:

# isi_cbind
cbind: quit

The following command options are available:

# isi_cbind help
        clear           - clear server statistics
        dump            - dump internal server state
        exit            - exit interactive mode
        flush           - flush cache
        quit            - exit interactive mode
        set             - change volatile settings
        show            - show server settings or statistics
        shutdown        - orderly server shutdown

An individual groupnet’s cache can be flushed as follows, in this case targeting the client1 groupnet:

# isi_cbind flush groupnet client1
Flush complete.

Note that all the cache settings are global and, as such, will affect all groupnet DNS caches.

The cache statistics are available using the following CLI syntax, for example: 

# isi_cbind show cache
    entries:                 10         - entries installed in the cache
    max_entries:            338         - entries allocated, including for I/O and free list
    expired:                  0         - entries that reached TTL and were removed from the cache
    probes:                 508         - count of attempts to match an entry in the cache
    hits:                   498 (98%)   - count of times that a match was found
    updates:                  0         - entries in the cache replaced with a new reply
    response_time:     0.000005         - average turnaround time for cache hits

These cache stats can be cleared as follows:

# isi_cbind clear cache

Similarly, the DNS statistics can be viewed with the show dns argument:

# isi_cbind show dns
  DNS server 1: (dns:
    queries:                862         - queries sent to this DNS server
    responses:              862 (100%)  - responses that matched a pending query
    spurious:             17315 (2008%) - responses that did not match a pending query
    dropped:              17315 (2008%) - responses not installed into the cache (error)
    timeouts:                 0 (  0%)  - times no response was received in time
    response_time:     0.001917         - average turnaround time from request to reply
  DNS server 2: (dns:
    queries:                861         - queries sent to this DNS server
    responses:              860 ( 99%)  - responses that matched a pending query
    spurious:             17314 (2010%) - responses that did not match a pending query
    dropped:              17314 (2010%) - responses not installed into the cache (error)
    timeouts:                 1 (  0%)  - times no response was received in time
    response_time:     0.001603         - average turnaround time from request to reply

When running isi_cbind_d, the following additional options are available, and can be invoked with the following CLI flags and syntax:






Set debug flag(s) to log specific components.     The flags are a comma separated list from the following components:

             all     Log all components.

             cache   Log information relating to cache data.

             cluster  Log information relating to cluster data.

             flow    Log information relating to flow data.

             lock    Log information relating to lock data.

             link    Log information relating to link data.

             memory  Log information relating to memory data.

             network  Log information relating to network data.

             refcount  Log information relating to cache object refcount data.

             timing  Log information relating to cache timing data.

             external   Special debug option to provide off-node DNS service.



Isi_cbind will not detach from the controlling terminal and will print debugging messages to stderr.

Dump to


Target file for isi_cbind dump output.



Uses specified port instead of default NS port of 53.

The isi_cbind_d process logs messages to syslog or to stderr, depending on the daemon’s mode. The log level can be changed by sending it a SIGUSR2 signal, which will toggle the debug flag to maximum or back to the original setting. For example:

# kill -USR2 `cat /var/run/`

Also, when troubleshooting cbind, the following files can provide useful information:




the pid of the currently running process


output file for internal state and statistics


syslog output file


configuration file


bind resolver configuration file

You can also dump the internal state data of isi_cbind_d to a file specified with the -D option, described in the table above.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Signed Upgrades

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 25 Jun 2024 20:06:59 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Introduced as part of the OneFS security enhancements, signed upgrades help maintain system integrity by preventing a cluster from being compromised by the installation of maliciously modified upgrade packages. This is required by several industry security compliance mandates, such as the DoD Network Device Management Security Requirements Guide, which stipulates “The network device must prevent the installation of patches, service packs, or application components without verification the software component has been digitally signed using a certificate that is recognized and approved by the organization”.

With this signed upgrade functionality, all packages must be cryptographically signed before they can be installed. This applies to all upgrade types, including core OneFS, patches, cluster firmware, and drive firmware. The underlying components that comprise this feature include an updated .isi format for all package types, plus a new OneFS Catalog to store the verified packages. In OneFS 9.4 and later, the actual upgrades themselves are still performed using either the CLI or WebUI, and are very similar to previous versions.

Under the hood, the signed upgrade process works as follows:

Image depicting OneFS signed upgrade process.

Everything goes through the catalog, which comprises four basic components. There’s a small SQLite database that tracks metadata, a library that has the basic logic for the catalog, the signature library based around OpenSSL which handles all of the verification, and a couple of directories to store the verified packages.

With signed upgrades, there’s a single file to download that contains the upgrade package, README text, and all signature data, and no file unpacking required.

The .isi file format is as follows:

Image depicting the .isi file format.

Image depicting the .isi file format.

A ‘readme’ text file can be incorporated directly in the second region of the package file, providing instructions, version compatibility requirements, and so on.

The first region, which contains the main package data, is also compatible with previous OneFS versions that don’t support the .isi format. This allows a signed firmware DSP package to be installed on OneFS 9.3 and earlier.

The new OneFS catalog provides a secure place to store verified .isi packages, and only the root account has direct access. The catalog itself is stored at /ifs/.ifsvar/catalog and you can use the ‘isi upgrade catalog’ CLI command set to maintain and interact with i. The contents, or artifacts, of the catalog each have an ID that corresponds to the SHA256 hash of the file.

Any user account with ISI_PRIV_SYS_UPGRADE privilege can perform the following catalog-related actions, expressed as flags to the isi upgrade catalog command:




List packages in the catalog


Save a catalog item to a user specified file location


Verify and add a new .isi package file into the catalog


List packages in the catalog


Display the README text from a catalog item or .isi package file


Manually remove a package from the catalog


Re-verify all catalog packages and rebuild the database


Verify the signature of a catalog item or .isi package file

Package verification leverages OneFS’s OpenSSL library, which enables a SHA256 hash of the manifest to be verified against the certificate. As part of this process, the chain-of-trust for the included certificate is compared with contents of the /etc/ssl/certs directory, and the distinguished name on the checked-against /etc/upgrade/identities file. Finally, the SHA256 hash of the data regions is compared against values from the manifest.

To check the signature, use the isi upgrade catalog verify command. For example:

# isi upgrade catalog verify --file /ifs/install.isi
Item             Verified
/ifs/install.isi True
Total: 1

Additional install image details are available using the isi_packager view command

# isi_packager view --package /ifs/install.isi
== Region 1 ==
Type: OneFS Install Image
Name: OneFS_Install_0x90500B000000AC8_B_MAIN_2760(RELEASE)
Hash: ef7926cfe2255d7a620eb4557a17f7650314ce1788c623046929516d2d672304
Size: 397666098
== Footer Details ==
Format Version: 1
 Manifest Size: 296
Signature Size: 2838
Timestamp Size: 1495
 Manifest Hash: 066f5d6e6b12081d3643060f33d1a25fe3c13c1d13807f49f51475a9fc9fd191
Signature Hash: 5be88d23ac249e6a07c2c169219f4f663220d4985e58b16be793936053a563a3
Timestamp Hash: eca62a3c7c3f503ca38b5daf67d6be9d57c4fadbfd04dbc7c5d7f1ff80f9d948
== Signature Details ==
Fingerprint:     33fba394a5a0ebb11e8224a30627d3cd91985ccd
Issuer:          ISLN
Subject:         US / WA / Sea / Isln OneFS.
Organization:    Isln Powerscale OneFS
Expiration:      2022-09-07 22:00:22
Ext Key Usage:   codesigning
Use the following command to list the packages in the catalog:
# isi upgrade catalog list
ID    Type   Description                                                README
cdb88 OneFS OneFS / B_MAIN_2797(RELEASE) -
3a145 DSP   Drive_Support_v1.39.1                                    Included 
840b8 Patch HealthCheck_9.2.1_2021-09                                Included 
aa19b Patch                          Included
Total: 4

Note that the package ID is comprised of the first few characters of SHA256 hash.

Packages are automatically imported when used, and verified upon import. Verification and import can also be performed manually, if desired:

# isi upgrade catalog verify --file Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi 
Item                                      Verified 
/ifs/packages/Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi   True 
# isi upgrade catalog import Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi

Packages can also be exported from the catalog and copied to another cluster, for example. Generally, exported packages can be re-imported, too.

# isi upgrade catalog list 
ID    Type  Description                                               README 
00b9c OneFS OneFS / B_MAIN_2625(RELEASE) – 
3a145 DSP Drive_Support_v1.39.1 Included 
Total: 5 
# isi upgrade catalog export --id 3a145 --file /ifs/Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi

However, auto-generated OneFS images cannot be reimported.

The README column of the isi upgrade catalog list output indicates whether release notes are included for a .isi file or catalog item. If they are available, you can view them as follows:

# isi upgrade catalog readme --file HealthCheck_9.2.1_2021-09.isi | less 
Updated: September 02, 2021 
HealthCheck_9.2.1_2021-09: Patch for OneFS 9.2.1.x. 
This patch contains the 2021-09 RUP for the Isilon HealthCheck System 
This patch can be installed on clusters running the following OneFS version: 
* 9.2.1.x 

Within a readme file, details typically include a short description of the artifact, and also which minimum OneFS version the cluster is required to be running for installation.

Cleanup of patches and OneFS images is performed automatically upon commit, and any installed packages require the artifact to be present in the catalog for a successful uninstall. Similarly, the committed OneFS image is required for both patch removal and cluster expansion using node addition.

You can remove artifacts manually, as follows:

# isi upgrade catalog remove --id 840b8 
This will remove the specified artifact and all related metadata. 
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

However, always use caution if you attempt to manually remove a package.

When it comes to catalog housekeeping, the ‘clean’ function will remove any catalog artifact files without database entries, although normally this happens automatically when an item is removed.

# isi upgrade catalog clean 
This will remove any artifacts that do not have associated metadata in the database. 
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

Also, the catalog ‘repair’ function rebuilds the database, re-imports all valid items, and re-verifies their signatures:

# isi upgrade catalog repair 
This will attempt to repair the catalog directory. This will result in all stored artifacts being re-verified. Artifacts that fail to be verified will be deleted. Additionally, a new catalog directory will be initialized with the remaining artifacts. 
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

When installing a signed upgrade, patch, firmware, or drive support package (DSP) on a cluster running OneFS 9.4 or later, the command syntax used is fundamentally the same as in prior OneFS versions: only the file extension itself has changed. The actual install file will have the ‘.isi’ extension, and the file that contains the hash value for download verification will have a ‘.isi.sha256’ suffix. For example, take the OneFS install files:

  • OneFS_v9.5.0.0_Install.isi
  • OneFS_v9.5.0.0_Install.isi.sha256

You can use the following syntax to initiate a parallel OneFS signed upgrade:

# isi upgrade start --install-image-path /ifs/install.isi -–parallel 

Alternatively, if the desired upgrade image package is already in the catalog, you can install it using the —install-image-id flag instead:

# isi upgrade start --install-image-id 00b9c –parallel

Or to upgrade a cluster’s firmware:

# isi upgrade firmware start --fw-pkg /ifs/IsiFw_Package_v10.3.7.isi –-rolling

And, to upgrade a cluster’s firmware using the ID of a package that’s in the catalog:

# isi upgrade firmware start --fw-pkg-id cf01b -–rolling

To initiate a simultaneous upgrade of a patch:

# isi upgrade patches install --patch /ifs/patch.isi -–simultaneous 

And finally, to initiate a simultaneous upgrade of a drive firmware package:

# isi_dsp_install Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi

Note that patches and drive support firmware are not currently able to be installed by their package IDs.

A committed upgrade image from the previous OneFS upgrade is automatically saved in the catalog, and also created automatically when a new cluster is configured. This image is required for new node joins, and when uninstalling patches. However, it’s worth noting that auto-created images will not have a signature and, although you can export them, you cannot re-import them back into the catalog.

If the committed upgrade image is missing, CELOG events are generated and the isi upgrade catalog repair command output displays an error. Additionally, when it comes to troubleshooting the signed upgrade process, it can pay to check both /var/log/messages and /var/log/isi_papi_d.log, and also the OneFS upgrade logs.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS metadata management

OneFS Metadata

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 28 May 2024 16:43:49 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

OneFS uses two principal data structures to enable information about each object, or metadata, within the file system to be searched, managed, and stored efficiently and reliably. These structures are:

  • Inodes
  • B-trees

OneFS uses inodes to store file attributes and pointers to file data locations on disk. Each file, directory, link, and so on, is represented by an inode.

Within OneFS, inodes come in two sizes - either 512B or 8KB. The size that OneFS uses is determined primarily by the physical and logical block formatting of the drives in a diskpool.

All OneFS inodes have both static and dynamic sections. The static section space is limited and valuable because it can be accessed in a single I/O, and does not require a distributed lock to access it. It holds fixed-width, commonly used attributes such as POSIX mode bits, owner, and size.

Graphic illustrating the composition of a OneFS inode.

In contrast, the dynamic portion of an inode allows new attributes to be added, if necessary, without requiring an inode format update. This can be done by simply adding a new type value with code to serialize and deserialize it. Dynamic attributes are stored in the stream-style type-length-value (TLV) format, and include protection policies, OneFS ACLs, embedded b-tree roots, domain membership info, and so on.

If necessary, OneFS can also use extension blocks, which are 8KB blocks to store any attributes that cannot fully fit into the inode itself. OneFS data services such as SnapshotIQ also commonly leverage inode extension blocks.

Graphic illustrating a OneFS inode with extension blocks.

Inodes are dynamically created and stored in locations across all drives in the clusters; OneFS uses b-trees (actually B+ trees) for their indexing and rapid retrieval. The general structure of a OneFS b-tree includes a top-level block, known as the ‘root’. B-tree blocks that reference other b-trees are referred to as ‘inner blocks’. The last blocks at the end of the tree are called ‘leaf blocks’.


Graphic depicting the general structure of a OneFS b-tree.

Only the leaf blocks actually contain metadata, whereas the root and inner blocks provide a balanced index of addresses allowing rapid identification of and access to the leaf blocks and their metadata.

A LIN, or logical inode, is accessed every time a file, directory, or b-tree is accessed. The function of the LIN Tree is to store the mapping between a unique LIN number and its inode mirror addresses.

The LIN is represented as a 64-bit hexadecimal number. Each file is assigned a single LIN and, because LINs are never reused, it is unique for the cluster’s lifespan. For example, the file /ifs/data/test/file1 has the following LIN:

# isi get -D /ifs/data/test/f1 | grep LIN:
*   LIN:                1:2d29:4204

Similarly, its parent directory, /ifs/data/testhas:

# isi get -D /ifs/data/test | grep LIN:
*   LIN:                1:0353:bb59
*   LIN:                1:0009:0004
*   LIN:                1:2d29:4204

The file above’s LIN tree entry includes the mapping between the LIN and its three mirrored inode disk addresses.

# isi get -D /ifs/data/test/f1 | grep "inode"
* IFS inode: [ 92,14,524557565440:512, 93,19,399535074304:512, 95,19,610321964032:512 ]

Taking the first of these inode addresses, 92,14,524557565440:512, the following can be inferred, reading from left to right:

  • It’s on node 92.
  • Stored on drive lnum 14.
  • At block address 524557565440.
  • And is a 512byte inode.

The file’s parent LIN can also be easily determined:

# isi get -D /ifs/data/test/f1 | grep -i "Parent Lin"
*  Parent Lin          1:0353:bb59

In addition to the LIN tree, OneFS also uses b-trees to support file and directory access, plus the management of several other data services. That said, the three principal b-trees that OneFS employs are:


B+ Tree Name



Metatree or Inode Format Manager (IFM B-tree)

  • This B-tree stores a mapping of Logical Block Number (LBN) to protection group
  • It is responsible to storing the physical location of file blocks on disk.


Directory Format Manager (DFM B-tree)

  • This B-tree stores directory entries (File names and directory/sub-directories)
  • It includes the full /ifs namespace and everything under it.


System B-tree (SBT)

  • Standardized B+ Tree implementation to store records for OneFS internal use, typically related to a particular feature including: Diskpool DB, IFS Domains, WORM, Idmap. Quota (QDB) and Snapshot Tracking Files (STF) are actually separate/unique B+ Tree implementations.

OneFS also relies heavily on several other metadata structures too, including:

  • Shadow Store - Dedupe/clone metadata structures including SINs
  • QDB – Quota Database structures
  • System B+ Tree Files
  • STF – Snapshot Tracking Files
  • WORM
  • IFM Indirect
  • Idmap
  • System Directories
  • Delta Blocks
  • Logstore Files

Both inodes and b-tree blocks are mirrored on disk. Mirror-based protection is used exclusively for all OneFS metadata because it is simple and lightweight, thereby avoiding the additional processing of erasure coding. Because metadata typically only consumes around 2% of the overall cluster’s capacity, the mirroring overhead for metadata is minimal.

The number of inode mirrors (minimum 2x up to 8x) is determined by the nodepool’s achieved protection policy and the metadata type. The following is a mapping of the default number of mirrors for all metadata types.

Protection Level

Metadata Type

Number of Mirrors


File inode

2 inodes per file


File inode

3 inodes per file


File inode

3 inodes per file


File inode

4 inodes per file


File inode

4 inodes per file


File inode

4 inodes per file


File inode

5 inodes per file


File inode

5 inodes per file


File inode

5 inodes per file


File inode

Same as protection level. I.e. 2x == 2 inode mirrors


Directory inode

3 inodes per file


Directory inode

4 inodes per file


Directory inode

4 inodes per file


Directory inode

5 inodes per file


Directory inode

5 inodes per file


Directory inode

5 inodes per file


Directory inode

6 inodes per file


Directory inode

6 inodes per file


Directory inode

6 inodes per file


Directory inode

+1 protection level. I.e. 2x == 3 inode mirrors


LIN root/master



LIN inner/leaf

Variable – per-entry protection


IFM/DFM b-tree

Variable – per-entry protection


Quota database b-tree (QDB)



SBT System b-tree (SBT)

Variable – per-entry protection


Snapshot tracking files (STF)


Note that, by default, directory inodes are mirrored at one level higher than the achieved protection policy, because directories are more critical and make up the OneFS single namespace. The root of the LIN Tree is the most critical metadata type and is always mirrored at 8x.

OneFS SSD strategy governs where and how much metadata is placed on SSD or HDD. There are five SSD Strategies, and these can be configured using OneFS’ file pool policies:

SSD Strategy


L3 Cache

All drives in a Node Pool are used as a read-only evection cache from L2 Cache. Currently used data and metadata will fill the entire capacity of the SSD Drives in this mode. Note: L3 mode does not guarantee that all metadata will be on SSD, so this may not be the most performant mode for metadata intensive workflows.

Metadata Read

One metadata mirror is placed on SSD. All other mirrors will be on HDD for hybrid and archive models. This mode can boost read performance for metadata intensive workflows.

Metadata Write

All metadata mirrors are placed on SSD. This mode can boost both read and write performance when there is significant demand on metadata IO. Note: It is important to understand the SSD capacity requirements needed to support Metadata strategies.  


Place data on SSD. This is not a widely used strategy, because Hybrid and Archive nodes have limited SSD capacities, and metadata should take priority on SSD for best performance.


Avoid using SSD for a specific path. This is not a widely used strategy but could be handy if you had archive workflows that did not require SSD and wanted to dedicate your SSD space for other more important paths/workflows.

Fundamentally, OneFS metadata placement is determined by the following attributes:

  • The model of the nodes in each node pool (F-series, H-series, A-series)
  • The current SSD Strategy on the node pool configured using the default filepool policy and custom administrator-created filepool policies
  • The cluster’s global storage pool settings

You can use the following CLI commands to verify the current SSD strategy and metadata placement details on a cluster. For example, to check whether L3 Mode is enabled on a specific node pool:

# isi storagepool nodepool list
ID     Name                       Nodes  Node Type IDs   Protection Policy  Manual
1      h500_30tb_3.2tb-ssd_128gb  1      1               +2d:1n             No

In this output, there is a single H500 node pool reported with an ID of 1. To display the details of this pool, use the following command:

# isi storagepool nodepool view 1
                 ID: 1
               Name: h500_30tb_3.2tb-ssd_128gb
              Nodes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
      Node Type IDs: 1
  Protection Policy: +2d:1n
             Manual: No
         L3 Enabled: Yes
L3 Migration Status: l3
               Tier: -
                Avail Bytes: 321.91T
            Avail SSD Bytes: 0.00
                   Balanced: No
                 Free Bytes: 329.77T
             Free SSD Bytes: 0.00
                Total Bytes: 643.13T
            Total SSD Bytes: 0.00
    Virtual Hot Spare Bytes: 7.86T

Note that if, as in this case, L3 is enabled on a node pool, any changes to this pool’s SSD Strategy configuration using file pool policies, and so on, will not be honored. This will remain until L3 cache has been disabled and the SSDs reformatted for use as metadata mirrors.

You can use the following command to check the cluster’s default file pool policy configuration:

# isi filepool default-policy view
          Set Requested Protection: default
               Data Access Pattern: concurrency
                  Enable Coalescer: Yes
                    Enable Packing: No
               Data Storage Target: anywhere
                 Data SSD Strategy: metadata
           Snapshot Storage Target: anywhere
             Snapshot SSD Strategy: metadata
                        Cloud Pool: -
         Cloud Compression Enabled: -
          Cloud Encryption Enabled: -
              Cloud Data Retention: -
Cloud Incremental Backup Retention: -
       Cloud Full Backup Retention: -
               Cloud Accessibility: -
                  Cloud Read Ahead: -
            Cloud Cache Expiration: -
         Cloud Writeback Frequency: -
      Cloud Archive Snapshot Files: -
                                ID: -

And to list all FilePool Policies configured on a cluster:

# isi filepool policies list

View a specific FilePool Policy:

# isi filepool policies view <Policy Name>

OneFS also provides global storagepool configuration settings that control additional metadata placement. For example: 

# isi storagepool settings view
     Automatically Manage Protection: files_at_default
Automatically Manage Io Optimization: files_at_default
Protect Directories One Level Higher: Yes
       Global Namespace Acceleration: disabled
       Virtual Hot Spare Deny Writes: Yes
        Virtual Hot Spare Hide Spare: Yes
      Virtual Hot Spare Limit Drives: 2
     Virtual Hot Spare Limit Percent: 0
             Global Spillover Target: anywhere
                   Spillover Enabled: Yes
        SSD L3 Cache Default Enabled: Yes
                     SSD Qab Mirrors: one
            SSD System Btree Mirrors: one
            SSD System Delta Mirrors: one

The CLI output below includes descriptions of the relevant metadata options available.  

# isi storagepool settings modify -h | egrep -i options -A 30
    --automatically-manage-protection (all | files_at_default | none)
        Set whether SmartPools manages files' protection settings.
    --automatically-manage-io-optimization (all | files_at_default | none)
        Set whether SmartPools manages files' I/O optimization settings.
    --protect-directories-one-level-higher <boolean>
        Protect directories at one level higher.
    --global-namespace-acceleration-enabled <boolean>
        Global namespace acceleration enabled.
    --virtual-hot-spare-deny-writes <boolean>
        Virtual hot spare: deny new data writes.
    --virtual-hot-spare-hide-spare <boolean>
        Virtual hot spare: reduce amount of available space.
    --virtual-hot-spare-limit-drives <integer>
        Virtual hot spare: number of virtual drives.
    --virtual-hot-spare-limit-percent <integer>
        Virtual hot spare: percent of total storage.
    --spillover-target <str>
        Spillover target.
        Set global spillover to anywhere.
    --spillover-enabled <boolean>
        Spill writes into pools within spillover_target as needed.
    --ssd-l3-cache-default-enabled <boolean>
        Default setting for enabling L3 on new Node Pools.
    --ssd-qab-mirrors (one | all)
        Controls number of mirrors of QAB blocks to place on SSDs.
    --ssd-system-btree-mirrors (one | all)
        Controls number of mirrors of system B-tree blocks to place on SSDs.
    --ssd-system-delta-mirrors (one | all)
        Controls number of mirrors of system delta blocks to place on SSDs.

OneFS defaults to protecting directories one level higher than the configured protection policy and retaining one mirror of system b-trees on SSD. For optimal performance on hybrid platform nodes, the recommendation is to place all metadata mirrors on SSD, assuming that the capacity is available. Be aware, however, that the metadata SSD mirroring options only become active if L3 Mode is disabled.

Additionally, global namespace acceleration (GNA) is a legacy option that allows nodes without SSD to place their metadata on nodes with SSD. All currently shipping PowerScale node models include at least one SSD drive.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS HealthCheck auto-updates

OneFS HealthCheck Auto-updates

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 21 May 2024 17:11:27 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Prior to OneFS 9.4, Healthchecks were frequently regarded by storage administrators as yet another patch that needed to be installed on a PowerScale cluster. As a result, their adoption was routinely postponed or ignored, potentially jeopardizing a cluster’s well-being. To address this, OneFS HealthCheck auto-updates enable new Healthchecks to be automatically downloaded and non-disruptively installed on a PowerScale cluster without any user intervention.

The automated HealthCheck update framework helps accelerate the adoption of OneFS Healthchecks, by removing the need for manual checks, downloads, and installation. In addition to reducing management overhead, the automated Healthchecks integrate with CloudIQ to update the cluster health score - further improving operational efficiency, while avoiding known issues that affect cluster availability.

This figure shows the OneFS Healthcheck architecture.

Formerly known as Healthcheck patches, or RUPs, with OneFS 9.4 and later these are renamed as ‘Healthcheck definitions’. The Healthcheck framework checks for updates to these definitions using Dell Secure Remote Services (SRS). 

An auto-update configuration setting in the OneFS SRS framework controls whether the Healthcheck definitions are automatically downloaded and installed on a cluster. A OneFS platform API endpoint has been added to verify the Healthcheck version, and Healthchecks also optionally support OneFS compliance mode.

Healthcheck auto-update is enabled by default in OneFS 9.4 and later, and is available for both existing and new clusters, but can also be easily disabled from the CLI. If the auto-update is on and SRS is enabled, the Healthcheck definition is downloaded to the desired staging location and then automatically and non-impactfully installed on the cluster. Any Healthcheck definitions that are automatically downloaded are obviously signed and verified before being applied, to ensure their security and integrity.

So, the Healthcheck auto-update execution process itself is as follows:

This figure lists the six steps of the auto-update execution process. They are:  one - query the current Healthcheck version two - check the Healthcheck definition availability three - compare the versions four - download the Healthcheck definition package to the cluster five - unpack and install the package, and six - send telemetry data and update the Healthcheck framework with the new version

On the cluster, the Healthcheck auto-update utility isi_healthcheck_update monitors for a new package once a night, by default. This Python script checks the cluster’s current Healthcheck definition version and new updates availability using SRS. Next, it performs a version comparison of the install package, after which the new definition is downloaded and installed. Telemetry data is sent and the /var/db/healthcheck_version.json file is created if it’s not already present. This JSON file is then updated with the new Healthcheck version info.

To configure and use the Healthcheck auto-update functionality, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Upgrade the cluster to OneFS 9.4 or later and commit the upgrade.
  2. To use the isi_healthcheck script, OneFS needs to be licensed and connected to the ESRS gateway. OneFS 9.4 also introduces a new option for ESRS, ‘SRS Download Enabled’, which must be set to ‘Yes’ (the default value) to allow the isi_healthcheck_update utility to run. To do this, use the following syntax (in this example, using as the primary ESRS gateway):
# isi esrs modify --enabled=yes --primary-esrs-gateway= --srs-download-enabled=true

Confirm the ESRS configuration as follows:

# isi esrs view
                                    Enabled: Yes
                       Primary ESRS Gateway:
                     Secondary ESRS Gateway: 
                        Alert on Disconnect: Yes
                       Gateway Access Pools: -
          Gateway Connectivity Check Period: 60
License Usage Intelligence Reporting Period: 86400
                           Download Enabled: No
                       SRS Download Enabled: Yes
          ESRS File Download Timeout Period: 50
           ESRS File Download Error Retries: 3
              ESRS File Download Chunk Size: 1000000
             ESRS Download Filesystem Limit: 80
        Offline Telemetry Collection Period: 7200
                Gateway Connectivity Status: Connected
  1. Next, use the CloudIQ web interface to onboard the cluster. This requires creating a site, and then from the Add Product page, configuring the serial number of each node in the cluster, along with the product type ISILON_NODE, the site ID, and then selecting Submit.

This is a CloudIQ WebUI screenshot that shows cluster onboarding.

CloudIQ cluster onboarding typically takes a couple of hours. When complete, the Product Details page shows the CloudIQ Status, ESRS Data, and CloudIQ Data fields as Enabled, as shown here:

This screenshot shows the CloudIQ product onboarding page.

  1. Examine the cluster status to verify that the cluster is available and connected in CloudIQ.

When these prerequisite steps are complete, use the new isi_healthcheck_update CLI command to enable auto-update. For example, to enable:

# isi_healthcheck_update --enable
2022-05-02 22:21:27,310 - isi_healthcheck.auto_update - INFO - isi_healthcheck_update started
2022-05-02 22:21:27,513 - isi_healthcheck.auto_update - INFO - Enable autoupdate

Similarly, you can also easily disable auto-update:

# isi esrs modify --srs-download-enabled=false

Auto-update also has the following gconfig global config options and default values:

# isi_gconfig -t healthcheck 
Default values: healthcheck_autoupdate.enabled (bool) = true healthcheck_autoupdate.compliance_update (bool) = false healthcheck_autoupdate.alerts (bool) = false healthcheck_autoupdate.max_download_package_time (int) = 600 healthcheck_autoupdate.max_install_package_time (int) = 3600 healthcheck_autoupdate.number_of_failed_upgrades (int) = 0 healthcheck_autoupdate.last_failed_upgrade_package (char*) = healthcheck_autoupdate.download_directory (char*) = /ifs/data/auto_upgrade_healthcheck/downloads

The isi_healthcheck_update Python utility is scheduled by cron and executed across all the nodes in the cluster, as follows:

# grep -i healthcheck /etc/crontab
# Nightly Healthcheck update
0       1       *        *       *       root     /usr/bin/isi_healthcheck_update -s

This default /etc/crontab entry executes auto-update once daily at 1am. However, this schedule can be adjusted to meet the needs of the local environment.

Auto-update checks for new package availability and downloads and performs a version comparison of the installed and the new package. The package is then installed, telemetry data sent, and the healthcheck_version.json file updated with new version.

After the Healthcheck update process has completed, you can use the following CLI command to view any automatically downloaded Healthcheck packages. For example:

# isi upgrade patches list
Patch Name               Description                                Status
HealthCheck_9.4.0_32.0.3 [9.4.0 UHC 32.0.3] HealthCheck definition  Installed
Total: 1

Additionally, viewing the JSON version file will also confirm this:

# cat /var/db/healthcheck_version.json
{“version”: “32.0.3”}

In the unlikely event that auto-updates run into issues, the following troubleshooting steps can be useful:

  1. Confirm that Healthcheck auto-update is actually enabled:

Check the ESRS global config settings and verify they are set to ‘True’.

# isi_gconfig -t esrs esrs.enabled
esrs.enabled (bool) = true
# isi_gconfig -t esrs esrs.srs_download_enabled
esrs.srs_download_enabled (bool) = true

If not, run:

# isi_gconfig -t esrs esrs.enabled=true 
# isi_gconfig -t esrs esrs.srs_download_enabled=true 
  1. If an auto-update patch installation is not completed within 60 minutes, OneFS increments the unsuccessful installations counter for the current patch, and re-attempts installation the following day.
  2. If the unsuccessful installations counter exceeds five attempts, the installation will be aborted. However, you can reset the following auto-update gconfig values, as follows, to re-enable the installation:
# isi_gconfig -t healthcheck healthcheck_autoupdate.last_failed_upgrade_package = 0 
# isi_gconfig -t healthcheck healthcheck_autoupdate.number_of_failed_upgrades = "" 
  1. If a patch installation status is reported as ‘failed’, the recommendation is to contact Dell Support to diagnose and resolve the issue:
# isi upgrade patches list
Patch Name               Description                                Status
HealthCheck_9.4.0_32.0.3 [9.4.0 UHC 32.0.3] HealthCheck definition  Failed
Total: 1

However, the following CLI command can be carefully used to repair the patch system by attempting to abort the most recent failed action: 

# isi upgrade patches abort 

The isi upgrade archive --clear command stops the current upgrade and prevents it from being resumed:

# isi upgrade archive --clear

When the upgrade status is reported as ‘unknown’, run:

# isi upgrade patch uninstall 
  1. The file /var/log/isi_healthcheck.log is also a great source for detailed auto-upgrade information.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

OneFS SyncIQ and Windows File Create Date

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 17 May 2024 20:27:18 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the POSIX world, files typically possess three fundamental timestamps:






Access timestamp of the last read.



Status change timestamp of the last update to the file's metadata.



Modification timestamp of the last write.

These timestamps can be easily viewed from a variety of file system tools and utilities. For example, in this case running ‘stat’ from the OneFS CLI:

# stat -x tstr
  File: "tstr"
  Size: 0            FileType: Regular File
  Mode: (0600/-rw-------)         Uid: (    0/     root)  Gid: (    0/    wheel)
Device: 18446744073709551611,18446744072690335895   Inode: 5103485107    Links: 1
Access: Mon Sep 11 23:12:47 2023
Modify: Mon Sep 11 23:12:47 2023
Change: Mon Sep 11 23:12:47 2023

A typical instance of a change, or “ctime”, timestamp update occurs when a file’s access permissions are altered. Since modifying the permissions doesn’t physically open the file (ie. access the file’s data), its “atime” field is not updated. Similarly, since no modification is made to the file’s contents the “mtime” also remains unchanged. However, the file’s metadata has been changed, and the ctime field is used to record this event. As such, the “ctime” stamp allows a workflow such as a backup application to know to make a fresh copy of the file, including its updated permission values. Similarly, a file rename is another operation that modifies its “ctime” entry without affecting the other timestamps.

Certain other file systems also include a fourth timestamp: namely the “birthtime” of when the file was created. Birthtime (by definition) should never change. It’s also an attribute which organizations and their storage administrators may or may not care about.

Within the Windows file system realm, this “birthtime” timestamp, is affectionally known as “create date”. The create date of a file is essentially the date and time when its inode is “born”.

Note: that this is not a recognized POSIX attribute, like ctime or mtime, rather it is something that was introduced as part of Windows compatibility requirements. And, because it’s a birthtime, linking operations do not necessarily affect it unless a new inode is not created.

As shown below, this create, or birth, date can differ from a file’s modified or accessed dates because the creation date is when that file’s inode version originated. So, for instance, if a file is copied, the new file’s create date will be set to the current time since it has a new inode. This can be seen in the following example where a file is copied from a flash drive mounted on a Windows client’s file system under drive “E:”, to a cluster’s SMB share mounted at drive “Z:”.


The “Date created” date above is ahead in time of both the “accessed” and “modified”, because the latter two were merely inherited from the source file, whereas the create date was set when the copy was made.

The corresponding “date”, “stat”, and “isi get” CLI output from the cluster confirms this:

# stat TEST.txt
18446744072690400151 5103485107 -rw------- 1 root wheel 18446744073709551615 0 "Sep 11 23:12:47 2023" "Sep 11 23:12:47 2023" "Sep 11 23:12:47 2023" "Sep 11 23:12:47 2023" 8192 48 0xe0 tstr
# isi get -Dd TEST.txt
default      16+2/2 concurrency   on    UTF-8         tstr              <34,12,58813849600:8192>, <35,3,58981457920:8192>, <69,12,57897025536:8192> ct: 1694473967 rt: 0
* IFS inode: [ 34,12,58813849600:8192, 35,3,58981457920:8192, 69,12,57897025536:8192 ]
*  Inode Version:      8
*  Dir Version:        2
*  Inode Revision:     1
*  Inode Mirror Count: 3
*  Recovered Flag:     0
*  Restripe State:     0
*  Link Count:         1
*  Size:               0
*  Mode:               0100600
*  Flags:              0xe0
*  SmartLinked:        False
*  Physical Blocks:    0
*  Phys. Data Blocks:  0
*  Protection Blocks:  0
*  LIN:                1:3031:00b3
*  Logical Size:       0
*  Shadow refs:        0
*  Do not dedupe:      0
*  In CST stats:       False
*  Last Modified:      1694473967.071973000
*  Last Inode Change:  1694473967.071973000
*  Create Time:        1694473967.071973000
*  Rename Time:        0

In releases before OneFS 9.5, when a file is replicated, its create date is timestamped when that file was copied from the source cluster. This means when the replication job ran, or, more specifically, when the individual job worker thread got around to processing that specific file.

By way of contrast, OneFS 9.5 and later releases ensure that SyncIQ fully replicates the full array of metadata, preserving all values, including that of the birth time / create date.

The primary consideration for the new create date functionality is that it requires both source and target clusters in a replication set to be running OneFS 9.5 or later.

If either the source or the target is running pre-9.5 code, this time field retains its old behavior of being set to the time of replication (actual file creation) rather than the correct value associated with the source file.


In OneFS 9.5 and later releases, create date timestamping works exactly the same way as SyncIQ replication of other metadata (such as “mtime”, etc), occurring automatically as part of every file replication. Plus, no additional configuration is necessary beyond upgrading both clusters to OneFS 9.5 or later.

One other significant thing to note about this feature is that SyncIQ is changelist-based, using OneFS snapshots under the hood for its checkpointing and delta comparisons.. This means that, if a replication relationship has been configured prior to OneFS 9.5 or later upgrade, the source cluster will have valid birthtime data, but the target’s birthtime data will reflect the local creation time of the files it’s copied.

Note: that, upon upgrading both sides to OneFS 9.5 or later and running a SyncIQ job, nothing will change. This is because SyncIQ will perform its snapshot comparison, determine that no changes were made to the dataset, and so will not perform any replication work. However, if a source file is “touched” so that it’s mtime is changed (or any other action performed that will cause a copy-on-write, or CoW) that will cause the file to show up in the snapshot diff and therefore be replicated. As part of replicating that file, the correct birth time will be written on the target.

Note: that a full replication (re)sync does not get triggered as a result of upgrading a replication cluster pair to OneFS 9.5 or later and thereby enabling this functionality. Instead, any create date timestamp resolution happens opportunistically and in the background as files gets touched or modified - and thereby replicated. Be aware that ‘touching’ a file does change its modification time, in addition to updating the create date, which may be undesirable.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS upgrades

OneFS Signed Upgrades

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 17 May 2024 16:42:45 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Introduced as part of the OneFS security enhancements, signed upgrades help maintain system integrity by preventing a cluster from being compromised by the installation of maliciously modified upgrade packages. This is required by several industry security compliance mandates, such as the DoD Network Device Management Security Requirements Guide, which stipulates “The network device must prevent the installation of patches, service packs, or application components without verification the software component has been digitally signed using a certificate that is recognized and approved by the organization”.

With this signed upgrade functionality, all packages must be cryptographically signed before they can be installed. This applies to all upgrade types, including core OneFS, patches, cluster firmware, and drive firmware. The underlying components that comprise this feature include an updated .isi format for all package types, plus a new OneFS Catalog to store the verified packages. In OneFS 9.4 and later, the actual upgrades themselves are still performed using either the CLI or WebUI, and are very similar to previous versions.

Under the hood, the signed upgrade process works as follows:

This image depicts the OneFS signed upgrade process.

Everything goes through the catalog, which comprises four basic components. There’s a small SQLite database that tracks metadata, a library which has the basic logic for the catalog, the signature library based around OpenSSL which handles all of the verification, and a couple of directories in which to store the verified packages.

With signed upgrades, there’s a single file to download that contains the upgrade package, README text, and all signature data. No file unpacking is required.

The .isi file format is a follows:

This graphic illustrates the .isi file format.

This graphic illustrates the .isi package file format.

In the second region of the package file, you can directly incorporate a ‘readme’ text file that provides instructions, version compatibility requirements, and so on.

The first region, which contains the main package data, is also compatible with previous OneFS versions that don’t support the .isi format. This allows a signed firmware of the DSP package to be installed on OneFS 9.3 and earlier.

The new OneFS catalog provides a secure place to store verified .isi packages, and only the root account has direct access. The catalog itself is stored at /ifs/,ifsvar/catalog and all maintenance and interaction is performed using the isi upgrade catalog CLI command set. The contents, or artifacts, of the catalog each have an ID that corresponds to the SHA256 hash of the file.

Any user account with the ISI_PRIV_SYS_UPGRADE privilege can perform the following catalog-related actions, expressed as flags to the isi upgrade catalog command:




List packages in the catalog


Save a catalog item to a user specified file location


Verify and add a new .isi package file into the catalog


List packages in the catalog


Display the README text from a catalog item or .isi package file


Manually remove a package from the catalog


Re-verify all catalog packages an rebuild the database 


Verify the signature of a catalog item or .isi package file 

Package verification leverages the OneFS OpenSSL library, which enables a SHA256 hash of the manifest to be verified against the certificate. As part of this process, the chain-of-trust for the included certificate is compared with contents of the /etc/ssl/certs directory, and the distinguished name on the manifest checked against /etc/upgrade/identities file. Finally, the SHA256 hash of the data regions is compared against values from the manifest.

To check the signature, use the isi upgrade catalog verify command. For example:

# isi upgrade catalog verify --file /ifs/install.isi
Item             Verified
/ifs/install.isi True
Total: 1

To display additional install image details, use the isi_packager view command:

# isi_packager view --package /ifs/install.isi
== Region 1 ==
Type: OneFS Install Image
Name: OneFS_Install_0x90500B000000AC8_B_MAIN_2760(RELEASE)
Hash: ef7926cfe2255d7a620eb4557a17f7650314ce1788c623046929516d2d672304
Size: 397666098
== Footer Details ==
Format Version: 1
 Manifest Size: 296
Signature Size: 2838
Timestamp Size: 1495
 Manifest Hash: 066f5d6e6b12081d3643060f33d1a25fe3c13c1d13807f49f51475a9fc9fd191
Signature Hash: 5be88d23ac249e6a07c2c169219f4f663220d4985e58b16be793936053a563a3
Timestamp Hash: eca62a3c7c3f503ca38b5daf67d6be9d57c4fadbfd04dbc7c5d7f1ff80f9d948
== Signature Details ==
Fingerprint:     33fba394a5a0ebb11e8224a30627d3cd91985ccd
Issuer:          ISLN
Subject:         US / WA / Sea / Isln OneFS.
Organization:    Isln Powerscale OneFS
Expiration:      2022-09-07 22:00:22
Ext Key Usage:   codesigning

You can list the packages in the catalog, as follows:

# isi upgrade catalog list
ID    Type  Description                                              README
cdb88 OneFS OneFS / B_MAIN_2797(RELEASE) -
3a145 DSP   Drive_Support_v1.39.1                                    Included 
840b8 Patch HealthCheck_9.2.1_2021-09                                Included 
aa19b Patch                          Included
Total: 4

Note that the package ID is comprised of the first few characters of SHA256 hash.

Packages are automatically imported when used, and verified upon import. You can also perform verification and import manually, if desired:

# isi upgrade catalog verify --file Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi 
Item                                      Verified 
/ifs/packages/Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi True 
# isi upgrade catalog import Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi

You can also export packages from the catalog and copy them to another cluster, for example. Generally, exported packages can be re-imported, too.

# isi upgrade catalog list 
ID    Type  Description                                               README 
00b9c OneFS OneFS / B_MAIN_2625(RELEASE) – 
3a145 DSP Drive_Support_v1.39.1 Included 
Total: 5 
# isi upgrade catalog export --id 3a145 --file /ifs/Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi

However, auto-generated OneFS images cannot be reimported.

The README column of the isi upgrade catalog list output indicates whether release notes are included for a .isi file or catalog item. If available, you can view them as follows:

# isi upgrade catalog readme --file HealthCheck_9.2.1_2021-09.isi | less Updated: September 02, 2021 *****************************************************************************
HealthCheck_9.2.1_2021-09: Patch for OneFS 9.2.1.x. 
This patch contains the 2021-09 RUP for the Isilon HealthCheck System 
This patch can be installed on clusters running the following OneFS version: 
* 9.2.1.x 

Within a readme file, details typically include a short description of the artifact, and which minimum OneFS version the cluster is required to be running for installation.

Cleanup of patches and OneFS images is performed automatically upon commit. Any installed packages require the artifact to be present in the catalog for a successful uninstall. Similarly, the committed OneFS image is required when removing a patch or when expanding the cluster by adding a node.

You can remove artifacts manually, as follows:

# isi upgrade catalog remove --id 840b8 
This will remove the specified artifact and all related metadata. 
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

However, always use caution if attempting to manually remove a package.

When it comes to catalog housekeeping, the ‘clean’ function removes any catalog artifact files without database entries, although normally this happens automatically when an item is removed.

# isi upgrade catalog clean 
This will remove any artifacts that do not have associated metadata in the database. 
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

Additionally, the catalog ‘repair’ function rebuilds the database, re-imports all valid items, and re-verifies their signatures:

# isi upgrade catalog repair 
This will attempt to repair the catalog directory. This will result in all stored artifacts being re-verified. Artifacts that fail to be verified will be deleted. Additionally, a new catalog directory will be initialized with the remaining artifacts. 
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

When installing a signed upgrade, patch, firmware, or drive support package (DSP) on a cluster running OneFS 9.4 or later, the command syntax used is fundamentally the same as in prior OneFS versions, with only the file extension itself having changed. The actual install file will have the ‘.isi’ extension, and the file containing the hash value for download verification will have a ‘.isi.sha256’ suffix. For example, take the OneFS install files:

  • OneFS_v9.5.0.0_Install.isi
  • OneFS_v9.5.0.0_Install.isi.sha256

You can use the following syntax to initiate a parallel OneFS signed upgrade:

# isi upgrade start --install-image-path /ifs/install.isi -–parallel 

Or, if the desired upgrade image package is already in the catalog, you can instead use the —install-image-id flag to install it:

# isi upgrade start --install-image-id 00b9c –parallel

Or to upgrade a cluster’s firmware:

# isi upgrade firmware start --fw-pkg /ifs/IsiFw_Package_v10.3.7.isi –-rolling

To upgrade a cluster’s firmware using the ID of a package that’s in the catalog: 

# isi upgrade firmware start --fw-pkg-id cf01b -–rolling

To initiate a simultaneous upgrade of a patch:

# isi upgrade patches install --patch /ifs/patch.isi -–simultaneous 

And finally, to initiate a simultaneous upgrade of a drive firmware package:

# isi_dsp_install Drive_Support_v1.39.1.isi

Note that patches and drive support firmware are not currently able to be installed by their package IDs.

A committed upgrade image from the previous OneFS upgrade is automatically saved in the catalog, and also created automatically when a new cluster is configured. This image is required for new node joins, as well as when uninstalling patches. However, it’s worth noting that auto-created images will not have a signature and, although you can export them, they cannot be re-imported back into the catalog.

If the committed upgrade image is somehow missing, CELOG events are generated and the isi upgrade catalog repair command output displays an error. Additionally, when it comes to troubleshooting the signed upgrade process, it can pay to check the /var/log/messages and /var/log/isi_papi_d.log files, and the OneFS upgrade logs.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS HTTP

OneFS and HTTP Security

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:35:30 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

To enable granular HTTP security configuration, OneFS provides an option to disable nonessential HTTP components selectively. This can help reduce the overall attack surface of your infrastructure. Disabling a specific component’s service still allows other essential services on the cluster to continue to run unimpeded. In OneFS 9.4 and later, you can disable the following nonessential HTTP services:




The OneFS WebUI configuration interface.


External access to the OneFS platform API endpoints.

Rest Access to Namespace (RAN)

REST-ful access by HTTP to a cluster’s /ifs namespace.


Remote Support and In-Product Activation.

SWIFT (deprecated)

Deprecated object access to the cluster using the SWIFT protocol. This has been replaced by the S3 protocol in OneFS.

You can enable or disable each of these services independently, using the CLI or platform API, if you have a user account with the ISI_PRIV_HTTP RBAC privilege.

You can use the isi http services CLI command set to view and modify the nonessential HTTP services:

# isi http services list
ID                     Enabled
Platform-API-External Yes
PowerScaleUI          Yes
RAN                   Yes
RemoteService         Yes
SWIFT                 No
Total: 5

For example, you can easily disable remote HTTP access to the OneFS /ifs namespace as follows:

# isi http services modify RAN --enabled=0

You are about to modify the service RAN. Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

Similarly, you can also use the WebUI to view and edit a subset of the HTTP configuration settings, by navigating to Protocols > HTTP settings:

WebUI screenshot showing HTTP configuration settings.

That said, the implications and impact of disabling each of the services is as follows:


Disabling impacts


The WebUI is completely disabled, and access attempts (default TCP port 8080) are denied with the warning Service Unavailable. Please contact Administrator.

If the WebUI is re-enabled, the external platform API service (Platform-API-External) is also started if it is not running. Note that disabling the WebUI does not affect the PlatformAPI service.

Platform API

External API requests to the cluster are denied, and the WebUI is disabled, because it uses the Platform-API-External service.

Note that the Platform-API-Internal service is not impacted if/when the Platform-API-External is disabled, and internal pAPI services continue to function as expected.

If the Platform-API-External service is re-enabled, the WebUI will remain inactive until the PowerScaleUI service is also enabled.


If RAN is disabled, the WebUI components for File System Explorer and File Browser are also automatically disabled.

From the WebUI, attempts to access the OneFS file system explorer (File System > File System Explorer) fail with the warning message Browse is disabled as RAN service is not running. Contact your administrator to enable the service.

This same warning also appears when attempting to access any other WebUI components that require directory selection.


If RemoteService is disabled, the WebUI components for Remote Support and In-Product Activation are disabled.

In the WebUI, going to Cluster Management > General Settings and selecting the Remote Support tab displays the message The service required for the feature is disabled. Contact your administrator to enable the service.

In the WebUI, going to Cluster Management > Licensing and scrolling to the License Activation section displays the message The service required for the feature is disabled. Contact your administrator to enable the service.


Deprecated object protocol and disabled by default.

You can use the CLI command isi http settings view to display the OneFS HTTP configuration:

# isi http settings view
            Access Control: No
      Basic Authentication: No
    WebHDFS Ran HTTPS Port: 8443
                        Dav: No
         Enable Access Log: Yes
                      HTTPS: No
 Integrated Authentication: No
               Server Root: /ifs
                    Service: disabled
           Service Timeout: 8m20s
          Inactive Timeout: 15m
           Session Max Age: 4H
Httpd Controlpath Redirect: No

Similarly, you can manage and change the HTTP configuration using the isi http settings modify CLI command.

For example, to reduce the maximum session age from four to two hours:

# isi http settings view | grep -i age
           Session Max Age: 4H
# isi http settings modify --session-max-age=2H
# isi http settings view | grep -i age
           Session Max Age: 2H

The full set of configuration options for isi http settings includes:



--access-control <boolean>

Enable Access Control Authentication for the HTTP service. Access Control Authentication requires at least one type of authentication to be enabled.

--basic-authentication <boolean>

Enable Basic Authentication for the HTTP service.

--webhdfs-ran-https-port <integer>

Configure Data Services Port for the HTTP service.


Set value to system default for --webhdfs-ran-https-port.

--dav <boolean>

Comply with Class 1 and 2 of the DAV specification (RFC 2518) for the HTTP service. All DAV clients must go through a single node. DAV compliance is NOT met if you go through SmartConnect, or using 2 or more node IPs.

--enable-access-log <boolean>

Enable writing to a log when the HTTP server is accessed for the HTTP service.

--https <boolean>

Enable the HTTPS transport protocol for the HTTP service.

--https <boolean>

Enable the HTTPS transport protocol for the HTTP service.

--integrated-authentication <boolean>

Enable Integrated Authentication for the HTTP service.

--server-root <path>

Document root directory for the HTTP service. Must be within /ifs.

--service (enabled | disabled | redirect | disabled_basicfile)

Enable/disable the HTTP Service or redirect to WebUI or disabled BasicFileAccess.

--service-timeout <duration>

The amount of time (in seconds) that the server will wait for certain events before failing a request. A value of 0 indicates that the service timeout value is the Apache default.


Set value to system default for --service-timeout.

--inactive-timeout <duration>

Get the HTTP RequestReadTimeout directive from both the WebUI and the HTTP service.


Set value to system default for --inactive-timeout.

--session-max-age <duration>

Get the HTTP SessionMaxAge directive from both WebUI and HTTP service.


Set value to system default for --session-max-age.

--httpd-controlpath-redirect <boolean>

Enable or disable WebUI redirection to the HTTP service.

Note that while the OneFS S3 service uses HTTP, it is considered a tier-1 protocol, and as such is managed using its own isi s3 CLI command set and corresponding WebUI area. For example, the following CLI command forces the cluster to only accept encrypted HTTPS/SSL traffic on TCP port 9999 (rather than the default TCP port 9021):

# isi s3 settings global modify --https-only 1 –https-port 9921
# isi s3 settings global view
         HTTP Port: 9020
        HTTPS Port: 9999
        HTTPS only: Yes
S3 Service Enabled: Yes

Additionally, you can entirely disable the S3 service with the following CLI command:

# isi services s3 disable
The service 's3' has been disabled.

Or from the WebUI, under Protocols > S3 > Global settings:

WebUI Screenshot showing the S3 global configuration settings.

 Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS management ports

OneFS and PowerScale F-series Management Ports

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:12:20 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Another security enhancement that OneFS 9.5 and later releases brings to the table is the ability to configure 1GbE NIC ports dedicated to cluster management on the PowerScale F900, F710, F600, F210, and F200 all-flash storage nodes and P100 and B100 accelerators. Since these platforms were released, customers have been requesting the ability to activate the 1GbE NIC ports so that the node management activity and front end protocol traffic can be separated on physically distinct interfaces.

For background, since their introduction, the F600 and F900 have shipped with a quad port 1GbE rNDC (rack Converged Network Daughter Card) adapter. However, these 1GbE ports were non-functional and unsupported in OneFS releases prior to 9.5. As such, the node management and front-end traffic was co-mingled on the front-end interface.

In OneFS 9.5 and later, 1GbE network ports are now supported on all of the PowerScale PowerEdge based platforms for the purposes of node management, and are physically separate from the other network interfaces. Specifically, this enhancement applies to the F900, F600, F200 all-flash nodes, and P100 and B100 accelerators.

Under the hood, OneFS has been updated to recognize the 1GbE rNDC NIC ports as usable for a management interface. Note that the focus of this enhancement is on factory enablement and support for existing F600 customers that have the unused 1GbE rNDC hardware. This functionality has also been back-ported to OneFS and later RUPs. Since the introduction of this feature, there have been several requests raised about field upgrades, but that use case is separate and will be addressed in a later release through scripts, updates of node receipts, procedures, and so on.

Architecturally, aside from some device driver and accounting work, no substantial changes were required to the underlying OneFS or platform architecture to implement this feature. This means that in addition to activating the rNDC, OneFS now supports the relocated front-end NIC in PCI slots 2 or 3 for the F200, B100, and P100.

OneFS 9.5 and later recognizes the 1GbE rNDC as usable for the management interface in the OneFS Wizard, in the same way it always has for the H-series and A-series chassis-based nodes.

All four ports in the 1GbE NIC are active, and for the Broadcom board, the interfaces are initialized and reported as bge0, bge1, bge2, and bge3.

The pciconf CLI utility can be used to determine whether the rNDC NIC is present in a node. If it is, a variety of identification and configuration details are displayed. For example, let’s look at the following output from a Broadcom rNDC NIC in an F200 node:

# pciconf -lvV pci0:24:0:0
bge2@pci0:24:0:0: class=0x020000 card=0x1f5b1028 chip=0x165f14e4 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
      class       = network
      subclass    = ethernet
      VPD ident   = ‘Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet’
      VPD ro PN   = ‘BCM95720’
      VPD ro MN   = ‘1028’
      VPD ro V0   = ‘FFV7.2.14’
      VPD ro V1   = ‘DSV1028VPDR.VER1.0’
      VPD ro V2   = ‘NPY2’
      VPD ro V3   = ‘PMT1’
      VPD ro V4   = ‘NMVBroadcom Corp’
      VPD ro V5   = ‘DTINIC’
      VPD ro V6   = ‘DCM1001008d452101000d45’

We can use the ifconfig CLI utility to determine the specific IP/interface mapping on the Broadcom rNDC interface. For example:

# ifconfig bge0
 TME-1: bge0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
 TME-1:      ether 00:60:16:9e:X:X
 TME-1:      inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast zone 1
 TME-1:      inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast zone 0
 TME-1:      media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
 TME-1:      status: active

In this output, the first IP address of the management interface’s pool is bound to bge0, which is the first port on the Broadcom rNDC NIC.

We can use the isi network pools CLI command to determine the corresponding interface. Within the system zone, the management interface is allocated an address from the configured IP range within its associated interface pool. For example:

# isi network pools list
ID                      SC Zone                  IP Ranges                   Allocation Method
groupnet0.mgt.mgt     static
# isi network pools view groupnet0.mgt.mgt | grep -i ifaces
               Ifaces: 1:mgmt-1, 2:mgmt-1, 3:mgmt-1, 4:mgmt-1, 5:mgmt-1

Or from the WebUI, under Network configuration > External network:

WebUI Network configuration screenshot, focusing on the External network tab

Drilling down into the mgt pool details shows the 1GbE management interfaces as the pool interface members:

WebUI screenshot shoing 1GbE management interfaces.

Note that the 1GbE rNDC network ports are solely intended as cluster management interfaces. As such, they are not supported for use with regular front-end data traffic.

The F900 and F600 nodes already ship with a four port 1GbE rNDC NIC installed. However, the F200, B100, and P100 platform configurations have also been updated to include a quad port 1GbE rNDC card. These new configurations have been shipping by default since January 2023. This required relocating the front end network’s 25GbE NIC (Mellanox CX4) to PCI slot 2 in the motherboard. Additionally, the OneFS updates needed for this feature have also now allowed the F200 platform to be offered with a 100GbE option too. The 100GbE option uses a Mellanox CX6 NIC in place of the CX4 in slot 2.

With this 1GbE management interface enhancement, the same quad-port rNDC card (typically the Broadcom 5720) that has been shipped in the F900 and F600 since their introduction, is now included in the F200, B100 and P100 nodes as well. All four 1GbE rNDC ports are enabled and active under OneFS 9.5 and later, too.

Node port ordering continues to follow the standard, increasing numerically from left to right. However, be aware that the port labels are not visible externally because they are obscured by the enclosure’s sheet metal.

The following back-of-chassis hardware images show the new placements of the NICs in the various F-series and accelerator platforms:


F600 rear view.


F900 rear view.

For both the F600 and F900, the NIC placement remains unchanged, because these nodes have always shipped with the 1GbE quad port in the rNDC slot since their launch.


F200 rear view.

The F200 sees its front-end NIC moved to slot 3, freeing up the rNDC slot for the quad-port 1GbE Broadcom 5720.

B100 rear view.

Because the B100 backup accelerator has a fibre-channel card in slot 2, it sees its front-end NIC moved to slot 3, freeing up the rNDC slot for the quad-port 1GbE Broadcom 5720.

P100 rear view.

Finally, the P100 accelerator sees its front-end NIC moved to slot 3, freeing up the rNDC slot for the quad-port 1GbE Broadcom 5720.

Note that, while there is currently no field hardware upgrade process for adding rNDC cards to legacy F200 nodes or B100 and P100 accelerators, this will be addressed in a future release.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale API OneFS CLI USB ports

OneFS Security and USB Device Control

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 19 Apr 2024 17:34:44 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

As we’ve seen over the course of the last several articles, OneFS 9.5 delivers a wealth of security focused features. These span the realms of core file system, protocols, data services, platform, and peripherals. Among these security enhancements is the ability to manually or automatically disable a cluster’s USB ports from either the CLI, platform API, or by activating a security hardening policy.

In support of this functionality, the basic USB port control architecture is as follows:

Graphic depicting basic USB port control architecture.

To facilitate this, OneFS 9.5 and subsequent releases see the addition of a new gconfig variable, ‘usb_ports_disabled’, in ‘security_config’, specifically to track the status of USB Ports on a cluster. On receiving an admin request either from the CLI or the platform API handler to disable the USB port, OneFS modifies the security config parameter in gconfig. For example:

# isi_gconfig -t security_config | grep -i usb
usb_ports_disabled (bool) = true

Under the hood, the MCP (master control process) daemon watches for any changes to the ‘isi_security.gcfg’ security config file on the cluster. If the value for the ‘usb_ports_disabled’ variable in the ‘isi_security.gcfg’ file is updated, then MCP executes the ‘isi_config_usb’ utility to enact the desired change. Note that because ‘isi_config_usb’ operates per-node but the MCP actions are global (executed cluster wide), isi_config_usb is invoked across each node by a Python script to enable or disable the cluster’s USB Ports.

The USB Ports enable/disable feature is only supported on PowerScale F900, F600, F200, H700/7000, and A300/3000 clusters running OneFS 9.5 and later, and PowerScale F710 and F210 running OneFS 9.7 or later.

In OneFS 9.5 and later, USB port control can be manually configured from either the CLI or platform API.

Graphic showing USB port control manually configuration from either the CLI or platform API.

Note that there is no WebUI option at this time.

The following table lists the CLI and platform API configuration options for USB port control in OneFS 9.5 and later:


CLI Syntax



isi security settings view

Report the state of a cluster’s USB ports.


isi security settings modify --usb-ports-disabled=False 

Activate a cluster’s USB ports.


isi security settings modify --usb-ports-disabled=True

Disable a cluster’s USB ports.

For example:

# isi security settings view | grep -i usb
      USB Ports Disabled: No
# isi security settings modify --usb-ports-disabled=True
# isi security settings view | grep -i usb
      USB Ports Disabled: Yes

Similarly, to re-enable a cluster’s USB ports:

# isi security settings modify --usb-ports-disabled=False
# isi security settings view | grep -i usb
      USB Ports Disabled: No

Note that a user account with the OneFS ISI_PRIV_CLUSTER RBAC privilege is required to configure USB port changes on a cluster.

In addition to the ‘isi security settings’ CLI command, there is also a node-local CLI utility:

# whereis isi_config_usb
isi_config_usb: /usr/bin/isi_hwtools/isi_config_usb

As mentioned previously, ‘isi security settings’ acts globally on a cluster, using ‘isi_config_usb’ to effect its changes on each node.

Alternatively, cluster USB ports can also be enabled and disabled using the OneFS platform API with the following endpoints:







No argument required.

JSON object for security settings with USB ports setting.



JSON object with boolean value for USB ports setting.

None or Error.

For example:

# curl -k -u <username>:<passwd> https://localhost:8080/platform/security/settings”
 "settings" :
 "fips_mode_enabled" : false,
 "restricted_shell_enabled" : false,
 "usb_ports_disabled" : true

In addition to manual configuration, the USB ports are automatically disabled if the STIG security hardening profile is applied to a cluster. 

Graphic depicting the USB ports being automatically disabled if the STIG security hardening profile is applied to a cluster. 

This is governed by the following section of XML code in the isi_hardening configuration file, which can be found at /etc/isi_hardening/profiles/isi_hardening.xml:

<CONFIG_ITEM id ="isi_usb_ports" version = "1">
                                        <BODY>{"usb_ports_disabled": true}</BODY>
                                        <BODY>{"usb_ports_disabled": false}</BODY>

The ‘isi_config_usb’ CLI utility can be used to display the USB port status on a subset of nodes. For example:

# isi_config_usb --nodes 1-10 --mode display
    Node   |   Current  |  Pending
    TME-9  |   UNSUP    | INFO: This platform is not supported to run this script.
    TME-8  |   UNSUP    | INFO: This platform is not supported to run this script.
    TME-1  |     On     |
    TME-3  |     On     |
    TME-2  |     On     |
   TME-10  |     On     |
    TME-7  |   AllOn    |
    TME-5  |   AllOn    |
    TME-6  |   AllOn    |
Unable to connect: TME-4

Note: In addition to port status, the output identifies any nodes that do not support USB port control (nodes 8 and 9 above) or that are unreachable (node 4 above).

When investigating or troubleshooting issues with USB port control, the following log files are the first places to check:

Log file



Will log any requests to enable or disable USB ports.


Logs activity from the isi_config_usb script execution.


Logs activity related to MCP actions on invoking the API.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

OneFS System Configuration Auditing – Part 2

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:28:35 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the previous article of this series, we looked at the architecture and operation of OneFS configuration auditing. Now, we’ll turn our attention to its management, event viewing, and troubleshooting. 

The CLI command set for configuring ‘isi audit’ is split between two areas: 





Specifies which events get logged, across three categories: 

•Audit Failure 

•Audit Success 

•Syslog Audit Events 

isi audit settings … 


Configuration of global audit parameters, including topics, zones, CEE, syslog, puring, retention, and more. 

isi audit settings global ... 

The ‘view’ argument for each command returns the following output: 

  1. Events: 

isi audit settings view 

            Audit Failure: create_filecreate_directoryopen_file_writeopen_file_readclose_file_unmodifiedclose_file_modifieddelete_filedelete_directoryrename_filerename_directoryset_security_fileset_security_directory 

            Audit Success: create_filecreate_directoryopen_file_writeopen_file_readclose_file_unmodifiedclose_file_modifieddelete_filedelete_directoryrename_filerename_directoryset_security_fileset_security_directory 

      Syslog Audit Events: create_filecreate_directoryopen_file_writeopen_file_readclose_file_unmodifiedclose_file_modifieddelete_filedelete_directoryrename_filerename_directoryset_security_fileset_security_directory 

Syslog Forwarding Enabled: No 

  1. Global: 

isi audit settings global view 

     Protocol Auditing Enabled: Yes 

                 Audited Zones: - 

               CEE Server URIs: - 


       Config Auditing Enabled: Yes 

         Config Syslog Enabled: No 

         Config Syslog Servers: - 

     Config Syslog TLS Enabled: No 

  Config Syslog Certificate ID: 

       Protocol Syslog Servers: - 

   Protocol Syslog TLS Enabled: No 

Protocol Syslog Certificate ID: 

         System Syslog Enabled: No 

         System Syslog Servers: - 

     System Syslog TLS Enabled: No 

  System Syslog Certificate ID: 

          Auto Purging Enabled: No 

              Retention Period: 180 

       System Auditing Enabled: No 

While configuration auditing is disabled on OneFS by default, the following CLI syntax can be used to enable and verify config auditing across the cluster: 

isi audit settings global modify --config-auditing-enabled 1 

isi audit settings global view | grep -i 'config audit' 

       Config Auditing Enabled: Yes 

Similarly, to enable configuration change audit redirection to syslog: 

isi audit settings global modify --config-auditing-enabled true 

isi audit settings global modify --config-syslog-enabled true 

isi audit settings global view | grep -i 'config audit' 

       Config Auditing Enabled: Yes 

Or to disable redirection to syslog: 

isi audit settings global modify --config-syslog-enabled false 

isi audit settings global modify --config-auditing-enabled false 

CEE servers can be configured as follows: 

#isi audit settings global modify --add-cee-server-uris='<URL>’ 

For example:

#isi audit settings global modify --add-cee-server 



Auditing can be constrained by access zone, too: 

isi audit settings modify --add-audited-zones=audit_az1 


Note that, when auditing is enabled, the system zone is included by default. However, it can be excluded, if desired: 

isi audit setting modify --remove-audited-zones=System 

Access zone’s audit parameters can also be configured via the ‘isi zones’ CLI command set. For example: 

#isi zone zones create --all-auth-providers=true --audit-failure=all --audit-success=all --path=/ifs/data --name=audit_az1 

Granular audit event type configuration can be specified, if desired, to narrow the scope and reduce the amount of audit logging. 

For example, the following command syntax constrains auditing to read and logon failures and successful writes and deletes under path /ifs/data in the audit_az1 access zone:  

#isi zone zones create --all-auth-providers=true --audit-failure=read,logon --audit-success=write,delete --path=/ifs/data --name=audit_az1 

In addition to the CLI, the OneFS platform API can also be used to configure and manage auditing. For example, to enable configuration auditing on a cluster: 

PUT /platform/1/audit/settings 

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ== 


'config_auditing_enabled': True 


The following ‘204’ HTTP response code from the cluster indicates that the request was successful, and that configuration auditing is now enabled on the cluster. No message body is returned for this request. 

204 No Content 

Content-type: text/plain,  

Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD' 

Similarly, to modify the config audit topic’s maximum cached messages threshold to a value of ‘1000’ via the API: 

PUT /1/audit/topics/config 

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ== 


        "max_cached_messages": 1000 


Again, no message body is returned from OneFS for this request. 

204 No Content  

Content-type: text/plain,  

Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD' 

Note that, in the unlikely event that a cluster experiences an outage during which it loses quorum, auditing will be suspended until it is regained. Events similar to the following will be written to the /var/log/audit_d.log file: 

940b5c700]: Lost quorum! Audit logging will be disabled until /ifs is writeable again. 

2023-08-28T15:37:32.132780+00:00 <1.6> TME-1(id1) isi_audit_d[6495]: [0x345940b5c700]: Regained quorum. Logging resuming. 

When it comes to reading audit events on the cluster, OneFS natively provides the handy ‘isi_audit_viewer’ utility. For example, the following audit viewer output shows the events logged when the cluster admin added the ‘/ifs/tmp’ path to the SmartDedupe configuration, and created a new user named ‘test’1’: 


[0: Tue Aug 29 23:01:16 2023] {"id":"f54a6bec-46bf-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350076315499,"payload":{"user":{"token": {"UID":0, "GID":0, "SID": "SID:S-1-22-1-0", "GSID": "SID:S-1-22-2-0", "GROUPS": ["SID:S-1-5-11", "GID:5", "GID:10", "GID:20", "GID:70"], "protocol": 17, "zone id": 1, "client": "", "local": "" }},"uri":"/1/dedupe/settings","method":"PUT","args":{} 



[1: Tue Aug 29 23:01:16 2023] {"id":"f54a6bec-46bf-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350076391422,"payload":{"status":204,"statusmsg":"No Content","body":{}}} 

[2: Tue Aug 29 23:03:43 2023] {"id":"4cfce7a5-46c0-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350223446993,"payload":{"user":{"token": {"UID":0, "GID":0, "SID": "SID:S-1-22-1-0", "GSID": "SID:S-1-22-2-0", "GROUPS": ["SID:S-1-5-11", "GID:5", "GID:10", "GID:20", "GID:70"], "protocol": 17, "zone id": 1, "client": "", "local": "" }},"uri":"/18/auth/users","method":"POST","args":{} 



[3: Tue Aug 29 23:03:43 2023] {"id":"4cfce7a5-46c0-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350223507797,"payload":{"status":201,"statusmsg":"Created","body":{"id":"SID:S-1-5-21-593535466-4266055735-3901207217-1000"} 


The audit log entries, such as those above, typically comprise the following components:






Timestamp in human readable form



Unique entry ID



Timestamp in UNIX epoch time



Node number


User tokens

The user tokens of the Roles and rights of user executing the command.
1. User persona (Unix/Windows
2. Primary group persona (Unix/Windows
3. Supplemental group personas (Unix/Windows)
4. RBAC privileges of the user executing the command



Interface used to generate the command:

1. 10 = pAPI / WebUI

2. 16 = Console CLI

3. 17 = SSH CLI



Access zone that the command was executed against


Client IP

Where the user connected from


Local node

Local node address where the command was executed



Command syntax



Command arguments



Command body

The ‘isi_audit_viewer’ utility automatically reads the ‘config’ log topic by default, but can also be used read the ‘protocol’ log topic too. Its CLI command syntax is as follows: 

isi_audit_viewer -h 

Usage: isi_audit_viewer [ -n <nodeid> | -t <topic> | -s <starttime>| 

         -e <endtime> | -v ] 

         -n <nodeid> : Specify node id to browse (default: local node) 

         -t <topic>  : Choose topic to browse. 

            Topics are "config" and "protocol" (default: "config") 

         -s <start>  : Browse audit logs starting at <starttime> 

         -e <end>    : Browse audit logs ending at <endtime> 

         -v verbose  : Prints out start / end time range before printing 


Note that, on large clusters where there is heavy (in the 100,000’s) of audit writes, when running the isi_audit_viewer utility across the cluster with ‘isi_for_array’, it can potentially lead to memory starvation and other issues – especially if outputting to a directory under /ifs. As such, consider directing the output to a non-IFS location such as /var/temp. Also, the isi_audit_viewer ‘-s’ (start time) and ‘-e’ (end time) flags can be used to limit a search (iefor  1-5 minutes), helping reduce the size of data. 

In addition to reading audit events, the view is also a useful tool to assist with troubleshoot any auditing issues. Additionally, any errors that are encountered while processing audit events, and when delivering them to an external CEE server, are written to the log file ‘/var/log/isi_audit_cee.log’. Additionally, the protocol specific logs will contain any issues the audit filter has collecting while auditing events. 

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

OneFS System Configuration Auditing

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 18 Apr 2024 04:55:18 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

OneFS auditing can detect potential sources of data loss, fraud, inappropriate entitlements, access attempts that should not occur, and a range of other anomalies that are indicators of risk. This can be especially useful when the audit associates data access with specific user identities. 

In the interests of data security, OneFS provides chain of custody auditing by logging specific activity on the cluster. This includes OneFS configuration changes plus NFS, SMB, and HDFS client protocol activity which are required for organizational IT security compliance, as mandated by regulatory bodies like HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, MPAA, and more. 

OneFS auditing uses Dell’s Common Event Enabler (CEE) to provide compatibility with external audit applications. A cluster can write audit events across up to five CEE servers per node in a parallel, load-balanced configuration. This allows OneFS to deliver an end to end, enterprise grade audit solution which efficiently integrates with third party solutions like Varonis DatAdvantage. 

The following diagram outlines the basic architecture of OneFS audit: 

  Both system configuration changes, as well as protocol activity, can be easily audited on a PowerScale cluster. However, the protocol path is greyed out above, since it is outside the focus of this article. More information on OneFS protocol auditing can be found here. 

As illustrated above, the OneFS audit framework is centered around three main services. 




Service allowing OneFS to support third-party auditing applications. The main method of accessing protocol audit data from OneFS is through a third-party auditing application. 


Responsible for per-node audit queues and managing the data store for those queues. It provides a protocol on which clients may produce event payloads within a given context. It establishes a Unix domain socket for queue producers and handles writing and rotation of log files in /ifs/.ifsvar/audit/logs/node###/{config,protocol}/*. 


Daemon providing forwarding of audit config and protocol events to syslog. 

 The basic configuration auditing workflow sees a cluster config change request come in via either the OneFS CLI, WebUI or platform API. The API handler infrastructure passes this request to the isi_audit_d service which intercepts it as a client thread and adds it to the audit queue. It is then processed and passed via a backend thread and written to the audit log files (IFS) as appropriate.

If audit syslog forwarding has been configured, IFS also passes the event to the isi_audit_syslog daemon, where a supervisor process instructs a writer thread to send it to the syslog which in turn updates its pertinent /var/log/ logfiles.  

Similarly, if Common Event Enabler (CEE) forwarding has been enabled, IFS will also pass the request to the isi_audit_cee service where a delivery worker threads will intercept it and send the event to the CEE server pool. The isi_audit_cee heartbeat task makes CEE servers available for audit event delivery. Only after a CEE server has received a successful heartbeat will audit events be delivered to it. Every ten seconds, the heartbeat task wakes up and sends each CEE server in the configuration a heartbeat. While CEE servers are available and events are in memory, an attempt will be made to deliver these. Shutdown will only save audit log position if all the events are delivered to CEE since audit should not lose events. It isn't critical that all events are delivered at shutdown since any unsaved events can be resent to CEE on the next start of isi_audit_cee since CEE handles duplicates.

 Within OneFS, all audit data is organized by topic and is securely stored in the file system.

# isi audit topics list

Name     Max Cached Messages


protocol 2048

config   1024


Total: 2

Auditing can detect a variety of potential sources of data loss. These include unauthorized access attempts, inappropriate entitlements, plus a bevy of other fraudulent activities that plague organizations across the gamut of industries. Enterprises are increasingly required to comply with stringent regulatory mandates developed to protect against these sources of data theft and loss.

OneFS system configuration auditing is designed to track and record all configuration events that are handled by the API through the command-line interface (CLI).  

# isi audit topics view config

               Name: config

Max Cached Messages: 1024

Once enabled, system configuration auditing requires no additional configuration, and auditing events are automatically stored in the config audit topic directories. Audit access and management is governed by the ‘ISI_PRIV_AUDIT’ RBAC privilege, and OneFS provides a default ‘AuditAdmin’ role for this purpose.

Audit events are stored in a binary file under /ifs/.ifsvar/audit/logs. The logs automatically roll over to a new file after the size reaches 1 GB. The audit logs are consumable by auditing applications that support the Dell Common Event Enabler (CEE).

OneFS audit topics and settings can easily be viewed and modified. For example, to increase the configuration auditing maximum cached messages threshold to 2048 from the CLI:

# isi audit topics modify config --max-cached-messages 2048

# isi audit topics view config


               Name: config

Max Cached Messages: 2048

Audit configuration can also be modified or viewed per access zone and/or topic.


CLI Syntax 

Method and URI 

Get audit settings 

isi audit settings  view 

GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/3/audit/settings 

Modify audit settings 

isi audit settings modify … 

PUT <cluster-ip:port>/platform/3/audit/settings 

View JSON schema for this resource, including query parameters and object properties info. 


GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/3/audit/settings?describe 

View JSON schema for this resource, including query parameters and object properties info. 


GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/1/audit/topics?describe 

Configuration auditing can be enabled on a cluster from either the CLI or platform API. The current global audit configuration can be viewed as follows:

1# isi audit settings global view

     Protocol Auditing Enabled: No

                 Audited Zones: -

               CEE Server URIs: -


       Config Auditing Enabled: No

         Config Syslog Enabled: No

         Config Syslog Servers: -

     Config Syslog TLS Enabled: No

  Config Syslog Certificate ID:

       Protocol Syslog Servers: -

   Protocol Syslog TLS Enabled: No

Protocol Syslog Certificate ID:

         System Syslog Enabled: No

         System Syslog Servers: -

     System Syslog TLS Enabled: No

  System Syslog Certificate ID:

          Auto Purging Enabled: No

              Retention Period: 180

       System Auditing Enabled: No

In this case, configuration auditing is disabled – its default setting. The following CLI syntax will enable (and verify) configuration auditing across the cluster:

# isi audit settings global modify --config-auditing-enabled 1

# isi audit settings global view | grep -i 'config audit'

       Config Auditing Enabled: Yes

In the next article, we’ll look at the config audit management, event viewing, and troubleshooting.

To enable configuration change audit redirection to syslog:

# isi audit settings global modify --config-auditing-enabled true

# isi audit settings global modify --config-syslog-enabled true

# isi audit settings global view | grep -i 'config audit'

       Config Auditing Enabled: Yes

Similarly, to disable configuration change audit redirection to syslog:

# isi audit settings global modify --config-syslog-enabled false

# isi audit settings global modify --config-auditing-enabled false

configure audit


#isi audit setting modify --add-cee-server-uris=''


# isi audit settings modify --add-audited-zones=auditgti

4' if you don't want audit that much

# isi audit setting modify --remove-audited-zones=System

config zone


#isi zone zones create --all-auth-providers=true --audit-failure=all --audit-success=all --path=/ifs/data --name=auditgti

3'. if you dont' want to audit that much

#isi zone zones create --all-auth-providers=true --audit-failure=read,logon --audit-success=write,delete --path=/ifs/data --name=auditgti

network pool


#isi network create pool --name=subnet0:auditpool --access-zone=auditgit --iface=<your interface> --range=<your range>  

5' you can also audit System by default, so this step can be ignored  

other settings

#isi audit setting modify --hostname="<any name you want really, this just gets inserted into the payload>"


#isi audit setting modify --cee-log-time="Protocol@1900-01-01 00:00:01"

The platform API can also be used to configure and manage auditing. For example, to enable configuration auditing on a cluster:

PUT /platform/1/audit/settings

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


'config_auditing_enabled': True


Response example


The HTTP ‘204 response code from the cluster indicates that the request was successful, and that configuration auditing is now enabled on the cluster. No message body is returned for this request.

204 No Content

Content-type: text/plain,  

Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'


Similarly, to modify the config audit topic’s maximum cached messages threshold to a value of ‘1000’ via the API:

PUT /1/audit/topics/config

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==


         "max_cached_messages": 1000


Again, no message body is returned from OneFS for this request.

204 No Content  

Content-type: text/plain,  

Allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD'

Note that, in the unlikely event that a cluster experiences an outage during which it loses quorum, auditing will be suspended until it is regained. Events similar to the following will be written to the /var/log/audit_d.log file:

940b5c700]: Lost quorum! Audit logging will be disabled until /ifs is writeable again.

2023-08-28T15:37:32.132780+00:00 <1.6> TME-1(id1) isi_audit_d[6495]: [0x345940b5c700]: Regained quorum. Logging resuming.

When it comes to reading audit events on the cluster, OneFS natively provides the handy ‘isi_audit_viewer’ utility. For example, the following audit viewer output shows the events logged when the cluster admin added the ‘/ifs/tmp’ path to the SmartDedupe configuration, and created a new user named ‘test’1’:

# isi_audit_viewer

[0: Tue Aug 29 23:01:16 2023] {"id":"f54a6bec-46bf-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350076315499,"payload":{"user":{"token": {"UID":0, "GID":0, "SID": "SID:S-1-22-1-0", "GSID": "SID:S-1-22-2-0", "GROUPS": ["SID:S-1-5-11", "GID:5", "GID:10", "GID:20", "GID:70"], "protocol": 17, "zone id": 1, "client": "", "local": "" }},"uri":"/1/dedupe/settings","method":"PUT","args":{}



[1: Tue Aug 29 23:01:16 2023] {"id":"f54a6bec-46bf-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350076391422,"payload":{"status":204,"statusmsg":"No Content","body":{}}}

[2: Tue Aug 29 23:03:43 2023] {"id":"4cfce7a5-46c0-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350223446993,"payload":{"user":{"token": {"UID":0, "GID":0, "SID": "SID:S-1-22-1-0", "GSID": "SID:S-1-22-2-0", "GROUPS": ["SID:S-1-5-11", "GID:5", "GID:10", "GID:20", "GID:70"], "protocol": 17, "zone id": 1, "client": "", "local": "" }},"uri":"/18/auth/users","method":"POST","args":{}



[3: Tue Aug 29 23:03:43 2023] {"id":"4cfce7a5-46c0-11ee-920d-0060486e0a26","timestamp":1693350223507797,"payload":{"status":201,"statusmsg":"Created","body":{"id":"SID:S-1-5-21-593535466-4266055735-3901207217-1000"}


The audit log entries, such as those above, typically comprise the following components:

  1. Timestamp (Human readable)
  2. Unique Entry ID
  3. Timestamp (Unix Epoch Time)
  4. Node Number
  5. The user tokens of the person executing the command
    1. User persona (Unix/Windows)
    2. Primary group persona (Unix/Windows)
    3. Supplemental group personas (Unix/Windows)
    4. RBAC privileges of the person executing the command
  6. Interface used to generate the command
    1. 10 = PAPI / WebUI
    2. 16 = Console
    3. 17 = SSH
  7. Access Zone that the command was executed against
  8. Where the user connected from
  9. The local node address where the command was executed
  10. Command
  11. Command arguments
  12. Command body

The ‘isi_audit_viewer’ utility automatically reads the ‘config’ log topic by default, but can also be used read the ‘protocol’ log topic too. Its CLI command syntax is as follows:

# isi_audit_viewer -h

Usage: isi_audit_viewer [ -n <nodeid> | -t <topic> | -s <starttime>|

         -e <endtime> | -v ]

         -n <nodeid> : Specify node id to browse (default: local node)

         -t <topic>  : Choose topic to browse.

            Topics are "config" and "protocol" (default: "config")

         -s <start>  : Browse audit logs starting at <starttime>

         -e <end>    : Browse audit logs ending at <endtime>

         -v verbose  : Prints out start / end time range before printing


Note that, on large clusters where there is heavy (up to the 100,000’s) of audit writes, when running the isi_audit_viewer utility across the cluster with ‘isi_for_array’, it can potentially lead to memory starvation and other issues – especially if outputting to a directory under /ifs. As such, consider directing the output to a non-IFS location such as /var/temp. Also, the isi_audit_viewer ‘-s’ (start time) and ‘-e’ (end time) flags can be used to limit a search (for  1-5 minutes), helping reduce the size of data.

In addition to reading audit events, the view is also a useful tool to assist with troubleshoot any auditing issues. Additionally, any errors that are encountered while processing audit events, and when delivering them to an external CEE server, are written to the log file ‘/var/log/isi_audit_cee.log’. Additionally, the protocol specific logs will contain any issues the audit filter has collecting while auditing events.

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS logfiles SupportAssist

OneFS Log Gather Transmission

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:45:51 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The OneFS isi_gather_info utility is the ubiquitous method for collecting and uploading a PowerScale cluster’s context and configuration to assist with the identification and resolution of bugs and issues. As such, it performs the following roles:

  • Executes many commands, scripts, and utilities on a cluster, and saves their results
  • Collates, or gathers, all these files into a single ‘gzipped’ package
  • Optionally transmits this log gather package back to Dell using a choice of several transport methods

By default, a log gather tarfile is written to the /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/pkg/ directory. It can also be uploaded to Dell by the following means:

Upload mechanism


TCP port

OneFS release support

SupportAssist / ESRS

Uses Dell Secure Remote Support (SRS) for gather upload.




Use FTP to upload the completed gather.




Use SSH-based encrypted FTPS to upload the gather.


Default in OneFS 9.5 and later


Use HTTP to upload the gather.



As indicated in this table, OneFS 9.5 and later releases now leverage FTPS as the default option for FTP upload, thereby protecting the upload of cluster configuration and logs with an encrypted transmission session.

Under the hood, the log gather process comprises an eight phase workflow, with transmission comprising the penultimate ‘Upload’ phase:

Graphic depicting log gathering process.

The details of each phase are as follows:



1. Setup

Reads from the arguments passed in, and from any config files on disk, and sets up the config dictionary, which will be used throughout the rest of the codebase. Most of the code for this step is contained in isilon/lib/python/gather/igi_config/ This is also the step in which the program is most likely to exit, if some config arguments end up being invalid.

2. Run local

Executes all the cluster commands, which are run on the same node that is starting the gather. All these commands run in parallel (up to the current parallelism value). This is typically the second longest running phase.

3. Run nodes

Executes the node commands across all of the cluster’s nodes. This runs on each node, and while these commands run in parallel (up to the current parallelism value), they do not run in parallel with the ‘Run local’ step.

4. Collect

Ensures that all of the results end up on the overlord node (the node that started the gather). If the gather is using /ifs, it is very fast; if it is not using /ifs, it needs to SCP all the node results to a single node.

5. Generate Extra Files

Generates nodes_info.xml and package_info.xml. These two files are present in every gather, and provide important metadata about the cluster.

6. Packing

Packs (tars and gzips) all the results. This is typically the longest running phase, often by an order of magnitude.

7. Upload

Transports the tarfile package to its specified destination using SupportAssist, ESRS, FTPS, FTP, HTTP, and so on. Depending on the geographic location, this phase might also be lengthy.

8. Cleanup

Cleans up any intermediary files that were created on the cluster. This phase will run even if the gather fails, or is interrupted.

Because the isi_gather_info tool is primarily intended for troubleshooting clusters with issues, it runs as root (or compadmin in compliance mode), because it needs to be able to execute under degraded conditions (such as without GMP, during upgrade, and under cluster splits, and so on). Given these atypical requirements, isi_gather_info is built as a standalone utility, rather than using the platform API for data collection.

While FTPS is the new default and recommended transport, the legacy plaintext FTP upload method is still available in OneFS 9.5 and later. As such, Dell’s log server,, also supports both encrypted FTPS and plaintext FTP, so will not impact older release FTP log upload behavior.

This OneFS 9.5 FTPS security enhancement encompasses three primary areas where an FTPS option is now supported:

  • Directly executing the /usr/bin/isi_gather_info utility
  • Running using the isi diagnostics gather CLI command set
  • Creating a diagnostics gather through the OneFS WebUI

For the isi_gather_info utility, two new options are included in OneFS 9.5 and later releases:

New option for isi_gather_info


Default value


Enables the gather to use unencrypted FTP transfer.



Enables the user to specify the location of a special SSL certificate file.

Empty string. Not typically required.

Similarly, there are two corresponding options in OneFS 9.5 and later for the isi diagnostics CLI command:

New option for isi diagnostics


Default value


Enables the gather to use unencrypted FTP transfer.



Enables the user to specify the location of a special SSL certificate file.

Empty string. Not typically required.

Based on these options, the following table provides some command syntax usage examples, for both FTPS and FTP uploads:

FTP upload type


Example isi_gather_info syntax

Example isi diagnostics syntax

Secure upload (default)

Upload cluster logs to the Dell log server ( using encrypted FTP (FTPS).

# isi_gather_info


# isi_gather_info --ftp

# isi diagnostics gather start


# isi diagnostics gather start --ftp-upload-insecure=no

Secure upload

Upload cluster logs to an alternative server using encrypted FTPS.

# isi_gather_info --ftp-host <FQDN> --ftp-ssl-cert <SSL_CERT_PATH>

# isi diagnostics gather start --ftp-upload-host=<FQDN> --ftp-ssl-cert= <SSL_CERT_PATH>

Unencrypted upload

Upload cluster logs to the Dell log server ( using plaintext FTP.

# isi_gather_info --ftp-insecure

# isi diagnostics gather start --ftp-upload-insecure=yes

Unencrypted upload

Upload cluster logs to an alternative server using plaintext FTP.

# isi_gather_info --ftp-insecure --ftp-host <FQDN>

# isi diagnostics gather start --ftp-upload-host=<FQDN> --ftp-upload-insecure=yes

Note that OneFS 9.5 and later releases provide a warning if the cluster admin elects to continue using non-secure FTP for the isi_gather_info tool. Specifically, if the --ftp-insecure option is configured, the following message is displayed, informing the user that plaintext FTP upload is being used, and that the connection and data stream will not be encrypted:

# isi_gather_info --ftp-insecure
You are performing plain text FTP logs upload.
This feature is deprecated and will be removed
in a future release. Please consider the possibility
of using FTPS for logs upload. For further information,
please contact PowerScale support

In addition to the command line, log gathers can also be configured using the OneFS WebUI by navigating to Cluster management > Diagnostics > Gather settings.

WebUI screenshot showing FTP/FTPS upload options.

The Edit gather settings page in OneFS 9.5 and later has been updated to reflect FTPS as the default transport method, plus the addition of radio buttons and text boxes to accommodate the new configuration options.

If plaintext FTP upload is configured, the healthcheck command will display a warning that plaintext upload is used and is no longer a recommended option. For example:

CLI screenshot showing a healthcheck warning that plain-text upload is used and is no longer a recommended option.

For reference, the OneFS 9.5 and later isi_gather_info CLI command syntax includes the following options:



--upload <boolean>

Enable gather upload.

--esrs <boolean>

Use ESRS for gather upload.


Do not attempt to upload using ESRS.


Attempt SupportAssist upload.


Do not attempt to upload using SupportAssist.

--gather-mode (incremental | full)

Type of gather: incremental or full.

--http-insecure <boolean>

Enable insecure HTTP upload on completed gather.

--http-host <string>

HTTP Host to use for HTTP upload.

--http-path <string>

Path on HTTP server to use for HTTP upload.

--http-proxy <string>

Proxy server to use for HTTP upload.

--http-proxy-port <integer>

Proxy server port to use for HTTP upload.

--ftp <boolean>

Enable FTP upload on completed gather.


Do not attempt FTP upload.


Interactively specify alternate password for FTP.

--ftp-host <string>

FTP host to use for FTP upload.

--ftp-path <string>

Path on FTP server to use for FTP upload.

--ftp-port <string>

Specifies alternate FTP port for upload.

--ftp-proxy <string>

Proxy server to use for FTP upload.

--ftp-proxy-port <integer>

Proxy server port to use for FTP upload.

--ftp-mode <value>

Mode of FTP file transfer. Valid values are both, active, and passive.

--ftp-user <string>

FTP user to use for FTP upload.

--ftp-pass <string>

Specify alternative password for FTP.

--ftp-ssl-cert <string>

Specifies the SSL certificate to use in FTPS connection.

--ftp-upload-insecure <boolean>

Whether to attempt a plaintext FTP upload.

--ftp-upload-pass <string>

FTP user to use for FTP upload password.


Specify the FTP upload password interactively.

When a logfile gather arrives at Dell, it is automatically unpacked by a support process and analyzed using the logviewer tool.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

PowerScale OneFS 9.8

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 09 Apr 2024 14:00:00 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

It’s launch season here at Dell Technologies, and PowerScale is already scaling up spring with the innovative OneFS 9.8 release which shipped today, 9th April 2024. This new 9.8 release has something for everyone, introducing PowerScale innovations in cloud, performance, serviceability, and ease of use.

 A figure describing the differences in OneFS versions 9.6, 9.7, and 9.8. OneFS 9.8 includes APEX File Storage for Azure, NFSv4.1 over RDMA, Job Engine SmartThrottling, Serviceability enhancements in SmartLog and Auto-analysis, IPv6 Source-based routing, streaming write performance, and multipath client driver.Figure 1. OneFS 9.8 release features

APEX File Storage for Azure

After the debut of APEX File Storage for AWS last year, OneFS 9.8 amplifies PowerScale’s presence in the public cloud by introducing APEX File Storage for Azure.

A figure describing how APEX File Storage for Azure interacts with OneFS and the cloud.Figure 2. OneFS 9.8 APEX File Storage for Azure

In addition to providing the same OneFS software platform on-prem and in the cloud as well as customer-managed for full control, APEX File Storage for Azure in OneFS 9.8 provides linear capacity and performance scaling from four to eighteen SSD nodes and up to 3PB per cluster, making it a solid fit for AI, ML, and analytics applications, as well as traditional file shares and home directories and vertical workloads like M&E, healthcare, life sciences, and financial services.

A diagram showing how OneFS 9.8 works within PowerScale and alongside APEX file storage for Azure and AWS, including multi-protocol access, data reduction, CloudPools, SmartQuotas, SyncIQ, SnapshotIQ, SmartQoS, and SmartConnect.Figure 3. Dell PowerScale scale-out architecture

PowerScale’s scale-out architecture can be deployed on customer-managed AWS and Azure infrastructure, providing the capacity and performance needed to run a variety of unstructured workflows in the public cloud.

Once in the cloud, existing PowerScale investments can be further leveraged by accessing and orchestrating your data through the platform's multi-protocol access and APIs. 

This includes the common OneFS control plane (CLI, WebUI, and platform API) and the same enterprise features, such as Multi-protocol, SnapshotIQ, SmartQuotas, Identity management, and so on.        

Simplicity and efficiency

OneFS 9.8 SmartThrottling is an automated impact control mechanism for the job engine, allowing the cluster to automatically throttle job resource consumption if it exceeds pre-defined thresholds in order to prioritize client workloads. 

OneFS 9.8 also delivers automatic on-cluster core file analysis, and SmartLog provides an efficient, granular log file gathering and transmission framework. Both of these new features help dramatically accelerate the ease and time to resolution of cluster issues.


OneFS 9.8 also adds support for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over NFS 4.1 support for applications and clients. This allows for substantially higher throughput performance – especially in the case of single-connection and read-intensive workloads such as machine learning and generative AI model training – while also reducing both cluster and client CPU utilization and provides the foundation for interoperability with NVIDIA’s GPUDirect.

RDMA over NFSv4.1 in OneFS 9.8 leverages the ROCEv2 network protocol. OneFS CLI and WebUI configuration options include global enablement and IP pool configuration, filtering, and verification of RoCEv2 capable network interfaces. NFS over RDMA is available on all PowerScale platforms containing Mellanox ConnectX network adapters on the front end and with a choice of 25, 40, or 100 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity. The OneFS user interface helps easily identify which of a cluster’s NICs support RDMA.

Under the hood, OneFS 9.8 introduces efficiencies such as lock sharding and parallel thread handling, delivering a substantial performance boost for streaming write-heavy workloads such as generative AI inferencing and model training. Performance scales linearly as compute is increased, keeping GPUs busy and allowing PowerScale to easily support AI and ML workflows both small and large. OneFS 9.8 also includes infrastructure support for future node hardware platform generations.

Multipath Client Driver

The addition of a new Multipath Client Driver helps expand PowerScale’s role in Dell Technologies’ strategic collaboration with NVIDIA, delivering the first and only end-to-end large scale AI system. This is based on the PowerScale F710 platform in conjunction with PowerEdge XE9680 GPU servers and NVIDIA’s Spectrum-X Ethernet switching platform to optimize performance and throughput at scale.

In summary, OneFS 9.8 brings the following new features to the Dell PowerScale ecosystem:




  • APEX File Storage for Azure
  • Up to 18 SSD nodes and 3PB per cluster


  • Job Engine SmartThrottling
  • Source-based routing for IPv6 networks


  • NFSv4.1 over RDMA
  • Streaming write performance enhancements
  • Infrastructure support for next generation all-flash node hardware platform


  • Automatic on-cluster core file analysis
  • SmartLog efficient, granular log file gathering

We’ll be taking a deeper look at this new functionality in blog articles over the course of the next few weeks. 

Meanwhile, the new OneFS 9.8 code is available on the Dell Online Support site, both as an upgrade and reimage file, allowing installation and upgrade of this new release.


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale AWS OneFS

PowerScale OneFS 9.7

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 13:55:00 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Dell PowerScale is already powering up the holiday season with the launch of the innovative OneFS 9.7 release, which shipped today (13th December 2023). This new 9.7 release is an all-rounder, introducing PowerScale innovations in Cloud, Performance, Security, and ease of use.

After the debut of APEX File Storage for AWS earlier this year, OneFS 9.7 extends and simplifies the PowerScale in the public cloud offering, delivering more features on more instance types across more regions.

In addition to providing the same OneFS software platform on-prem and in the cloud, and customer-managed for full control, APEX File Storage for AWS in OneFS 9.7 sees a 60% capacity increase, providing linear capacity and performance scaling up to six SSD nodes and 1.6 PiB per namespace/cluster, and up to 10GB/s reads and 4GB/s writes per cluster. This can make it a solid fit for traditional file shares and home directories, vertical workloads like M&E, healthcare, life sciences, finserv, and next-gen AI, ML and analytics applications.

Enhancements to APEX File Storage for AWS

PowerScale’s scale-out architecture can be deployed on customer managed AWS EBS and ECS infrastructure, providing the scale and performance needed to run a variety of unstructured workflows in the public cloud. Plus, OneFS 9.7 provides an ‘easy button’ for streamlined AWS infrastructure provisioning and deployment.

Once in the cloud, you can further leverage existing PowerScale investments by accessing and orchestrating your data through the platform's multi-protocol access and APIs.

This includes the common OneFS control plane (CLI, WebUI, and platform API), and the same enterprise features: Multi-protocol, SnapshotIQ, SmartQuotas, Identity management, and so on.

With OneFS 9.7, APEX File Storage for AWS also sees the addition of support for HDFS and FTP protocols, in addition to NFS, SMB, and S3. Granular performance prioritization and throttling is also enabled with SmartQoS, allowing admins to configure limits on the maximum number of protocol operations that NFS, S3, SMB, or mixed protocol workloads can consume on an APEX File Storage for AWS cluster.


With data integrity and protection being top of mind in this era of unprecedented cyber threats, OneFS 9.7 brings a bevy of new features and functionality to keep your unstructured data and workloads more secure than ever. These new OneFS 9.7 security enhancements help address US Federal and DoD mandates, such as FIPS 140-2 and DISA STIGs – in addition to general enterprise data security requirements. Included in the new OneFS 9.7 release is a simple cluster configuration backup and restore utility, address space layout randomization, and single sign-on (SSO) lookup enhancements.

Data mobility

On the data replication front, SmartSync sees the introduction of GCP as an object storage target in OneFS 9.7, in addition to ECS, AWS and Azure. The SmartSync data mover allows flexible data movement and copying, incremental resyncs, push and pull data transfer, and one-time file to object copy.

Performance improvements

Building on the streaming read performance delivered in a prior release, OneFS 9.7 also unlocks dramatic write performance enhancements, particularly for the all-flash NVMe platforms - plus infrastructure support for future node hardware platform generations. A sizable boost in throughput to a single client helps deliver performance for the most demanding GenAI workloads, particularly for the model training and inferencing phases. Additionally, the scale-out cluster architecture enables performance to scale linearly as GPUs are increased, allowing PowerScale to easily support AI workflows from small to large.

Cluster support for InsightIQ 5.0

The new InsightIQ 5.0 software expands PowerScale monitoring capabilities, including a new user interface, automated email alerts, and added security. InsightIQ 5.0 is available today for all existing and new PowerScale customers at no additional charge. These innovations are designed to simplify management, expand scale and security, and automate operations for PowerScale performance monitoring for AI, GenAI, and all other workloads.

In summary, OneFS 9.7 brings the following new features and functionality to the Dell PowerScale ecosystem:

We’ll be taking a deeper look at these new features and functionality in blog articles over the course of the next few weeks. 

Meanwhile, the new OneFS 9.7 code is available on the Dell Support site, as both an upgrade and reimage file, allowing both installation and upgrade of this new release. 

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

PowerScale Platform Update

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 07 Dec 2023 00:51:33 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In this article, we’ll take a quick peek at the new PowerScale Hybrid H700/7000 and Archive A300/3000 hardware platforms that were released last month. So, the current PowerScale platform family hierarchy is as follows:


Here’s the lowdown on the new additions to the hardware portfolio: 



Drive per Chassis & Drives

Max Chassis Capacity (16TB HDD)

CPU per Node

Memory per Node





60 x 3.5” HDD


CPU: 2.9Ghz, 16c

Mem: 384GB

FE: 100GbE

BE: 100GbE or IB




80 x 3.5” HDD


CPU: 2.9Ghz, 16c

Mem: 384GB

FE: 100GbE

BE: 100GbE or IB




60 x 3.5” HDD


CPU: 1.9Ghz, 6c

Mem: 96GB

FE: 25GbE

BE: 25GbE or IB




80 x 3.5” HDD


CPU: 1.9Ghz, 6c

Mem: 96GB

FE: 25GbE

BE: 25GbE or IB


The PowerScale H700 provides performance and value to support demanding file workloads. With up to 960 TB of HDD per chassis, the H700 also includes inline compression and deduplication capabilities to further extend the usable capacity.

The PowerScale H7000 is a versatile, high performance, and high capacity hybrid platform with up to 1280 TB per chassis. The deep chassis based H7000 is an ideal to consolidate a range of file workloads on a single platform. The H7000 includes inline compression and deduplication capabilities.

On the active archive side, the PowerScale A300 combines performance, near-primary accessibility, value, and ease of use. The A300 provides between 120 TB to 960 TB per chassis and scales to 60 PB in a single cluster. The A300 includes inline compression and deduplication capabilities. 

PowerScale A3000: is an ideal solution for high performance, high density, and deep archive storage that safeguards data efficiently for long-term retention. The A3000 stores up to 1280 TB per chassis and scales to north of 80 PB in a single cluster. The A3000 also includes inline compression and deduplication.

These new H700/7000 and A300/3000 nodes require OneFS 9.2.1, and can be seamlessly added to an existing cluster. The benefits of offering the full complement of OneFS data services includes: snapshots, replication, quotas, analytics, data reduction, load balancing, and local and cloud tiering. All also contain SSD.

Unlike the all-flash PowerScale F900, F600, and F200 stand-alone nodes, which required a minimum of 3 nodes to form a cluster, a single chassis of 4 nodes is required to create a cluster which offers support for both InfiniBand and Ethernet backend network connectivity. 

Each F700/7000 and A300/3000 chassis contains four compute modules (one per node), and five drive containers, or sleds, per node. These sleds occupy bays in the front of each chassis, with a node’s drive sleds stacked vertically:



The drive sled is a tray which slides into the front of the chassis and contains between three and four 3.5 inch drives in an H700/0 or A300/0, depending on the drive size and configuration of the particular node. Both regular hard drives or self-encrypting drives (SEDs) are available in 2,4, 8, 12, and 16TB capacities.



Each drive sled has a white ‘not safe to remove’ LED on its front top left, as well as a blue power/activity LED, and an amber fault LED.

The compute modules for each node are housed in the rear of the chassis, and contain CPU, memory, networking, and SSDs, and power supplies. Nodes 1 & 2 are a node pair, as are nodes 3 & 4. Each node-pair shares a mirrored journal and two power supplies.

Here’s the detail of an individual compute module, which contains a multi core Cascade Lake CPU, memory, M2 flash journal, up to two SSDs for L3 cache, six DIMM channels, front end 40/100 or 10/25 Gb ethernet, 40/100 or 10/25 Gb ethernet or Infiniband, an ethernet management interface, and power supply and cooling fans:

Of particular interest is the ‘journal active’ LED, which is displayed as a white ‘hand icon’. When this is illuminated, it indicates that the mirrored journal is actively vaulting. 

A node’s compute module should not be removed from the chassis while this while LED is lit!

On the front of each chassis is an LCD front panel control with back-lit buttons and 4 LED Light Bar Segments - 1 per Node. These LEDs typically display blue for normal operation or yellow to indicate a node fault. This LCD display is hinged so it can be swung clear of the drive sleds for non-disruptive HDD replacement, for example.

So, in summary, the new Gen6 hardware delivers:

  • More Power
    • More cores, more memory and more cache 
    • A300/3000 up to 2x faster than previous generation (A200/2000)
  • More Choice
    • 100GbE, 25GbE and Infiniband options for cluster interconnect
    • Node compatibility for all hybrid and archive nodes
    • 30TB to 320TB per rack unit 
  • More Value
    • Inline data reduction across the PowerScale family
    • Lowest $/GB and most density among comparable solutions


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS troubleshooting SSO

OneFS WebUI Single Sign-on Management and Troubleshooting

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 16 Nov 2023 20:53:16 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Earlier in this series, we took a look at the architecture of the new OneFS WebUI SSO functionality. Now, we move on to its management and troubleshooting.

As we saw in the previous article, once the IdP and SP are configured, a cluster admin can enable SSO per access zone using the OneFS WebUI by navigating to Access > Authentication providers > SSO. From here, select the desired access zone and click the ‘Enable SSO’ toggle:

Or from the OneFS CLI using the following syntax:

# isi auth sso settings modify --sso-enabled 1

Once complete, the SSO configuration can be verified from a client web browser by browsing to the OneFS login screen. If all is operating correctly, redirection to the ADFS login screen will occur. For example:

After successful authentication with ADFS, cluster access is granted and the browser session is redirected back to the OneFS WebUI .

In addition to the new SSO WebUI pages, OneFS 9.5 also adds a subcommand to the ‘isi auth’ command set for configuring SSO from the CLI. This new syntax includes:

  • isi auth sso idps
  • isi auth sso settings  
  • isi auth sso sp

With these, you can use the following procedure to configure and enable SSO using the OneFS command line.

1. Define the ADFS instance in OneFS.

Enter the following command to create the IdP account:

# isi auth ads create <domain_name> <user> --password=<password> ...





Fully qualified Active Directory domain name that identifies the ADFS server. For example,


The user account that has permission to join machines to the given domain.


The password for <user>.

2. Next, add the IdP to the pertinent OneFS zone. Note that each of a cluster’s access zone(s) must have an IdP configured for it. The same IdP can be used for all the zones, but each access zone must be configured separately.

# isi zone zones modify --add-auth-providers

For example:

# isi zone zones modify system

3. Verify that OneFS can find users in Active Directory.

# isi auth users view\\<username>

In the output, ensure that an email address is displayed. If not, return to Active Directory and assign email addresses to users.

4. Configure the OneFS hostname for SAML SSO.

# isi auth sso sp modify --hostname=<name>

Where <name> is the name that SAML SSO can use to represent the OneFS cluster to ADFS. SAML redirects clients to this hostname.

5. Obtain the ADFS metadata and store it under /ifs on the cluster.

In the following example, an HTTPS GET request is issued using the 'curl' utility to obtain the metadata from the IDP and store it under /ifs on the cluster.

# curl -o /ifs/adfs.xml FederationMetadata.xml

6. Create the IdP on OneFS using the ‘metadata-location’ path for the xml file in the previous step.

# isi auth sso idps create --metadata-location="/ifs/adfs.xml"

7. Enable SSO:

# isi auth sso settings modify --sso-enabled=yes -–zone <zone>

Use the following syntax to view the IdP configuration:

# isi auth sso idps view <idp_ID>

For example:

# isi auth sso idps view idp
ID: idp
Metadata Location: /ifs/adfs.xml
Entity ID:
Login endpoint of the IDP
Binding: wrn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bidings:HTTP-Redirect
Logout endpoint of the IDP
Binding: wrn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bidings:HTTP-Redirect
Response URL: -
Type: metadata
Signing Certificate: -
        Issuer: CN-ADFS Signing –
        Subject: CN-ADFS Signing –
        Not Before: 2023-02-02T22:22:00
        Not After: 2024-02-02T22:22:00
        Status: valid
Value and Type
        Value: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----


If the IdP and/or SP Signing certificate happens to expire, users will be unable to login to the cluster with SSO and an error message will be displayed on the login screen.

In this example, the IdP certificate has expired, as described in the alert message. When this occurs, a warning is also displayed on the SSO Authentication page, as shown here:

To correct this, download either a new signing certificate from the identity provider or a new metadata file containing the IdP certificate details. When this is complete, you can then update the cluster’s IdP configuration by uploading the XML file or the new certificate.

Similarly, if the SP certificate has expired, the following notification alert is displayed upon attempted login:

The following error message is also displayed on the WebUI SSO tab, under Access > Authentication providers > SSO, along with a link to regenerate the metadata file:

The expired SP signing key and certificate can also be easily regenerated from the OneFS CLI:

# isi auth sso sp signing-key rekey
This command will delete any existing signing key and certificate and replace them with a newly generated signing key and certificate. Make sure the newly generated certificate is added to the IDP to ensure that the IDP can verify messages sent from the cluster. Are you sure?  (yes/[no]):   yes
# isi auth sso sp signing-key dump

When it is regenerated, either the XML file or certificate can be downloaded, and the cluster configuration updated by either metadata download or manual copy:

Finally, upload the SP details back to the identity provider.

For additional troubleshooting of OneFS SSO and authentication issues, there are some key log files to check. These include:

Log file



SAML specific log messages logged by isi_saml_d.


WebUI error messages including some SAML errors logged by the WebUI HTTP server.


Errors related to token generation logged by the JWT service.


General authentication errors logged by the ‘lsassd’ service, such as failing to lookup users by email.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SSL

OneFS SSL Certificate Renewal – Part 1

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 16 Nov 2023 04:57:00 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

When using either the OneFS WebUI or platform API (pAPI), all communication sessions are encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), also known as Transport Layer Security (TLS). In this series, we will look at how to replace or renew the SSL certificate for the OneFS WebUI.

SSL requires a certificate that serves two principal functions: It grants permission to use encrypted communication using Public Key Infrastructure and authenticates the identity of the certificate’s holder.

Architecturally, SSL consists of four fundamental components:

SSL Component



Reports issues.

Change cipher spec

Implements negotiated crypto parameters.


Negotiates crypto parameters for SSL session. Can be used for many SSL/TCP connections.


Provides encryption and MAC.

These sit in the stack as follows:

The basic handshake process begins with a client requesting an HTTPS WebUI session to the cluster. OneFS then returns the SSL certificate and public key. The client creates a session key, encrypted with the public key it is received from OneFS. At this point, the client only knows the session key. The client now sends its encrypted session key to the cluster, which decrypts it with the private key. Now, both the client and OneFS know the session key. So, finally, the session, encrypted using a symmetric session key, can be established. OneFS automatically defaults to the best supported version of SSL, based on the client request.

A PowerScale cluster initially contains a self-signed certificate, which can be used as-is or replaced with a third-party certificate authority (CA)-issued certificate. If the self-signed certificate is used upon expiry, it must be replaced with either a third-party (public or private) CA-issued certificate or another self-signed certificate that is generated on the cluster. The following are the default locations for the server.crt and server.key files.



SSL certificate


SSL certificate key


The ‘isi certificate settings view’ CLI command displays all of the certificate-related configuration options. For example:

# isi certificate settings view

         Certificate Monitor Enabled: Yes

Certificate Pre Expiration Threshold: 4W2D

           Default HTTPS Certificate

                                      ID: default

                                 Subject: C=US, ST=Washington, L=Seattle, O="Isilon", OU=Isilon, CN=Dell,

                                  Status: valid

The above ‘certificate monitor enabled’ and ‘certificate pre expiration threshold’ configuration options govern a nightly cron job, which monitors the expiration of each managed certificate and fires a CELOG alert if a certificate is set to expire within the configured threshold. Note that the default expiration is 30 days (4W2D, which represents 4 weeks plus 2 days). The ‘ID: default’ configuration option indicates that this certificate is the default TLS certificate.

The basic certificate renewal or creation flow is as follows:

The steps below include options to complete a self-signed certificate replacement or renewal, or to request an SSL replacement or renewal from a Certificate Authority (CA).

Backing up the existing SSL certificate

The first task is to obtain the list of certificates by running the following CLI command, and identify the appropriate one to renew:

# isi certificate server list

ID      Name    Status  Expires


eb0703b default valid   2025-10-11T10:45:52


It’s always a prudent practice to save a backup of the original certificate and key. This can be easily accomplished using the following CLI commands, which, in this case, create the directory ‘/ifs/data/ssl_bkup’ directory, set the perms to root-only access, and copy the original key and certificate to it:

# mkdir -p /ifs/data/ssl_bkup

# chmod 700 /ifs/data/ssl_bkup

# cp /usr/local/apache24/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt /ifs/data/ssl_bkup

# cp /usr/local/apache24/conf/ssl.key/server.key /ifs/data/ssl_bkup

# cd !$

cd /ifs/data/ssl_bkup

# ls

server.crt      server.key

Renewing or creating a certificate

The next step in the process involves either the renewal of an existing certificate or creation of a certificate from scratch. In either case, first, create a temporary directory, for example /ifs/tmp:

# mkdir /ifs/tmp; cd /ifs/tmp

a)       Renew an existing self-signed Certificate.

The following syntax creates a renewal certificate based on the existing ssl.keyThe value of the ‘-days’ parameter can be adjusted to generate a certificate with the wanted expiration date. For example, the following command will create a one-year certificate.

# cp /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.key/server.key ./ ; openssl req -new -days 365 -nodes -x509 -key server.key -out server.crt

Answer the system prompts to complete the self-signed SSL certificate generation process, entering the pertinent information location and contact information. For example:

Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
 State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Washington
 Locality Name (eg, city) []:Seattle
 Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Isilon
 Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:TME
 Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []
 Email Address []

When all the information has been successfully entered, the server.csr and server.key files will be generated under the /ifs/tmp directory.

Optionally,  the attributes and integrity of the certificate can be verified with the following syntax:

# openssl x509 -text -noout -in server.crt

Next, proceed directly to the ‘Add the certificate to the cluster’ steps in section 4 of this article.

b)      Alternatively, a certificate and key can be generated from scratch, if preferred.

The following CLI command can be used to create an 2048-bit RSA private key:

# openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus





e is 65537 (0x10001)

Next, create a certificate signing request:

# openssl req -new -nodes -key server.key -out server.csr

For example: 

# openssl req -new -nodes -key server.key -out server.csr -reqexts SAN -config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf <(printf "[SAN]\"))

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated

into your certificate request.

What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank

For some fields there will be a default value,

If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.


Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US

State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:WA

Locality Name (eg, city) []:Seattle

Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Isilon

Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:TME

Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:h7001

Email Address []

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes

to be sent with your certificate request

A challenge password []:1234

An optional company name []:


Answer the system prompts to complete the self-signed SSL certificate generation process, entering the pertinent information location and contact information. Additionally, a ‘challenge password’ with a minimum of 4-bytes in length will need to be selected and entered.

As prompted, enter the information to be incorporated into the certificate request. When completed, the server.csr and server.key files will appear in the /ifs/tmp directory.

If wanted, a CSR file for a Certificate Authority, which includes Subject-Alternative-Names (SAN) can be generated. For example, additional host name entries can be added using a comma (IE.,

In the next article, we will look at the certificate singing, addition, and verification steps of the process.


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

Isilon PowerScale OneFS NAS Dell Cluster Scale-out

OneFS NFS Locking and Reporting – Part 2

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:58:49 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the previous article in this series, we took a look at the new NFS locks and waiters reporting CLI command set and API endpoints. Next, we turn our attention to some additional context, caveats, and NFSv3 lock removal.

Before the NFS locking enhancements in OneFS 9.5, the legacy CLI commands were somewhat inefficient.  Their output also included other advisory domain locks such as SMB, which made the output more difficult to parse. The table below maps the new 9.5 CLI commands (and corresponding handlers) to the old NLM syntax.

Type / Command set

OneFS 9.5 and later

OneFS 9.4 and earlier


isi nfs locks

isi nfs nlm locks


isi nfs nlm sessions

isi nfs nlm sessions


isi nfs locks waiters

isi nfs nlm locks waiters

Note that the isi_classic nfs locks and waiters CLI commands have also been deprecated in OneFS 9.5.

When upgrading to OneFS 9.5 or later from a prior release, the legacy platform API handlers continue to function through and post upgrade. Thus, any legacy scripts and automation are protected from this lock reporting deprecation. Additionally, while the new platform API handlers will work in during a rolling upgrade in mixed-mode, they will only return results for the nodes that have already been upgraded (‘high nodes’).

Be aware that the NFS locking CLI framework does not support partial responses. However, if a node is down or the cluster has a rolling upgrade in progress, the alternative is to query the equivalent platform API endpoint instead.

Performance-wise, on very large busy clusters, there is the possibility that the lock and waiter CLI commands’ output will be sluggish. In such instances, the --timeout flag can be used to increase the command timeout window. Output filtering can also be used to reduce number of locks reported.

When a lock is in a transition state, there is a chance that it may not have/report a version. In these instances, the Version field will be represented as . For example:

# isi nfs locks list -v
Client: 1/TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 487722351064074
LIN: 4295164422
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:03:52
Version: -
Total: 1

This behavior should be experienced very infrequently. However, if it is encountered, simply execute the CLI command again, and the lock version should be reported correctly.

When it comes to troubleshooting NFSv3/NLM issues, if an NFSv3 client is consistently experiencing NLM_DENIED or other lock management issues, this is often a result of incorrectly configured firewall rules. For example, take the following packet capture (PCAP) excerpt from an NFSv4 Linux client:

   21 08:50:42.173300992 → NLM 106    V4 LOCK Reply (Call In 19) NLM_DENIED

Often, the assumption is that only the lockd or statd ports on the server side of the firewall need to be opened and that the client always makes that connection that way. However, this is not the case. Instead, the server will continually respond with a ‘let me get back to you’, then later reconnect to the client. As such, if the firewall blocks access to rcpbind on the client and/or lockd or statd on the client, connection failures will likely occur.

Occasionally, it does become necessary to remove NLM locks and waiters from the cluster. Traditionally, the isi_classic nfs clients rm command was used, however that command has limitations and is fully deprecated in OneFS 9.5 and later. Instead, the preferred method is to use the isi nfs nlm sessions CLI utility in conjunction with various other ancillary OneFS CLI commands to clear problematic locks and waiters. 

Note that the isi nfs nlm sessions CLI command, available in all current OneFS version, is Zone-Aware. The output formatting is seen in the output for the client holding the lock as it now shows the Zone ID number at the beginning. For example:


This represents:

Zone ID 4 / Client tme-linux1 / IP address of cluster node holding the connection.

A basic procedure to remove NLM locks and waiters from a cluster is as follows: 
1. List the NFS locks and search for the pertinent filename. 

In OneFS 8.5 and later, the locks list can be filtered using the --path argument.

# isi nfs locks list --path=<path> | grep <filename>

Be aware that the full path must be specified, starting with /ifs. There is no partial matching or substitution for paths in this command set.

For OneFS 9.4 and earlier, the following CLI syntax can be used:

#  isi_for_array -sX 'isi nfs nlm locks list | grep <filename>'

2. List the lock waiters associated with the same filename using |grep.

For OneFS 8.5 and later, the waiters list can also be filtered using the --path syntax:

# isi nfs locks waiters –path=<path> | grep <filename> 

With OneFS 9.4 and earlier, the following CLI syntax can be used:

# isi_for_array -sX 'isi nfs nlm locks waiters |grep -i <filename>'

3. Confirm the client and logical inode number (LIN) being waited upon. 

This can be accomplished by querying the efs.advlock.failover.lock_waiters sysctrl. For example:

# isi_for_array -sX 'sysctl efs.advlock.failover.lock_waiters'

[truncated output]
 client = { '4/tme-linux1/’, 0x26593d37370041 }
resource = 2:df86:0218

Note that for sanity checking, the isi get -L CLI utility can be used to confirm the path of a file from its LIN:

isi get -L <LIN>

4. Remove the unwanted locks which are causing waiters to stack up. 

Keep in mind that the isi nfs nlm sessions command syntax is access zone-aware.

List the access zones by their IDs.

# isi zone zones list -v | grep -iE "Zone ID|name"

Once the desired zone ID has been determined, the isi_run -z CLI utility can be used to specify the appropriate zone in which to run the isi nfs nlm sessions commands: 

# isi_run -z 4 -l root

Next, the isi nfs nlm sessions delete CLI command will remove the specific lock waiter which is causing the issue. The command syntax requires specifying the client hostname and node IP of the node holding the lock. 

# isi nfs nlm sessions delete –-zone <AZ_zone_ID> <hostname> <cluster-ip>

For example:

# isi nfs nlm sessions delete –zone 4 tme-linux1
 Are you sure you want to delete all NFSv3 locks associated with client tme-linux1 against cluster IP (yes/[no]): yes

5. Repeat the commands in step 1 to confirm that the desired NLM locks and waiters have been successfully culled.

BEFORE applying the process....

 # isi_for_array -sX 'isi nfs nlm locks list |grep JUN'
 TME-1: 4/tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_27JUN2017
 TME-1: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 TME-2: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_27JUN2017
 TME-2: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 TME-3: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_27JUN2017
 TME-3: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 TME-4: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_27JUN2017
 TME-4: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 TME-5: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_27JUN2017
 TME-5: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 TME-6: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_27JUN2017
 TME-6: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 # isi_for_array -sX 'isi nfs nlm locks waiters |grep -i JUN'
 TME-1: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 TME-1: 4/ tme-linux1/  /ifs/tmp/TME/sequences/mncr_fabjob_seq_file_28JUN2017
 TME-2 exited with status 1
 TME-3 exited with status 1
 TME-4 exited with status 1
 TME-5 exited with status 1
 TME-6 exited with status 1


TME-1# isi nfs nlm sessions delete --hostname= tme-linux1 --cluster-ip=
 Are you sure you want to delete all NFSv3 locks associated with client tme-linux1 against cluster IP (yes/[no]): yes
 TME-1# isi_for_array -sX 'sysctl efs.advlock.failover.locks |grep 2:ce75:0319'
 TME-1 exited with status 1
 TME-2 exited with status 1
 TME-3 exited with status 1
 TME-4 exited with status 1
 TME-5 exited with status 1
 TME-6 exited with status 1
 TME-1# isi_for_array -sX 'isi nfs nlm locks list |grep -i JUN'
 TME-1 exited with status 1
 TME-2 exited with status 1
 TME-3 exited with status 1
 TME-4 exited with status 1
 TME-5 exited with status 1
 TME-6 exited with status 1
 TME-1# isi_for_array -sX 'isi nfs nlm locks waiters |grep -i JUN'
 TME-1 exited with status 1
 TME-2 exited with status 1
 TME-3 exited with status 1
 TME-4 exited with status 1
 TME-5 exited with status 1
 TME-6 exited with status 1


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

Isilon PowerScale OneFS NAS Dell Cluster Scale-out

OneFS NFS Locking

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:56:59 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Included among the plethora of OneFS 9.5 enhancements is an updated NFS lock reporting infrastructure, command set, and corresponding platform API endpoints. This new functionality includes enhanced listing and filtering options for both locks and waiters, based on NFS major version, client, LIN, path, creation time, etc. But first, some backstory.

The ubiquitous NFS protocol underwent some fundamental architectural changes between its versions 3 and 4. One of the major differences concerns the area of file locking.

NFSv4 is the most current major version of the protocol, natively incorporating file locking and thereby avoiding the need for any additional (and convoluted) RPC callback mechanisms necessary with prior NFS versions. With NFSv4, locking is built into the main file protocol and supports new lock types, such as range locks, share reservations, and delegations/oplocks, which emulate those found in Window and SMB.

File lock state is maintained at the server under a lease-based model. A server defines a single lease period for all states held by an NFS client. If the client does not renew its lease within the defined period, all states associated with the client's lease may be released by the server. If released, the client may either explicitly renew its lease or simply issue a read request or other associated operation. Additionally, with NFSv4, a client can elect whether to lock the entire file or a byte range within a file. 

In contrast to NFSv4, the NFSv3 protocol is stateless and does not natively support file locking. Instead, the ancillary Network Lock Manager (NLM) protocol supplies the locking layer. Since file locking is inherently stateful, NLM itself is considered stateful. For example, when an NFSv3 filesystem mounted on an NFS client receives a request to lock a file, it generates an NLM remote procedure call instead of an NFS remote procedure call. 

The NLM protocol itself consists of remote procedure calls that emulate the standard UNIX file control (fcntl) arguments and outputs. Because a process blocks waiting for a lock that conflicts with another lock holder – also known as a ‘blocking lock’ – the NLM protocol has the notion of callbacks from the file server to the NLM client to notify that a lock is available. As such, the NLM client sometimes acts as an RPC server in order to receive delayed results from lock calls. 





Stateless - A client does not technically establish a new session if it has the correct information to ask for files and so on. This allows for simple failover between OneFS nodes using dynamic IP pools.

Stateful - NFSv4 uses sessions to handle communication. As such, both client and server must track session state to continue communicating.


User and Group info is presented numerically - Client and Server communicate user information by numeric identifiers, allowing the same user to appear as different names between client and server.

User and Group info is presented as strings - Both the client and server must resolve the names of the numeric information stored. The server must look up names to present while the client must remap those to numbers on its end.


File Locking is out of band - uses NLM to perform locks. This requires the client to respond to RPC messages from the server to confirm locks have been granted, etc.

File Locking is in band - No longer uses a separate protocol for file locking, instead making it a type of call that is usually compounded with OPENs, CREATEs, or WRITEs.


Can run over TCP or UDP - This version of the protocol can run over UDP instead of TCP, leaving handling of loss and retransmission to the software instead of the operating system. We always recommend using TCP.

Only supports TCP - Version 4 of NFS has left loss and retransmission up to the underlying operating system. Can batch a series of calls in a single packet, allowing the server to process all of them and reply at the end. This is used to reduce the number of calls involved in common operations.

Since NFSv3 is stateless, it requires more complexity to recover from failures like client and server outages and network partitions. If an NLM server crashes, NLM clients that are holding locks must reestablish them on the server when it restarts. The NLM protocol deals with this by having the status monitor on the server send a notification message to the status monitor of each NLM client that was holding locks. The initial period after a server restart is known as the grace period, during which only requests to reestablish locks are granted. Thus, clients that reestablish locks during the grace period are guaranteed to not lose their locks. 

When an NLM client crashes, ideally any locks it was holding at the time are removed from the pertinent NLM server(s). The NLM protocol handles this by having the status monitor on the client send a message to each server's status monitor once the client reboots. The client reboot indication informs the server that the client no longer requires its locks. However, if the client crashes and fails to reboot, the client's locks will persist indefinitely. This is undesirable for two primary reasons: Resources are indefinitely leaked. Eventually, another client will want to get a conflicting lock on at least one of the files the crashed client had locked and, as a result, the other client is postponed indefinitely.

Therefore, having NFS server utilities to swiftly and accurately report on lock and waiter status and utilities to clear NFS lock waiters is highly desirable for administrators – particularly on clustered storage architectures.

Prior to OneFS 9.5, the old NFS locking CLI commands were somewhat inefficient and also showed other advisory domain locks, which rendered the output somewhat confusing. The following table shows the new CLI commands (and corresponding handlers) which replace the older NLM syntax.

Type / Command set

OneFS 9.4 and earlier

OneFS 9.5


isi nfs nlm locks

isi nfs locks


isi nfs nlm sessions

isi nfs nlm sessions


isi nfs nlm locks waiters

isi nfs locks waiters

In OneFS 9.5 and later, the old API handlers will still exist to avoid breaking existing scripts and automation, however the CLI command syntax is deprecated and will no longer work.

Also be aware that the isi_classic nfs locks and waiters CLI commands have also been disabled in OneFS 9.5. Attempts to run these will yield the following warning message: 

# isi_classic nfs locks
This command has been disabled. Please use isi nfs for this functionality.

The new isi nfs locks CLI command output includes the following locks object fields:




The client host name, Frequently Qualified Domain Name, or IP


The client ID (internally generated)


The UNIX Epoch time that the lock was created


The lock ID (Id necessary for platform API sorting, not shown in CLI output)


The logical inode number (LIN) of the locked resource


The type of lock (shared, exclusive, none)


Path of locked file


The byte range within the file that is locked


The NFS major version: v3, or v4

Note that the ISI_NFS_PRIV RBAC privilege is required in order to view the NFS locks or waiters via the CLI or PAPI. In addition to ‘root’, the cluster’s ‘SystemAdmin’ and ‘SecurityAdmin’ roles contain this privilege by default.

Additionally, the new locks CLI command sets have a default timeout of 60 seconds. If the cluster is very large, the timeout may need to be increased for the CLI command. For example:

# isi –timeout <timeout value> nfs locks list

 The basic architecture of the enhanced NFS locks reporting framework is as follows:

The new API handlers leverage the platform API proxy, yielding increased performance over the legacy handlers. Additionally, updated syscalls have been implemented to facilitate filtering by NFS service and major version.

Since NFSv3 is stateless, the cluster does not know when a client has lost its state unless it reconnects. For maximum safety, the OneFS locking framework (lk) holds locks forever. The isi nfs nlm sessions CLI command allows administrators to manually free NFSv3 locks in such cases, and this command remains available in OneFS 9.5 as well as prior versions. NFSv3 locks may also be leaked on delete, since a valid inode is required for lock operations. As such, lkf has a lock reaper which periodically checks for locks associated with deleted files.

In OneFS 9.5 and later, current NFS locks can be viewed with the new isi nfs locks list command. This command set also provides a variety of options to limit and format the display output. In its basic form, this command generates a basic list of client IP address and the path. For example:

# isi nfs locks list
Client                              Path
1/TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
1/TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Linux NFSv4.0 TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv4/
Linux NFSv4.0 TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv4/
Total: 4

To include more information, the -v flag can be used to generate a verbose locks listing:

 # isi nfs locks list -v
Client: 1/TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 487722351064074
LIN: 4295164422
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:03:52
Version: v3
Client: 1/TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 5175867327774721
LIN: 42950335042
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:10:31
Version: v3
Client: Linux NFSv4.0 TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 487722351064074
LIN: 429516442
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:19:48
Version: v4
Client: Linux NFSv4.0 TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 487722351064074
LIN: 4295426674
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:17:02
Version: v4
Total: 4

The previous syntax returns more detailed information for each lock, including client ID, LIN, path, lock type, range, created date, and NFS version.

The lock listings can also be filtered by client or client-id. Note that the --client option must be the full name in quotes:

# isi nfs locks list --client="full_name_of_client/IP_address" -v

For example:

# isi nfs locks list --client="1/TMECLI1:487722/" -v
Client: 1/TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 5175867327774721
LIN: 42950335042
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:10:31
Version: v3

Additionally, be aware that the CLI does not support partial names, so the full name of the client must be specified.

Filtering by NFS version can be helpful when attempting to narrow down which client has a lock. For example, to show just the NFSv3 locks:

# isi nfs locks list --version=v3 
Client                              Path
1/TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
1/TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Total: 2

Note that the –-version flag supports both v3 and nlm as arguments and will return the same v3 output in either case. For example:

# isi nfs locks list --version=nlm
Client                              Path
1/TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
1/TMECLI1:487722/       /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Total: 2

Filtering by LIN or path is also supported. For example, to filter by LIN:

# isi nfs locks list --lin=42950335042 -v
Client: 1/TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 5175867327774721
LIN: 42950335042
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:10:31
Version: v3

Or by path:

# isi nfs locks list --path=/ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Client: Linux NFSv4.0 TMECLI1:487722/
Client ID: 487722351064074
LIN: 4295426674
Path: /ifs/locks/nfsv3/
Lock Type: exclusive
Range: 0, 92233772036854775807
Created: 2023-08-18T08:17:02
Version: v4

Be aware that the full path must be specified, starting with /ifs. There is no partial matching or substitution for paths in this command set.

Filtering can also be performed by creation time, for example:

# isi nfs locks list --created=2023-08-17T09:30:00 -v 

Note that when filtering by created, the output will include all locks that were created before or at the time provided.

The —limits argument can be used to curtail the number of results returned, and limits can be used in conjunction with all other query options. For example, to limit the output of the NFSv4 locks listing to one lock:

# isi nfs locks list -–version=v4 --limit=1 

Note that limit can be used with the range of query types.

The filter options are mutually exclusive with the exception of version. Note that version can be used with any of the other filter options. For example, filtering by both created and version.

This can be helpful when troubleshooting and trying to narrow down results.

In addition to locks, OneFS 9.5 also provides the isi nfs locks waiters CLI command set. Note that waiters are specific to NFSv3 clients, and the CLI reports any v3 locks that are pending and not yet granted.

Since NFSv3 is stateless, a cluster does not know when a client has lost its state unless it reconnects. For maximum safety, lk holds locks forever. The isi nfs nlm command allows administrators to manually free locks in such cases. Locks may also be leaked on delete, since a valid inode is required for lock operations. Thus, lkf has a lock reaper which periodically checks for locks associated with deleted files:

# isi nfs locks waiters

The waiters CLI syntax uses a similar range of query arguments as the isi nfs locks list command set.

In addition to the CLI, the platform API can also be used to query both NFS locks and NFSv3 waiters. For example, using curl to view the waiters via the OneFS pAPI:

# curl -k -u <username>:<passwd> https://localhost:8080/platform/protocols/nfs/waiters”
“total” : 2,
“client” : “1/TMECLI1487722/”,
“client_id” : “4894369235106074”,
“created” : “1668146840”,
“id” : “1 1YUIAEIHVDGghSCHGRFHTiytr3u243567klj212-MANJKJHTTy1u23434yui-ouih23ui4yusdftyuySTDGJSDHVHGDRFhgfu234447g4bZHXhiuhsdm”,
“lin” : “4295164422”,
“lock_type” : “exclusive”
“path” : “/ifs/locks/nfsv3/”
“range” : [0, 92233772036854775807 ],
“version” : “v3”
“total” : 1

Similarly, using the platform API to show locks filtered by client ID:

# curl -k -u <username>:<passwd> “https://<address>:8080/platform/protocols/nfs/locks?client=<client_ID>”

For example:

# curl -k -u <username>:<passwd> “https://localhost:8080/platform/protocols/nfs/locks?client=1/TMECLI1487722/”
“client” : “1/TMECLI1487722/”,
“client_id” : “487722351064074”,
“created” : “1668146840”,
“id” : “1 1YUIAEIHVDGghSCHGRFHTiytr3u243567FCUJHBKD34NMDagNLKYGHKHGKjhklj212-MANJKJHTTy1u23434yui-ouih23ui4yusdftyuySTDGJSDHVHGDRFhgfu234447g4bZHXhiuhsdm”,
“lin” : “4295164422”,
“lock_type” : “exclusive”
“path” : “/ifs/locks/nfsv3/”
“range” : [0, 92233772036854775807 ],
“version” : “v3”
“Total” : 1

Note that, as with the CLI, the platform API does not support partial name matches, so the full name of the client must be specified.


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

Isilon PowerScale OneFS NAS Dell Cluster Scale-out

OneFS SSL Certificate Creation and Renewal – Part 2

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:56:44 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the initial article in this series, we took a look at the OneFS SSL architecture, plus the first two steps in the basic certificate renewal or creation flow detailed below:

Backup existing SSL certificate > Renew/create certificate > Sign SSL certificate > Add certificate to cluster > Verify SSL certificate

The following procedure includes options to complete a self-signed certificate replacement or renewal or to request an SSL replacement or renewal from a Certificate Authority (CA).

Signing the SSL Certificate

Sign SSL certificate

At this point, depending on the security requirements of the environment, the certificate can either be self-signed or signed by a Certificate Authority.

Self-Sign the SSL Certificate 

The following CLI syntax can be used to self-sign the certificate with the key, creating a new signed certificate which, in this instance, is valid for 1 year (365 days):     

# openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

To verify that the key matches the certificate, ensure that the output of the following CLI commands return the same md5 checksum value:    

# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in server.crt | openssl md5           
# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in server.key | openssl md5

Next, proceed to the Add certificate to cluster section of this article once this step is complete. 

Use a CA to Sign the Certificate

If a CA is signing the certificate, ensure that the new SSL certificate is in x509 format and includes the entire certificate trust chain.

Note that the CA may return the new SSL certificate, the intermediate cert, and the root cert in different files. If this is the case, the PEM formatted certificate will need to be created manually.

Notably, the correct ordering is important when creating the PEM-formatted certificate. The SSL cert must be the top of the file, followed by the intermediate certificate, with the root certificate at the bottom. For example:        


<Contents of new SSL certificate>



<Contents of intermediate certificate>

<Repeat as necessary for every intermediate certificate provided by your CA>



<Contents of root certificate file>


A simple method for creating the PEM formatted file from the CLI is to cat them in the correct order as follows:

# cat CA_signed.crt intermediate.crt root.crt > onefs_pem_formatted.crt

Copy the onefs_pem_formatted.crt file to /ifs/tmp and rename it to server.crt

Note that if any of the aforementioned files are generated with a .cer extension, they should be renamed with a .crt extension instead.

The attributes and integrity of the certificate can be sanity checked with the following CLI syntax:       

# openssl x509 -text -noout -in server.crt


Adding the certificate to the cluster    

Add certificate to cluster

The first step in adding the certificate involves importing the new certificate and key into the cluster:      

# isi certificate server import /ifs/tmp/server.crt /ifs/tmp/server.key

Next, verify that the certificate imported successfully:     

# isi certificate server list -v 

The following CLI command can be used to show the names and corresponding IDs of the certificates:

# isi certificate server list -v | grep -A1 "ID:"

Set the imported certificate as default:      

# isi certificate settings modify --default-https-certificate=<id_of_cert_to_set_as_default>

Confirm that the imported certificate is being used as default by verifying status of Default HTTPS Certificate:     

# isi certificate settings view

If there is an unused or outdated cert, it can be deleted with the following CLI syntax:      

# isi certificate server delete --id=<id_of_cert_to_delete>

Next, view the new imported cert with command:      

# isi certificate server view --id=<id_of_cert>

Note that ports 8081 and 8083 still use the certificate from the local directory for SSL. Follow the steps below if you want to use the new certificates for port 8081/8083:

# isi services -a isi_webui disable
# chmod 640 server.key
# chmod 640 server.crt
# isi_for_array -s 'cp /ifs/tmp/server.key /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.key/server.key'
# isi_for_array -s 'cp /ifs/tmp/server.crt /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt'
isi services -a isi_webui enable

Verifying the SSL certificate

Verify SSL certificate

There are two methods for verifying the updated SSL certificate.:

  • Via the CLI, using the openssl command as follows:
# echo QUIT | openssl s_client -connect localhost:8080
  • Or via a web browser, using the following URL:


Note that where <cluster_name> is the FQDN or IP address, that’s typically used to access the cluster’s WebUI interface. The security details for the web page will contain the location and contact info, as above.

In both cases, the output includes location and contact info. For example:      

Subject: C=US, ST=<yourstate>, L=<yourcity>, O=<yourcompany>,

Additionally, OneFS provides warning of an impending certificate expiry by sending a CELOG event alert, similar to the following:

SW_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRING: X.509 certificate default is nearing expiration: 
Event: 400170001
Certificate 'default' in '**' store is nearing expiration:

Note that OneFS does not attempt to automatically renew a certificate. Instead, an expiring cert has to be renewed manually, per the procedure described above.

When adding an additional certificate, the matching cert is used any time you connect to that SmartConnect name via HTTPS. If no matching certificate is found, OneFS will automatically revert to using the default self-signed certificate.


Author: Nick Trimbee 

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs


SMB Redirector Encryption

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:37:15 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

As on-the-wire encryption becomes increasingly commonplace, and often mandated via regulatory compliance security requirements, the policies applied in enterprise networks are rapidly shifting towards fully encrypting all traffic.

The OneFS SMB protocol implementation (lwio) has supported encryption for Windows and other SMB client connections to a PowerScale cluster since OneFS 8.1.1.


However, prior to OneFS 9.5, this did not include encrypted communications between the SMB redirector and Active Directory (AD) domain controller (DC). While Microsoft added support for SMB encryption in SMB 3.0, the redirector in OneFS 9.4 and prior releases only supported Microsoft’s earlier SMB 2.002 dialect.

When OneFS connects to Active Directory for tasks requiring remote procedure calls (RPCs), such as joining a domain, NTLM authentication, or resolving usernames and SIDs, these SMB connections are established from OneFS as the client connecting to a domain controller server.

As outlined in the Windows SMB security documentation, by default, and starting with Windows 2012 R2, domain admins can choose to encrypt access to a file share, which can include a domain controller. When encryption is enabled, only SMB3 connections are permitted.

With OneFS 9.5, the OneFS SMB redirector now supports SMB3, thereby allowing the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) daemon to communicate with domain controllers running Windows Server 2012 R2 and later over an encrypted session.

The OneFS redirector, also known as the ‘rdr driver’, is a stripped-down SMB client with minimal functionality, only supporting what is absolutely necessary.

Under the hood, OneFS SMB encryption and decryption use standard OpenSSL functions, and AES-128-CCM encryption is negotiated during SMB negotiate phase.

Although everything stems from the NTLM authentication requested by SMB server, the sequence of calls leads to the redirector establishing an SMB connection to the AD domain controller.

With OneFS 9.5, no configuration is required to enable SMB encryption in most situations, and there are no WebUI OR CLI configuration settings for the redirector.

With the default OneFS configuration, the redirector supports encryption if negotiated but it does not require it. Similarly, if the Active Directory domain requires encryption, the OneFS redirector will automatically enable and use encryption. However, if the OneFS redirector is explicitly configured to require encryption and the domain controller does not support encryption, the connection will fail.

The OneFS redirector encryption settings include:





Boolean. Default is ‘1’ == Enabled

Enable or disable SMB3 encryption for OneFS redirector.


Boolean. Default is ‘0’ == Not required.

Require or do not require the redirector connection to be encrypted.


Default is ‘max’ == SMB 3.0.2

Set the SMB dialect, so the redirector will support it.  The maximum is currently SMB 3.0.2.


The above keys and values are stored in the OneFS Likewise SMB registry and can be viewed and configured with the ‘lwreqshell’ utility. For example, to view the SMB redirector encryption config settings:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwregshell list_values "HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lwio\Parameters\Drivers\rdr" | grep -i encrypt

    "Smb3EncryptionEnabled"   REG_DWORD       0x00000001 (1)

    "Smb3EncryptionRequired" REG_DWORD       0x00000000 (0)

The following syntax can be used to disable the ‘Smb3EncryptionRequired’ parameter by setting it to value ‘1’:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwregshell set_value "[HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lwio\Parameters\Drivers\rdr]" "Smb3EncryptionRequired" "0x00000001"

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwregshell list_values "HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lwio\Parameters\Drivers\rdr" | grep -i encrypt

    "Smb3EncryptionEnabled"   REG_DWORD       0x00000001 (1)

   "Smb3EncryptionRequired" REG_DWORD       0x00000001 (1)

Similarly, to restore the ‘Smb3EncryptionRequired’ parameter’s default value of ‘0’ (ie. not required):

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwregshell set_value "[HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lwio\Parameters\Drivers\rdr]" "Smb3EncryptionEnabled" "0x00000001"

Note that, during the upgrade to OneFS 9.5, any nodes still running the old version will not be able to NTLM-authenticate if the DC they have affinity with requires encryption.

While redirector encryption is implemented in user space (in contrast to the SMB server, which is in the kernel), since it involves OpenSSL, the library does take advantage of hardware acceleration on the processor and utilizes AES-NI. As such, performance is only minimally impacted when the number of NTLM authentications to the AD domain is very large.

Also note that redirector encryption also only currently supports only AES-128-CCM encryption provided in the SMB 3.0.0 and 3.0.2 dialects. OneFS does not use AES-128-GCM encryption, available in the SMB 3.1.1 dialect (the latest), at this time.

When it comes to troubleshooting the redirector, the lwregshell tool can be used to verify its configuration settings. For example, to view the redirector encryption settings:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwregshell list_values "HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lwio\Parameters\Drivers\rdr" | grep -i encrypt

    "Smb3EncryptionEnabled"   REG_DWORD       0x00000001 (1)

    "Smb3EncryptionRequired" REG_DWORD       0x00000000 (0)

Similarly, to find the maximum SMB version supported by the redirector:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwregshell list_values "HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lwio\Parameters\Drivers\rdr" | grep -i dialect

    "MaxSmb2DialectVersion"   REG_SZ          "max"

The ‘lwsm’ CLI utility with the following syntax will confirm the status of the various lsass components:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm list | grep lsass

lsass                       [service]     running (lsass: 5164)

netlogon                    [service]     running (lsass: 5164)

rdr                         [driver]      running (lsass: 5164)

It can also be used to show and modify the logging level. For example:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm get-log rdr

<default>: syslog LOG_CIFS at WARNING

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm set-log-level rdr - debug

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm get-log rdr

<default>: syslog LOG_CIFS at DEBUG

When finished, rdr logging can be returned to its previous log level as follows:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm set-log-level rdr - warning

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm get-log rdr

<default>: syslog LOG_CIFS at WARNING

Additionally, the existing ‘lwio-tool’ utility has been modified in OneFS 9.5 to include functionality allowing simple test connections to domain controllers (no NTLM) via the new ‘rdr’ syntax:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwio-tool rdr openpipe //<domain_controller>/NETLOGON

The ‘lwio-tool’ usage in OneFS 9.5 is as follows:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwio-tool -h

Usage: lwio-tool <command> [command-args]


    iotest rundown

    rdr [openpipe|openfile] username@password://domain/path

    srvtest transport [query|start|stop]

    testfileapi [create|createnp] <path>


Author: Nick Trimbee


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Password Security Policy

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:08:49 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Among the slew of security enhancements introduced in OneFS 9.5 is the ability to mandate a more stringent password policy. This is required to comply with security requirements such as the U.S. military STIG, which stipulates:



An OS or network device must enforce a minimum 15-character password length.


An OS must require the change of at least 50% of the total number of characters when passwords are changed.


A network device must require that when a password is changed, the characters are changed in at least eight of the positions within the password.

Temporary password

The OS must allow the use of a temporary password for system logons with an immediate change to a permanent password.

The OneFS password security architecture can be summarized as follows:

Within the OneFS security subsystem, authentication is handled in OneFS by LSASSD, the daemon used to service authentication requests for lwiod.



The local security authority subsystem service (LSASS) handles authentication and identity management as users connect to the cluster.

File provider

The file provider includes users from /etc/password and groups from /etc/groups.

Local provider

The local provider includes local cluster accounts such as anonymous, guest, and so on.


The OpenSSH Daemon provides secure encrypted communications between a client and a cluster node over an insecure network.


The OneFS Platform API provides programmatic interfaces to OneFS configuration and management through a RESTful HTTPS service.

In OneFS AIMA, there are several different kinds of backend providers: Local provider, file provider, AD provider, NIS provider, and so on. Each provider is responsible for the management of users and groups inside the provider. For OneFS password policy enforcement, the local and file providers are the focus.

The local provider is based on an SamDB style file stored with prefix path of /ifs/.ifsvar, and its provider settings can be viewed by the following CLI syntax: 

# isi auth local view System 

On the other hand, the file provider is based on the FreeBSD spwd.db file, and its configuration can be viewed by the following CLI command: 

# isi auth file view System

Each provider stores and manage its own users. For the local provider, isi auth users create CLI command will create a user inside the provider by default. However, for the file provider, there is no corresponding command. Instead, the OneFS pw CLI command can be used to create a new file provider user.

After the user is created, the isi auth users modify <USER> CLI command can be used to change the attributes of the user for both the file and local providers. However, not all attributes are supported for both providers. For example, the file provider does not support password expiry.

The fundamental password policy CLI changes introduced in OneFS 9.5 are as follows:

OperationOneFS 9.5 changeDetails



Needed to provide old password for changing so that we can calculate how many chars/percent changed



Generates a temp password that meets current password policy for user to log in



Doesn't need to provide old password

A user’s password can now be set, changed, and reset by either root or admin. This is supported by the new isi auth users change-password or isi auth users reset-password CLI command syntax. The latter, for example, returns a temporary password and requires the user to change it on next login. After logging in with the temporary (albeit secure) password, OneFS immediately forces the user to change it:

# whoami
# isi auth users reset-password user1
# ssh user1@localhost
(user1@localhost) Password:
(user1@localhost) Your password has expired.
You are required to immediately change your password.
Changing password for user1
New password:
(user1@localhost) Re-enter password:
Last login: Wed May 17 08:02:47 from
PowerScale OneFS
# whoami

Also in OneFS 9.5 and later, the CLI isi auth local view system command sees the addition of four new fields:

  • Password Chars Changed
  • Password Percent Changed
  • Password Hash Type
  • Max Inactivity Days

For example:

# isi auth local view system
                    Name: System
                  Status: active
          Authentication: Yes
    Create Home Directory: Yes
 Home Directory Template: /ifs/home/%U
        Lockout Duration: Now
       Lockout Threshold: 0
          Lockout Window: Now
             Login Shell: /bin/zsh
            Machine Name:
        Min Password Age: Now
        Max Password Age: 4W
      Min Password Length: 0
     Password Prompt Time: 2W
      Password Complexity: -
 Password History Length: 0
   Password Chars Changed: 0
Password Percent Changed: 0
      Password Hash Type: NTHash
      Max Inactivity Days: 0

The following CLI command syntax configures OneFS to require a minimum password length of 15 characters, a 50% or greater change, and 8 or more characters to be altered for a successful password reset:

# isi auth local modify system --min-password-length 15 --password-chars-changed 8 --password-percent-changed 50

Next, a command is issued to create a new user, user2, with a 10-character password:

# isi auth users create user2 --password 0123456789
Failed to add user user1: The specified password does not meet the configured password complexity or history requirements

This attempt fails because the password does not meet the configured password criteria (15 chars, 50% change, 8 chars to be altered).

Instead, the password for the new account, user2, is set to an appropriate value: 0123456789abcdef. Also, the --prompt-password-change flag is used to force the user to change their password on next login.

# isi auth users create user2 --password 0123456789abcdef –prompt-password-change 1

When the user logs in to the user2 account, OneFS immediately prompts for a new password. In the following example, a non-compliant password (012345678zyxw) is entered. 

0123456789abcdef -> 012345678zyxw = Failure

This returns an unsuccessful change attempt failure because it does not meet the 15-character minimum:

# su user2
New password:
Re-enter password:
The specified password does not meet the configured password complexity requirements.
Your password must meet the following requirements:
  * Must contain at least 15 characters.
  * Must change at least 8 characters.
  * Must change at least 50% of characters.
New password:

Instead, a compliant password and successful change could be: 

0123456789abcdef -> 0123456zyxwvuts = Success

The following command can also be used to change the password for a user. For example, to update user2’s password:

# isi auth users change-password user2
Current password (hit enter if none):
New password:
Confirm new password:

If a non-compliant password is entered, the following error is returned:

Password change failed: The specified password does not meet the configured password complexity or history requirements

When employed, OneFS hardening automatically enforces security-based configurations. The hardening engine is profile-based, and its STIG security profile is predicated on security mandates specified in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Security Requirements Guides (SRGs) and Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs).

On applying the STIG hardening security profile to a cluster (isi hardening apply --profile=STIG), the password policy settings are automatically reconfigured to the following values:

FieldNormal valueSTIG hardened

Lockout Duration



Lockout Threshold



Lockout Window



Min Password Age



Max Password Age



Min Password Length



Password Prompt Time



Password Complexity


lowercase, numeric, repeat, symbol, uppercase

Password History Length



Password Chars Changed



Password Percent Changed



Password Hash Type



Max Inactivity Days



For example:

# uname -or
Isilon OneFS
# isi hardening list
Name  Description                       Status
STIG  Enable all STIG security settings Applied
Total: 1
# isi auth local view system
                    Name: System
                  Status: active
          Authentication: Yes
   Create Home Directory: Yes
 Home Directory Template: /ifs/home/%U
        Lockout Duration: Now
       Lockout Threshold: 3
          Lockout Window: 15m
             Login Shell: /bin/zsh
             Machine Name:
        Min Password Age: 1D
        Max Password Age: 8W4D
     Min Password Length: 15
    Password Prompt Time: 2W
     Password Complexity: lowercase, numeric, repeat, symbol, uppercase
 Password History Length: 5
  Password Chars Changed: 8
Password Percent Changed: 50
      Password Hash Type: SHA512
     Max Inactivity Days: 35

Note that Password Hash Type is changed from the default NTHash to the more secure SHA512 encoding, in addition to setting the various password criteria.

The OneFS 9.5 WebUI also sees several additions and alterations to the Password policy page. These include:

OperationOneFS 9.5 changeDetails

Policy page


New Password policy page under Access > Membership and roles



Generates a random password that meets current password policy for user to log in

The most obvious change is the transfer of the policy configuration elements from the local provider page to a new dedicated Password policy page.

Here’s the OneFS 9.4 View a local provider page, under Access > Authentication providers > Local providers > System:

This is replaced and augmented in the OneFS 9.5 WebUI with the following page, located under Access > Membership and roles > Password policy:

New password policy configuration options are included to require uppercase, lowercase, numeric, or special characters and limit the number of contiguous repeats of a character, and so on.

When it comes to changing a password, only a permitted user can make their change. This can be performed from a couple of locations in the WebUI. First, the user options on the task bar at the top of each screen now provides a Change password option:

A pop-up warning message will also be displayed by the WebUI, informing the user when password expiration is imminent. This warning provides a Change Password link:

Clicking on the Change Password link displays the following page:

A new password complexity tool-tip message is also displayed, informing the user of safe password selection.

Note that re-login is required after a password change.

On the Users page under Access > Membership and roles > Users, the Action drop-down list on the now also contains a Reset Password option:

The successful reset confirmation pop-up offers both a show and copy option, while informing the cluster administrator to share the new password with the user, and for them to change their password during their next login:  

The Create user page now provides an additional field that requires password confirmation. Additionally, the password complexity tool-tip message is also displayed:

The redesigned Edit user details page no longer provides a field to edit the password directly:

Instead, the Action drop-down list on the Users page now contains a Reset Password option. 

Author: Nick Trimbee


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Key Manager Rekey Support

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 24 Jul 2023 19:16:34 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The OneFS key manager is a backend service that orchestrates the storage of sensitive information for PowerScale clusters. To satisfy Dell’s Secure Infrastructure Ready requirements and other public and private sector security mandates, the manager provides the ability to replace, or rekey, cryptographic keys.

The quintessential consumer of OneFS key management is data-at-rest encryption (DARE). Protecting sensitive data stored on the cluster with cryptography ensures that it’s guarded against theft, in the event that drives or nodes are removed from a PowerScale cluster. DARE is a requirement for federal and industry regulations, ensuring data is encrypted when it is stored. OneFS has provided DARE solutions for many years through secure encrypted drives (SEDs) and the OneFS key management system.

A 256-bit key (MK) encrypts the Key Manager Database (KMDB) for SED and cluster domains. In OneFS 9.2 and later, the MK for SEDs can either be stored off-cluster on a KMIP server or locally on a node (the legacy behavior).

However, there are a variety of other consumers of the OneFS key manager, in addition to DARE. These include services and protocols such as:



Cluster event log


Cluster tier to cloud service


Electronic mail


File transfer protocol


Intelligent platform management interface for remote cluster console access


JSON web tokens


Network data management protocol for cluster backups and DR


Active directory and Kerberos password store


S3 object protocol


Cluster replication service


OneFS push and pull replication cluster and cloud replication service


Simple network monitoring protocol


Old Dell support remote cluster connectivity


Single sign-on


Remote cluster connectivity to Dell Support

 OneFS 9.5 introduces a number of enhancements to the venerable key manager, including:

  • The ability to rekey keystores. Rekey operation will generate a new MK and re-encrypt all entries stored with the new key.
  • New CLI commands and WebUI options to perform a rekey operation or schedule key rotation on a time interval.
  • New commands to monitor the progress and status of a rekey operation.

As such, OneFS 9.5 now provides the ability to rekey the MK, irrespective of where it is stored.

Note that when you are upgrading from an earlier OneFS release, the new rekey functionality is only available once the OneFS 9.5 upgrade has been committed.

Under the hood, each provider store in the key manager consists of secure backend storage and an MK. Entries are kept in a SQLite database or key-value store. A provider datastore uses its MK to encrypt all its entries within the store.

During the rekey process, the old MK is only deleted after a successful re-encryption with the new MK. If for any reason the process fails, the old MK is available and remains as the current MK. The rekey daemon retries the rekey every 15 minutes if the process fails.

The OneFS rekey process is as follows:

  1. A new MK is generated, and internal configuration is updated.
  2. Any entries in the provider store are decrypted and encrypted with the new MK.
  3. If the prior steps are successful, the previous MK is deleted.

To support the rekey process, the MK in OneFS 9.5 now has an ID associated with it. All entries have a new field referencing the MK ID.

During the rekey operation, there are two MK values with different IDs, and all entries in the database will associate which key they are encrypted by.

In OneFS 9.5, the rekey configuration and management is split between the cluster keys and the SED keys:

Rekey componentDetail


  • SED provider keystore is stored locally on each node.
  • SED provider domain already had existing CLI commands for handling KMIP settings in prior releases.


  • Controls all cluster-wide keystore domains.
  • Status shows information of all cluster provider domains.

SED keys rekey

The SED key manager rekey operation can be managed through a DARE cluster’s CLI or WebUI, and it can either be automatically scheduled or run manually on demand. The following CLI syntax can be used to manually initiate a rekey:

# isi keymanager sed rekey start

Alternatively, to schedule a rekey operation, for example, to schedule a key rotation every two months:

# isi keymanager sed rekey modify --key-rotation=2m

The key manager status for SEDs can be viewed as follows:

# isi keymanager sed status
 Node Status  Location   Remote Key ID  Key Creation Date   Error Info(if any)
1   LOCAL   Local                    1970-01-01T00:00:00
Total: 1

Alternatively, from the WebUI, go to Access > Key Management >  SED/Cluster Rekey, select Automatic rekey for SED keys, and configure the rekey frequency:

Note that for SED rekey operations, if a migration from local cluster key management to a KMIP server is in progress, the rekey process will begin once the migration is complete.

Cluster keys rekey

As mentioned previously, OneFS 9.5 also supports the rekey of cluster keystore domains. This cluster rekey operation is available through the CLI and the WebUI and may either be scheduled or run on demand. The available cluster domains can be queried by running the following CLI syntax:

# isi keymanager cluster status
Domain     Status  Key Creation Date   Error Info(if any)
CELOG      ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
CERTSTORE  ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
CLOUDPOOLS ACTIVE   2023-04-06T09:19:16
EMAIL      ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
FTP        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
IPMI_MGMT  IN_PROGRESS  2023-04-06T09:19:16
JWT        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
LHOTSE     ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:11
NDMP       ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
NETWORK    ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
PSTORE     ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
RICE       ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
S3         ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SIQ        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SNMP       ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SRS        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SSO        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
Total: 17

The rekey process generates a new key and re-encrypts the entries for the domain. The old key is then deleted.

Performance-wise, the rekey process does consume cluster resources (CPU and disk) as a result of the re-encryption phase, which is fairly write-intensive. As such, a good practice is to perform rekey operations outside of core business hours or during scheduled cluster maintenance windows.

During the rekey process, the old MK is only deleted once a successful re-encryption with the new MK has been confirmed. In the event of a rekey process failure, the old MK is available and remains as the current MK.

A rekey may be requested immediately or may be scheduled with a cadence. The rekey operation is available through the CLI and the WebUI. In the WebUI, go to Access > Key Management > SED/Cluster Rekey.

To start a rekey of the cluster domains immediately, from the CLI run the following syntax:

# isi keymanager cluster rekey start 
Are you sure you want to rekey the master passphrase? (yes/[no]):yes

Alternatively, from the WebUI, go to Access under the SED/Cluster Rekey tab, and click Rekey Now next to Cluster keys:

A scheduled rekey of the cluster keys (excluding the SED keys) can be configured from the CLI with the following syntax:

# isi keymanager cluster rekey modify –-key-rotation [YMWDhms]

Specify the frequency of the Key Rotation field as an integer, using Y for years, M for months, W for weeks, D for days, h for hours, m for minutes, and s for seconds. For example, the following command will schedule the cluster rekey operation to run every six weeks:

# isi keymanager cluster rekey view
 Rekey Time: 1970-01-01T00:00:00
 Key Rotation: Never
 # isi keymanager cluster rekey modify --key-rotation 6W
 # isi keymanager cluster rekey view
 Rekey Time: 2023-04-28T18:38:45
 Key Rotation: 6W

The rekey configuration can be easily reverted back to on demand from a schedule as follows:

# isi keymanager cluster rekey modify --key-rotation Never
 # isi keymanager cluster rekey view
 Rekey Time: 2023-04-28T18:38:45
 Key Rotation: Never

Alternatively, from the WebUI, under the SED/Cluster Rekey tab, select the Automatic rekey for Cluster keys checkbox and specify the rekey frequency. For example:

In an event of a rekeying failure, a CELOG KeyManagerRekeyFailed or KeyManagerSedsRekeyFailed event is created. Since SED rekey is a node-local operation, the KeyManagerSedsRekeyFailed event information will also include which node experienced the failure.

Additionally, current cluster rekey status can also be queried with the following CLI command:

# isi keymanager cluster status
Domain     Status  Key Creation Date   Error Info(if any)
CELOG      ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
CERTSTORE  ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
CLOUDPOOLS ACTIVE   2023-04-06T09:19:16
EMAIL      ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
FTP        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
IPMI_MGMT  ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
JWT        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
LHOTSE     ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:11
NDMP       ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
NETWORK    ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
PSTORE     ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
RICE       ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
S3         ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SIQ        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SNMP       ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SRS        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
SSO        ACTIVE  2023-04-06T09:19:16
Total: 17

Or, for SEDs rekey status:

# isi keymanager sed status
 Node Status  Location   Remote Key ID  Key Creation Date   Error Info(if any)
1   LOCAL   Local                    1970-01-01T00:00:00
2   LOCAL   Local                    1970-01-01T00:00:00
3   LOCAL   Local                    1970-01-01T00:00:00
4   LOCAL   Local                    1970-01-01T00:00:00
Total: 4

The rekey process also outputs to the /var/log/isi_km_d.log file, which is a useful source for additional troubleshooting.

If an error in rekey occurs, the previous MK is not deleted, so entries in the provider store can still be created and read as normal. The key manager daemon will retry the rekey operation in the background every 15 minutes until it succeeds.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS single sign-on SSO SAML

OneFS WebUI Single Sign-on Configuration and Deployment

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 20 Jul 2023 18:27:32 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the first article in this series, we took a look at the architecture of the new OneFS WebUI SSO functionality. Now, we move on to its provisioning and setup.

SSO on PowerScale can be configured through either the OneFS WebUI or CLI. OneFS 9.5 debuts a new dedicated WebUI SSO configuration page under Access > Authentication Providers > SSO. Alternatively, for command line afficionados, the CLI now includes a new isi auth sso command set.

Here is the overall configuration flow:


1.  Upgrade to OneFS 9.5

First, ensure the cluster is running OneFS 9.5 or a later release. If upgrading from an earlier OneFS version, note that the SSO service requires this upgrade to be committed prior to configuration and use.

Next, configure an SSO administrator. In OneFS, this account requires at least one of the following privileges:



Required for the admin to use the OneFS WebUI to administer SSO


Required for the admin to use the OneFS CLI through SSH to administer SSO


Required for the admin to use the OneFS CLI on the serial console to administer SSO

The user account used for identity provider management should have an associated email address configured.

2.  Setup Identity Provider

OneFS SSO activation also requires having a suitable identity provider (IdP), such as ADFS, provisioned and available before setting up OneFS SSO.

ADFS can be configured through either the Windows GUI or command shell, and detailed information on the deployment and configuration of ADFS can be found in the Microsoft Windows Server documentation.

The Windows remote desktop utility (RDP) can be used to provision, connect to, and configure an ADFS server.

  1. When connected to ADFS, configure a rule defining access. For example, the following command line syntax can be used to create a simple rule that permits all users to log in:
    $AuthRules = @" 
    @RuleTemplate="AllowAllAuthzRule" => issue(Type = " 
    authorization/claims/permit", Value="true"); 

    or from the ADFS UI:

    Note that more complex rules can be crafted to meet the particular requirements of an organization.
  2. Create a rule parameter to map the Active Directory user email address to the SAML NameID.
    $TransformRules = @" 
    @RuleTemplate = "LdapClaims" 
    @RuleName = "LDAP mail" 
    c:[Type == " 
    windowsaccountname", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"] 
          => issue(store = "Active Directory", 
               types = 
               emailaddress"), query = ";mail;{0}", param = c.Value); 
    @RuleTemplate = "MapClaims" 
    @RuleName = "NameID" 
    c:[Type == 
          => issue(Type = 
    nameidentifier", Issuer = c.
                Issuer, OriginalIssuer = c.OriginalIssuer, 
                Value = c.Value, ValueType = c.ValueType, 
                / claimproperties/format"] = 
  3. Configure AD to trust the OneFS WebUI certificate.
  4. Create the relying party trust.

    Add-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -Name <cluster-name>\ 
         -MetadataUrl "https://<cluster-node-
    ip>:8080/session/1/saml/metadata" \ 
         -IssuanceAuthorizationRules $AuthRules -IssuanceTransformRules 

or from Windows Server Manager:

3.  Select Access Zone

 Because OneFS SSO is zone-aware, the next step involves choosing the access zone to configure. Go to Access > Authentication providers > SSO, select an access zone (that is, the system zone), and click Add IdP.

 Note that each of a cluster’s access zone or zones must have an IdP configured for it. The same IdP can be used for all the zones, but each access zone must be configured separately.

4.  Add IdP Configuration

 In OneFS 9.5 and later, the WebUI SSO configuration is a wizard-driven, “guided workflow” process involving the following steps:

First, go to Access > Authentication providers > SSO, select an access zone (that is, the system zone), and then click Add IdP.

On the Add Identity Provider page, enter a unique name for the IdP. For example, Isln-IdP1 in this case:

When done, click Next, select the default Upload metadata XML option, and browse to the XML file downloaded from the ADFS system:

Alternatively, if the preference is to enter the information by hand, select Manual entry and complete the configuration form fields:

If the manual entry method is selected, you must have the IdP certificate ready to upload. With the manual entry option, the following information is required:



Select POST or Redirect binding.

Entity ID

Unique identifier of the IdP as configured on the IdP. For example:

Login URL

Log in endpoint for the IdP. For example:

Logout URL

Log out endpoint for the IdP. For example:

Signing Certificate

Provide the PEM encoded certificate obtained from the IdP. This certificate is required to verify messages from the IdP.

Upload the IdP certificate:

For example:

Repeat this step for each access zone in which SSO is to be configured.

When complete, click Next to move on to the service provider configuration step.

5.  Configure Service Provider

 On the Service Provider page, confirm that the current access zone is carried over from the previous page.

Select Metadata download or Manual copy, depending on the chosen method of entering OneFS details about this service provider (SP) to the IdP.

Provide the hostname or IP address for the SP for the current access zone.

Click Generate to create the information (metadata) about OneFS and this access zone for use in configuring the IdP.

This generated information can now be used to configure the IdP (in this case, Windows ADFS) to accept requests from PowerScale as the SP and its configured access zone.

As shown, the WebUI page provides two methods for obtaining the information:


Metadata download

Download the XML file that contains the signing certificate, etc.

Manual copy

Select Copy Link in the lower half of the form to copy the information to the IdP.

Next, download the Signing Certificate.

When completed, click Next to finish the configuration.

6.  Enable SSO and Verify Operation

Once the IdP and SP are configured, a cluster admin can enable SSO per access zone through the OneFS WebUI by going to Access > Authentication providers > SSO. From here, select the access zone and select the toggle to enable SSO:

 Or from the OneFS CLI, use the following syntax:

# isi auth sso settings modify --sso-enabled 1


Author: Nick Trimbee


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PowerScale OneFS single sign-on SSO SAML

OneFS WebUI Single Sign-on

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 20 Jul 2023 16:32:13 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard for sharing security information about identity, authentication, and authorization across different systems. SAML is implemented using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) standard for sharing data. The SAML framework enables single sign-on (SSO), which in turn allows users to log in once, and their login credential can be reused to authenticate with and access other different service providers. It defines several entities including end users, service providers, and identity providers, and is used to manage identity information. For example, the Windows Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is one of the ubiquitous identity providers for SAML contexts.


End user

Requires authentication prior to being allowed to use an application.

Identity provider (IdP)

Performs authentication and passes the user's identity and authorization level to the service provider—for example, ADFS.

Service provider (SP)

Trusts the identity provider and authorizes the given user to access the requested resource. With SAML 2.0, a PowerScale cluster is a service provider. 

SAML Assertion

XML document that the identity provider sends to the service provider that contains the user authorization. 

OneFS 9.5 introduces SAML-based SSO for the WebUI to provide a more convenient authentication method, in addition to meeting the security compliance requirements for federal and enterprise customers. In OneFS 9.5, the WebUI’s initial login page has been redesigned to support SSO and, when enabled, a new Log in with SSO button is displayed on the login page under the traditional username and password text boxes. For example:

OneFS SSO is also zone-aware in support of multi-tenant cluster configurations. As such, a separate IdP can be configured independently for each OneFS access zone.

Under the hood, OneFS SSO employs the following high-level architecture:


In OneFS 9.5, the SSO operates through HTTP REDIRECT and POST bindings, with the cluster acting as the service provider. 

There are three different types of SAML Assertions—authentication, attribute, and authorization decision.

  • Authentication assertions prove identification of the user and provide the time the user logged in and what method of authentication they used (that is, Kerberos, two-factor, and so on).
  • The attribution assertion passes the SAML attributes to the service provider. SAML attributes are specific pieces of data that provide information about the user.
  • An authorization decision assertion states whether the user is authorized to use the service or if the identify provider denied their request due to a password failure or lack of rights to the service.

SAML SSO works by transferring the user’s identity from one place (the identity provider) to another (the service provider). This is done through an exchange of digitally signed XML documents.

A SAML Request, also known as an authentication request, is generated by the service provider to “request” an authentication.

A SAML Response is generated by the identity provider and contains the actual assertion of the authenticated user. In addition, a SAML Response may contain additional information, such as user profile information and group/role information, depending on what the service provider can support. Note that the service provider never directly interacts with the identity provider, with a browser acting as the agent facilitating any redirections.

Because SAML authentication is asynchronous, the service provider does not maintain the state of any authentication requests. As such, when the service provider receives a response from an identity provider, the response must contain all the necessary information.

The general flow is as follows:

When OneFS redirects a user to the configured IdP for login, it makes an HTTP GET request (SAMLRequest), instructing the IdP that the cluster is attempting to perform a login (SAMLAuthnRequest). When the user successfully authenticates, the IdP responds back to OneFS with an HTTP POST containing an HTML form (SAMLResponse) that indicates whether the login was successful, who logged in, plus any additional claims configured on the IdP. 

On receiving the SAMLResponse, OneFS verifies the signature using the public key (X.509 certificate) in to ensure that it really came from its trusted IdP and that none of the contents have been tampered with. OneFS then extracts the identity of the user, along with any other pertinent attributes. At this point, the user is redirected back to the OneFS WebUI dashboard (landing page), as if logged into the site manually.

In the next article in this series, we’ll take a detailed look at the following procedure to deploy SSO on a PowerScale cluster:


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS STIG

OneFS Account Security Policy

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 20 Jul 2023 16:23:21 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Another of the core security enhancements introduced in OneFS 9.5 is the ability to enforce strict user account security policies. This is required for compliance with both private and public sector security mandates. For example, the account policy restriction requirements expressed within the U.S. military STIG requirements stipulate:



The OS must enforce a delay of at least 4 seconds between logon prompts following a failed logon attempt.


The OS must disable account identifiers (individuals, groups, roles, and devices) after 35 days of inactivity.


The OS must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.

 To directly address these security edicts, OneFS 9.5 adds the following account policy restriction controls:

Account policy functionDetails

Delay after failed login

  • After a failed login, OneFS enforces a configurable delay for subsequent logins on same cluster node 
  • Only applicable to administrative logins (not Protocol logins) 

Disable inactive accounts

  • Disables an inactive account after specified number of days. 
  • Only applicable to Local user accounts 
  • Cluster wide 

Concurrent session limit

  • Limits the number of active sessions a user can have on a cluster node 
  • Only applicable to administrative logins 
  • Node specific


OneFS provides a variety of access mechanisms for administering a cluster. These include SSH, serial console, WebUI, and platform API, all of which use different underlying access methods. The serial console and SSH are standard FreeBSD third-party applications and are accounted for per node, whereas the WebUI and pAPI use HTTP module extensions to facilitate access to the system and services and are accounted for cluster-wide. Before OneFS 9.5, there was no common mechanism to represent or account for sessions across these disparate applications.

Under the hood, the OneFS account security policy framework encompasses the following high-level architecture: 


With SSH, there’s no explicit or reliable “log-off” event sent to OneFS, beyond actually disconnecting the connection. As such, accounting for active sessions can be problematic and unreliable, especially when connections time out or unexpectedly disconnect. However, OneFS does include an accounting database that stores records of system activities like user login and logout, which can be queried to determine active SSH sessions. Each active SSH connection has an isi_ssh_d process owned by the account associated with it, and this information can be gathered via standard syscalls. OneFS enumerates the number of SSHD processes per account to calculate the total number of active established sessions. This value is then used as part of the total concurrent administrative sessions limit. Since SSH only supports user access through the system zone, there is no need for any zone-aware accounting.

The WebUI and platform API use JSON web tokens (JWTs) for authenticated sessions. OneFS stores the JWTs in the cluster-wide kvstore, and access policy uses valid session tokens in the kvstore to account for active sessions when a user logs on through the WebUI or pAPI. When the user logs off, the associated token is removed, and a message is sent to JWT service with an explicit log off notification. If a session times out or disconnects, the JWT service will not get an event, but the tokens have a limited, short lifespan, and any expired tokens are purged from the list on a scheduled basis in conjunction with the JWT timer. OneFS enumerates the unique session IDs associated with each user’s JWT tokens in the kvstore to get a number of active WebUI and pAPI sessions to use as part of user’s session limit check.

For serial console access accounting, the process table will have information when an STTY connection is active, and OneFS extrapolates user data from it to determine the session count, similar to ssh with a syscall for process data. There is an accounting database that stores records of system activities like user login and logout, which is also queried for active console sessions. Serial console access is only from the system zone, so there is no need for zone-aware accounting.

An API call retrieves user session data from the process table and kvstore to calculate number of user active sessions. As such, the checking and enforcement of session limits is performed in similar manner to the verification of user privileges for SSH, serial console, or WebUI access.

Delaying failed login reconnections

OneFS 9.5 provides the ability to enforce a configurable delay period. This delay is specified in seconds, after which every unsuccessful authentication attempt results in the user being denied the ability to reconnect to the cluster until after the configured delay period has passed. The login delay period is defined in seconds through the FailedLoginDelayTime global attribute and, by default, OneFS is configured for no delay through a FailedLoginDelayTime value of 0. When a cluster is placed into hardened mode with the STIG policy enacted, the delay value is automatically set to 4 seconds. Note that the delay happens in the lsass client, so that the authentication service is not affected.

The configured failed login delay time limit can be viewed with following CLI command:

# isi auth settings global view
                            Send NTLMv2: No
                      Space Replacement:
                              Workgroup: WORKGROUP
               Provider Hostname Lookup: disabled
                          Alloc Retries: 5
                 User Object Cache Size: 47.68M
                       On Disk Identity: native
                         RPC Block Time: Now
                       RPC Max Requests: 64
                            RPC Timeout: 30s
Default LDAP TLS Revocation Check Level: none
                   System GID Threshold: 80
                   System UID Threshold: 80
                         Min Mapped Rid: 2147483648
                              Group UID: 4294967292
                               Null GID: 4294967293
                               Null UID: 4294967293
                            Unknown GID: 4294967294
                            Unknown UID: 4294967294
                Failed Login Delay Time: Now
               Concurrent Session Limit: 0

Similarly, the following syntax will configure the failed login delay time to a value of 4 seconds:

# isi auth settings global modify --failed-login-delay-time 4s
# isi auth settings global view | grep -i delay
                Failed Login Delay Time: 4s

However, when a cluster is put into STIG hardening mode, the “Concurrent sessions limit” is automatically set to 10.

# isi auth settings global view | grep -i delay
                Failed Login Delay Time: 10s

The delay time after login failure can also be configured from the WebUI under Access > Settings Global provider settings:

The valid range of the FailedLoginDelayTime global attribute is from 0 to 65535, and the delay time is limited to the same cluster node.

Note that this maximum session limit is only applicable to administrative logins.

Disabling inactive accounts

In OneFS 9.5, any user account that has been inactive for a configurable duration can be automatically disabled. Administrative intervention is required to re-enable a deactivated user account. The last activity time of a user is determined by their previous logon, and a timer runs every midnight during which all “inactive” accounts are disabled. If the last logon record for a user is unavailable, or stale, the timestamp when the account was enabled is taken as their last activity instead. If inactivity tracking is enabled after the last logon (or enabled) time of a user, the inactivity tracking time is considered for inactivity period.

This feature is disabled by default in OneFS, and all users are exempted from inactivity tracking until configured otherwise. However, individual accounts can be exempted from this behavior, and this can be configured through the user-specific DisableWhenInactive attribute. For example:

# isi auth user view user1 | grep -i inactive
   Disable When Inactive: Yes
# isi auth user modify user1 --disable-when-inactive 0
# isi auth user view user1 | grep -i inactive
   Disable When Inactive: No

If a cluster is put into STIG hardened mode, the value for the MaxInactivityDays parameter is automatically reconfigured to 35, meaning a user will be disabled after 35 days of inactivity. All the local users are removed from exemption when in STIG hardened mode.

Note that this functionality is limited to only the local provider and does not apply to file providers.

The inactive account disabling configuration can be viewed from the CLI with the following syntax. In this example, the MaxInactivityDays attribute is configured for 35 days:

# isi auth local view system
                    Name: System
                  Status: active
          Authentication: Yes
   Create Home Directory: Yes
 Home Directory Template: /ifs/home/%U
        Lockout Duration: Now
       Lockout Threshold: 0
          Lockout Window: Now
             Login Shell: /bin/zsh
            Machine Name:
        Min Password Age: Now
        Max Password Age: 4W
     Min Password Length: 15
    Password Prompt Time: 2W
     Password Complexity: -
 Password History Length: 0
  Password Chars Changed: 8
Password Percent Changed: 50
      Password Hash Type: NTHash
     Max Inactivity Days: 35

Inactive account disabling can also be configured from the WebUI under Access > Authentication providers > Local provider:

The valid range of the MaxInactivityDays parameter is from 0 to UINT_MAX. As such, the following CLI syntax will configure the maximum number of days a user account can be inactive before it will be disabled to 10 days:

# isi auth local modify system --max-inactivity-days 10
# isi auth local view system | grep -i inactiv
     Max Inactivity Days: 0tem –max-inactivity-days 10

Setting this value to 0 days will disable the feature:

# isi auth local modify system --max-inactivity-days 0
# isi auth local view system | grep -i inactiv
     Max Inactivity Days: 0tem –max-inactivity-days 0

Inactivity account disabling, as well as password expiry, can also be configured granularly, per user account. For example, user1 has a default configuration of the Disable When Inactive threshold set to No.

# isi auth users view user1
                    Name: user1
                      DN: CN=user1,CN=Users,DC=GLADOS
              DNS Domain: -
                  Domain: GLADOS
                Provider: lsa-local-provider:System
        Sam Account Name: user1
                     UID: 2000
                     SID: S-1-5-21-1839173366-2940572996-2365153926-1000
                 Enabled: Yes
                 Expired: No
                  Expiry: -
                  Locked: No
                   Email: -
                   GECOS: -
           Generated GID: No
           Generated UID: No
           Generated UPN: Yes
           Primary Group
                          ID: GID:1800
                        Name: Isilon Users
          Home Directory: /ifs/home/user1
        Max Password Age: 4W
        Password Expired: No
         Password Expiry: 2023-06-15T17:45:55
       Password Last Set: 2023-05-18T17:45:55
        Password Expired: No
              Last Logon: -
                   Shell: /bin/zsh
                     UPN: user1@GLADOS
User Can Change Password: Yes
   Disable When Inactive: No

The following CLI command will activate the account inactivity disabling setting and enable password expiry for the user1 account:

# isi auth users modify user1 --disable-when-inactive Yes --password-expires Yes 

Inactive account disabling can also be configured from the WebUI under Access > Membership and roles > Users > Providers:


Limiting concurrent sessions

OneFS 9.5 can limit the number of administrative sessions active on a OneFS cluster node, and all WebUI, SSH, pAPI, and serial console sessions are accounted for when calculating the session limit. The SSH and console session count is node-local, whereas WebUI and pAPI sessions are tracked cluster-wide. As such, the formula used to calculate a node’s total active sessions is as follows:

Total active user sessions on a node = Total WebUI and pAPI sessions across the cluster + Total SSH and Console sessions on the node

This feature leverages the cluster-wide session management through JWT for calculating the total number of sessions on a cluster’s node. By default, OneFS 9.5 has no configured limit, and the Concurrent Session Limit parameter has a value of 0. For example:

# isi auth settings global view
                            Send NTLMv2: No
                      Space Replacement:
                              Workgroup: WORKGROUP
               Provider Hostname Lookup: disabled
                          Alloc Retries: 5
                 User Object Cache Size: 47.68M
                       On Disk Identity: native
                         RPC Block Time: Now
                       RPC Max Requests: 64
                            RPC Timeout: 30s
Default LDAP TLS Revocation Check Level: none
                   System GID Threshold: 80
                   System UID Threshold: 80
                         Min Mapped Rid: 2147483648
                              Group UID: 4294967292
                               Null GID: 4294967293
                               Null UID: 4294967293
                            Unknown GID: 4294967294
                            Unknown UID: 4294967294
                Failed Login Delay Time: Now
               Concurrent Session Limit: 0

The following CLI syntax will configure Concurrent Session Limit to a value of 5:

# isi auth settings global modify –-concurrent-session-limit 5
# isi auth settings global view | grep -i concur
                Concurrent Session Limit: 5

Once the session limit has been exceeded, attempts to connect, in this case as root through SSH, will be met with the following Access denied error message:

login as: root
Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
| Password:
End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server                      
Access denied

The concurrent sessions limit can also be configured from the WebUI under Access > Settings > Global provider settings:

However, when a cluster is put into STIG hardening mode, the concurrent session limit is automatically set to a maximum of 10 sessions.

Note that this maximum session limit is only applicable to administrative logins.


Disabling an account after a period of inactivity in OneFS requires a SQLite database update every time a user has successfully logged on to the OneFS cluster. After a successful logon, the time to logon is recorded in the database, which is later used to compute the inactivity period.

Inactivity tracking is disabled by default in OneFS 9.5, but can be easily enabled by configuring the MaxInactivityDays attribute to a non-zero value. In cases where inactivity tracking is enabled and many users are not exempt from inactivity tracking, a significant number of logons within a short period of time can generate significant SQLite database requests. However, OneFS consolidates multiple database updates during user logon to a single commit to minimize the overall load.


When it comes to troubleshooting OneFS account security policy configurations, there are these main logfiles to check:

  • /var/log/lsassd.log
  • /var/log/messages
  • /var/log/isi_papi_d.log

For additional reporting detail, debug level logging can be enabled on the lsassd.log file with the following CLI command:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm set-log-level lsass – debug

When finished, logging can be returned to the regular error level:

# /us/likewise/bin/lwsm set-log-level lsass - error

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Restricted Shell—Log Viewing and Recovery

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 20:37:27 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Complementary to the restricted shell itself, which was covered in the previous article in this series, OneFS 9.5 also sees the addition of a new log viewer, plus a recovery shell option.


The new isi_log_access CLI utility enables an SSH user to read, page, and query the log files in the /var/log directory. The ability to run this tool is governed by the user’s role being granted the ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT role-based access control (RBAC) privilege.

OneFS RBAC is used to explicitly limit who has access to the range of cluster configurations and operations. This granular control allows for crafting of administrative roles, which can create and manage the various OneFS core components and data services, isolating each to specific security roles or to admin only, and so on.

In this case, a cluster security administrator selects the access zone, creates a zone-aware role within it, assigns the ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT privileges for isi_log_access use, and then assigns users to the role.

Note that the integrated OneFS AuditAdmin RBAC role does not contain the ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT privileges by default. Also, the integrated RBAC roles cannot be reconfigured:

# isi auth roles modify AuditAdmin --add-priv=ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT
The privileges of built-in role AuditAdmin cannot be modified

Therefore, the ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT role has to be added to a custom role.

For example, the following CLI syntax adds the user usr_admin_restricted to the rl_ssh role and adds the privilege ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT to the rl_ssh role:

# isi auth roles modify rl_ssh --add-user=usr_admin_restricted
# isi auth roles modify rl_ssh --add-priv=ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT
# isi auth roles view rl_ssh
        Name: rl_ssh
 Description: -
     Members: u_ssh_restricted
              ID: ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_SSH
      Permission: r
      Permission: r

The usr_admin_restricted user could also be added to the AuditAdmin role:

# isi auth roles modify AuditAdmin --add-user=usr_admin_restricted
# isi auth roles view AuditAdmin | grep -i member
     Members: usr_admin_restricted

The isi_log_access tool supports the following command options and arguments:



Match a pattern against the file and display on stdout


Display the command description and usage message


List all the files in the /var/log tree


Display the file on stdout with a pager in secure_mode


Display the file on stdout with a pager in secure_mode


Display the file on stdout


Display the end of the file and new content as it is written


Match a pattern against the unzipped file contents and display on stdout


Display an unzipped version of the file on stdout

Here the u_admin_restricted user logs in to the SSH and runs the isi_log_access utility to list the /var/log/messages log file:

# ssh u_admin_restricted@
 Last login: Wed May  3 18:02:18 2023 from
 Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
 Copyright (c) 1992-2018 The FreeBSD Project.
 Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
         The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
PowerScale OneFS
Allowed commands are
         clear ...
         isi ...
         isi_recovery_shell ...
         isi_log_access ...
 # isi_log_access –list
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         alert.log
 Fri May  5 00:30:00 2023       62         all.log
 Fri May  5 00:30:00 2023       99         all.log.0.gz
 Fri May  5 00:00:00 2023       106        all.log.1.gz
 Thu May  4 00:30:00 2023       100        all.log.2.gz
 Thu May  4 00:00:00 2023       107        all.log.3.gz
 Wed May  3 00:30:00 2023       99         all.log.4.gz
 Wed May  3 00:00:00 2023       107        all.log.5.gz
 Tue May  2 00:30:00 2023       100        all.log.6.gz
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         audit_config.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         audit_protocol.log
 Fri May  5 17:23:53 2023       82064      auth.log
 Sat Apr 22 12:09:31 2023       10750      auth.log.0.gz
 Mon Apr 10 15:31:36 2023       0          bam.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         boxend.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         bwt.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         cloud_interface.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         console.log
 Fri May  5 18:20:32 2023       23769      cron
 Fri May  5 15:30:00 2023       8803       cron.0.gz
 Fri May  5 03:10:00 2023       9013       cron.1.gz
 Thu May  4 15:00:00 2023       8847       cron.2.gz
 Fri May  5 03:01:02 2023       3012       daily.log
 Fri May  5 00:30:00 2023       101        daily.log.0.gz
 Fri May  5 00:00:00 2023       1201       daily.log.1.gz
 Thu May  4 00:30:00 2023       102        daily.log.2.gz
 Thu May  4 00:00:00 2023       1637       daily.log.3.gz
 Wed May  3 00:30:00 2023       101        daily.log.4.gz
 Wed May  3 00:00:00 2023       1200       daily.log.5.gz
 Tue May  2 00:30:00 2023       102        daily.log.6.gz
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         debug.log
 Tue Apr 11 12:29:37 2023       3694       diskpools.log
 Fri May  5 03:01:00 2023       244566
 Thu May  4 03:01:00 2023       244662     dmesg.yesterday
 Tue Apr 11 11:49:32 2023       788        drive_purposing.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         ethmixer.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         gssd.log
 Fri May  5 00:00:35 2023       41641      hardening.log
 Mon Apr 10 15:31:05 2023       17996      hardening_engine.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         hdfs.log
 Fri May  5 15:51:28 2023       31359      hw_ata.log
 Fri May  5 15:51:28 2023       56527      hw_da.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         hw_nvd.log
 Mon Apr 10 14:22:18 2023       56         idi.log

In addition to parsing an entire log file with the more and less flags, the isi_log_access utility can also be used to watch (that is, tail) a log. For example, the /var/log/messages log file:

% isi_log_access --watch messages
 2023-05-03T18:00:12.233916-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68236]: Called ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access', 'messages'], which returned 2.
 2023-05-03T18:00:23.759198-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68236]: Calling ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access'].
 2023-05-03T18:00:23.797928-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68236]: Called ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access'], which returned 0.
 2023-05-03T18:00:36.077093-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68236]: Calling ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access', '--help'].
 2023-05-03T18:00:36.119688-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68236]: Called ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access', '--help'], which returned 0.
 2023-05-03T18:02:14.545070-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68236]: Command not in list of allowed commands.
 2023-05-03T18:02:50.384665-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68594]: Calling ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access', '--list'].
 2023-05-03T18:02:50.440518-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68594]: Called ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access', '--list'], which returned 0.
 2023-05-03T18:03:13.362411-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68594]: Command not in list of allowed commands.
 2023-05-03T18:03:52.107538-04:00 <1.5> h7001-2(id2) limited[68738]: Calling ['/usr/bin/isi_log_access', '--watch', 'messages'].

As expected, the last few lines of the messages log file are displayed. These log entries include the command audit entries for the usr_admin_secure user running the isi_log_access utility with both the --help, --list, and --watch arguments.

The isi_log_access utility also allows zipped log files to be read (–zview) or searched (–zgrep) without uncompressing them. For example, to find all the usr_admin entries in the zipped vmlog.0.gz file:

# isi_log_access --zgrep usr_admin vmlog.0.gz
0.0 64468 usr_admin_restricted /usr/local/bin/zsh 
    0.0 64346 usr_admin_restricted python /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ (python3.8)
    0.0 64468 usr_admin_restricted /usr/local/bin/zsh
    0.0 64346 usr_admin_restricted python /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ (python3.8)
    0.0 64342 usr_admin_restricted sshd: usr_admin_restricted@pts/3 (sshd)
    0.0 64331 root               sshd: usr_admin_restricted [priv] (sshd)
    0.0 64468 usr_admin_restricted /usr/local/bin/zsh
    0.0 64346 usr_admin_restricted python /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ (python3.8)
    0.0 64342 usr_admin_restricted sshd: usr_admin_restricted@pts/3 (sshd)
    0.0 64331 root               sshd: usr_admin_restricted [priv] (sshd)
    0.0 64468 usr_admin_restricted /usr/local/bin/zsh
    0.0 64346 usr_admin_restricted python /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ (python3.8)
    0.0 64342 usr_admin_restricted sshd: usr_admin_restricted@pts/3 (sshd)
    0.0 64331 root               sshd: usr_admin_restricted [priv] (sshd)
    0.0 64468 usr_admin_restricted /usr/local/bin/zsh
    0.0 64346 usr_admin_restricted python /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ (python3.8)
    0.0 64342 usr_admin_restricted sshd: u_admin_restricted@pts/3 (sshd)
    0.0 64331 root               sshd: usr_admin_restricted [priv] (sshd)

OneFS recovery shell

The purpose of the recovery shell is to allow a restricted shell user to access a regular UNIX shell and its associated command set, if needed. As such, the recovery shell is primarily designed and intended for reactive cluster recovery operations and other unforeseen support issues. Note that the isi_recovery_shell CLI command can only be run, and the recovery shell entered, from within the restricted shell.

The ISI_PRIV_RECOVERY_SHELL privilege is required for a user to elevate their shell from restricted to recovery. The following syntax can be used to add this privilege to a role, in this case the rl_ssh role:

% isi auth roles modify rl_ssh --add-priv=ISI_PRIV_RECOVERY_SHELL
% isi auth roles view rl_ssh
        Name: rl_ssh
 Description: -
     Members: usr_ssh_restricted
              ID: ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_SSH
      Permission: r
      Permission: r
      Permission: r

However, note that the –-restricted-shell-enabled security parameter must be set to true before a user with the ISI_PRIV_RECOVERY_SHELL privilege can enter the recovery shell. For example:

% isi security settings view | grep -i restr
Restricted shell Enabled: No
% isi security settings modify –restricted-shell-enabled=true
% isi security settings view | grep -i restr
Restricted shell Enabled: Yes

The restricted shell user must enter the cluster’s root password to successfully enter the recovery shell. For example:

% isi_recovery_shell -h
         This command is used to enter the Recovery shell i.e. normal zsh shell from the PowerScale Restricted shell. This command is supported only in the PowerScale Restricted shell.
Required Privilege:
            [{--help | -h}]

If the root password is entered incorrectly, the following error is displayed:

% isi_recovery_shell
 Enter 'root' credentials to enter the Recovery shell
 Invalid credentials.
 isi_recovery_shell: PAM Auth Failed

A successful recovery shell launch is as follows:

$ ssh u_admin_restricted@
 (u_admin_restricted@ Password:
 Last login: Thu May  4 17:26:10 2023 from
 Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
 Copyright (c) 1992-2018 The FreeBSD Project.
 Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
         The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
PowerScale OneFS
Allowed commands are
         clear ...
         isi ...
         isi_recovery_shell ...
         isi_log_access ...
% isi_recovery_shell
 Enter 'root' credentials to enter the Recovery shell

At this point, regular shell/UNIX commands (including the vi editor) are available again:

% whoami
% pwd
 % top | head -n 10
 last pid: 65044;  load averages:  0.12,  0.24,  0.29  up 24+04:17:23    18:38:39
 118 processes: 1 running, 117 sleeping
 CPU:  0.1% user,  0.0% nice,  0.9% system,  0.1% interrupt, 98.9% idle
 Mem: 233M Active, 19G Inact, 2152K Laundry, 137G Wired, 60G Buf, 13G Free
  3955 root          1 -22  r30    50M    14M select  24 142:28   0.54% isi_drive_d
  5715 root         20  20    0   231M    69M kqread   5  55:53   0.15% isi_stats_d
  3864 root         14  20    0    81M    21M kqread  16 133:02   0.10% isi_mcp

The specifics of the recovery shell (ZSH) for the u_admin_restricted user are reported as follows:

% printenv $SHELL

Shell logic conditions and scripts can be run. For example:

% while true; do uptime; sleep 5; done
  5:47PM  up 24 days,  3:26, 5 users, load averages: 0.44, 0.38, 0.34
  5:47PM  up 24 days,  3:26, 5 users, load averages: 0.41, 0.38, 0.34

ISI commands can be run, and cluster management tasks can be performed.

% isi hardening list
 Name  Description                       Status
 STIG  Enable all STIG security settings Not Applied
 Total: 1

For example, creating and deleting a snapshot:

% isi snap snap list
 ID Name Path
 Total: 0
% isi snap snap create /ifs/data
% isi snap snap list
 ID   Name  Path
 2    s2    /ifs/data
 Total: 1
% isi snap snap delete 2
 Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

Sysctls can be read and managed:

% sysctl <10539754> (4) :{ 1:0-14, 2:0-12,14,17, 3-4:0-14, smb: 1-4, nfs: 1-4, all_enabled_protocols: 1-4, isi_cbind_d: 1-4, lsass: 1-4, external_connectivity: 1-4 }

The restricted shell can be disabled:

% isi security settings modify --restricted-shell-enabled=false
% isi security settings view | grep -i restr
 Restricted shell Enabled: No

However, the isi underscore (isi_*) commands, such as isi_for_array, are still not permitted to run:

% /usr/bin/isi_for_array -s uptime
 zsh: permission denied: /usr/bin/isi_for_array
% isi_gather_info
 zsh: permission denied: isi_gather_info
% isi_cstats
 isi_cstats: Syscall ifs_prefetch_lin() failed: Operation not permitted

When finished, the user can either end the session entirely with the logout command or quit the recovery shell through exit and return to the restricted shell:

% exit
Allowed commands are
         clear ...
         isi ...
         isi_recovery_shell ...
         isi_log_access ...

Author: Nick Trimbee


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Restricted Shell

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 19:59:59 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In contrast to many other storage appliances, PowerScale has always included an extensive, rich, and capable command line, drawing from its FreeBSD heritage. As such, it incorporates a choice of full UNIX shells (that is, ZSH), the ability to script in a variety of languages (Perl, Python, and so on), full data access, a variety of system and network management and monitoring tools, plus the comprehensive OneFS isi command set. However, what is a bonus for usability can also present a risk from a security point of view.

With this in mind, among the bevy of security features that debuted in OneFS 9.5 release is the addition of a restricted shell for the CLI. This shell heavily curtails access to cluster command line utilities, eliminating areas where commands and scripts could be run and files modified maliciously and unaudited.

The new restricted shell can help both public and private sector organizations to meet a variety of regulatory compliance and audit requirements, in addition to reducing the security threat surface when OneFS is administered.


Written in Python, the restricted shell constrains users to a tight subset of the commands available in the regular OneFS command line shells, plus a couple of additional utilities. These include:

CLI utilityDescription

ISI commands

The isi or “isi space” commands. These include the commands such as isi status, and so on. For the full set of isi commands, run isi –help.

Shell commands

The supported shell commands include clear, exit, logout, and CTRL+D.

Log access

The isi_log_access tool can be used if the user possesses the ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT privilege.

Recovery shell

The recovery shell isi_recovery_shell can be used if the user possesses the ISI_PRIV_RECOVERY_SHELL and the security setting Restricted shell Enabled is configured to true.

For a OneFS CLI command to be audited, its handler needs to call through the platform API (pAPI). This occurs with the regular isi commands but not necessarily with the “isi underscore” commands such as isi_for_array, and so on. While some of these isi_* commands write to log files, there is no uniform or consistent auditing or logging.

On the data access side, /ifs file system auditing works through the various OneFS protocol heads (NFS, SMB, S3, and so on). So if the CLI is used with an unrestricted shell to directly access and modify /ifs, any access and changes are unrecorded and unaudited.

In OneFS 9.5, the new restricted shell is included in the permitted shells list (/etc/shells):

# grep -i restr /etc/shells

It can be easily set for a user through the CLI. For example, to configure the admin account to use the restricted shell, instead of its default of ZSH:

# isi auth users view admin | grep -i shell
                   Shell: /usr/local/bin/zsh
# isi auth users modify admin --shell=/usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/
# isi auth users view admin | grep -i shell
                   Shell: /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/

OneFS can also be configured to limit non-root users to just the secure shell:

  Restricted shell Enabled: No
# isi security settings modify --restricted-shell-enabled=true
# isi security settings view | grep -i restr
  Restricted shell Enabled: Yes

The underlying configuration changes to support this include only allowing non-root users with approved shells in /etc/shells to log in through the console or SSH and having just /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ in the /etc/shells config file.

Note that no users’ shells are changed when the configuration commands above are enacted. If users are intended to have shell access, their login shell must be changed before they can log in. Users will also require the privileges ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_SSH and/or ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_CONSOLE to be able to log in through SSH and the console, respectively.

While the WebUI in OneFS 9.5 does not provide a secure shell configuration page, the restricted shell can be enabled from the platform API, in addition to the CLI. The pAPI security settings now include a restricted_shell_enabled key, which can be enabled by setting to value=1, from its default of 0.

Be aware that, upon configuring a OneFS 9.5 cluster to run in hardened mode with the STIG profile (that is, isi hardening enable STIG), the restricted-shell-enable security setting is automatically set to true. This means that only root and users with ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_SSH and/or ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_CONSOLE privileges and the restricted shell as their shell will be permitted to log in to the cluster. We will focus on OneFS security hardening in a future article.

So let’s take a look at some examples of the restricted shell’s configuration and operation. 

First, we log in as the admin user and modify the file and local auth provider password hash types to the more secure SHA512 from their default value of NTHash:

# ssh -l admin
# isi auth file view System | grep -i hash
     Password Hash Type: NTHash
# isi auth local view System | grep -i hash
      Password Hash Type: NTHash
# isi auth file modify System –-password-hash-type=SHA512
# isi auth local modify System –-password-hash-type=SHA512

Note that a cluster’s default user admin uses role-based access control (RBAC), whereas root does not. As such, the root account should ideally be used as infrequently as possible and, ideally, considered solely as the account of last resort.

Next, the admin and root passwords are changed to generate new passwords using the SHA512 hash:

# isi auth users change-password root
# isi auth users change-password admin

An rl_ssh role is created and the SSH access privilege is added to it:

# isi auth roles create rl_ssh
# isi auth roles modify rl_ssh –-add-priv=ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_SSH

Then a regular user (usr_ssh_restricted) and an admin user (usr_admin_resticted) are created with restricted shell privileges:

# isi auth users create usr_ssh_restricted –-shell=/usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ –-set-password
# isi auth users create usr_admin_restricted –shell=/usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/ –-set-password

We then assign roles to the new users. For the restricted SSH user, we add to our newly created rl_ssh role:

# isi auth roles modify rl_ssh –-add-user=usr_ssh_restricted

The admin user is then added to the security admin and the system admin roles:

# isi auth roles modify SecurityAdmin –-add-user=usr_admin_restricted
# isi auth roles modify SystemAdmin –-add-user=usr_admin_restricted

Next, we connect to the cluster through SSH and authenticate as the usr_ssh_restricted user:

$ ssh usr_ssh_restricted@
 (usr_ssh_restricted@ Password:
 Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
 Copyright (c) 1992-2018 The FreeBSD Project.
 Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
         The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
 PowerScale OneFS
Allowed commands are
         clear ...
         isi ...
         isi_recovery_shell ...
         isi_log_access ...

This account has no cluster RBAC privileges beyond SSH access so cannot run the various isi commands. For example, attempting to run isi status returns no data and, instead, warns of the need for event, job engine, and statistics privileges:

% isi status
Cluster Name: h7001
 *** Capacity and health information require ***
 ***   the privilege: ISI_PRIV_STATISTICS.   ***
Critical Events:
*** Requires the privilege: ISI_PRIV_EVENT. ***
Cluster Job Status:
*** Requires the privilege: ISI_PRIV_JOB_ENGINE. ***
Allowed commands are
         clear ...
         isi ...
         isi_recovery_shell ...
         isi_log_access ...

Similarly, standard UNIX shell commands, such as pwd and whoami, are also prohibited:

% pwd
Allowed commands are
        clear ...
        isi ...
        isi_recovery_shell ...
        isi_log_access ...
% whoami
Allowed commands are
        clear ...
        isi ...
        isi_recovery_shell ...
        isi_log_access ...

Indeed, without additional OneFS RBAC privileges, the only commands the usr_ssh_restricted user can actually run in the restricted shell are clear, exit, and logout:

Note that the restricted shell automatically logs out an inactive session after a short period of inactivity.

Next, we log in in with the usr_admin_restricted account:

$ ssh usr_admin_restricted@
(usr_admin_restricted@ Password:
Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1992-2018 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
PowerScale OneFS
Allowed commands are
         clear ...
         isi ...
         isi_recovery_shell ...
         isi_log_access ...

The isi commands now work because the user has the SecurityAdmin and SystemAdmin roles and privileges:

% isi auth roles list
Total: 9
Allowed commands are
        clear ...
        isi ...
        isi_recovery_shell ...
        isi_log_access ...
% isi auth users view usr_admin_restricted
                    Name: usr_admin_restricted
                      DN: CN=usr_admin_restricted,CN=Users,DC=H7001
              DNS Domain: -
                  Domain: H7001
                Provider: lsa-local-provider:System
        Sam Account Name: usr_admin_restricted
                     UID: 2003
                     SID: S-1-5-21-3745626141-289409179-1286507423-1003
                 Enabled: Yes
                 Expired: No
                   Expiry: -
                  Locked: No
                   Email: -
                   GECOS: -
           Generated GID: No
           Generated UID: No
           Generated UPN: Yes
           Primary Group
                          ID: GID:1800
                        Name: Isilon Users
          Home Directory: /ifs/home/usr_admin_restricted
        Max Password Age: 4W
        Password Expired: No
         Password Expiry: 2023-05-30T17:16:53
       Password Last Set: 2023-05-02T17:16:53
        Password Expires: Yes
              Last Logon: -
                   Shell: /usr/local/restricted_shell/bin/
                     UPN: usr_admin_restricted@H7001
User Can Change Password: Yes
   Disable When Inactive: No
Allowed commands are
        clear ...
        isi ...
        isi_recovery_shell ...
        isi_log_access ...

However, the OneFS “isi underscore” commands are not supported under the restricted shell. For example, attempting to use the isi_for_array command:

% isi_for_array -s uname -a
Allowed commands are
        clear ...
        isi ...
        isi_recovery_shell ...
        isi_log_access ...

Note that, by default, the SecurityAdmin and SystemAdmin roles do not grant the usr_admin_restricted user the privileges needed to run the new isi_log_access and isi_recovery_shell commands.

In the next article in this series, we’ll take a look at these associated isi_log_access and isi_recovery_shell utilities that are also introduced in OneFS 9.5.

Author: Nick Trimbee


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS troubleshooting firewall

OneFS Firewall Management and Troubleshooting

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 25 May 2023 14:41:59 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the final blog in this series, we’ll focus on step five of the OneFS firewall provisioning process and turn our attention to some of the management and monitoring considerations and troubleshooting tools associated with the firewall.

One can manage and monitor the firewall in OneFS 9.5 using the CLI, platform API, or WebUI. Because data security threats come from inside an environment as well as out, such as from a rogue IT employee, a good practice is to constrain the use of all-powerful ‘root’, ‘administrator’, and ‘sudo’ accounts as much as possible. Instead of granting cluster admins full rights, a preferred approach is to use OneFS’ comprehensive authentication, authorization, and accounting framework.

OneFS role-based access control (RBAC) can be used to explicitly limit who has access to configure and monitor the firewall. A cluster security administrator selects the desired access zone, creates a zone-aware role within it, assigns privileges, and then assigns members. For example, from the WebUI under Access > Membership and roles > Roles:

When these members login to the cluster from a configuration interface (WebUI, Platform API, or CLI) they inherit their assigned privileges.

Accessing the firewall from the WebUI and CLI in OneFS 9.5 requires the new ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL administration privilege.

# isi auth privileges -v | grep -i -A 2 firewall
Description: Configure network firewall
       Name: Firewall
   Category: Configuration
 Permission: w

This privilege can be assigned one of four permission levels for a role, including:

Permission Indicator


No permission.


Read-only permission.


Execute permission.


Write permission.

By default, the built-in ‘SystemAdmin’ roles is granted write privileges to administer the firewall, while the built-in ‘AuditAdmin’ role has read permission to view the firewall configuration and logs.

With OneFS RBAC, an enhanced security approach for a site could be to create two additional roles on a cluster, each with an increasing realm of trust. For example:

1.  An IT ops/helpdesk role with ‘read’ access to the snapshot attributes would permit monitoring and troubleshooting the firewall, but no changes:


Firewall Privilege





For example:

# isi auth roles create IT_Ops
# isi auth roles modify IT_Ops --add-priv-read ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL
# isi auth roles view IT_Ops | grep -A2 -i firewall
             ID: ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL
      Permission: r

2.  A Firewall Admin role would provide full firewall configuration and management rights:


Firewall Privilege





For example:

# isi auth roles create FirewallAdmin
# isi auth roles modify FirewallAdmin –add-priv-write ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL
# isi auth roles view FirewallAdmin | grep -A2 -i firewall
Permission: w

Note that when configuring OneFS RBAC, remember to remove the ‘ISI_PRIV_AUTH’ and ‘ISI_PRIV_ROLE’ privilege from all but the most trusted administrators.

Additionally, enterprise security management tools such as CyberArk can also be incorporated to manage authentication and access control holistically across an environment. These can be configured to change passwords on trusted accounts frequently (every hour or so), require multi-Level approvals prior to retrieving passwords, and track and audit password requests and trends.

OneFS firewall limits

When working with the OneFS firewall, there are some upper bounds to the configurable attributes to keep in mind. These include:






Maximum number of L2 interfaces including Ethernet, VLAN, LAGG interfaces on a node.



Maximum number of subnets within a OneFS cluster



Maximum number of network pools within a OneFS cluster



Default value of maximum rules within a firewall policy



Upper limit of maximum rules within a firewall policy



Upper limit of total active rules across the whole cluster



Maximum number of policies that are not applied to any network subnet or pool. They will not be written into ipfw tables.

Firewall performance

Be aware that, while the OneFS firewall can greatly enhance the network security of a cluster, by nature of its packet inspection and filtering activity, it does come with a slight performance penalty (generally less than 5%).

Firewall and hardening mode

If OneFS STIG hardening (that is, from ‘isi hardening apply’) is applied to a cluster with the OneFS firewall disabled, the firewall will be automatically activated. On the other hand, if the firewall is already enabled, then there will be no change and it will remain active.

Firewall and user-configurable ports

Some OneFS services allow the TCP/UDP ports on which the daemon listens to be changed. These include:


CLI Command

Default Port


isi ndmp settings global modify –port



isi s3 settings global modify –https-port

9020, 9021


isi ssh settings modify –port


The default ports for these services are already configured in the associated global policy rules. For example, for the S3 protocol:

# isi network firewall rules list | grep s3
default_pools_policy.rule_s3                  55     Firewall rule on s3 service                                                              allow
# isi network firewall rules view default_pools_policy.rule_s3
          ID: default_pools_policy.rule_s3
        Name: rule_s3
       Index: 55
 Description: Firewall rule on s3 service
    Protocol: TCP
   Dst Ports: 9020, 9021
Src Networks: -
   Src Ports: -
      Action: allow

Note that the global policies, or any custom policies, do not auto-update if these ports are reconfigured. This means that the firewall policies must be manually updated when changing ports. For example, if the NDMP port is changed from 10000 to 10001:

# isi ndmp settings global view
                       Service: False
                           Port: 10000
                            DMA: generic
          Bre Max Num Contexts: 64
MSB Context Retention Duration: 300
MSR Context Retention Duration: 600
        Stub File Open Timeout: 15
             Enable Redirector: False
              Enable Throttler: False
       Throttler CPU Threshold: 50
# isi ndmp settings global modify --port 10001
# isi ndmp settings global view | grep -i port
                           Port: 10001

The firewall’s NDMP rule port configuration must also be reset to 10001:

# isi network firewall rule list | grep ndmp
default_pools_policy.rule_ndmp                44     Firewall rule on ndmp service                                                            allow
# isi network firewall rule modify default_pools_policy.rule_ndmp --dst-ports 10001 --live
# isi network firewall rule view default_pools_policy.rule_ndmp | grep -i dst
   Dst Ports: 10001

Note that the –live flag is specified to enact this port change immediately.

Firewall and source-based routing

Under the hood, OneFS source-based routing (SBR) and the OneFS firewall both leverage ‘ipfw’. As such, SBR and the firewall share the single ipfw table in the kernel. However, the two features use separate ipfw table partitions.

This allows SBR and the firewall to be activated independently of each other. For example, even if the firewall is disabled, SBR can still be enabled and any configured SBR rules displayed as expected (that is, using ipfw set 0 show).

Firewall and IPv6

Note that the firewall’s global default policies have a rule allowing ICMP6 by default. For IPv6 enabled networks, ICMP6 is critical for the functioning of NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol). As such, when creating custom firewall policies and rules for IPv6-enabled network subnets/pools, be sure to add a rule allowing ICMP6 to support NDP. As discussed in a previous blog, an alternative (and potentially easier) approach is to clone a global policy to a new one and just customize its ruleset instead.

Firewall and FTP

The OneFS FTP service can work in two modes: Active and Passive. Passive mode is the default, where FTP data connections are created on top of random ephemeral ports. However, because the OneFS firewall requires fixed ports to operate, it only supports the FTP service in Active mode. Attempts to enable the firewall with FTP running in Passive mode will generate the following warning:

# isi ftp settings view | grep -i active
          Active Mode: No
# isi network firewall settings modify --enabled yes
FTP service is running in Passive mode. Enabling network firewall will lead to FTP clients having their connections blocked. To avoid this, please enable FTP active mode and ensure clients are configured in active mode before retrying. Are you sure you want to proceed and enable network firewall? (yes/[no]):

To activate the OneFS firewall in conjunction with the FTP service, first ensure that the FTP service is running in Active mode before enabling the firewall. For example:

# isi ftp settings view | grep -i enable
  FTP Service Enabled: Yes
# isi ftp settings view | grep -i active
          Active Mode: No
# isi ftp setting modify –active-mode true
# isi ftp settings view | grep -i active
          Active Mode: Yes
# isi network firewall settings modify --enabled yes

Note: Verify FTP active mode support and/or firewall settings on the client side, too.

Firewall monitoring and troubleshooting

When it comes to monitoring the OneFS firewall, the following logfiles and utilities provide a variety of information and are a good source to start investigating an issue:




Main OneFS firewall log file, which includes information from firewall daemon.


Logfile for platform AP, including Firewall related handlers.

isi_gconfig -t firewall

CLI command that displays all firewall configuration info.

ipfw show

CLI command that displays the ipfw table residing in the FreeBSD kernel.

Note that the preceding files and command output are automatically included in logsets generated by the ‘isi_gather_info’ data collection tool.

You can run the isi_gconfig command with the ‘-q’ flag to identify any values that are not at their default settings. For example, the stock (default) isi_firewall_d gconfig context will not report any configuration entries:

# isi_gconfig -q -t firewall
[root] {version:1}

The firewall can also be run in the foreground for additional active rule reporting and debug output. For example, first shut down the isi_firewall_d service:

# isi services -a isi_firewall_d disable
The service 'isi_firewall_d' has been disabled.

Next, start up the firewall with the ‘-f’ flag.

# isi_firewall_d -f
Acquiring kevents for flxconfig
Acquiring kevents for nodeinfo
Acquiring kevents for firewall config
Initialize the firewall library
Initialize the ipfw set
ipfw: Rule added by ipfw is for temporary use and will be auto flushed soon. Use isi firewall instead.
cmd:/sbin/ipfw set enable 0 normal termination, exit code:0
isi_firewall_d is now running
Loaded master FlexNet config (rev:312)
Update the local firewall with changed files: flx_config, Node info, Firewall config
Start to update the firewall rule...
flx_config version changed!                              latest_flx_config_revision: new:312, orig:0
node_info version changed!                               latest_node_info_revision: new:1, orig:0
firewall gconfig version changed!                                latest_fw_gconfig_revision: new:17, orig:0
Start to update the firewall rule for firewall configuration (gconfig)
Start to handle the firewall configure (gconfig)
Handle the firewall policy default_pools_policy
ipfw: Rule added by ipfw is for temporary use and will be auto flushed soon. Use isi firewall instead.
32043 allow tcp from any to any 10000 in
cmd:/sbin/ipfw add 32043 set 8 allow TCP from any  to any 10000 in  normal termination, exit code:0
ipfw: Rule added by ipfw is for temporary use and will be auto flushed soon. Use isi firewall instead.
32044 allow tcp from any to any 389,636 in
cmd:/sbin/ipfw add 32044 set 8 allow TCP from any  to any 389,636 in  normal termination, exit code:0

If the OneFS firewall is enabled and some network traffic is blocked, either this or the ipfw show CLI command will often provide the first clues.

Please note that the ipfw command should NEVER be used to modify the OneFS firewall table!

For example, say a rule is added to the default pools policy denying traffic on port 9876 from all source networks (

# isi network firewall rules create default_pools_policy.rule_9876 --index=100 --dst-ports 9876 --src-networks --action deny –live
# isi network firewall rules view default_pools_policy.rule_9876
          ID: default_pools_policy.rule_9876
        Name: rule_9876
       Index: 100
    Protocol: ALL
   Dst Ports: 9876
Src Networks:
   Src Ports: -
      Action: deny

Running ipfw show and grepping for the port will show this new rule:

# ipfw show | grep 9876
32099            0               0 deny ip from any to any 9876 in

The ipfw show command output also reports the statistics of how many IP packets have matched each rule This can be incredibly useful when investigating firewall issues. For example, a telnet session is initiated to the cluster on port 9876 from a client:

# telnet 9876
telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

The connection attempt will time out because the port 9876 ‘deny’ rule will silently drop the packets. At the same time, the ipfw show command will increment its counter to report on the denied packets. For example:

# ipfw show | grep 9876
32099            9             540 deny ip from any to any 9876 in

If this behavior is not anticipated or desired, you can find the rule name by searching the rules list for the port number, in this case port 9876:

# isi network firewall rules list | grep 9876
default_pools_policy.rule_9876                100                                                                 deny

The offending rule can then be reverted to ‘allow’ traffic on port 9876:

# isi network firewall rules modify default_pools_policy.rule_9876 --action allow --live

Or easily deleted, if preferred:

# isi network firewall rules delete default_pools_policy.rule_9876 --live
Are you sure you want to delete firewall rule default_pools_policy.rule_9876? (yes/[no]): yes

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Firewall Configuration–Part 2

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 17 May 2023 19:13:33 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the previous article in this OneFS firewall series, we reviewed the upgrade, activation, and policy selection components of the firewall provisioning process.

Now, we turn our attention to the firewall rule configuration step of the process.

As stated previously, role-based access control (RBAC) explicitly limits who has access to manage the OneFS firewall. So, ensure that the user account that will be used to enable and configure the OneFS firewall belongs to a role with the ‘ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL’ write privilege.

4. Configuring Firewall Rules

When the desired policy is created, the next step is to configure the rules. Clearly, the first step here is to decide which ports and services need securing or opening, beyond the defaults.

The following CLI syntax returns a list of all the firewall’s default services, plus their respective ports, protocols, and aliases, sorted by ascending port number:

# isi network firewall services list
Service Name     Port  Protocol   Aliases
ftp-data         20    TCP        -
ftp              21    TCP        -
ssh              22    TCP        -
smtp             25    TCP        -
dns              53    TCP        domain
http             80    TCP        www
kerberos         88    TCP        kerberos-sec
rpcbind          111   TCP        portmapper
                        UDP       sunrpc
ntp              123   UDP        -
dcerpc           135   TCP        epmap
                        UDP       loc-srv
netbios-ns       137   UDP        -
netbios-dgm      138   UDP        -
netbios-ssn      139   UDP        -
snmp             161   UDP        -
snmptrap         162   UDP        snmp-trap
mountd           300   TCP        nfsmountd
statd            302   TCP        nfsstatd
lockd            304   TCP       nfslockd
nfsrquotad       305   TCP        -
nfsmgmtd         306   TCP        -
ldap             389   TCP        -
https            443   TCP        -
smb              445   TCP        microsoft-ds
hdfs-datanode    585   TCP        -
asf-rmcp         623   TCP        -
ldaps            636   TCP        sldap
asf-secure-rmcp  664   TCP        -
ftps-data        989   TCP        -
ftps             990   TCP        -
nfs              2049  TCP        nfsd
tcp-2097         2097  TCP        -
tcp-2098         2098  TCP        -
tcp-3148         3148  TCP        -
tcp-3149         3149  TCP        -
tcp-3268         3268  TCP        -
tcp-3269         3269  TCP        -
tcp-5667         5667  TCP        -
tcp-5668         5668  TCP        -
isi_ph_rpcd      6557  TCP        -
isi_dm_d         7722  TCP        -
hdfs-namenode    8020  TCP        -
isi_webui        8080  TCP        apache2
webhdfs          8082  TCP        -
tcp-8083         8083  TCP        -
ambari-handshake 8440   TCP       -
ambari-heartbeat 8441   TCP       -
tcp-8443         8443  TCP        -
tcp-8470         8470  TCP        -
s3-http          9020  TCP        -
s3-https         9021  TCP        -
isi_esrs_d       9443  TCP        -
ndmp             10000 TCP       -
cee              12228 TCP       -
nfsrdma          20049 TCP       -
tcp-28080        28080 TCP       -
Total: 55

Similarly, the following CLI command generates a list of existing rules and their associated policies, sorted in alphabetical order. For example, to show the first five rules:

# isi network firewall rules list –-limit 5
ID                                             Index  Description                                                                              Action
default_pools_policy.rule_ambari_handshake    41      Firewall rule on ambari-handshake service                                                allow
default_pools_policy.rule_ambari_heartbeat    42      Firewall rule on ambari-heartbeat service                                               allow
default_pools_policy.rule_catalog_search_req  50      Firewall rule on service for global catalog search requests                             allow
default_pools_policy.rule_cee                 52     Firewall rule on cee service                                                             allow
default_pools_policy.rule_dcerpc_tcp          18      Firewall rule on dcerpc(TCP) service                                                     allow
Total: 5

Both the ‘isi network firewall rules list’ and the ‘isi network firewall services list’ commands also have a ‘-v’ verbose option, and can return their output in csv, list, table, or json formats with the ‘–flag’.

To view the detailed info for a given firewall rule, in this case the default SMB rule, use the following CLI syntax:

# isi network firewall rules view default_pools_policy.rule_smb
          ID: default_pools_policy.rule_smb
        Name: rule_smb
       Index: 3
 Description: Firewall rule on smb service
    Protocol: TCP
   Dst Ports: smb
Src Networks: -
   Src Ports: -
      Action: allow

Existing rules can be modified and new rules created and added into an existing firewall policy with the ‘isi network firewall rules create’ CLI syntax. Command options include:




Allow, which mean pass packets.


Deny, which means silently drop packets.


Reject which means reply with ICMP error code.


Specifies the ID of the new rule to create. The rule must be added to an existing policy. The ID can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long and can include underscores or hyphens, but cannot include spaces or other punctuation. Specify the rule ID in the following format:




The rule name must be unique in the policy.


The rule index in the pool. The valid value is between 1 and 99. The lower value has the higher priority. If not specified, automatically go to the next available index (before default rule 100).


The live option must only be used when a user issues a command to create/modify/delete a rule in an active policy. Such changes will take effect immediately on all network subnets and pools associated with this policy. Using the live option on a rule in an inactive policy will be rejected, and an error message will be returned.


Specify the protocol matched for the inbound packets.  Available values are tcp, udp, icmp, and all.  if not configured, the default protocol all will be used.


Specify the network ports/services provided in the storage system which is identified by destination port(s). The protocol specified by –protocol will be applied on these destination ports.


Specify one or more IP addresses with corresponding netmasks that are to be allowed by this firewall policy. The correct format for this parameter is address/netmask, similar to “”. Separate multiple address/netmask pairs with commas. Use the value for “any”.


Specify the network ports/services provided in the storage system which is identified by source port(s). The protocol specified by –protocol will be applied on these source ports.

Note that, unlike for firewall policies, there is no provision for cloning individual rules.

The following CLI syntax can be used to create new firewall rules. For example, to add ‘allow’ rules for the HTTP and SSH protocols, plus a ‘deny’ rule for port TCP 9876, into firewall policy fw_test1:

# isi network firewall rules create  fw_test1.rule_http  --index 1 --dst-ports http --src-networks, --action allow
# isi network firewall rules create  fw_test1.rule_ssh  --index 2 --dst-ports ssh --src-networks, --action allow
# isi network firewall rules create fw_test1.rule_tcp_9876 --index 3 --protocol tcp --dst-ports 9876   --src-networks, -- action deny

When a new rule is created in a policy, if the index value is not specified, it will automatically inherit the next available number in the series (such as index=4 in this case).

# isi network firewall rules create fw_test1.rule_2049  --protocol udp -dst-ports 2049 --src-networks -- action deny

For a more draconian approach, a ‘deny’ rule could be created using the match-everything ‘*’ wildcard for destination ports and a network and mask, which would silently drop all traffic:

# isi network firewall rules create fw_test1.rule_1234  --index=100--dst-ports * --src-networks --action deny

When modifying existing firewall rules, use the following CLI syntax, in this case to change the source network of an HTTP allow rule (index 1) in firewall policy fw_test1:

# isi network firewall rules modify fw_test1.rule_http --index 1  --protocol ip --dst-ports http --src-networks -- action allow

Or to modify an SSH rule (index 2) in firewall policy fw_test1, changing the action from ‘allow’ to ‘deny’:

# isi network firewall rules modify fw_test1.rule_ssh --index 2 --protocol tcp --dst-ports ssh --src-networks, -- action deny

Also, to re-order the custom TCP 9876 rule form the earlier example from index 3 to index 7 in firewall policy fw_test1.

# isi network firewall rules modify fw_test1.rule_tcp_9876 --index 7

Note that all rules equal or behind index 7 will have their index values incremented by one.

When deleting a rule from a firewall policy, any rule reordering is handled automatically. If the policy has been applied to a network pool, the ‘–live’ option can be used to force the change to take effect immediately. For example, to delete the HTTP rule from the firewall policy ‘fw_test1’:

# isi network firewall policies delete fw_test1.rule_http --live

Firewall rules can also be created, modified, and deleted within a policy from the WebUI by navigating to Cluster management > Firewall Configuration > Firewall Policies. For example, to create a rule that permits SupportAssist and Secure Gateway traffic on the network:

Once saved, the new rule is then displayed in the Firewall Configuration page:

5. Firewall management and monitoring.

In the next and final article in this series, we’ll turn our attention to managing, monitoring, and troubleshooting the OneFS firewall (Step 5).

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Firewall Configuration—Part 1

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 02 May 2023 17:21:12 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The new firewall in OneFS 9.5 enhances the security of the cluster and helps prevent unauthorized access to the storage system. When enabled, the default firewall configuration allows remote systems access to a specific set of default services for data, management, and inter-cluster interfaces (network pools).

The basic OneFS firewall provisioning process is as follows:


Note that role-based access control (RBAC) explicitly limits who has access to manage the OneFS firewall. In addition to the ubiquitous root, the cluster’s built-in SystemAdmin role has write privileges to configure and administer the firewall.

1.  Upgrade cluster to OneFS 9.5.

First, to provision the firewall, the cluster must be running OneFS 9.5.

If you are upgrading from an earlier release, the OneFS 9.5 upgrade must be committed before enabling the firewall.

Also, be aware that configuration and management of the firewall in OneFS 9.5 requires the new ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL administration privilege. 

# isi auth privilege | grep -i firewall
ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL                   Configure network firewall

This privilege can be granted to a role with either read-only or read/write permissions. By default, the built-in SystemAdmin role is granted write privileges to administer the firewall:

# isi auth roles view SystemAdmin | grep -A2 -i firewall
             ID: ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL
     Permission: w

Additionally, the built-in AuditAdmin role has read permission to view the firewall configuration and logs, and so on:

# isi auth roles view AuditAdmin | grep -A2 -i firewall
             ID: ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL
     Permission: r

Ensure that the user account that will be used to enable and configure the OneFS firewall belongs to a role with the ISI_PRIV_FIREWALL write privilege.

2.  Activate firewall.

The OneFS firewall can be either enabled or disabled, with the latter as the default state. 

The following CLI syntax will display the firewall’s global status (in this case disabled, the default):

# isi network firewall settings view
Enabled: False

Firewall activation can be easily performed from the CLI as follows:

# isi network firewall settings modify --enabled true
# isi network firewall settings view
Enabled: True

Or from the WebUI under Cluster management > Firewall Configuration > Settings:

Note that the firewall is automatically enabled when STIG hardening is applied to a cluster.

3.  Select policies.

A cluster’s existing firewall policies can be easily viewed from the CLI with the following command:

# isi network firewall policies list
ID        Pools                    Subnets                   Rules
 fw_test1  groupnet0.subnet0.pool0  groupnet0.subnet1         test_rule1
 Total: 1

Or from the WebUI under Cluster management > Firewall Configuration > Firewall Policies:

The OneFS firewall offers four main strategies when it comes to selecting a firewall policy: 

  1. Retaining the default policy
  2. Reconfiguring the default policy
  3. Cloning the default policy and reconfiguring
  4. Creating a custom firewall policy

We’ll consider each of these strategies in order:

a.  Retaining the default policy

In many cases, the default OneFS firewall policy value provides acceptable protection for a security-conscious organization. In these instances, once the OneFS firewall has been enabled on a cluster, no further configuration is required, and the cluster administrators can move on to the management and monitoring phase.

The firewall policy for all front-end cluster interfaces (network pool) is the default. While the default policy can be modified, be aware that this default policy is global. As such, any change against it will affect all network pools using this default policy.

The following table describes the default firewall policies that are assigned to each interface:



Default pools policy

Contains rules for the inbound default ports for TCP and UDP services in OneFS

Default subnets policy

Contains rules for:

  • DNS port 53
  • ICMP
  • ICMP6

These can be viewed from the CLI as follows:

# isi network firewall policies view default_pools_policy
            ID: default_pools_policy
          Name: default_pools_policy
    Description: Default Firewall Pools Policy
Default Action: deny
      Max Rules: 100
          Pools: groupnet0.subnet0.pool0, groupnet0.subnet0.testpool1, groupnet0.subnet0.testpool2, groupnet0.subnet0.testpool3, groupnet0.subnet0.testpool4, groupnet0.subnet0.poolcava
        Subnets: -
          Rules: rule_ldap_tcp, rule_ldap_udp, rule_reserved_for_hw_tcp, rule_reserved_for_hw_udp, rule_isi_SyncIQ, rule_catalog_search_req, rule_lwswift, rule_session_transfer, rule_s3, rule_nfs_tcp, rule_nfs_udp, rule_smb, rule_hdfs_datanode, rule_nfsrdma_tcp, rule_nfsrdma_udp, rule_ftp_data, rule_ftps_data, rule_ftp, rule_ssh, rule_smtp, rule_http, rule_kerberos_tcp, rule_kerberos_udp, rule_rpcbind_tcp, rule_rpcbind_udp, rule_ntp, rule_dcerpc_tcp, rule_dcerpc_udp, rule_netbios_ns, rule_netbios_dgm, rule_netbios_ssn, rule_snmp, rule_snmptrap, rule_mountd_tcp, rule_mountd_udp, rule_statd_tcp, rule_statd_udp, rule_lockd_tcp, rule_lockd_udp, rule_nfsrquotad_tcp, rule_nfsrquotad_udp, rule_nfsmgmtd_tcp, rule_nfsmgmtd_udp, rule_https, rule_ldaps, rule_ftps, rule_hdfs_namenode, rule_isi_webui, rule_webhdfs, rule_ambari_handshake, rule_ambari_heartbeat, rule_isi_esrs_d, rule_ndmp, rule_isi_ph_rpcd, rule_cee, rule_icmp, rule_icmp6, rule_isi_dm_d
 # isi network firewall policies view default_subnets_policy
            ID: default_subnets_policy
          Name: default_subnets_policy
    Description: Default Firewall Subnets Policy
Default Action: deny
      Max Rules: 100
          Pools: -
        Subnets: groupnet0.subnet0
          Rules: rule_subnets_dns_tcp, rule_subnets_dns_udp, rule_icmp, rule_icmp6

Or from the WebUI under Cluster management > Firewall Configuration > Firewall Policies:

b.  Reconfiguring the default policy

Depending on an organization’s threat levels or security mandates, there may be a need to restrict access to certain additional IP addresses and/or management service protocols.

If the default policy is deemed insufficient, reconfiguring the default firewall policy can be a good option if only a small number of rule changes are required. The specifics of creating, modifying, and deleting individual firewall rules is covered later in this article (step 3).

Note that if new rule changes behave unexpectedly, or firewall configuration generally goes awry, OneFS does provide a “get out of jail free” card. In a pinch, the global firewall policy can be quickly and easily restored to its default values. This can be achieved with the following CLI syntax:

# isi network firewall reset-global-policy
This command will reset the global firewall policies to the original system defaults. Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/[no]):

Alternatively, the default policy can also be easily reverted from the WebUI by clicking the Reset default policies:

 c.  Cloning the default policy and reconfiguring

Another option is cloning, which can be useful when batch modification or a large number of changes to the current policy are required. By cloning the default firewall policy, an exact copy of the existing policy and its rules is generated, but with a new policy name. For example:

# isi network firewall policies clone default_pools_policy clone_default_pools_policy
# isi network firewall policies list | grep -i clone
clone_default_pools_policy -                           

Cloning can also be initiated from the WebUI under Firewall Configuration > Firewall Policies > More Actions > Clone Policy:

Enter a name for the clone in the Policy Name field in the pop-up window, and click Save:

 Once cloned, the policy can then be easily reconfigured to suit. For example, to modify the policy fw_test1 and change its default-action from deny-all to allow-all:

# isi network firewall policies modify fw_test1 --default-action allow-all

When modifying a firewall policy, you can use the --live CLI option to force it to take effect immediately. Note that the --live option is only valid when issuing a command to modify or delete an active custom policy and to modify default policy. Such changes will take effect immediately on all network subnets and pools associated with this policy. Using the --live option on an inactive policy will be rejected, and an error message returned.

Options for creating or modifying a firewall policy include:




Automatically add one rule to deny all or allow all to the bottom of the rule set for this created policy (Index = 100).


By default, each policy when created could have a maximum of 100 rules (including one default rule), so user could configure a maximum of 99 rules. User could expand the maximum rule number to a specified value. Currently this value is limited to 200 (and user could configure a maximum of 199 rules).


Specify the network subnet(s) to add to policy, separated by a comma.


Specify the networks subnets to remove from policy and fall back to global policy.


Specify the network pool(s) to add to policy, separated by a comma.


Specify the networks pools to remove from policy and fall back to global policy.

When you modify firewall policies, OneFS issues the following warning to verify the changes and help avoid the risk of a self-induced denial-of-service:   

# isi network firewall policies modify --pools groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 fw_test1
Changing the Firewall Policy associated with a subnet or pool may change the networks and/or services allowed to connect to OneFS. Please confirm you have selected the correct Firewall Policy and Subnets/Pools. Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/[no]): yes

Once again, having the following CLI command handy, plus console access to the cluster is always a prudent move:

# isi network firewall reset-global-policy

So adding network pools or subnets to a firewall policy will cause the previous policy to be removed from them. Similarly, adding network pools or subnets to the global default policy will revert any custom policy configuration they might have. For example, to apply the firewall policy fw_test1 to IP Pool groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 and groupnet0.subnet0.pool1:

# isi network pools view groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 | grep -i firewall
       Firewall Policy: default_pools_policy
# isi network firewall policies modify fw_test1 --add-pools groupnet0.subnet0.pool0, groupnet0.subnet0.pool1
# isi network pools view groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 | grep -i firewall
       Firewall Policy: fw_test1

Or to apply the firewall policy fw_test1 to IP Pool groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 and groupnet0.subnet0:

# isi network firewall policies modify fw_test1 --apply-subnet groupnet0.subnet0.pool0, groupnet0.subnet0
# isi network pools view groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 | grep -i firewall
 Firewall Policy: fw_test1
# isi network subnets view groupnet0.subnet0 | grep -i firewall
 Firewall Policy: fw_test1

To reapply global policy at any time, either add the pools to the default policy:

# isi network firewall policies modify default_pools_policy --add-pools groupnet0.subnet0.pool0, groupnet0.subnet0.pool1
# isi network pools view groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 | grep -i firewall
 Firewall Policy: default_subnets_policy
# isi network subnets view groupnet0.subnet1 | grep -i firewall
 Firewall Policy: default_subnets_policy

Or remove the pool from the custom policy:

# isi network firewall policies modify fw_test1 --remove-pools groupnet0.subnet0.pool0 groupnet0.subnet0.pool1

You can also manage firewall policies on a network pool in the OneFS WebUI by going to Cluster configuration > Network configuration > External network > Edit pool details. For example:


Be aware that cloning is also not limited to the default policy because clones can be made of any custom policies too. For example:

# isi network firewall policies clone clone_default_pools_policy fw_test1

d.  Creating a custom firewall policy

Alternatively, a custom firewall policy can also be created from scratch. This can be accomplished from the CLI using the following syntax, in this case to create a firewall policy named fw_test1:

# isi network firewall policies create fw_test1 --default-action deny
# isi network firewall policies view fw_test1
            ID: fw_test1
          Name: fw_test1
Default Action: deny
      Max Rules: 100
          Pools: -
        Subnets: -
          Rules: -

Note that if a default-action is not specified in the CLI command syntax, it will automatically default to deny.

Firewall policies can also be configured in the OneFS WebUI by going to Cluster management > Firewall Configuration > Firewall Policies > Create Policy:

However, in contrast to the CLI, if a default-action is not specified when a policy is created in the WebUI, the automatic default is to Allow because the drop-down list works alphabetically.

If and when a firewall policy is no longer required, it can be swiftly and easily removed. For example, the following CLI syntax deletes the firewall policy fw_test1, clearing out any rules within this policy container:

# isi network firewall policies delete fw_test1
Are you sure you want to delete firewall policy fw_test1? (yes/[no]): yes

Note that the default global policies cannot be deleted.

# isi network firewall policies delete default_subnets_policy
Are you sure you want to delete firewall policy default_subnets_policy? (yes/[no]): yes
Firewall policy: Cannot delete default policy default_subnets_policy.

4.  Configure firewall rules.

 In the next article in this series, we’ll turn our attention to this step, configuring the OneFS firewall rules.



Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS cybersecurity

PowerScale OneFS 9.5 Delivers New Security Features and Performance Gains

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 28 Apr 2023 19:57:51 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

PowerScale – the world’s most flexible[1] and cyber-secure scale-out NAS solution[2]  – is powering up the new year with the launch of the innovative OneFS 9.5 release. With data integrity and protection being top of mind in this era of unprecedented corporate cyber threats, OneFS 9.5 brings an array of new security features and functionality to keep your unstructured data and workloads more secure than ever, as well as delivering significant performance gains on the PowerScale nodes – such as up to 55% higher performance on all-flash F600 and F900 nodes as compared with the previous OneFS release.[3]   


Description automatically generated

OneFS and hardware security features 

New PowerScale OneFS 9.5 security enhancements include those that directly satisfy US Federal and DoD mandates, such as FIPS 140-2, Common Criteria, and DISA STIGs – in addition to general enterprise data security requirements. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), single sign-on (SSO) support, data encryption in-flight and at rest, TLS 1.2, USGv6R1 IPv6 support, SED Master Key rekey, plus a new host-based firewall are all part of OneFS 9.5. 

15TB and 30TB self-encrypting (SED) SSDs now enable PowerScale platforms running OneFS 9.5 to scale up to 186 PB of encrypted raw capacity per cluster – all within a single volume and filesystem, and before any additional compression and deduplication benefit.  

Delivering federal-grade security to protect data under a zero trust model 

Security-wise, the United States Government has stringent requirements for infrastructure providers such as Dell Technologies, requiring vendors to certify that products comply with requirements such as USGv6, STIGs, DoDIN APL, Common Criteria, and so on. Activating the OneFS 9.5 cluster hardening option implements a default maximum security configuration with AES and SHA cryptography, which automatically renders a cluster FIPS 140-2 compliant. 

OneFS 9.5 introduces SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) from both the command line and WebUI using a redesigned login screen. OneFS SSO is compatible with identity providers (IDPs) such as Active Directory Federation Services, and is also multi-tenant aware, allowing independent configuration for each of a cluster’s Access Zones. 

Federal APL requirements mandate that a system must validate all certificates in a chain up to a trusted CA root certificate. To address this, OneFS 9.5 introduces a common Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) library to issue, maintain, and revoke public key certificates. These certificates provide digital signature and encryption capabilities, using public key cryptography to provide identification and authentication, data integrity, and confidentiality. This PKI library is used by all OneFS components that need PKI certificate verification support, such as SecureSMTP, ensuring that they all meet Federal PKI requirements. 

This new OneFS 9.5 PKI and certificate authority infrastructure enables multi-factor authentication, allowing users to swipe a CAC or PIV smartcard containing their login credentials to gain access to a cluster, rather than manually entering username and password information. Additional account policy restrictions in OneFS 9.5 automatically disable inactive accounts, provide concurrent administrative session limits, and implement a delay after a failed login.  

As part of FIPS 140-2 compliance, OneFS 9.5 introduces a new key manager, providing a secure central repository for secrets such as machine passwords, Kerberos keytabs, and other credentials, with the option of using MCF (modular crypt format) with SHA256 or SHA512 hash types. OneFS protocols and services may be configured to support FIPS 140-2 data-in-flight encryption compliance, while SED clusters and the new Master Key re-key capability provide FIPS 140-2 data-at-rest encryption. Plus, any unused or non-compliant services are easily disabled.  

On the network side, the Federal APL has several IPv6 (USGv6) requirements that are focused on allowing granular control of individual components of a cluster’s IPv6 stack, such as duplicate address detection (DAD) and link local IP control. Satisfying both STIG and APL requirements, the new OneFS 9.5 front-end firewall allows security admins to restrict the management interface to specified subnet and implement port blocking and packet filtering rules from the cluster’s command line or WebUI, in accordance with federal or corporate security policy. 

Improving performance for the most demanding workloads

OneFS 9.5 unlocks dramatic performance gains, particularly for the all-flash NVMe platforms, where the PowerScale F900 can now support line-rate streaming reads. SmartCache enhancements allow OneFS 9.5 to deliver streaming read performance gains of up to 55% on the F-series nodes, F600 and F9003, delivering benefit to media and entertainment workloads, plus AI, machine learning, deep learning, and more. 

Enhancements to SmartPools in OneFS 9.5 introduce configurable transfer limits. These limits include maximum capacity thresholds, expressed as a percentage, above which SmartPools will not attempt to move files to a particular tier, boosting both reliability and tiering performance. 

Granular cluster performance control is enabled with the debut of PowerScale SmartQoS, which allows admins to configure limits on the maximum number of protocol operations that NFS, S3, SMB, or mixed protocol workloads can consume. 

Enhancing enterprise-grade supportability and serviceability

OneFS 9.5 enables SupportAssist, Dell’s next generation remote connectivity system for transmitting events, logs, and telemetry from a PowerScale cluster to Dell Support. SupportAssist provides a full replacement for ESRS, as well as enabling Dell Support to perform remote diagnosis and remediation of cluster issues. 

Upgrading to OneFS 9.5 

The new OneFS 9.5 code is available on the Dell Technologies Support site, as both an upgrade and reimage file, allowing both installation and upgrade of this new release.  

Author: Nick Trimbee

[1] Based on Dell analysis, August 2021.

[2] Based on Dell analysis comparing cybersecurity software capabilities offered for Dell PowerScale vs. competitive products, September 2022.

[3] Based on Dell internal testing, January 2023. Actual results will vary.

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

Announcing PowerScale OneFS 9.4!

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 28 Apr 2023 19:52:18 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Arriving in time for Dell Technologies World 2022, the new PowerScale OneFS 9.4 release shipped on Monday 4th April 2022. 

OneFS 9.4 brings with it a wide array of new features and functionality, including:



SmartSync Data Mover

  • Introduction of a new OneFS SmartSync data mover, allowing flexible data movement and copying, incremental resyncs, push and pull data transfer, and one-time file to object copy. Complementary to SyncIQ, SmartSync provides an additional option for data transfer, including to object storage targets such as ECS, AWS, and Azure.

IB to Ethernet Backend Migration

  • Non-disruptive rolling InfiniBand to Ethernet back-end network migration for legacy Gen6 clusters.

Secure Boot

  • ·       Secure boot support is extended to include the F900, F600, F200, H700/7000, and A700/7000 platforms.

Smarter SmartConnect Diagnostics

  • Identifies non-resolvable nodes and provides their detailed status, allowing the root cause to be easily pinpointed.

In-line Dedupe

  • In-line deduplication will be enabled by default on new OneFS 9.4 clusters. Clusters upgraded to OneFS 9.4 will maintain their current dedupe configuration.

Healthcheck Auto-updates

  • Automatic monitoring, download, and installation of new healthcheck packages as they are released.

CloudIQ Protocol Statistics

  • New protocol statistics ‘count’ keys are added, allowing performance to be measured over a specified time window and providing point-in-time protocol information.

SRS Alerts and CELOG Event Limiting

  • Prevents CELOG from sending unnecessary event types to Dell SRS and restricts CELOG alerts from customer-created channels.

CloudPools Statistics

  • Automated statistics gathering on CloudPools accounts and policies, providing insights for planning and troubleshooting CloudPools-related activities. 

We’ll be taking a deeper look at some of these new features in blog articles over the course of the next few weeks. 

Meanwhile, the new OneFS 9.4 code is available for download on the Dell Online Support site, in both upgrade and reimage file formats. 

Enjoy your OneFS 9.4 experience!

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Host-Based Firewall

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:40:15 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Among the array of security features introduced in OneFS 9.5 is a new host-based firewall. This firewall allows cluster administrators to configure policies and rules on a PowerScale cluster in order to meet the network and application management needs and security mandates of an organization.

The OneFS firewall protects the cluster’s external, or front-end, network and operates as a packet filter for inbound traffic. It is available upon installation or upgrade to OneFS 9.5 but is disabled by default in both cases. However, the OneFS STIG hardening profile automatically enables the firewall and the default policies, in addition to manual activation.

The firewall generally manages IP packet filtering in accordance with the OneFS Security Configuration Guide, especially in regards to the network port usage. Packet control is governed by firewall policies, which have one or more individual rules.





Firewall Policy

Each policy is a set of firewall rules.

Rules are matched by index in ascending order.

Each policy has a default action.

Firewall Rule

Each rule specifies what kinds of network packets should be matched by Firewall engine and what action should be taken upon them.

Matching criteria includes protocol, source ports, destination ports, source network address).

Options are allow, deny, or reject.

 A security best practice is to enable the OneFS firewall using the default policies, with any adjustments as required. The recommended configuration process is as follows:



1.  Access

Ensure that the cluster uses a default SSH or HTTP port before enabling. The default firewall policies block all nondefault ports until you change the policies.

2.  Enable

Enable the OneFS firewall.

3.  Compare

Compare your cluster network port configurations against the default ports listed in Network port usage.

4.  Configure

Edit the default firewall policies to accommodate any non-standard ports in use in the cluster.

NOTE: The firewall policies do not automatically update when port configurations are changed.

5.  Constrain

Limit access to the OneFS Web UI to specific administrator terminals.

Under the hood, the OneFS firewall is built upon the ubiquitous ipfirewall, or ipfw, which is FreeBSD’s native stateful firewall, packet filter, and traffic accounting facility.

Firewall configuration and management is through the CLI, or platform API, or WebUI, and OneFS 9.5 introduces a new Firewall Configuration page to support this. Note that the firewall is only available once a cluster is already running OneFS 9.5 and the feature has been manually enabled, activating the isi_firewall_d service. The firewall’s configuration is split between gconfig, which handles the settings and policies, and the ipfw table, which stores the rules themselves.

The firewall gracefully handles SmartConnect dynamic IP movement between nodes since firewall policies are applied per network pool. Additionally, being network pool based allows the firewall to support OneFS access zones and shared/multitenancy models. 

The individual firewall rules, which are essentially simplified wrappers around ipfw rules, work by matching packets through the 5-tuples that uniquely identify an IPv4 UDP or TCP session:

  • Source IP address
  • Source port
  • Destination IP address
  • Destination port
  • Transport protocol

The rules are then organized within a firewall policy, which can be applied to one or more network pools. 

Note that each pool can only have a single firewall policy applied to it. If there is no custom firewall policy configured for a network pool, it automatically uses the global default firewall policy.

When enabled, the OneFS firewall function is cluster wide, and all inbound packets from external interfaces will go through either the custom policy or default global policy before reaching the protocol handling pathways. Packets passed to the firewall are compared against each of the rules in the policy, in rule-number order. Multiple rules with the same number are permitted, in which case they are processed in order of insertion. When a match is found, the action corresponding to that matching rule is performed. A packet is checked against the active ruleset in multiple places in the protocol stack, and the basic flow is as follows: 

  1. Get the logical interface for incoming packets.
  2. Find all network pools assigned to this interface.
  3. Compare these network pools one by one with destination IP address to find the matching pool (either custom firewall policy, or default global policy).
  4. Compare each rule with service (protocol and destination ports) and source IP address in this pool in order of lowest index value.  If matched, perform actions according to the associated rule.
  5. If no rule matches, go to the final rule (deny all or allow all), which is specified upon policy creation.

The OneFS firewall automatically reserves 20,000 rules in the ipfw table for its custom and default policies and rules. By default, each policy can have a maximum of 100 rules, including one default rule. This translates to an effective maximum of 99 user-defined rules per policy, because the default rule is reserved and cannot be modified. As such, a maximum of 198 policies can be applied to pools or subnets since the default-pools-policy and default-subnets-policy are reserved and cannot be deleted.

Additional firewall bounds and limits to keep in mind include:






Maximum number of Layer 2 interfaces per node (including Ethernet, VLAN, LAGG interfaces).



Maximum number of subnets within a OneFS cluster.



Maximum number of network pools within a OneFS cluster.



Default value of maximum rules within a firewall policy.



Upper limit of maximum rules within a firewall policy.



Upper limit of total active rules across the whole cluster.



Maximum number of policies that are not applied to any network subnet or pool. They will not be written into ipfw table.

The firewall default global policy is ready to use out of the box and, unless a custom policy has been explicitly configured, all network pools use this global policy. Custom policies can be configured by either cloning and modifying an existing policy or creating one from scratch. 



Custom policy

A user-defined container with a set of rules. A policy can be applied to multiple network pools, but a network pool can only apply one policy.

Firewall rule

An ipfw-like rule that can be used to restrict remote access. Each rule has an index that is valid within the policy. Index values range from 1 to 99, with lower numbers having higher priority. Source networks are described by IP and netmask, and services can be expressed either by port number (i.e., 80) or service name (i.e., http, ssh, smb). The * wildcard can also be used to denote all services. Supported actions include allow, drop, and reject.

Default policy

A global policy to manage all default services, used for maintaining OneFS minimum running and management. While Deny any is the default action of the policy, the defined service rules have a default action to allow all remote access. All packets not matching any of the rules are automatically dropped.  

Two default policies: 

  • default-pools-policy
  • default-subnets-policy

Note that these two default policies cannot be deleted, but individual rule modification is permitted in each.

Default services

The firewall’s default predefined services include the usual suspects, such as: DNS, FTP, HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, ICMP, NDMP, NFS, NTP, S3, SMB, SNMP, SSH, and so on. A full listing is available in the isi network firewall services list CLI command output.

For a given network pool, either the global policy or a custom policy is assigned and takes effect. Additionally, all configuration changes to either policy type are managed by gconfig and are persistent across cluster reboots.

In the next article in this series we’ll take a look at the CLI and WebUI configuration and management of the OneFS firewall. 



Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

security PowerScale OneFS snapshots

OneFS Snapshot Security

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 21 Apr 2023 17:11:00 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In this era of elevated cyber-crime and data security threats, there is increasing demand for immutable, tamper-proof snapshots. Often this need arises as part of a broader security mandate, ideally proactively, but oftentimes as a response to a security incident. OneFS addresses this requirement in the following ways:



  • Read-only snapshots
  • Snapshot locks
  • Role-based administration
  • SyncIQ snapshot replication
  • Cyber-vaulting

Read-only snapshots

At its core, OneFS SnapshotIQ generates read-only, point-in-time, space efficient copies of a defined subset of a cluster’s data.

Only the changed blocks of a file are stored when updating OneFS snapshots, ensuring efficient storage utilization. They are also highly scalable and typically take less than a second to create, while generating little performance overhead. As such, the RPO (recovery point objective) and RTO (recovery time objective) of a OneFS snapshot can be very small and highly flexible, with the use of rich policies and schedules.

OneFS Snapshots are created manually, on a schedule, or automatically generated by OneFS to facilitate system operations. But whatever the generation method, when a snapshot has been taken, its contents cannot be manually altered.

Snapshot Locks

In addition to snapshot contents immutability, for an enhanced level of tamper-proofing, SnapshotIQ also provides the ability to lock snapshots with the ‘isi snapshot locks’ CLI syntax. This prevents snapshots from being accidentally or unintentionally deleted.

For example, a manual snapshot, ‘snaploc1’ is taken of /ifs/test:

# isi snapshot snapshots create /ifs/test --name snaploc1
# isi snapshot snapshots list | grep snaploc1
79188 snaploc1                                     /ifs/test

A lock is then placed on it (in this case lock ID=1):

# isi snapshot locks create snaplock1
# isi snapshot locks list snaploc1
Total: 1

Attempts to delete the snapshot fail because the lock prevents its removal:

# isi snapshot snapshots delete snaploc1
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes
Snapshot "snaploc1" can't be deleted because it is locked

The CLI command ‘isi snapshot locks delete <lock_ID>’ can be used to clear existing snapshot locks, if desired. For example, to remove the only lock (ID=1) from snapshot ‘snaploc1’:

# isi snapshot locks list snaploc1
Total: 1
# isi snapshot locks delete snaploc1 1
Are you sure you want to delete snapshot lock 1 from snaploc1? (yes/[no]): yes
# isi snap locks view snaploc1 1
No such lock

When the lock is removed, the snapshot can then be deleted:

# isi snapshot snapshots delete snaploc1
Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes
# isi snapshot snapshots list| grep -i snaploc1 | wc -l

Note that a snapshot can have up to a maximum of sixteen locks on it at any time. Also, lock numbers are continually incremented and not recycled upon deletion.

Like snapshot expiration, snapshot locks can also have an expiration time configured. For example, to set a lock on snapshot ‘snaploc1’ that expires at 1am on April 1st, 2024:

# isi snap lock create snaploc1 --expires '2024-04-01T01:00:00'
# isi snap lock list snaploc1
Total: 1
# isi snap lock view snaploc1 33
     ID: 36
Expires: 2024-04-01T01:00:00
  Count: 1

Note that if the duration period of a particular snapshot lock expires but others remain, OneFS will not delete that snapshot until all the locks on it have been deleted or expired.

The following table provides an example snapshot expiration schedule, with monthly locked snapshots to prevent deletion:

Snapshot Frequency

Snapshot Time

Snapshot Expiration

Max Retained Snapshots

Every other hour

Start at 12:00AM

End at 11:59AM

1 day


Every day

At 12:00AM

1 week

Every week

Saturday at 12:00AM

1 month

Every month

First Saturday of month at 12:00AM


Roles-based Access Control

Read-only snapshots plus locks present physically secure snapshots on a cluster. However, if you can login to the cluster and have the required elevated administrator privileges to do so, you can still remove locks and/or delete snapshots.

Because data security threats come from inside an environment as well as out, such as from a disgruntled IT employee or other internal bad actor, another key to a robust security profile is to constrain the use of all-powerful ‘root’, ‘administrator’, and ‘sudo’ accounts as much as possible. Instead, of granting cluster admins full rights, a preferred security best practice is to leverage the comprehensive authentication, authorization, and accounting framework that OneFS natively provides.

OneFS role-based access control (RBAC) can be used to explicitly limit who has access to manage and delete snapshots. This granular control allows you to craft administrative roles that can create and manage snapshot schedules, but prevent their unlocking and/or deletion. Similarly, lock removal and snapshot deletion can be isolated to a specific security role (or to root only).

A cluster security administrator selects the desired access zone, creates a zone-aware role within it, assigns privileges, and then assigns members.

For example, from the WebUI under Access > Membership and roles > Roles:

When these members access the cluster through the WebUI, PlatformAPI, or CLI, they inherit their assigned privileges.

The specific privileges that can be used to segment OneFS snapshot management include:




Aliasing for snapshots


Locking of snapshots from deletion


Upcoming snapshot based on schedules


Restoring directory to a particular snapshot


Scheduling for periodic snapshots


Service and access settings


Manual snapshots and locks


Snapshot summary and usage details

Each privilege can be assigned one of four permission levels for a role, including:

Permission Indicator


No permission


Read-only permission


Execute permission


Write permission

The ability for a user to delete a snapshot is governed by the ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_SNAPSHOTMANAGEMENT’ privilege. Similarly, the ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ privilege governs lock creation and removal.

In the following example, the ‘snap’ role has ‘read’ rights for the ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ privilege, allowing a user associated with this role to view snapshot locks:

# isi auth roles view snap | grep -I -A 1 locks
     Permission: r
# isi snapshot locks list snaploc1
Total: 1

However, attempts to remove the lock ‘ID 1’ from the ‘snaploc1’ snapshot fail without write privileges:

# isi snapshot locks delete snaploc1 1
Privilege check failed. The following write privilege is required: Snapshot locks (ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS)

Write privileges are added to ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ in the ‘’snaploc1’ role:

# isi auth roles modify snap –-add-priv-write ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS
# isi auth roles view snap | grep -I -A 1 locks
     Permission: w

This allows the lock ‘ID 1’ to be successfully deleted from the ‘snaploc1’ snapshot:

# isi snapshot locks delete snaploc1 1
Are you sure you want to delete snapshot lock 1 from snaploc1? (yes/[no]): yes
# isi snap locks view snaploc1 1
No such lock

Using OneFS RBAC, an enhanced security approach for a site could be to create three OneFS roles on a cluster, each with an increasing realm of trust:

1.  First, an IT ops/helpdesk role with ‘read’ access to the snapshot attributes would permit monitoring and troubleshooting, but no changes:

Snapshot Privilege


















2.  Next, a cluster admin role, with ‘read’ privileges for ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ and ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_SNAPSHOTMANAGEMENT’ would prevent snapshot and lock deletion, but provide ‘write’ access for schedule configuration, restores, and so on.

Snapshot Privilege


















3.  Finally, a cluster security admin role (root equivalence) would provide full snapshot configuration and management, lock control, and deletion rights:

Snapshot Privilege


















Note that when configuring OneFS RBAC, remember to remove the ‘ISI_PRIV_AUTH’ and ‘ISI_PRIV_ROLE’ privilege from all but the most trusted administrators.

Additionally, enterprise security management tools such as CyberArk can also be incorporated to manage authentication and access control holistically across an environment. These can be configured to frequently change passwords on trusted accounts (that is, every hour or so), require multi-Level approvals prior to retrieving passwords, and track and audit password requests and trends.

While this article focuses exclusively on OneFS snapshots, the expanded use of RBAC granular privileges for enhanced security is germane to most key areas of cluster management and data protection, such as SyncIQ replication, and so on.

Snapshot replication

In addition to using snapshots for its own checkpointing system, SyncIQ, the OneFS data replication engine, supports snapshot replication to a target cluster.

OneFS SyncIQ replication policies contain an option for triggering a replication policy when a snapshot of the source directory is completed. Additionally, at the onset of a new policy configuration, when the “Whenever a Snapshot of the Source Directory is Taken” option is selected, a checkbox appears to enable any existing snapshots in the source directory to be replicated. More information is available in this SyncIQ paper.


File data is arguably the most difficult to protect, because:

  • It is the only type of data where potentially all employees have a direct connection to the storage (with the other type of storage it’s through an application)
  • File data is linked (or mounted) to the operating system of the client. This means that it’s sufficient to gain file access to the OS to get access to potentially critical data.
  • Users are the largest breach points.

The Cyber Security Framework (CSF) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) categorizes the threat through recovery process:

Within the ‘Protect’ phase, there are two core aspects:

  • Applying all the core protection features available on the OneFS platform, namely:



Access control

Where the core data protection functions are being executed. Assess who actually needs write access.


Having immutable snapshots, replica versions, and so on. Augmenting backup strategy with an archiving strategy with SmartLock WORM.


Encrypting both data in-flight and data at rest.


Integrating with anti-virus/anti-malware protection that does content inspection.

Security advisories

Dell Security Advisories (DSA) inform customers about fixes to common vulnerabilities and exposures. 

  • Data isolation provides a last resort copy of business critical data, and can be achieved by using an air gap to isolate the cyber vault copy of the data. The vault copy is logically separated from the production copy of the data. Data syncing happens only intermittently by closing the air gap after ensuring that there are no known issues.

The combination of OneFS snapshots and SyncIQ replication allows for granular data recovery. This means that only the affected files are recovered, while the most recent changes are preserved for the unaffected data. While an on-prem air-gapped cyber vault can still provide secure network isolation, in the event of an attack, the ability to failover to a fully operational ‘clean slate’ remote site provides additional security and peace of mind.

We’ll explore PowerScale cyber protection and recovery in more depth in a future article.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SupportAssist

OneFS SupportAssist Architecture and Operation

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:41:36 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The previous article in this series looked at an overview of OneFS SupportAssist. Now, we’ll turn our attention to its core architecture and operation.

Under the hood, SupportAssist relies on the following infrastructure and services:




Embedded Service Enabler.


Remote Information Connectivity Engine (RICE).


Coordinator for RICE Incidental Service Peripherals including ESE Start.


OneFS centralized configuration infrastructure.


Master Control Program – starts, monitors, and restarts OneFS services.


Configuration service and database.

Transaction journal

Task manager for RICE.

Of these, ESE, isi_crispies_d, isi_rice_d, and the Transaction Journal are new in OneFS 9.5 and exclusive to SupportAssist. By contrast, Gconfig, MCP, and Tardis are all legacy services that are used by multiple other OneFS components.

The Remote Information Connectivity Engine (RICE) represents the new SupportAssist ecosystem for OneFS to connect to the Dell backend. The high level architecture is as follows:

Dell’s Embedded Service Enabler (ESE) is at the core of the connectivity platform and acts as a unified communications broker between the PowerScale cluster and Dell Support. ESE runs as a OneFS service and, on startup, looks for an on-premises gateway server. If none is found, it connects back to the connectivity pipe (SRS). The collector service then interacts with ESE to send telemetry, obtain upgrade packages, transmit alerts and events, and so on.

Depending on the available resources, ESE provides a base functionality with additional optional capabilities to enhance serviceability. ESE is multithreaded, and each payload type is handled by specific threads. For example, events are handled by event threads, binary and structured payloads are handled by web threads, and so on. Within OneFS, ESE gets installed to /usr/local/ese and runs as ‘ese’ user and group.

The responsibilities of isi_rice_d include listening for network changes, getting eligible nodes elected for communication, monitoring notifications from CRISPIES, and engaging Task Manager when ESE is ready to go.

The Task Manager is a core component of the RICE engine. Its responsibility is to watch the incoming tasks that are placed into the journal and to assign workers to step through the tasks  until completion. It controls the resource utilization (Python threads) and distributes tasks that are waiting on a priority basis.

The ‘isi_crispies_d’ service exists to ensure that ESE is only running on the RICE active node, and nowhere else. It acts, in effect, like a specialized MCP just for ESE and RICE-associated services, such as IPA. This entails starting ESE on the RICE active node, re-starting it if it crashes on the RICE active node, and stopping it and restarting it on the appropriate node if the RICE active instance moves to another node. We are using ‘isi_crispies_d’ for this, and not MCP, because MCP does not support a service running on only one node at a time.

The core responsibilities of ‘isi_crispies_d’ include:

  • Starting and stopping ESE on the RICE active node
  • Monitoring ESE and restarting, if necessary. ‘isi_crispies_d’ restarts ESE on the node if it crashes. It will retry a couple of times and then notify RICE if it’s unable to start ESE.
  • Listening for gconfig changes and updating ESE. Stopping ESE if unable to make a change and notifying RICE.
  • Monitoring other related services.

The state of ESE, and of other RICE service peripherals, is stored in the OneFS tardis configuration database so that it can be checked by RICE. Similarly, ‘isi_crispies_d’ monitors the OneFS Tardis configuration database to see which node is designated as the RICE ‘active’ node.

The ‘isi_telemetry_d’ daemon is started by MCP and runs when SupportAssist is enabled. It does not have to be running on the same node as the active RICE and ESE instance. Only one instance of ‘isi_telemetry_d’ will be active at any time, and the other nodes will be waiting for the lock.

You can query the current status and setup of SupportAssist on a PowerScale cluster by using the ‘isi supportassist settings view’ CLI command. For example:

# isi supportassist settings view
        Service enabled: Yes
       Connection State: enabled
      OneFS Software ID: ELMISL08224764
          Network Pools: subnet0:pool0
        Connection mode: direct
           Gateway host: -
           Gateway port: -
    Backup Gateway host: -
    Backup Gateway port: -
  Enable Remote Support: Yes
Automatic Case Creation: Yes
       Download enabled: Yes

You can also do this from the WebUI by navigating to Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist:

You can enable or disable SupportAssist by using the ‘isi services’ CLI command set. For example:

# isi services isi_supportassist disable
The service 'isi_supportassist' has been disabled.
# isi services isi_supportassist enable
The service 'isi_supportassist' has been enabled.
# isi services -a | grep supportassist
   isi_supportassist    SupportAssist Monitor                    Enabled

You can check the core services, as follows:

# ps -auxw | grep -e 'rice' -e 'crispies' | grep -v grep
root    8348    9.4   0.0 109844  60984  -   Ss   22:14        0:00.06 /usr/libexec/isilon/isi_crispies_d /usr/bin/isi_crispies_d
root    8183    8.8   0.0 108060  64396  -   Ss   22:14        0:01.58 /usr/libexec/isilon/isi_rice_d /usr/bin/isi_rice_d

Note that when a cluster is provisioned with SupportAssist, ESRS can no longer be used. However, customers that have not previously connected their clusters to Dell Support can still provision ESRS, but will be presented with a message encouraging them to adopt the best practice of using SupportAssist.

Additionally, SupportAssist in OneFS 9.5 does not currently support IPv6 networking, so clusters deployed in IPv6 environments should continue to use ESRS until SupportAssist IPv6 integration is introduced in a future OneFS release.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS SupportAssist Management and Troubleshooting

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 18 Apr 2023 20:07:18 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In this final article in the OneFS SupportAssist series, we turn our attention to management and troubleshooting.

Once the provisioning process above is complete, the isi supportassist settings view CLI command reports the status and health of SupportAssist operations on the cluster.

# isi supportassist settings view
        Service enabled: Yes
       Connection State: enabled
      OneFS Software ID: xxxxxxxxxx
          Network Pools: subnet0:pool0
        Connection mode: direct
           Gateway host: -
           Gateway port: -
    Backup Gateway host: -
    Backup Gateway port: -
  Enable Remote Support: Yes
Automatic Case Creation: Yes
       Download enabled: Yes

This can also be obtained from the WebUI by going to Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist:

 There are some caveats and considerations to keep in mind when upgrading to OneFS 9.5 and enabling SupportAssist, including:

  • SupportAssist is disabled when STIG hardening is applied to a cluster.
  • Using SupportAssist on a hardened cluster is not supported.
  • Clusters with the OneFS network firewall enabled (isi network firewall settings) might need to allow outbound traffic on port 9443.
  • SupportAssist is supported on a cluster that’s running in Compliance mode.
  • Secure keys are held in key manager under the RICE domain.

Also, note that Secure Remote Services can no longer be used after SupportAssist has been provisioned on a cluster.

SupportAssist has a variety of components that gather and transmit various pieces of OneFS data and telemetry to Dell Support and backend services through the Embedded Service Enabler (ESE). These workflows include CELOG events; in-product activation (IPA) information; CloudIQ telemetry data; Isi-Gather-info (IGI) logsets; and provisioning, configuration, and authentication data to ESE and the various backend services.



Events and alerts

SupportAssist can be configured to send CELOG events.


The OneFS isi diagnostics gather and isi_gather_info logfile collation and transmission commands have a SupportAssist option. 


HealthCheck definitions are updated using SupportAssist.

License Activation

The isi license activation start command uses SupportAssist to connect.

Remote Support

Remote Support uses SupportAssist and the Connectivity Hub to assist customers with their clusters.


CloudIQ telemetry data is sent using SupportAssist. 


Once SupportAssist is up and running, it can be configured to send CELOG events and attachments  through ESE to CLM. This can be managed by the isi event channels CLI command syntax. For example:

# isi event channels list
ID   Name                Type          Enabled
1    RemoteSupport       connectemc    No
2    Heartbeat Self-Test heartbeat     Yes
3    SupportAssist       supportassist No
Total: 3
# isi event channels view SupportAssist
     ID: 3
   Name: SupportAssist
   Type: supportassist
Enabled: No

Or from the WebUI:

CloudIQ telemetry

In OneFS 9.5, SupportAssist provides an option to send telemetry data to CloudIQ. This can be enabled from the CLI as follows:

# isi supportassist telemetry modify --telemetry-enabled 1 --telemetry-persist 0
# isi supportassist telemetry view
        Telemetry Enabled: Yes
        Telemetry Persist: No
        Telemetry Threads: 8
Offline Collection Period: 7200

Or in the SupportAssist WebUI:

Diagnostics gather

Also in OneFS 9.5, the isi diagnostics gather and isi_gather_info CLI commands both include a --supportassist upload option for log gathers, which also allows them to continue to function through a new “emergency mode” when the cluster is unhealthy. For example, to start a gather from the CLI that will be uploaded through SupportAssist:

# isi diagnostics gather start –supportassist 1

Similarly, for ISI gather info:

# isi_gather_info --supportassist

Or to explicitly avoid using SupportAssist for ISI gather info log gather upload:

# isi_gather_info --nosupportassist

This can also be configured from the WebUI at Cluster management > General configuration > Diagnostics > Gather:

License Activation through SupportAssist

PowerScale License Activation (previously known as In-Product Activation) facilitates the management of the cluster's entitlements and licenses by communicating directly with Software Licensing Central through SupportAssist.

To activate OneFS product licenses through the SupportAssist WebUI:

  1. Go to Cluster management Licensing. 
    For example, on a new cluster without any signed licenses:

  2. Click the Update & Refresh button in the License Activation section. In the Activation File Wizard, select the software modules that you want in the activation file.


  3. Select Review changes, review, click Proceed, and finally Activate

Note that it can take up to 24 hours for the activation to occur.

Alternatively, cluster license activation codes (LAC) can also be added manually.


When it comes to troubleshooting SupportAssist, the basic process flow is as follows:

The OneFS components and services above are:




Embedded Service Enabler


Remote Information Connectivity Engine (RICE)


Coordinator for RICE Incidental Service Peripherals including ESE Start


OneFS centralized configuration infrastructure


Master Control Program; starts, monitors, and restarts OneFS services


Configuration service and database

Transaction journal

Task manager for RICE

Of these, ESE, isi_crispies_d, isi_rice_d, and the transaction journal are new in OneFS 9.5 and exclusive to SupportAssist. In contrast, Gconfig, MCP, and Tardis are all legacy services that are used by multiple other OneFS components. 

For its connectivity, SupportAssist elects a single leader single node within the subnet pool, and NANON nodes are automatically avoided. Ports 443 and 8443 are required to be open for bi-directional communication between the cluster and Connectivity Hub, and port 9443 is for communicating with a gateway. The SupportAssist ESE component communicates with a number of Dell backend services:

  • SRS
  • Connectivity Hub
  • CLM
  • ELMS/Licensing
  • SDR
  • Lightning
  • Log Processor
  • CloudIQ
  • ESE

Debugging backend issues might involve one or more services, and Dell Support can assist with this process.

The main log files for investigating and troubleshooting SupportAssist issues and idiosyncrasies are isi_rice_d.log and isi_crispies_d.log. There is also an ese_log, which can be useful, too. These logs can be found at:


Logfile location




Per node



Per node



Cluster-wide for single instance ESE

Debug level logging can be configured from the CLI as follows:

# isi_for_array isi_ilog -a isi_crispies_d --level=debug+
# isi_for_array isi_ilog -a isi_rice_d --level=debug+

Note that the OneFS log gathers (such as the output from the isi_gather_info utility) will capture all the above log files, plus the pertinent SupportAssist Gconfig contexts and Tardis namespaces, for later analysis.

If needed, the Rice and ESE configurations can also be viewed as follows:

# isi_gconfig -t ese
[root] {version:1}
ese.mode (char*) = direct
ese.connection_state (char*) = disabled
ese.enable_remote_support (bool) = true
ese.automatic_case_creation (bool) = true
ese.event_muted (bool) = false
ese.primary_contact.first_name (char*) =
ese.primary_contact.last_name (char*) = (char*) = (char*) =
ese.primary_contact.language (char*) =
ese.secondary_contact.first_name (char*) =
ese.secondary_contact.last_name (char*) = (char*) = (char*) =
ese.secondary_contact.language (char*) =
(empty dir ese.gateway_endpoints)
ese.defaultBackendType (char*) = srs
ese.ipAddress (char*) =
ese.useSSL (bool) = true
ese.srsPrefix (char*) = /esrs/{version}/devices
ese.directEndpointsUseProxy (bool) = false
ese.enableDataItemApi (bool) = true
ese.usingBuiltinConfig (bool) = false
ese.productFrontendPrefix (char*) = platform/16/supportassist
ese.productFrontendType (char*) = webrest
ese.contractVersion (char*) = 1.0
ese.systemMode (char*) = normal
ese.srsTransferType (char*) = ISILON-GW
ese.targetEnvironment (char*) = PROD
# isi_gconfig -t rice
[root] {version:1}
rice.enabled (bool) = false
rice.ese_provisioned (bool) = false
rice.hardware_key_present (bool) = false
rice.supportassist_dismissed (bool) = false
rice.eligible_lnns (char*) = []
rice.instance_swid (char*) =
rice.task_prune_interval (int) = 86400
rice.last_task_prune_time (uint) = 0
rice.event_prune_max_items (int) = 100
rice.event_prune_days_to_keep (int) = 30
rice.jnl_tasks_prune_max_items (int) = 100
rice.jnl_tasks_prune_days_to_keep (int) = 30
rice.config_reserved_workers (int) = 1
rice.event_reserved_workers (int) = 1
rice.telemetry_reserved_workers (int) = 1
rice.license_reserved_workers (int) = 1
rice.log_reserved_workers (int) = 1
rice.download_reserved_workers (int) = 1
rice.misc_task_workers (int) = 3
rice.accepted_terms (bool) = false
(empty dir rice.network_pools)
rice.telemetry_enabled (bool) = true
rice.telemetry_persist (bool) = false
rice.telemetry_threads (uint) = 8
rice.enable_download (bool) = true
rice.init_performed (bool) = false
rice.ese_disconnect_alert_timeout (int) = 14400
rice.offline_collection_period (uint) = 7200

The -q flag can also be used in conjunction with the isi_gconfig command to identify any values that are not at their default settings. For example, the stock (default) Rice gconfig context will not report any configuration entries:

# isi_gconfig -q -t rice
[root] {version:1}


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS SupportAssist Provisioning – Part 2

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Apr 2023 21:29:24 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the previous article in this OneFS SupportAssist series, we reviewed the off-cluster prerequisites for enabling OneFS SupportAssist:

  1. Upgrading the cluster to OneFS 9.5.
  2. Obtaining the secure access key and PIN.
  3. Selecting either direct connectivity or gateway connectivity.
  4. If using gateway connectivity, installing Secure Connect Gateway v5.x.

In this article, we turn our attention to step 5: Provisioning SupportAssist on the cluster.

As part of this process, we’ll be using the access key and PIN credentials previously obtained from the Dell Support portal in step 2 above.

Provisioning SupportAssist on a cluster

SupportAssist can be configured from the OneFS 9.5 WebUI by going to Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist. To initiate the provisioning process on a cluster, click the Connect SupportAssist link, as shown here:

If SupportAssist is not configured, the Remote support page displays the following banner, warning of the future deprecation of SRS:

Similarly, when SupportAssist is not configured, the SupportAssist WebUI page also displays verbiage recommending the adoption of SupportAssist:

There is also a Connect SupportAssist button to begin the provisioning process.

Selecting the Configure SupportAssist button initiates the setup wizard.

1.  Telemetry Notice


The first step requires checking and accepting the Infrastructure Telemetry Notice:

2.  Support Contract

For the next step, enter the details for the primary support contact, as prompted:

You can also provide the information from the CLI by using the isi supportassist contacts command set. For example:

# isi supportassist contacts modify --primary-first-name=Nick --primary-last-name=Trimbee

3.  Establish Connections

Next, complete the Establish Connections page

This involves the following steps:

      • Selecting the network pool(s)
      • Adding the secure access key and PIN
      • Configuring either direct or gateway access
      • Selecting whether to allow remote support, CloudIQ telemetry, and auto case creation

a.  Select network pool(s).

At least one statically allocated IPv4 network subnet and pool are required for provisioning SupportAssist. OneFS 9.5 does not support IPv6 networking for SupportAssist remote connectivity. However, IPv6 support is planned for a future release.

Select one or more network pools or subnets from the options displayed. In this example, we select subnet0pool0:

Or from the CLI:

Select one or more static subnets or pools for outbound communication, using the following CLI syntax:

# isi supportassist settings modify --network-pools="subnet0.pool0"

Additionally, if the cluster has the OneFS 9.5 network firewall enabled (“isi network firewall settings”), ensure that outbound traffic is allowed on port 9443.

b.  Add secure access key and PIN.

In this next step, add the secure access key and pin. These should have been obtained in an earlier step in the provisioning procedure from the following Dell Support site:

Alternatively, if configuring SupportAssist from the OneFS CLI, add the key and pin by using the following syntax:

# isi supportassist provision start --access-key <key> --pin <pin>

c.  Configure access.

  • Direct access

Or, to configure direct access (the default) from the CLI, ensure that the following parameter is set:

# isi supportassist settings modify --connection-mode direct
# isi supportassist settings view | grep -i "connection mode"
        Connection mode: direct
  • Gateway access

Alternatively, to connect through a gateway, select the Connect via Secure Connect Gateway button:

Complete the Gateway host and Gateway port fields as appropriate for the environment.

Alternatively, to set up a gateway configuration from the CLI, use the isi supportassist settings modify syntax. For example, to use the gateway FQDN and the default port 9443:

# isi supportassist settings modify --connection-mode gateway
# isi supportassist settings view | grep -i "connection mode"
        Connection mode: gateway
# isi supportassist settings modify --gateway-host --gateway-port 9443

When setting up the gateway connectivity option, Secure Connect Gateway v5.0 or later must be deployed within the data center. SupportAssist is incompatible with either ESRS gateway v3.52 or SAE gateway v4. However, Secure Connect Gateway v5.x is backward compatible with PowerScale OneFS ESRS, which allows the gateway to be provisioned and configured ahead of a cluster upgrade to OneFS 9.5.

d. Configure support options.

Finally, configure the support options:

When you have completed the configuration, the WebUI will confirm that SmartConnect is successfully configured and enabled, as follows:

Or from the CLI:

# isi supportassist settings view
        Service enabled: Yes
       Connection State: enabled
      OneFS Software ID: ELMISL0223BJJC
          Network Pools: subnet0.pool0, subnet0.testpool1, subnet0.testpool2, subnet0.testpool3, subnet0.testpool4
        Connection mode: gateway
           Gateway host:
           Gateway port: 9443
    Backup Gateway host:
    Backup Gateway port: 9443
  Enable Remote Support: Yes
Automatic Case Creation: Yes
       Download enabled: Yes



Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS SupportAssist Provisioning – Part 1

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Apr 2023 20:20:31 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In OneFS 9.5, several OneFS components now leverage SupportAssist as their secure off-cluster data retrieval and communication channel. These components include:


Events and Alerts

SupportAssist can send CELOG events and attachments through Embedded Service Enabler (ESE) to CLM.


Logfile gathers can be uploaded to Dell through SupportAssist.

License activation

License activation uses SupportAssist for the isi license activation start CLI command.


Telemetry is sent through SupportAssist to CloudIQ for analytics.

Health check

Health check definition downloads now leverage SupportAssist.

Remote Support

Remote Support now uses SupportAssist along with Connectivity Hub.

For existing clusters, SupportAssist supports the same basic workflows as its predecessor, ESRS, so the transition from old to new is generally pretty seamless.

The overall process for enabling OneFS SupportAssist is as follows:

  1. Upgrade the cluster to OneFS 9.5.
  2. Obtain the secure access key and PIN.
  3. Select either direct connectivity or gateway connectivity.
  4. If using gateway connectivity, install Secure Connect Gateway v5.x.
  5. Provision SupportAssist on the cluster.

 We’ll go through each of these configuration steps in order:

1.  Upgrading to OneFS 9.5

First, the cluster must be running OneFS 9.5 to configure SupportAssist.

There are some additional considerations and caveats to bear in mind when upgrading to OneFS 9.5 and planning on enabling SupportAssist. These include:

  • SupportAssist is disabled when STIG hardening is applied to the cluster.
  • Using SupportAssist on a hardened cluster is not supported.
  • Clusters with the OneFS network firewall enabled (”isi network firewall settings”) might need to allow outbound traffic on ports 443 and 8443, plus 9443 if gateway (SCG) connectivity is configured.
  • SupportAssist is supported on a cluster that’s running in Compliance mode.
  • If you are upgrading from an earlier release, the OneFS 9.5 upgrade must be committed before SupportAssist can be provisioned.

Also, ensure that the user account that will be used to enable SupportAssist belongs to a role with the ISI_PRIV_REMOTE_SUPPORT read and write privilege:

# isi auth privileges | grep REMOTE
  Configure remote support

 For example, for an ese user account:

# isi auth roles view SupportAssistRole
       Name: SupportAssistRole
Description: -
    Members: ese
             ID: ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_PAPI
     Permission: r
      Permission: w

2.  Obtaining secure access key and PIN

An access key and pin are required to provision SupportAssist, and these secure keys are held in key manager under the RICE domain. This access key and pin can be obtained from the following Dell Support site:

In the Quick link navigation bar, select the Generate Access key link:

 On the following page, select the appropriate button:

The credentials required to obtain an access key and pin vary, depending on prior cluster configuration. Sites that have previously provisioned ESRS will need their OneFS Software ID (SWID) to obtain their access key and pin.

The isi license list CLI command can be used to determine a cluster’s SWID. For example:

# isi license list | grep "OneFS Software ID"
OneFS Software ID: ELMISL999CKKD

However, customers with new clusters and/or customers who have not previously provisioned ESRS or SupportAssist will require their Site ID to obtain the access key and pin.

Note that any new cluster hardware shipping after January 2023 will already have an integrated key, so this key can be used in place of the Site ID.

For example, if this is the first time registering this cluster and it does not have an integrated key, select Yes, let’s register:

 Enter the Site ID, site name, and location information for the cluster:

Choose a 4-digit PIN and save it for future reference. After that, click Create My Access Key:

The access key is then generated.

An automated email containing the pertinent key info is sent from the Dell | ServicesConnectivity Team. For example:

This access key is valid for one week, after which it automatically expires.

Next, in the cluster’s WebUI, go back to Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist and enter the access key and PIN information in the appropriate fields. Finally, click Finish Setup to complete the SupportAssist provisioning process:

3.  Deciding between direct or gateway topology 

A topology decision will need to be made between implementing either direct connectivity or gateway connectivity, depending on the needs of the environment:

  • Direct connect:

  • Gateway connect:

SupportAssist uses ports 443 and 8443 by default for bi-directional communication between the cluster and Connectivity Hub. These ports will need to be open across any firewalls or packet filters between the cluster and the corporate network edge to allow connectivity to Dell Support.

Additionally, port 9443 is used for communicating with a gateway (SCG).

# grep -i esrs /etc/services
isi_esrs_d      9443/tcp   #EMC Secure Remote Support outbound alerts

4.  Installing Secure Connect Gateway (optional) 

This step is only required when deploying Dell Secure Connect Gateway (SCG). If a direct connect topology is preferred, go directly to step 5.

When configuring SupportAssist with the gateway connectivity option, Secure Connect Gateway v5.0 or later must be deployed within the data center.

Dell SCG is available for Linux, Windows, Hyper-V, and VMware environments, and, as of this writing, the latest version is The installation binaries can be downloaded from

Download SCG as follows:

  1. Sign in to The Secure Connect Gateway - Application Edition page is displayed. If you have issues signing in using your business account or if you are unable to access the page even after signing in, contact Dell Administrative Support.
  2. In the Quick links section, click Generate Access key.
  3. On the Generate Access Keypage, perform the following steps:
    1. Select a site ID, site name, or site location.
    2. Enter a four-digit PIN and click Generate key. An access key is generated and sent to your email address. NOTE: The access key and PIN must be used within seven days and cannot be used to register multiple instances of SCG.
    3. Click Done.
  4. On the Secure Connect Gateway – Application Edition page, click the Drivers & Downloads tab.
  5. Search and select the required version.
  6. In the ACTION column, click Download.

The following steps are required to set up SCG:

 Pertinent resources for installing SCG include:

Another useful source of SCG installation, configuration, and troubleshooting information is the Dell Support forum:

5.  Provisioning SupportAssist on the cluster

 At this point, the off-cluster prestaging work should be complete.

In the next article in this series, we turn our attention to the SupportAssist provisioning process on the cluster itself (step 5).



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OneFS monitoring troubleshooting SmartQoS

OneFS SmartQoS Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 21 Mar 2023 18:30:54 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The previous articles in this series have covered the SmartQoS architecture, configuration, and management. Now, we’ll turn our attention to monitoring and troubleshooting.

You can use the ‘isi statistics workload’ CLI command to monitor the dataset’s performance. The ‘Ops’ column displays the current protocol operations per second. In the following example, Ops stabilize around 9.8, which is just below the configured limit value of 10 Ops.

# isi statistics workload --dataset ds1 & data


Similarly, this next example from the SmartQoS WebUI shows a small NFS workflow performing 497 protocol Ops in a pinned workload with a limit of 500 Ops:

You can pin multiple paths and protocols by selecting the ‘Pin Workload’ option for a given Dataset. Here, four directory path workloads are each configured with different Protocol Ops limits:

When it comes to troubleshooting SmartQoS, there are a few areas that are worth checking right away, including the SmartQoS Ops limit configuration, isi_pp_d and isi_stats_d daemons, and the protocol service(s).

  1. For suspected Ops limit configuration issues, first confirm that the SmartQoS limits feature is enabled:

# isi performance settings view
Top N Collections: 1024
Time In Queue Threshold (ms): 10.0
Target read latency in microseconds: 12000.0
Target write latency in microseconds: 12000.0
Protocol Ops Limit Enabled: Yes

Next, verify that the workload level protocols_ops limit is correctly configured:

# isi performance workloads view <workload>

Check whether any errors are reported in the isi_tardis_d configuration log:

# cat /var/log/isi_tardis_d.log

  2. To investigate isi_pp_d, first check that the service is enabled:

# isi services –a isi_pp_d
Service 'isi_pp_d' is enabled.

If necessary, you can restart the isi_pp_d service as follows:

# isi services isi_pp_d disable
Service 'isi_pp_d' is disabled.
# isi services isi_pp_d enable
Service 'isi_pp_d' is enabled.

There’s also an isi_pp_d debug tool, which can be helpful in a pinch:

# isi_pp_d -h
Usage: isi_pp_d [-ldhs]
-l Run as a leader process; otherwise, run as a follower. Only one leader process on the cluster will be active.
-d Run in debug mode (do not daemonize).
-s Display pp_leader node (devid and lnn)
-h Display this help.

You can enable debugging on the isi_pp_d log file with the following command syntax:

# isi_ilog -a isi_pp_d -l debug, /var/log/isi_pp_d.log

For example, the following log snippet shows a typical isi_ppd_d.log message communication between isi_pp_d leader and isi_pp_d followers:

[090500b000000b80,08020000:0000bfddffffffff,09000100:ffbcff7cbb9779de,09000100:d8d2fee9ff9e3bfe,090001 00:0000000075f0dfdf]      
100,,,,20,1658854839  < in the format of <workload_id, cputime, disk_reads, disk_writes, protocol_ops, timestamp>

Here, the extract from the /var/log/isi_pp_d.log logfiles from nodes 1 and 2 of a cluster illustrate the different stages of Protocol Ops limit enforcement and usage:

  3. To investigate the isi_stats_d, first confirm that the isi_pp_d service is enabled:

# isi services -a isi_stats_d
Service 'isi_stats_d' is enabled.

If necessary, you can restart the isi_stats_d service as follows:

# isi services isi_stats_d disable
# isi services isi_stats_d enable

You can view the workload level statistics with the following command:

# isi statistics workload list --dataset=<name>

You can enable debugging on the isi_stats_d log file with the following command syntax:

# isi_stats_tool --action set_tracelevel --value debug
# cat /var/log/isi_stats_d.log

  4. To investigate protocol issues, the ‘isi services’ and ‘lwsm’ CLI commands can be useful. For example, to check the status of the S3 protocol:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm list | grep -i protocol
hdfs                       [protocol]    stopped
lwswift                    [protocol]    running (lwswift: 8393)
nfs                        [protocol]    running (nfs: 8396)
s3                         [protocol]    stopped
srv                        [protocol]    running (lwio: 8096)
# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm status s3
# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm info s3
Service: s3
Description: S3 Server
Categories: protocol
Path: /usr/likewise/lib/lw-svcm/
Dependencies: lsass onefs_s3 AuditEnabled?flt_audit_s3
Container: s3

This CLI output confirms that the S3 protocol is inactive. You can start the S3 service as follows:

# isi services -a | grep -i s3
s3                   S3
Service                               Enabled

Similarly, you can restart the S3 service as follows:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm restart s3
Stopping service: s3
Starting service: s3

To investigate further, you can increase the protocol’s log level verbosity. For example, to set the s3 log to ‘debug’:

# isi s3 log-level view
Current logging level is 'info'
# isi s3 log-level modify debug
# isi s3 log-level view
Current logging level is 'debug'

Next, view and monitor the appropriate protocol log. For example, for the S3 protocol:

# cat /var/log/s3.log
# tail -f /var/log/s3.log

Beyond the above, you can monitor /var/log/messages for pertinent errors, because the main partition performance (PP) modules log to this file. You can enable debug level logging for the various PP modules as follows.


# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.raa.syslog=debug+
ilog.ifs.acct.raa.syslog: error,warning,notice (inherited) -> error,warning,notice,info,debug


# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.rat.syslog=debug+
ilog.ifs.acct.rat.syslog: error,warning,notice (inherited) -> error,warning,notice,info,debug

Actor work:

# sysctl error,warning,notice (inherited) -> error,warning,notice,info,debug

When finished, you can restore the default logging levels for the above modules as follows:

# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.raa.syslog=notice+
# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.rat.syslog=notice+
# sysctl

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS NAS clusters SmartQoS

OneFS SmartQoS Configuration and Setup

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 14 Mar 2023 16:06:06 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the previous article in this series, we looked at the underlying architecture and management of SmartQoS in OneFS 9.5. Next, we’ll step through an example SmartQoS configuration using the CLI and WebUI.

After an initial set up, configuring a SmartQoS protocol Ops limit comprises four fundamental steps. These are:







Identify Metrics of interest

Used for tracking, to enforce an Ops limit

Uses ‘path’ and ‘protocol’ for the metrics to identify the workload.


Create a Dataset

For tracking all of the chosen metric categories

Create the dataset ‘ds1’ with the metrics identified.


Pin a Workload

To specify exactly which values to track within the chosen metrics

path: /ifs/data/client_exports

protocol: nfs3


Set a Limit

To limit Ops based on the dataset, metrics (categories), and metric values defined by the workload

Protocol_ops limit: 100

Step 1:

First, select a metric of interest. For this example, we’ll use the following:

  • Protocol: NFSv3
  • Path: /ifs/test/expt_nfs

If not already present, create and verify an NFS export – in this case at /ifs/test/expt_nfs:

# isi nfs exports create /ifs/test/expt_nfs
# isi nfs exports list
ID Zone Paths Description
1 System /ifs/test/expt_nfs

Or from the WebUI, under Protocols UNIX sharing (NFS) > NFS exports:

Step 2:

The ‘dataset’ designation is used to categorize workload by various identification metrics, including:

ID Metric




Primary groupname

Primary GID or GSID

Secondary groupname

Secondary GID or GSID

Zone name


IP address

Local or remote IP address or IP address range


Except for S3 protocol


SMB share or NFS export ID


NFSv3, NFSv4, NFSoRDMA, SMB, or S3

SmartQoS in OneFS 9.5 only allows protocol Ops as the transient resources used for configuring a limit ceiling.

For example, you can use the following CLI command to create a dataset ‘ds1’, specifying protocol and path as the ID metrics:

# isi performance datasets create --name ds1 protocol path
Created new performance dataset 'ds1' with ID number 1.

Note: Resource usage tracking by the ‘path’ metric is only supported by SMB and NFS.

The following command displays any configured datasets:

# isi performance datasets list

Or, from the WebUI, by navigating to Cluster management > Smart QoS:

Step 3:

After you have created the dataset, you can pin a workload to it by specifying the metric values. For example:

# isi performance workloads pin ds1 protocol:nfs3 path: /ifs/test/expt_nfs

Pinned performance dataset workload with ID number 100.

Or from the WebUI, by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Pin workload:

After pinning a workload, the entry appears in the ‘Top Workloads’ section of the WebUI page. However, wait at least 30 seconds to start receiving updates.

To list all the pinned workloads from a specified dataset, use the following command:

# isi performance workloads list ds1

The prior command’s output indicates that there are currently no limits set for this workload.

By default, a protocol ops limit exists for each workload. However, it is set to the maximum (the maximum value of a 64-bit unsigned integer). This is represented in the CLI output by a dash (“-“) if a limit has not been explicitly configured:

# isi performance workloads list ds1
ID   Name  Metric Values           Creation Time       Cluster Resource Impact  Client Impact   Limits
100  -     path:/ifs/test/expt_nfs 2023-02-02T12:06:05  -          -              -
Total: 1

Step 4:

For a pinned workload in a dataset, you can configure a limit for the protocol ops limit from the CLI, using the following syntax:

# isi performance workloads modify <dataset> <workload ID> --limits protocol_ops:<value>

When configuring SmartQoS, always be aware that it is a powerful performance throttling tool which can be applied to significant areas of a cluster’s data and userbase. For example, protocol Ops limits can be configured for metrics such as ‘path:/ifs’, which would affect the entire /ifs filesystem, or ‘zone_name:System’ which would limit the System access zone and all users within it. While such configurations are entirely valid, they would have a significant, system-wide impact. As such, exercise caution when configuring SmartQoS to avoid any inadvertent, unintended, or unexpected performance constraints.

In the following example, the dataset is ‘ds1’, the workload ID is ‘100’, and the protocol Ops limit is set to the value ‘10’:

# isi performance workloads modify ds1 100 --limits protocol_ops:10
protocol_ops: 18446744073709551615 -> 10

Or from the WebUI, by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Pin and throttle workload:

You can use the ‘isi performance workloads’ command in ‘list’ mode to show details of the workload ‘ds1’. In this case, ‘Limits’ is set to protocol_ops = 10.

# isi performance workloads list test
ID   Name  Metric Values           Creation Time       Cluster Resource Impact  Client Impact   Limits
100  -     path:/ifs/test/expt_nfs 2023-02-02T12:06:05  -   -  protocol_ops:10
Total: 1

Or in ‘view’ mode:

# isi performance workloads view ds1 100
                     ID: 100
                   Name: -
          Metric Values: path:/ifs/test/expt_nfs, protocol:nfs3
          Creation Time: 2023-02-02T12:06:05
Cluster Resource Impact: -
          Client Impact: -
                 Limits: protocol_ops:10

Or from the WebUI, by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS:

You can easily modify the limit value of a pinned workload with the following CLI syntax. For example, to set the limit to 100 Ops:

# isi performance workloads modify ds1 100 --limits protocol_ops:100

Or from the WebUI, by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Edit throttle:

Similarly, you can use the following CLI command to easily remove a protocol ops limit for a pinned workload:

# isi performance workloads modify ds1 100 --no-protocol-ops-limit

Or from the WebUI, by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Remove throttle:

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS SupportAssist

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 13 Mar 2023 23:31:33 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Among the myriad of new features included in the OneFS 9.5 release is SupportAssist, Dell’s next-gen remote connectivity system. SupportAssist is included with all support plans (features vary based on service level agreement).

Dell SupportAssist rapidly identifies, diagnoses, and resolves cluster issues and provides the following key benefits:

  • Improves productivity by replacing manual routines with automated support
  • Accelerates resolution, or avoid issues completely, with predictive issue detection and proactive remediation

Within OneFS, SupportAssist transmits events, logs, and telemetry from PowerScale to Dell support. As such, it provides a full replacement for the legacy ESRS.

Delivering a consistent remote support experience across the Dell storage portfolio, SupportAssist is intended for all sites that can send telemetry off-cluster to Dell over the Internet. SupportAssist integrates the Dell Embedded Service Enabler (ESE) into PowerScale OneFS along with a suite of daemons to allow its use on a distributed system.


Dell’s next-generation remote connectivity solution

Being phased out of service

Can either connect directly, or through supporting gateways

Can only use gateways for remote connectivity

Uses Connectivity Hub to coordinate support

Uses ServiceLink to coordinate support

 Using the Dell Connectivity Hub, SupportAssist can either interact directly or through a Secure Connect gateway. 

SupportAssist has a variety of components that gather and transmit various pieces of OneFS data and telemetry to Dell Support and backend services through the Embedded Service Enabler (ESE). These workflows include CELOG events; In-product activation (IPA) information; CloudIQ telemetry data; Isi-Gather-info (IGI) logsets; and provisioning, configuration, and authentication data to ESE and the various backend services.



In OneFS 9.5, SupportAssist can be configured to send CELOG events and attachments through ESE to CLM. CELOG has a “supportassist” channel that, when active, creates an EVENT task for SupportAssist to propagate. 

License Activation

The isi license activation start command uses SupportAssist to connect.


Several pieces of PowerScale and OneFS functionality require licenses, and must communicate with the Dell backend services in order to register and activate those cluster licenses. In OneFS 9.5, SupportAssist is the preferred mechanism to send those license activations through ESE to the Dell backend. License information can be generated through the isi license generate CLI command and then activated with the isi license activation start syntax.  


SupportAssist must register with backend services in a process known as provisioning. This process must be run before the ESE will respond on any of its other available API endpoints. Provisioning can only successfully occur once per installation, and subsequent provisioning tasks will fail. SupportAssist must be configured through the CLI or WebUI before provisioning.  The provisioning process uses authentication information that was stored in the key manager upon the first boot.  


The OneFS isi diagnostics gather and isi_gather_info logfile collation and transmission commands have a --supportassist option. 


HealthCheck definitions are updated using SupportAssist.


CloudIQ telemetry data is sent using SupportAssist. 

Remote Support

Remote Support uses SupportAssist and the Connectivity Hub to assist customers with their clusters.

SupportAssist requires an access key and PIN, or hardware key, to be enabled, with most customers likely using the access key and pin method. Secure keys are held in key manager under the RICE domain.

In addition to the transmission of data from the cluster to Dell, Connectivity Hub also allows inbound remote support sessions to be established for remote cluster troubleshooting.

 In the next article in this series, we’ll take a deeper look at the SupportAssist architecture and operation.



Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SmartQoS

OneFS SmartQoS Architecture and Management

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 01 Mar 2023 22:34:30 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The SmartQoS Protocol Ops limits architecture, introduced in OneFS 9.5, involves three primary capabilities:

  • Resource tracking
  • Resource limit distribution
  • Throttling

Under the hood, the OneFS protocol heads (NFS, SMB, and S3) identify and track how many protocol operations are being processed through a specific export or share. The existing partitioned performance (PP) reporting infrastructure is leveraged for cluster wide resource usage collection, limit calculation and distribution, along with new OneFS 9.5 functionality to support pinned workload protocol Ops limits.

The protocol scheduling module (LwSched) has a built-in throttling capability that allows the execution of individual operations to be delayed by temporarily pausing them, or ‘sleeping’. Additionally, in OneFS 9.5, the partitioned performance kernel modules have also been enhanced to calculate ‘sleep time’ based on operation count resource information (requested, average usage, and so on) – both within the current throttling window, and for a specific workload.

We can characterize the fundamental SmartQoS workflow as follows:

  1. Configuration, using the CLI, pAPI, or WebUI.
  2. Statistics gatherer obtains Op/s data from the partitioned performance (PP) kernel.
  3. Stats gatherer communicates Op/s data to PP leader service.
  4. Leader queries config manager for per-cluster rate limit.
  5. Leader calculates per-node limit.
  6. PP follower service is notified of per-node Op/s limit.
  7. Kernel is informed of new per-node limit.
  8. Work is scheduled with rate-limited resource.
  9. Kernel returns sleep time, if needed.

When an admin configures a per-cluster protocol Ops limit, the statistics gathering service, isi_stats_d, begins collecting workload resource information every 30 seconds by default from the partitioned performance (PP) kernel on each node in the cluster and notifies the isi_pp_d leader service of this resource info. Next, the leader gets the per-cluster protocol Ops limit plus additional resource consumption metrics from the isi_acct_cpp service from isi_tardis_d, the OneFS cluster configuration service and calculates the protocol Ops limit of each node for the next throttling window. It then instructs the isi_pp_d follower service on each node to update the kernel with the newly calculated protocol Ops limit, plus a request to reset the throttling window.

When the kernel receives a scheduling request for a work item from the protocol scheduler (LwSched), the kernel calculates the required ‘sleep time’ value, based on the current node protocol Ops limit and resource usage in the current throttling window. If insufficient resources are available, the work item execution thread is put to sleep for a specific interval returned from the PP kernel. If resources are available, or the thread is reactivated from sleeping, it executes the work item and reports the resource usage statistics back to PP, releasing any scheduling resources it may own.

SmartQoS can be configured through either the CLI, platform API, or WebUI, and OneFS 9.5 introduces a new SmartQoS WebUI page to support this. Note that SmartQoS is only available when an upgrade to OneFS 9.5 has been committed, and any attempt to configure or run the feature prior to upgrade commit will fail with the following message:

# isi performance workloads modify DS1 -w WS1 --limits protocol_ops:50000
 Setting of protocol ops limits not available until upgrade has been committed

When a cluster is running OneFS 9.5 and the release is committed, the SmartQoS feature is enabled by default. This, and the current configuration, can be confirmed using the following CLI command:

 # isi performance settings view
                   Top N Collections: 1024
        Time In Queue Threshold (ms): 10.0
 Target read latency in microseconds: 12000.0
Target write latency in microseconds: 12000.0
          Protocol Ops Limit Enabled: Yes

In OneFS 9.5, the ‘isi performance settings modify’ CLI command now includes a ‘protocol-ops-limit-enabled’ parameter to allow the feature to be easily disabled (or re-enabled) across the cluster. For example:

# isi performance settings modify --protocol-ops-limit-enabled false
protocol_ops_limit_enabled: True -> False

Similarly, the ‘isi performance settings view’ CLI command has been extended to report the protocol OPs limit state:

# isi performance settings view *
Top N Collections: 1024
Protocol Ops Limit Enabled: Yes

In order to set a protocol OPs limit on workload from the CLI, the ‘isi performance workload pin’ and ‘isi performance workload modify’ commands now accept an optional ‘–limits’ parameter. For example, to create a pinned workload with the ‘protocol_ops’ limit set to 10000:

# isi performance workload pin test protocol:nfs3 --limits

Similarly, to modify an existing workload’s ‘protocol_ops’ limit to 20000:

# isi performance workload modify test 101 --limits protocol_ops:20000
protocol_ops: 10000 -> 20000

When configuring SmartQoS, always be aware that it is a powerful throttling tool that can be applied to significant areas of a cluster’s data and userbase. For example, protocol OPs limits can be configured for metrics such as ‘path:/ifs’, which would affect the entire /ifs filesystem, or ‘zone_name:System’ which would limit the System access zone and all users within it.

While such configurations are entirely valid, they would have a significant, system-wide impact. As such, exercise caution when configuring SmartQoS to avoid any inadvertent, unintended, or unexpected performance constraints.

To clear a protocol Ops limit on workload, the ‘isi performance workload modify’ CLI command has been extended to accept an optional ‘–noprotocol-ops-limit’ argument. For example:

# isi performance workload modify test 101 --no-protocol-ops-limit
protocol_ops: 20000 -> 18446744073709551615

Note that the value of ‘18446744073709551615’ in the command output above represents ‘NO_LIMIT’ set.

You can view a workload’s protocol Ops limit by using the ‘isi performance workload list’ and ‘isi performance workload view’ CLI commands, which have been modified in OneFS 9.5 to display the limits appropriately. For example:

# isi performance workload list test
ID Name Metric Values Creation Time Impact Limits
101 - protocol:nfs3 2023-02-02T22:35:02 - protocol_ops:20000
# isi performance workload view test 101
ID: 101
Name: -
Metric Values: protocol:nfs3
Creation Time: 2023-02-02T22:35:02
Impact: -
Limits: protocol_ops:20000

In the next article in this series, we’ll step through an example SmartQoS configuration and verification from both the CLI and WebUI.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SmartQoS performance management

OneFS SmartQoS

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 23 Feb 2023 22:34:49 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Built atop the partitioned performance (PP) resource monitoring framework, OneFS 9.5 introduces a new SmartQoS performance management feature. SmartQoS allows a cluster administrator to set limits on the maximum number of protocol operations per second (Protocol Ops) that individual pinned workloads can consume, in order to achieve desired business workload prioritization. Among the benefits of this new QoS functionality are:

  • Enabling IT infrastructure teams to achieve performance SLAs
  • Allowing throttling of rogue or low priority workloads and hence prioritization of other business critical workloads
  • Helping minimize data unavailability events due to overloaded clusters


This new SmartQoS feature in OneFS 9.5 supports the NFS, SMB and S3 protocols, including mixed traffic to the same workload.

But first, a quick refresher. The partitioned performance resource monitoring framework, which initially debuted in OneFS 8.0.1, enables OneFS to track and report the use of transient system resources (resources that only exist at a given instant), providing insight into who is consuming what resources, and how much of them. Examples include CPU time, network bandwidth, IOPS, disk accesses, and cache hits, and so on.

OneFS partitioned performance is an ongoing project that in OneFS 9.5 now provides control and insights. This allows control of work flowing through the system, prioritization and protection of mission critical workflows, and the ability to detect if a cluster is at capacity.

Because identification of work is highly subjective, OneFS partitioned performance resource monitoring provides significant configuration flexibility, by allowing cluster admins to craft exactly how they want to define, track, and manage workloads. For example, an administrator might want to partition their work based on criteria such as which user is accessing the cluster, the export/share they are using, which IP address they’re coming from – and often a combination of all three.

OneFS has always provided client and protocol statistics, but they were typically front-end only. Similarly, OneFS has provided CPU, cache, and disk statistics, but they did not display who was consuming them. Partitioned performance unites these two realms, tracking the usage of the CPU, drives, and caches, and spanning the initiator/participant barrier.

OneFS collects the resources consumed and groups them into distinct workloads. The aggregation of these workloads comprises a performance dataset.





A set of identification metrics and resources used

{username:nick, zone_name:System} consumed {cpu:1.5s, bytes_in:100K, bytes_out:50M, …}

Performance Dataset

The set of identification metrics by which to aggregate workloads


The list of workloads collected that match that specification

{usernames, zone_names}


A method for including only workloads that match specific identification metrics

  • {username:nick, zone_name:System}
  • {username:jane, zone_name:System}
  • {username:nick, zone_name:Perf}

The following metrics are tracked by partitioned performance resource monitoring:



Identification Metrics

  • Username / UID / SID
  • Primary Groupname / GID / GSID
  • Secondary Groupname / GID / GSID
  • Zone Name
  • Local/Remote IP Address/Range
  • Path
  • Share / Export ID
  • Protocol
  • System Name
  • Job Type

Transient Resources

  • CPU Usage
  • Bytes In/Out – Net traffic minus TCP headers
  • IOPs – Protocol OPs
  • Disk Reads – Blocks read from disk
  • Disk Writes – Block written to the journal, including protection
  • L2 Hits – Blocks read from L2 cache
  • L3 Hits – Blocks read from L3 cache
  • Latency – Sum of time taken from start to finish of OP
  • ReadLatency
  • WriteLatency
  • OtherLatency

Performance Statistics

  • Read/Write/Other Latency

Supported Protocols

  • NFS
  • SMB
  • S3
  • Jobs
  • Background Services

Be aware that, in OneFS 9.5, SmartQoS currently does not support the following Partitioned Performance criteria:

Unsupported Group

Unsupported Items


  • System Name
  • Job Type


  • Top workloads (as they are dynamically and automatically generated by the kernel)
  • Workloads belonging to the ‘system’ dataset


  • Jobs
  • Background services

When pinning a workload to a dataset, note that the more metrics there are in that dataset, the more parameters need to be defined when pinning to it. For example:

Dataset = zone_name, protocol, username

To set a limit on this dataset, you’d need to pin the workload by also specifying the zone name, protocol, and username.

When using the remote_address and/or local_address metrics, you can also specify a subnet. For example: 10.123.456.0/24

With the exception of the system dataset, you must configure performance datasets before statistics are collected.

For SmartQoS in OneFS 9.5, you can define and configure limits as a maximum number of protocol operations (Protocol Ops) per second across the following protocols:

  • NFSv3
  • NFSv4
  • SMB
  • S3

You can apply a Protocol Ops limit to up to four custom datasets. All pinned workloads within a dataset can have a limit configured, up to a maximum of 1024 workloads per dataset. If multiple workloads happen to share a common metric value with overlapping limits, the lowest limit that is configured would be enforced

Note that when upgrading to OneFS 9.5, SmartQoS is activated only when the new release has been successfully committed.

In the next article in this series, we’ll take a deeper look at SmartQoS’ underlying architecture and workflow.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SmartPools

OneFS SmartPools Transfer Limits Configuration and Management

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 16 Feb 2023 15:48:08 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the first article in this series, we looked at the architecture and considerations of the new SmartPools transfer limits in OneFS 9.5. Now, we turn our attention to the configuration and management of this feature.

From the control plane side, OneFS 9.5 contains several WebUI and CLI enhancements to reflect the new SmartPools transfer limits functionality. Probably the most obvious change is in the Local storage usage status histogram, where tiers and their child node pools have been aggregated for a more logical grouping. Also, blue limit-lines have been added above each of the storage pools, and a red warning status is displayed for any pools that have exceeded the transfer limit.

Similarly, the storage pools status page now includes transfer limit details, with the 90% limit displayed for any storage pools using the default setting.

From the CLI, the isi storagepool nodepools view command reports the transfer limit status and percentage for a pool. The used SSD and HDD bytes percentages in the command output indicate where the pool utilization is relative to the transfer limit.

The storage transfer limit can be easily configured from the CLI as either for a  specific pool, as a default, or disabled, using the new –transfer-limit and –default-transfer-limit flags.

The following CLI command can be used to set the transfer limit for a specific storage pool:

# isi storagepool nodepools/tier modify --transfer-limit={0-100, default, disabled} 

For example, to set a limit of 80% on an A200 nodepool:

# isi storagepool a200_30tb_1.6tb-ssd_96gb modify --transfer-limit=80 

Or to set the default limit of 90% on tier perf1:

# isi storagepool perf1 --transfer-limit=default 

Note that setting the transfer limit of a tier automatically applies to all its child node pools, regardless of any prior child limit configurations.

The global isi storage settings view CLI command output shows the default transfer limit, which is 90%, but it can be configured between 0 to 100%.

This default limit can be reconfigured from the CLI with the following syntax:

# isi storagepool settings modify --default-transfer-limit={0-100, disabled}

For example, to set a new default transfer limit of 85%:

# isi storagepool settings modify --default-transfer-limit=85

And the same changes can be made from the SmartPools WebUI, by navigating to Storage pools > SmartPools settings:

 Once a SmartPools job has been completed in OneFS 9.5, the job report contains a new field, files not moved due to transfer limit exceeded.

# isi job reports view 1056 
Policy/testpolicy/Access changes skipped 0 
Policy/testpolicy/ADS containers matched 'head’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/ADS containers matched 'snapshot’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/ADS streams matched 'head’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/ADS streams matched 'snapshot’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Directories matched 'head’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Directories matched 'snapshot’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/File creation templates matched 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Files matched 'head’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Files matched 'snapshot’ 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Files not moved due to transfer limit exceeded 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Files packed 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Files repacked 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Files unpacked 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Packing changes skipped 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Protection changes skipped 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Skipped files already in containers 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Skipped packing non-regular files 0 
Policy/testpolicy/Skipped packing regular files 0

Additionally, the SYS STORAGEPOOL FILL LIMIT EXCEEDED alert is triggered at the Info level when a storage pool’s usage has exceeded its transfer limit. Each hour, CELOG fires off a monitor helper script that measures how full each storage pool is relative to its transfer limit. The usage is gathered by reading from the disk pool database, and the transfer limits are stored in gconfig. If a node pool has a transfer limit of 50% and usage of 75%, the monitor helper would report a measurement of 150%, triggering an alert.

# isi event view 126 
ID: 126 
Started: 11/29 20:32 
Causes Long: storagepool: vonefs_13gb_4.2gb-ssd_6gb:hdd usage: 33.4, transfer limit: 30.0 
Lnn: 0 
Devid: 0 
Last Event: 2022-11-29T20:32:16 
Ignore: No 
Ignore Time: Never 
Resolved: No 
Resolve Time: Never 
Ended: -- 
Events: 1 
Severity: information

And from the WebUI:

And there you have it: Transfer limits, and the first step in the evolution toward a smarter SmartPools.


Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SmartPools

OneFS SmartPools Transfer Limits

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 15 Feb 2023 22:53:09 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The new OneFS 9.5 release introduces the first phase of engineering’s Smarter SmartPools initiative, and delivers a new feature called SmartPools transfer limits.

The goal of SmartPools Transfer Limits is to address spill over. Previously, when file pool policies were executed, OneFS had no guardrails to protect against overfilling the destination or target storage pool. So if a pool was overfilled, data would unexpectedly spill over into other storage pools.

An overflow would result in storagepool usage exceeding 100%, and cause the SmartPools job itself to do a considerable amount of unnecessary work, trying to send files to a given storagepool. But because the pool was full, it would then have to send those files off to another storage pool that was below capacity. This would result in data going where it wasn’t intended, and the potential for individual files to end up getting split between pools. Also, if the full pool was on the most highly performing storage in the cluster, all subsequent newly created data would now land on slower storage, affecting its throughput and latency. The recovery from a spillover can be fairly cumbersome because it’s tough for the cluster to regain balance, and urgent system administration may be required to free space on the affected tier.

In order to address this, SmartPools Transfer Limits allows a cluster admin to configure a storagepool capacity-usage threshold, expressed as a percentage, and beyond which file pool policies stop moving data to that particular storage pool.

These transfer limits only take effect when running jobs that apply filepool policies, such as SmartPools, SmartPoolsTree, and FilePolicy.

The main benefits of this feature are two-fold:

  • Safety, in that OneFS avoids undesirable actions, so the customer is prevented from getting into escalation situations, because SmartPools won’t overfill storage pools.
  • Performance, because transfer limits avoid unnecessary work, and allow the SmartPools job to finish sooner.

Under the hood, a cluster’s storagepool SSD and HDD usage is calculated using the same algorithm as reported by the ‘isi storagepools list’ CLI command. This means that a pool’s VHS (virtual hot spare) reserved capacity is respected by SmartPools transfer limits. When a SmartPools job is running, there is at least one worker on each node processing a single LIN at any given time. In order to calculate the current HDD and SSD usage per storagepool, the worker must read from the diskpool database. To circumvent this potential bottleneck, the filepool policy algorithm caches the diskpool database contents in memory for up to 10 seconds.

Transfer limits are stored in gconfig, and a separate entry is stored within the ‘smartpools.storagepools’ hierarchy for each explicitly defined transfer limit.

Note that in the SmartPools lexicon, ‘storage pool’ is a generic term denoting either a tier or nodepool. Additionally, SmartPools tiers comprise one or more constituent nodepools.

Each gconfig transfer limit entry stores a limit value and the diskpool database identifier of the storagepool to which the transfer limit applies. Additionally, a ‘transfer limit state’ field specifies which of three states the limit is in:

Limit state



Fallback to the default transfer limit.


Ignore transfer limit.


The corresponding transfer limit value is valid.

A SmartPools transfer limit does not affect the general ingress, restriping, or reprotection of files, regardless of how full the storage pool is where that file is located. So if you’re creating or modifying a file on the cluster, it will be created there anyway. This will continue up until the pool reaches 100% capacity, at which point it will then spill over.

The default transfer limit is 90% of a pool’s capacity. This applies to all storage pools where the cluster admin hasn’t explicitly set a threshold. Note also that the default limit doesn’t get set until a cluster upgrade to OneFS 9.5 has been committed. So if you’re running a SmartPools policy job during an upgrade, you’ll have the preexisting behavior, which is to send the file to wherever the file pool policy instructs it to go. It’s also worth noting that, even though the default transfer limit is set on commit, if a job was running over that commit edge, you’d have to pause and resume it for the new limit behavior to take effect. This is because the new configuration is loaded lazily when the job workers are started up, so even though the configuration changes, a pause and resume is needed to pick up those changes.

SmartPools itself needs to be licensed on a cluster in order for transfer limits to work. And limits can be configured at the tier or nodepool level. But if you change the limit of a tier, it automatically applies to all of its child nodepools, regardless of any prior child limit configurations. The transfer limit feature can also be disabled, which results in the same spillover behavior OneFS always displayed, and any configured limits will not be respected.

Note that a filepool policy’s transfer limits algorithm does not consider the size of the file when deciding whether to move it to the policy’s target storagepool, regardless of whether the file is empty, or a large file. Similarly, a target storagepool’s usage must exceed its transfer limit before the filepool policy will stop moving data to that target pool. The assumption here is that any storagepool usage overshoot is insignificant in scale compared to the capacity of a cluster’s storagepool.

A SmartPools file pool policy allows you to send snapshot or HEAD data blocks to different targets, if so desired.

Because the transfer limit applies to the storagepool itself, and not to the file pool policy, it’s important to note that, if you’ve got varying storagepool targets and one file pool policy, you may have a situation where the head data blocks do get moved. But if the snapshot is pointing at a storage pool that has exceeded its transfer limit, its blocks will not be moved.

File pool policies also allow you to specify how a mixed node’s SSDs are used: either as L3 cache, or as an SSD strategy for head and snapshot blocks. If the SSDs in a node are configured for L3, they are not being used for storage, so any transfer limits are irrelevant to it. As an alternative to L3 cache, SmartPools offers three main categories of SSD strategy:  

  • Avoid, which means send all blocks to HDD 
  • Data, which means send everything to SSD 
  • Metadata Read or Write, which sends varying numbers of metadata mirrors to SSD, and data blocks to hard disk.

To reflect this, SmartPools transfer limits are slightly nuanced when it comes to SSD strategies. That is, if the storagepool target contains both HDD and SSD, the usage capacity of both mediums needs to be below the transfer limit in order for the file to be moved to that target. For example, take two node pools, NP1 and NP2.

A file pool policy, Pol1, is configured and which matches all files under /ifs/dir1, with an SSD strategy of Metadata Write, and pool NP1 as the target for HEAD’s data blocks. For snapshots, the target is NP2, with an ‘avoid’ SSD strategy, so just writing to hard disk for both snapshot data and metadata.

When a SmartPools job runs and attempts to apply this file pool policy, it sees that SSD usage is above the 85% configured transfer limit for NP1. So, even though the hard disk capacity usage is below the limit, neither HEAD data nor metadata will be sent to NP1.

For the snapshot, the SSD usage is also above the NP2 pool’s transfer limit of 90%.

However, because the SSD strategy is ‘avoid’, and because the hard disk usage is below the limit, the snapshot’s data and metadata get successfully sent to the NP2 HDDs.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS diagnostics

OneFS Diagnostics

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Sun, 18 Dec 2022 19:43:36 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In addition to the /usr/bin/isi_gather_info tool, OneFS also provides both a GUI and a common ‘isi’ CLI version of the tool – albeit with slightly reduced functionality. This means that a OneFS log gather can be initiated either from the WebUI, or by using the ‘isi diagnostics’ CLI command set with the following syntax:

# isi diagnostics gather start

The diagnostics gather status can also be queried as follows:

# isi diagnostics gather status
Gather is running.

When the command has completed, the gather tarfile can be found under /ifs/data/Isilon_Support.

You can also view and modify the ‘isi diagnostics’ configuration as follows:

# isi diagnostics gather settings view
                Upload: Yes
                  ESRS: Yes
         Supportassist: Yes
           Gather Mode: full
  HTTP Insecure Upload: No
      HTTP Upload Host:
      HTTP Upload Path:
     HTTP Upload Proxy:
HTTP Upload Proxy Port: -
            Ftp Upload: Yes
       Ftp Upload Host:
       Ftp Upload Path: /incoming
      Ftp Upload Proxy:
 Ftp Upload Proxy Port: -
       Ftp Upload User: anonymous
   Ftp Upload Ssl Cert:
   Ftp Upload Insecure: No

The configuration options for the ‘isi diagnostics gather’ CLI command include:



–upload <boolean>

Enable gather upload.

–esrs <boolean>

Use ESRS for gather upload.

–gather-mode (incremental | full)

Type of gather: incremental, or full.

–http-insecure-upload <boolean>

Enable insecure HTTP upload on completed gather.

–http-upload-host <string>

HTTP Host to use for HTTP upload.

–http-upload-path <string>

Path on HTTP server to use for HTTP upload.

–http-upload-proxy <string>

Proxy server to use for HTTP upload.

–http-upload-proxy-port <integer>

Proxy server port to use for HTTP upload.


Clear proxy server port to use for HTTP upload.

–ftp-upload <boolean>

Enable FTP upload on completed gather.

–ftp-upload-host <string>

FTP host to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-path <string>

Path on FTP server to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-proxy <string>

Proxy server to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-proxy-port <integer>

Proxy server port to use for FTP upload.


Clear proxy server port to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-user <string>

FTP user to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-ssl-cert <string>

Specifies the SSL certificate to use in FTPS connection.

–ftp-upload-insecure <boolean>

Whether to attempt a plain text FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-pass <string>

FTP user to use for FTP upload password.


Specify the FTP upload password interactively.

As mentioned above, ‘isi diagnostics gather’ does not present quite as broad an array of features as the isi_gather_info utility. This is primarily for security purposes, because ‘isi diagnostics’ does not require root privileges to run. Instead, a user account with the ‘ISI_PRIV_SYS_SUPPORT’ RBAC privilege is needed in order to run a gather from either the WebUI or ‘isi diagnostics gather’ CLI interface.

When a gather is running, a second instance cannot be started from any other node until that instance finishes. Typically, a warning similar to the following appears:

"It appears that another instance of gather is running on the cluster somewhere. If you would like to force gather to run anyways, use the --force-multiple-igi flag. If you believe this message is in error, you may delete the lock file here: /ifs/.ifsvar/run/gather.node."

You can remove this lock as follows:

# rm -f /ifs/.ifsvar/run/gather.node

You can also initiate a log gather from the OneFS WebUI by navigating to Cluster management > Diagnostics > Gather:


The WebUI also uses the ‘isi diagnostics’ platform API handler and so, like the CLI command, also offers a subset of the full isi_gather_info functionality.

A limited menu of configuration options is also available in the WebUI, under Cluster management > Diagnostics > Gather settings:

Also contained within the OneFS diagnostics command set is the ‘isi diagnostics netlogger’ utility. Netlogger captures IP traffic over a period of time for network and protocol analysis.

Under the hood, netlogger is a Python wrapper around the ubiquitous tcpdump utility, and can be run either from the OneFS command line or WebUI.

For example, from the WebUI, browse to Cluster management > Diagnostics > Netlogger:

Alternatively, from the OneFS CLI, the isi_netlogger command captures traffic on the interface (‘–interfaces’) over a timeout period of minutes (‘–duration’), and stores a specified number of log files (‘–count’).

Here’s the basic syntax of the CLI utility:

 # isi diagnostics netlogger start
        [--interfaces <str>]
        [--count <integer>]
        [--duration <duration>]
        [--snaplength <integer>]
        [--nodelist <str>]
        [--clients <str>]
        [--ports <str>]
        [--protocols (ip | ip6 | arp | tcp | udp)]
        [{--help | -h}]

Note that using the ‘-b’ bpf buffer size option will temporarily change the default buffer size while netlogger is running.

To display help text for netlogger command options, specify 'isi diagnostics netlogger start -h'. The command options include:

Netlogger Option


–interfaces <str>

Limit packet collection to specified network interfaces.

–count <integer>

The number of packet capture files to keep after they reach the duration limit. Defaults to the latest 3 files. 0 is infinite.

–duration <duration>

How long to run the capture before rotating the capture file. Default is 10 minutes.

–snaplength <integer>

The maximum amount of data for each packet that is captured. Default is 320 bytes. Valid range is 64 to 9100 bytes.

–nodelist <str>

List of nodes specified by LNN on which to run the capture.

–clients <str>

Limit packet collection to specified Client hostname / IP addresses.

–ports <str>

Limit packet collection to specified TCP or UDP ports.

–protocols (ip | ip6 | arp | tcp | udp)

Limit packet collection to specified protocols.

Netlogger’s log files are stored by default under /ifs/netlog/<node_name>.

You can also use the WebUI to configure the netlogger parameters under Cluster management > Diagnostics > Netlogger settings:

Be aware that specifying ‘isi diagnostics netlogger’ can consume significant cluster resources. When running the tool on a production cluster, be aware of the effect on the system.

When the command has completed, the capture file(s) are stored under:

# /ifs/netlog/[nodename]

You can also use the following command to incorporate netlogger output files into a gather_info bundle:

# isi_gather_info -n [node#] -f /ifs/netlog

To capture on multiple nodes of the cluster, you can prefix the netlogger command by the versatile isi_for_array utility. For example:

# isi_for_array –s ‘isi diagnostics netlogger --nodelist 2,3 --timeout 5 --snaplength 256’

This command syntax creates five minute incremental files on nodes 2 and 3, using a snaplength of 256 bytes, which captures the first 256 bytes of each packet. These five-minute logs are kept for about three days. The naming convention is of the form netlog-<node_name>-<date>-<time>.pcap. For example:

# ls /ifs/netlog/tme_h700-1

When using netlogger, set the ‘–snaplength’ option appropriately, depending on the protocol, in order to capture the right amount of detail in the packet headers and/or payload. Or, if you want the entire contents of every packet, use a value of zero (‘–snaplength 0’).

The default snaplength for netlogger is to capture 320 bytes per packet, which is typically sufficient for most protocols.

However, for SMB, a snaplength of 512 is sometimes required. Note that depending on a node’s traffic quantity, a snaplength of 0 (that is: capture whole packet) can potentially overwhelm the network interface driver.

All the output gets written to files under /ifs/netlog directory, and the default capture time is ten minutes (‘–duration 10’).

You can apply filters to constrain traffic to/from certain hosts or protocols. For example, to limit output to traffic between client and the cluster node:

# isi diagnostics netlogger --duration 5 --snaplength 256 --clients

Or to capture only NFS traffic, filter on port 2049:

# isi diagnostics netlogger --ports 2049

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS logfiles

OneFS Logfile Collection with isi-gather-info

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Sun, 18 Dec 2022 19:11:11 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

The previous blog outlining the investigation and troubleshooting of OneFS deadlocks and hang-dumps generated several questions about OneFS logfile gathering. So it seemed like a germane topic to explore in an article.

The OneFS ‘isi_gather_info’  utility has long been a cluster staple for collecting and collating context and configuration that primarily aids support in the identification and resolution of bugs and issues. As such, it is arguably OneFS’ primary support tool and, in terms of actual functionality, it performs the following roles:

  1. Executes many commands, scripts, and utilities on cluster, and saves their results
  2. Gathers all these files into a single ‘gzipped’ package.
  3. Transmits the gather package back to Dell, using several optional transport methods.

By default, a log gather tarfile is written to the /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/pkg/ directory. It can also be uploaded to Dell using the following means:

Transport Mechanism


TCP Port


Uses Dell EMC Secure Remote Support (ESRS) for gather upload.



Use FTP to upload completed gather.



Use HTTP to upload gather.


More specifically, the ‘isi_gather_info’ CLI command syntax includes the following options:



–upload <boolean>

Enable gather upload.

–esrs <boolean>

Use ESRS for gather upload.

–gather-mode (incremental | full)

Type of gather: incremental, or full.

–http-insecure-upload <boolean>

Enable insecure HTTP upload on completed gather.

–http-upload-host <string>

HTTP Host to use for HTTP upload.

–http-upload-path <string>

Path on HTTP server to use for HTTP upload.

–http-upload-proxy <string>

Proxy server to use for HTTP upload.

–http-upload-proxy-port <integer>

Proxy server port to use for HTTP upload.


Clear proxy server port to use for HTTP upload.

–ftp-upload <boolean>

Enable FTP upload on completed gather.

–ftp-upload-host <string>

FTP host to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-path <string>

Path on FTP server to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-proxy <string>

Proxy server to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-proxy-port <integer>

Proxy server port to use for FTP upload.


Clear proxy server port to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-user <string>

FTP user to use for FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-ssl-cert <string>

Specifies the SSL certificate to use in FTPS connection.

–ftp-upload-insecure <boolean>

Whether to attempt a plain text FTP upload.

–ftp-upload-pass <string>

FTP user to use for FTP upload password.


Specify the FTP upload password interactively.

When the gather arrives at Dell, it is automatically unpacked by a support process and analyzed using the ‘logviewer’ tool.

Under the hood, there are two principal components responsible for running a gather. These are:




The manager process, triggered by the user, which oversees all the isi_gather_info tasks that are executed on a single node.


The worker process, which runs a series of commands (specified by the overlord) on a specific node.

The ‘isi_gather_info’ utility is primarily written in Python, with its configuration under the purview of MCP, and RPC services provided by the isi_rpc_d daemon.

For example:

# isi_gather_info&
# ps -auxw | grep -i gather
root   91620    4.4  0.1 125024  79028  1  I+   16:23        0:02.12 python /usr/bin/isi_gather_info (python3.8)
root   91629    3.2  0.0  91020  39728  -  S    16:23        0:01.89 isi_rpc_d: isi.gather.minion.minion.GatherManager (isi_rpc_d)
root   93231    0.0  0.0  11148   2692  0  D+   16:23        0:00.01 grep -i gather

The overlord uses isi_rdo (the OneFS remote command execution daemon) to start up the minion processes and informs them of the commands to be executed by an ephemeral XML file, typically stored at /ifs/.ifsvar/run/<uuid>-gather_commands.xml. The minion then spins up an executor and a command for each entry in the XML file.

The parallel process executor (the default one to use) acts as a pool, triggering commands to run in parallel until a specified number are running in parallel. The commands themselves take care of the running and processing of results, checking frequently to ensure that the timeout threshold has not been passed.

The executor also keeps track of which commands are currently running, and how many are complete, and writes them to a file so that the overlord process can display useful information. When this is complete, the executor returns the runtime information to the minion, which records the benchmark file. The executor will also safely shut itself down if the isi_gather_info lock file disappears, such as if the isi_gather_info process is killed.

During a gather, the minion returns nothing to the overlord process, because the output of its work is written to disk.

Architecturally, the ‘gather’ process comprises an eight phase workflow:


The details of each phase are as follows:



1. Setup

Reads from the arguments passed in, and from any config files on disk, and sets up the config dictionary, which will be used throughout the rest of the codebase. Most of the code for this step is contained in isilon/lib/python/gather/igi_config/ This is also the step where the program is most likely to exit, if some config arguments end up being invalid.

2. Run local

Executes all the cluster commands, which are run on the same node that is starting the gather. All these commands run in parallel (up to the current parallelism value). This is typically the second longest running phase.

3. Run nodes

Executes the node commands across all of the cluster’s nodes. This runs on each node, and while these commands run in parallel (up to the current parallelism value), they do not run in parallel with the local step.

4. Collect

Ensures that all results end up on the overlord node (the node that started gather). If gather is using /ifs, it is very fast, but if it’s not, it needs to SCP all the node results to a single node.

5. Generate Extra Files

Generates nodes_info and package_info.xml. These two files are present in every single gather, and tell us some important metadata about the cluster.

6. Packing

Packs (tars and gzips) all the results. This is typically the longest running phase, often by an order of magnitude.

7. Upload

Transports the tarfile package to its specified destination. Depending on the geographic location, this phase might also be lengthy.

8. Cleanup

Cleans up any intermediary files that were created on cluster. This phase will run even if gather fails or is interrupted.

Because the isi_gather_info tool is primarily intended for troubleshooting clusters with issues, it runs as root (or compadmin in compliance mode), because it needs to be able to execute under degraded conditions (that is, without GMP, during upgrade, and under cluster splits, and so on). Given these atypical requirements, isi_gather_info is built as a stand-alone utility, rather than using the platform API for data collection.

The time it takes to complete a gather is typically determined by cluster configuration, rather than size. For example, a gather on a small cluster with a large number of NFS shares will take significantly longer than on large cluster with a similar NFS configuration. Incremental gathers are not recommended, because the base that’s required to check against in the log store may be deleted. By default, gathers only persist for two weeks in the log processor.

On completion of a gather, a tar’d and zipped logset is generated and placed under the cluster’s /ifs/data/IsilonSupport/pkg directory by default. A standard gather tarfile unpacks to the following top-level structure:

# du -sh *
536M    IsilonLogs-powerscale-f900-cl1-20220816-172533-3983fba9-3fdc-446c-8d4b-21392d2c425d.tgz
320K    benchmark
 24K    celog_events.xml
 24K    command_line
128K    complete
449M    local
 24K    local.log
 24K    nodes_info
 24K    overlord.log
 83M    powerscale-f900-cl1-1
 24K    powerscale-f900-cl1-1.log
119M    powerscale-f900-cl1-2
 24K    powerscale-f900-cl1-2.log
134M    powerscale-f900-cl1-3
 24K    powerscale-f900-cl1-3.log

In this case, for a three node F900 cluster, the compressed tarfile is 536 MB in size. The bulk of the data, which is primarily CLI command output, logs, and sysctl output, is contained in the ‘local’ and individual node directories (powerscale-f900-cl1-*). Each node directory contains a tarfile, varlog.tar, containing all the pertinent logfiles for that node.

The root directory of the tarfile file includes the following:




§ Runtimes for all commands executed by the gather.


  • Info about the customer, including name, phone, email, and so on.
  • Contains significant details about the cluster and individual nodes, including:

§ Cluster/Node names

§ Node Serial numbers

§ Configuration ID

§ OneFS version info

§ Events


§ Lists of complete commands run across the cluster and on individual nodes


  • See below.


  • Contains general information about the nodes, including the node ID, the IP address, the node name, and the logical node number


§ Gather execution and issue log.


§ Cluster version details, GUID, S/N, and customer info (name, phone, email, and so on).


  • Syntax of gather commands run.

Notable contents of the ‘local’ directory (all the cluster-wide commands that are executed on the node running the gather) include:

Local Contents Item




  • This file seems to contain a list of all alerts that have ever occurred on the cluster
  • Event Id, which consists of the number of the initiating node and the event number
  • Times that the alert was issued and was resolved
  • Severity
  • Logical Node Number of the node(s) to which the alert applies
  • The message contained in the alert


  • Contains information about job engine processes
  • Includes Job names, enabled status, priority policy, and descriptions


  • A schedule of when job engine processes run
  • Includes job name, the schedule for a job, and the next time that a run of the job will occur


  • The current license status of all of the modules


§ State and configuration of all the cluster’s network interfaces.


§ Configuration detail for all the cluster’s NFS exports.


§ Listing of all the OneFS services and whether they are enabled or disabled. More detailed configuration for each service is contained in separate files. For example, for SnapshotIQ:

  • snapshot_list
  • snapshot_schedule
  • snapshot_settings
  • snapshot_usage
  • writable_snapshot_list


§ Detailed configuration info for all the cluster’s NFS exports.


§ Overall status of the cluster, including networks, drives, and so on.


§ CPU, protocol, and disk IO stats.

Contents of the directory for the ‘node’ directory include:

Node Contents Item



Output of the df command


  • Output of the du command
  • Unfortunately it runs ‘du -h’ which reports capacity in ‘human readable’ form, but makes it more complex to sort.


Contains a list of outstanding alerts on the node

ps and ps_full

Lists of all running process at the time that isi_gather_info was executed.

As the isi_gather_info command runs, status is provided in the interactive CLI session:

# isi_gather_info
running local commands
Progress of local
[########################################################  ]
147/152 files written  \
Some active commands are: ifsvar_modules_jobengine_cp, isi_statistics_heat, ifsv

When the gather has completed, the location of the tarfile on the cluster itself is reported as follows:

# isi_gather_info
running local commands
running node commands
collecting files
generating package_info.xml
tarring gather
uploading gather

The path to the tar-ed gather is:


If the gather upload services are unavailable, errors are displayed on the console, as shown here:

uploading gather
        ESRS failed - ESRS has not been provisioned
        FTP failed - pycurl error: (28, 'Failed to connect to port 21 after 81630 ms: Operation timed out')

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

networking PowerScale OneFS clusters

OneFS Hardware Network Considerations

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 20:54:43 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

As we’ve seen in prior articles in this series, OneFS and the PowerScale platforms support a variety of Ethernet speeds, cable and connector styles, and network interface counts, depending on the node type selected. However, unlike the back-end network, Dell Technologies does not specify particular front-end switch models, allowing PowerScale clusters to seamlessly integrate into the data link layer (layer 2) of an organization’s existing Ethernet IP network infrastructure. For example:


A layer 2 looped topology, as shown here, extends VLANs between the distribution/aggregation switches, with spanning tree protocol (STP) preventing network loops by shutting down redundant paths. The access layer uplinks can be used to load balance VLANs. This distributed architecture allows the cluster’s external network to connect to multiple access switches, affording each node similar levels of availability, performance, and management properties.

Link aggregation can be used to combine multiple Ethernet interfaces into a single link-layer interface, and is implemented between a single switch and a PowerScale node, where transparent failover or switch port redundancy is required. Link aggregation assumes that all links are full duplex, point to point, and at the same data rate, providing graceful recovery from link failures. If a link fails, traffic is automatically sent to the next available link without disruption.

Quality of service (QoS) can be implemented through differentiated services code point (DSCP), by specifying a value in the packet header that maps to an ‘effort level’ for traffic. Because OneFS does not provide an option for tagging packets with a specified DSCP marking, the recommended practice is to configure the first hop ports to insert DSCP values on the access switches connected to the PowerScale nodes. OneFS does however retain headers for packets that already have a specified DSCP value.

When designing a cluster, the recommendation is that each node have at least one front-end interface configured, preferably in at least one static SmartConnect zone. Although a cluster can be run in a ‘not all nodes on the network’ (NANON) configuration, where feasible, the recommendation is to connect all nodes to the front-end network(s). Additionally, cluster services such as SNMP, ESRS, ICAP, and auth providers (AD, LDAP, NIS, and so on) prefer that each node have an address that can reach the external servers.

In contrast with scale-up NAS platforms that use separate network interfaces for out-of-band management and configuration, OneFS traditionally performs all cluster network management in-band. However, PowerScale nodes typically contain a dedicated 1Gb Ethernet port that can be configured for use as a management network by ICMP or iDRAC, simplifying administration of a large cluster. OneFS also supports using a node’s serial port as an RS-232 out-of-band management interface. This practice is highly recommended for large clusters. Serial connectivity can provide reliable BIOS-level command line access for on-site or remote service staff to perform maintenance, troubleshooting, and installation operations.

SmartConnect provides a configurable allocation method for each IP address pool:

Allocation Method



• One IP per interface is assigned, will likely require fewer IPs to meet minimum requirements

• No Failover of IPs to other interfaces


• Multiple IPs per interface is assigned, will require more IPs to meet minimum requirements

• Failover of IPs to other interfaces, failback policies are needed

The default ‘static’ allocation assigns a single persistent IP address to each interface selected in the pool, leaving additional pool IP addresses unassigned if the number of addresses exceeds the total interfaces.

The lowest IP address of the pool is assigned to the lowest Logical Node Number (LNN) from the selected interfaces. The same is true for the second-lowest IP address and LNN, and so on. If a node or interface becomes unavailable, this IP address does not move to another node or interface. Also, when the node or interface becomes unavailable, it is removed from the SmartConnect zone, and new connections will not be assigned to the node. When the node is available again, SmartConnect automatically adds it back into the zone and assigns new connections.

By contrast, ‘dynamic’ allocation divides all available IP addresses in the pool across all selected interfaces. OneFS attempts to assign the IP addresses as evenly as possible. However, if the interface-to-IP address ratio is not an integer value, a single interface might have more IP addresses than another. As such, wherever possible, ensure that all the interfaces have the same number of IP addresses.

In concert with dynamic allocation, dynamic failover provides high availability by transparently migrating IP addresses to another node when an interface is not available. If a node becomes unavailable, all the IP addresses it was hosting are reallocated across the new set of available nodes in accordance with the configured failover load-balancing policy. The default IP address failover policy is round robin, which evenly distributes IP addresses from the unavailable node across available nodes. Because the IP address remains consistent, irrespective of the node on which it resides, failover to the client is transparent, so high availability is seamless.

The other available IP address failover policies are the same as the initial client connection balancing policies, that is, connection count, throughput, or CPU usage. In most scenarios, round robin is not only the best option but also the most common. However, the other failover policies are available for specific workflows.

The decision on whether to implement dynamic failover depends on the protocol(s) being used, general workflow attributes, and any high-availability design requirements:



Suggested Allocation Strategy






Dynamic or Static, depending on mount daemon, OneFS version, and Kerberos.



Dynamic or Static

SMB Multi-channel


Dynamic or Static



Dynamic or Static



Dynamic or Static. HDFS uses separate name-node and data-node connections. Allocation strategy depends on the need for data locality and/or multi-protocol, that is:


HDFS + NFSv3 : Dynamic Pool


HDFS + SMB : Static Pool









Static required

Assigning each workload or data store to a unique IP address enables OneFS SmartConnect to move each workload to one of the other interfaces. This minimizes the additional work that a remaining node in the SmartConnect pool must absorb and ensures that the workload is evenly distributed across all the other nodes in the pool.

Static IP pools require one IP address for each logical interface within the pool. Because each node provides two interfaces for external networking, if link aggregation is not configured, this would require 2*N IP addresses for a static pool.

Determining the number of IP addresses within a dynamic allocation pool varies depending on the workflow, node count, and the estimated number of clients that would be in a failover event. While dynamic pools need, at a minimum, the number of IP addresses to match a pool’s node count, the ‘N * (N – 1)’ formula can often prove useful for calculating the required number of IP addresses for smaller pools. In this equation, N is the number of nodes that will participate in the pool.

For example, a SmartConnect pool with four-node interfaces, using the ‘N * (N – 1)’ model will result in three unique IP addresses being allocated to each node. A failure on one node interface will cause each of that interface’s three IP addresses to fail over to a different node in the pool. This ensures that each of the three active interfaces remaining in the pool receives one IP address from the failed node interface. If client connections to that node are evenly balanced across its three IP addresses, SmartConnect will evenly distribute the workloads to the remaining pool members. For larger clusters, this formula may not be feasible due to the sheer number of IP addresses required.

Enabling jumbo frames (Maximum Transmission Unit set to 9000 bytes) typically yields improved throughput performance with slightly reduced CPU usage than when using standard frames, where the MTU is set to 1500 bytes. For example, with 40 Gb Ethernet connections, jumbo frames provide about five percent better throughput and about one percent less CPU usage.

OneFS provides the ability to optimize storage performance by designating zones to support specific workloads or subsets of clients. Different network traffic types can be segregated on separate subnets using SmartConnect pools.

For large clusters, partitioning the cluster’s networking resources and allocating bandwidth to each workload can help minimize the likelihood that heavy traffic from one workload will affect network throughput for another. This is particularly true for SyncIQ replication and NDMP backup traffic, which can frequently benefit from its own set of interfaces, separate from user and client IO load.

The ‘groupnet’ networking object is part of OneFS’ support for multi-tenancy. Groupnets sit above subnets and pools and allow separate Access Zones to contain distinct DNS settings.

The management and data network(s) can then be incorporated into different Access Zones, each with their own DNS, directory access services, and routing, as appropriate.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS clusters

OneFS Hardware Platform Considerations

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 20:42:17 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

A key decision for performance, particularly in a large cluster environment, is the type and quantity of nodes deployed. Heterogeneous clusters can be architected with a wide variety of node styles and capacities, to meet the needs of a varied data set and a wide spectrum of workloads. These node styles encompass several hardware generations, and fall loosely into three main categories or tiers. While heterogeneous clusters can easily include many hardware classes and configurations, the best practice of simplicity for building clusters holds true here too.

Consider the physical cluster layout and environmental factors, particularly when designing and planning a large cluster installation. These factors include:

  • Redundant power supply
  • Airflow and cooling
  • Rackspace requirements
  • Floor tile weight constraints
  • Networking requirements
  • Cabling distance limitations

The following table details the physical dimensions, weight, power draw, and thermal properties for the range of PowerScale F-series all-flash nodes:








Max Watts



Normal BTU


All-flash NVMe



17.8 IN /
45 cm

31.8 IN / 85.9 cm


 73 lbs






All-flash NVMe




17.8 IN /
45 cm

31.8 IN / 85.9 cm


 43 lbs









17.8 IN /
45 cm

31.8 IN / 85.9 cm


 47 lbs





Note that the table above represents individual nodes. A minimum of three similar nodes are required for a node pool.

Similarly, the following table details the physical dimensions, weight, power draw, and thermal properties for the range of PowerScale chassis-based platforms:








Max Watts



Normal BTU




4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

35 IN / 
 88.9 cm


169 lbs (77 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

35 IN / 
 88.9 cm


261lbs (100 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

39 IN / 
 99.06 cm


312 lbs (129 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

35 IN / 
 88.9 cm


 213 lbs (97 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

39 IN / 
 99.06 cm


285 lbs (129 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

35 IN / 
 88.9 cm


248 lbs (112 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

35 IN / 
 88.9 cm


242 lbs (110 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

35 IN / 
 88.9 cm


252 lbs (100 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

39 IN / 
 99.06 cm


303 lbs (129 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

35 IN / 
 88.9 cm


219 lbs (100 kg)








4U (4×1.75IN)

17.6 IN / 45 cm

39 IN / 
 99.06 cm


285 lbs (129 kg)





Note that this table represents 4RU chassis, each of which contains four PowerScale platform nodes (the minimum node pool size).

The following figure shows the locations of both the front-end (ext-1 & ext-2) and back-end (int-1 & int-2) network interfaces on the PowerScale stand-alone F-series and chassis-based nodes:


A PowerScale cluster’s back-end network is analogous to a distributed systems bus. Each node has two back-end interfaces for redundancy that run in an active/passive configuration (int-1 and int-2 above). The primary interface is connected to the primary switch; the secondary interface is connected to a separate switch.

For nodes using 40/100 Gb or 25/10 Gb Ethernet or InfiniBand connected with multimode fiber, the maximum cable length is 150 meters. This allows a cluster to span multiple rack rows, floors, and even buildings, if necessary. While this can solve floor space challenges, in order to perform any physical administration activity on nodes, you must know where the equipment is located.

The following table shows the various PowerScale node types and their respective back-end network support. While Ethernet is the preferred medium – particularly for large PowerScale clusters – InfiniBand is also supported for compatibility with legacy Isilon clusters.

Node Models


F200, F600, F900

F200: nodes support a 10 GbE or 25 GbE connection to the access switch using the same NIC. A breakout cable can connect up to four nodes to a single switch port.


F600: nodes support a 40 GbE or 100 GbE connection to the access switch using the same NIC.


F900: nodes support a 40 GbE or 100 GbE connection to the access switch using the same NIC.

H700, H7000, A300, A3000

Supports 40 GbE or 100 GbE connection to the access switch using the same NIC.




Supports 25 GbE or 10 GbE connection to the leaf using the same NIC. A breakout cable can connect a 40 GbE switch port to four 10 GbE nodes or a 100 GbE switch port to four 25 GbE nodes.

F810, F800, H600, H500, H5600

Performance nodes support a 40 GbE connection to the access switch.

A200, A2000, H400

Archive nodes support a 10GbE connection to the access switch using a breakout cable. A breakout cable can connect a 40 GbE switch port to four 10 GbE nodes or a 100 GbE switch port to four 10 GbE nodes.

Currently only Dell Technologies approved switches are supported for back-end Ethernet and IB cluster interconnection. These include:







Dell S4112





10 GbE only.

Dell 4148





10 GbE only.

Dell S5232




Leaf or Spine

Supports 4x10GbE or 4x25GbE breakout cables.


Total of 124 10GbE or 25GbE nodes as top-of-rack back-end switch.


Port 32 does not support breakout.

Dell Z9100




Leaf or Spine

Supports 4x10GbE or 4x25GbE breakout cables.


Total of 128 10GbE or 25GbE nodes as top-of-rack back-end switch.

Dell Z9264




Leaf or Spine

Supports 4x10GbE or 4x25GbE breakout cables.


Total of 128 10GbE or 25GbE nodes as top-of-rack back-end switch.

Arista 7304




Enterprise core

40GbE or 10GbE line cards.

Arista 7308




Enterprise/ large cluster

40GbE or 10GbE line cards.

Mellanox Neptune MSX6790




IB fabric

32Gb/s quad data rate InfiniBand.

Be aware that the use of patch panels is not supported for PowerScale cluster back-end connections, regardless of overall cable lengths. All connections must be a single link, single cable directly between the node and back-end switch. Also, Ethernet and InfiniBand switches must not be reconfigured or used for any traffic beyond a single cluster.

Support for leaf spine back-end Ethernet network topologies was first introduced in OneFS 8.2. In a leaf-spine network switch architecture, the PowerScale nodes connect to leaf switches at the access, or leaf, layer of the network. At the next level, the aggregation and core network layers are condensed into a single spine layer. Each leaf switch connects to each spine switch to ensure that all leaf switches are no more than one hop away from one another. For example:

Leaf-to-spine switch connections require even distribution, to ensure the same number of spine connections from each leaf switch. This helps minimize latency and reduces the likelihood of bottlenecks in the back-end network. By design, a leaf spine network architecture is both highly scalable and redundant.

Leaf spine network deployments can have a minimum of two leaf switches and one spine switch. For small to medium clusters in a single rack, the back-end network typically uses two redundant top-of-rack (ToR) switches, rather than implementing a more complex leaf-spine topology.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS clusters cabling

OneFS Hardware Installation Considerations

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 20:29:30 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

When it comes to physically installing PowerScale nodes, most use a 35 inch depth chassis and will fit in a standard depth data center cabinet. Nodes can be secured to standard storage racks with their sliding rail kits, included in all node packaging and compatible with racks using either 3/8 inch square holes, 9/32 inch round holes, or 10-32 / 12-24 / M5X.8 / M6X1 pre-threaded holes. These supplied rail kit mounting brackets are adjustable in length, from 24 inches to 36 inches, to accommodate different rack depths. When selecting an enclosure for PowerScale nodes, ensure that the rack supports the minimum and maximum rail kit sizes.


Rack Component



Distance between front surface of the rack and the front NEMA rail


Distance between NEMA rails, minimum=24in (609.6mm), max=34in (863.6mm)


Distance between the rear of the chassis to the rear of the rack, min=2.3in (58.42mm)


Distance between inner front of the front door and the NEMA rail, min=2.5in (63.5mm)


Distance between the inside of the rear post and the rear vertical edge of the chassis and rails, min=2.5in (63.5mm)


Width of the rear rack post


19in (486.2mm)+(2e), min=24in (609.6mm)


19in (486.2mm) NEMA+(2e)+(2f)

Note: Width of the PDU+0.5in (13mm) <=e +f


If j=i+c+PDU depth+3in (76.2mm), then h=min 23.6in (600mm)


Assuming the PDU is mounted beyond i+c.


Chassis depth: Normal chassis=35.80in (909mm) : Deep chassis=40.40in (1026mm)

Switch depth (measured from the front NEMA rail): Note: The inner rail is fixed at 36.25in (921mm)


Allow up to 6in (155mm) for cable bend radius when routing up to 32 cables to one side of the rack. Select the greater of the installed equipment.


Minimum rack depth=i+c






Front door


Rear door


Rack post






NEMA 19 inch


Rack top view


Distance from front NEMA to chassis face:

Dell PowerScale deep and normal chassis = 0in

However, the high-capacity models, such as the F800/810, H7000, H5600, A3000 and A2000, have 40 inch depth chassis and require extended depth cabinets, such as the APC 3350 or Dell Titan-HD rack.

Additional room must be provided for opening the FRU service trays at the rear of the nodes and, in the chassis-based 4RU platforms, the disk sleds at the front of the chassis. Except for the 2RU F900, the stand-alone PowerScale all-flash nodes are 1RU in height (including the 1RU diskless P100 accelerator and B100 backup accelerator nodes).

Power-wise, each cabinet typically requires between two and six independent single or three-phase power sources. To determine the specific requirements, use the published technical specifications and device rating labels for the devices to calculate the total current draw for each rack.


North American 3 wire connection (2 L and 1 G)

International 3 wire connection (1 L, 1 N, and 1 G)

Input nominal voltage

200–240 V ac +/- 10% L – L nom

220–240 V ac +/- 10% L – L nom


50–60 Hz

50–60 Hz

Circuit breakers

30 A

32 A

Power zones



Power requirements at site (minimum to maximum)

Single-phase: six 30A drops, two per zone


Three-phase Delta: two 50A drops, one per zone


Three-phase Wye: two 32A drops, one per zone

Single-phase: six 30A drops, two per zone


Three-phase Delta: two 50A drops, one per zone


Three-phase Wye: two 32A drops, one per zone

Additionally, the recommended environmental conditions to support optimal PowerScale cluster operation are as follows:




Operate at >=90 percent of the time between 10 degrees Celsius to 35 degrees Celsius, and <=10 percent of the time between 5 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius.


40 to 55 percent relative humidity


A fully configured cabinet must sit on at least two floor tiles, and can weigh approximately 1588 kilograms (3500 pounds).


0 meters to 2439 meters (0 to 8,000 ft) above sea level operating altitude.

Weight is a critical factor to keep in mind, particularly with the chassis-based nodes. Individual 4RU chassis can weigh up to around 300 lbs each, and the maximum floor tile capacity for each individual cabinet or rack must be kept in mind. For the deep node styles (H7000, H5600, A3000 and A2000), the considerable node weight may prevent racks from being fully populated with PowerScale equipment. If the cluster uses a variety of node types, installing the larger, heavier nodes at the bottom of each rack and the lighter chassis at the top can help distribute weight evenly across the cluster racks’ floor tiles.

Note that there are no lift handles on the PowerScale 4RU chassis. However, the drive sleds can be removed to provide handling points if no lift is available. With all the drive sleds removed, but leaving the rear compute modules inserted, the chassis weight drops to a more manageable 115 lbs or so. It is strongly recommended to use a lift for installation of 4RU chassis.

Cluster back-end switches ship with the appropriate rails (or tray) for proper installation of the switch in the rack. These rail kits are adjustable to fit NEMA front rail to rear rail spacing ranging from 22 in to 34 in.

Note that some manufacturers’ Ethernet switch rails are designed to overhang the rear NEMA rails, helping to align the switch with the PowerScale chassis at the rear of the rack. These require a minimum clearance of 36 in from the front NEMA rail to the rear of the rack, in order to ensure that the rack door can be closed.

Consider the following large cluster topology, for example:

This contiguous rack architecture is designed to scale up to the current maximum PowerScale cluster size of 252 nodes, in 63 4RU chassis, across nine racks as the environment grows – while still keeping cable management relatively simple. Note that this configuration assumes 1RU per node. If you are using F900 nodes, which are 2RU in size, be sure to budget for additional rack capacity.

Successful large cluster infrastructures depend on the proficiency of the installer and their optimizations for maintenance and future expansion. Some good data center design practices include:

  • Pre-allocating and reserving adjacent racks in the same isle to accommodate the anticipated future cluster expansion
  • Reserving an empty ‘mailbox’ slot in the top half of each rack for any pass-through cable management needs
  • Dedicating one of the racks in the group for the back-end and front-end distribution/spine switches – in this case rack R3

For Hadoop workloads, PowerScale clusters are compatible with the rack awareness feature of HDFS to provide balancing in the placement of data. Rack locality keeps the data flow internal to the rack.

Excess cabling can be neatly stored in 12” service coils on a cable tray above the rack, if available, or at the side of the rack as illustrated below.

The use of intelligent power distribution units (PDUs) within each rack can facilitate the remote power cycling of nodes, if desired.

For deep nodes such as the H7000 and A3000 hardware, where chassis depth can be a limiting factor, horizontally mounted PDUs within the rack can be used in place of vertical PDUs, if necessary. If front-mounted, partial depth Ethernet switches are deployed, you can install horizontal PDUs in the rear of the rack directly behind the switches to maximize available rack capacity.

With copper cables (such as SFP+, QSFP, CX4), the maximum cable length is typically limited to 10 meters or less. After factoring in for dressing the cables to maintain some level of organization and proximity within the racks and cable trays, all the racks with PowerScale nodes need to be near each other – either in the same rack row or close by in an adjacent row – or adopt a leaf-spine topology, with leaf switches in each rack.

If greater physical distance between nodes is required, support for multimode fiber (QSFP+, MPO, LC, etc) extends the cable length limitation to 150 meters. This allows nodes to be housed on separate floors or on the far side of a floor in a datacenter if necessary. While solving the floor space problem, this does have the potential to introduce new administrative and management challenges.

The following table lists the various cable types, form factors, and supported lengths available for PowerScale nodes:

Cable Form Factor


Speed (Gb/s)

Max Length





































The connector types for the cables above can be identified as follows:

As for the nodes themselves, the following rear views indicate the locations of the various network interfaces:

Note that Int-a and int-b indicate the primary and secondary back-end networks, whereas Ext-1 and Ext-2 are the front-end client networks interfaces.

Be aware that damage to the InfiniBand or Ethernet cables (copper or optical fiber) can negatively affect cluster performance. Never bend cables beyond the recommended bend radius, which is typically 10–12 times the diameter of the cable. For example, if a cable is 1.6 inches, round up to 2 inches and multiply by 10 for an acceptable bend radius.

Cables differ, so follow the explicit recommendations of the cable manufacturer.

The most important design attribute for bend radius consideration is the minimum mated cable clearance (Mmcc). Mmcc is the distance from the bulkhead of the chassis through the mated connectors/strain relief including the depth of the associated 90 degree bend. Multimode fiber has many modes of light (fiber optic) traveling through the core. As each of these modes moves closer to the edge of the core, light and the signal are more likely to be reduced, especially if the cable is bent. In a traditional multimode cable, as the bend radius is decreased, the amount of light that leaks out of the core increases, and the signal decreases. Best practices for data cabling include:

  • Keep cables away from sharp edges or metal corners.
  • Avoid bundling network cables with power cables. If network and power cables are not bundled separately, electromagnetic interference (EMI) can affect the data stream.
  • When bundling cables, do not pinch or constrict the cables.
  • Avoid using zip ties to bundle cables. Instead use Velcro hook-and-loop ties that do not have hard edges, and can be removed without cutting. Fastening cables with Velcro ties also reduces the impact of gravity on the bend radius.

Note that the effects of gravity can also decrease the bend radius and result in degradation of signal power and quality.

Cables, particularly when bundled, can also obstruct the movement of conditioned air around the cluster, and cables should be secured away from fans. Flooring seals and grommets can be useful to keep conditioned air from escaping through cable holes. Also ensure that smaller Ethernet switches are drawing cool air from the front of the rack, not from inside the cabinet. This can be achieved either with switch placement or by using rack shelving.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS clusters cooling cabling

OneFS Hardware Environmental and Logistical Considerations

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 17:28:21 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In this article, we turn our attention to some of the environmental and logistical aspects of cluster design, installation, and management.

In addition to available rack space and physical proximity of nodes, provision needs to be made for adequate power and cooling as the cluster expands. New generations of drives and nodes typically deliver increased storage density, which often magnifies the power draw and cooling requirements per rack unit.

The recommendation is for a large cluster’s power supply to be fully redundant and backed up with a battery UPS and/or power generator. In the worst instance, if a cluster does loose power, the nodes are protected internally by filesystem journals which preserve any in-flight uncommitted writes. However, the time to restore power and bring up a large cluster from an unclean shutdown can be considerable.

Like most data center equipment, the cooling fans in PowerScale nodes and switches pull air from the front to back of the chassis. To complement this, data centers often employ a hot isle/cold isle rack configuration, where cool, low humidity air is supplied in the aisle at the front of each rack or cabinet either at the floor or ceiling level, and warm exhaust air is returned at ceiling level in the aisle to the rear of each rack.

Given the significant power draw, heat density, and weight of cluster hardware, some datacenters are limited in the number of nodes each rack can support. For partially filled racks, the use of blank panels to cover the front and rear of any unfilled rack units can help to efficiently direct airflow through the equipment.

The table below shows the various front and back-end network speeds and connector form factors across the PowerScale storage node portfolio.

Speed (Gb/s)

Form Factor


Speed (Gb/s)




F900, F600, H700, H7000, A300, A3000, P100, B100





F800, F810, H600, H5600, H500, H400, A200, A2000




F900, F600, F200, H700, H7000, A300, A3000, P100, B100





H400, A200, A2000




F900, F600, H700, H7000, A300, A3000, P100, B100





F800, F810, H600, H5600, H500, H400, A200, A2000




F900, F600, F200, H700, H7000, A300, A3000, P100, B100




F800, F810, H600, H5600, H500, H400, A200, A2000





F800, F810, H600, H5600, H500, H400, A200, A2000

With large clusters, especially when the nodes may not be racked in a contiguous manner, it is highly advised to have all the nodes and switches connected to serial console concentrators and remote power controllers. However, to perform any physical administration or break/fix activity on nodes, you must know where the equipment is located and have administrative resources available to access and service all locations.

As such, the following best practices are recommended:

  • Develop and update thorough physical architectural documentation.
  • Implement an intuitive cable coloring standard.
  • Be fastidious and consistent about cable labeling.
  • Use the appropriate length of cable for the run and create a neat 12” loop of any excess cable, secured with Velcro.
  • Observe appropriate cable bend ratios, particularly with fiber cables.
  • Dress cables and maintain a disciplined cable management ethos.
  • Keep a detailed cluster hardware maintenance log.
  • Where appropriate, maintain a ‘mailbox’ space for cable management.

Disciplined cable management and labeling for ease of identification is particularly important in larger PowerScale clusters, where density of cabling is high. Each chassis can require up to 28 cables, as shown in the following table:

Cabling Component


Cable Quantity per Chassis

Back-end network

Ethernet or Infiniband


Front-end network



Management interface

1Gb Ethernet


Serial console

DB9 RS 232


Power cord

110V or 220V AC power





The recommendations for cabling a PowerScale chassis are:

  • Split cabling in the middle of the chassis, between nodes 2 and 3.
  • Route Ethernet and Infiniband cables towards the lower side of the chassis.
  • Connect power cords for nodes 1 and 3 to PDU A, and power cords for nodes 2 and 4 to PDU B.
  • Bundle network cables with the AC power cords for ease of management.
  • Leave enough cable slack for servicing each individual node’s FRUs.


Similarly, the stand-alone F-series all flash nodes, in particular the 1RU F600 and F200 nodes, also have a similar density of cabling per rack unit:

Cabling Component


Cable Quantity per 
F-series node

Back-end network

10 or 40 Gb Ethernet or QDR Infiniband


Front-end network

10 or 40Gb Ethernet


Management interface

1Gb Ethernet


Serial console

DB9 RS 232


Power cord

110V or 220V AC power





Consistent and meticulous cable labeling and management is particularly important in large clusters. PowerScale chassis that employ both front and back-end Ethernet networks can include up to 20 Ethernet connections per 4RU chassis.

In each node’s compute module, there are two PCI slots for the Ethernet cards (NICs). Viewed from the rear of the chassis, in each node the right hand slot (HBA Slot 0) houses the NIC for the front-end network, and the left hand slot (HBA Slot 1) houses the NIC for the front-end network. There is also a separate built-in 1Gb Ethernet port on each node for cluster management traffic.

While there is no requirement that node 1 aligns with port 1 on each of the back-end switches, it can certainly make cluster and switch management and troubleshooting considerably simpler. Even if exact port alignment is not possible, with large clusters, ensure that the cables are clearly labeled and connected to similar port regions on the back-end switches.

PowerScale nodes and the drives they contain have identifying LED lights to indicate when a component has failed and to allow proactive identification of resources. You can use the ‘isi led’ CLI command to illuminate specific node and drive indicator lights, as needed, to aid in identification.

Drive repair times depend on a variety of factors:

  • OneFS release (determines Job Engine version and how efficiently it operates)
  • System hardware (determines drive types, amount of CPU, RAM, and so on)
  • Filesystem: Amount of data, data composition (lots of small vs large files), protection, tunables, and so on.
  • Load on the cluster during the drive failure

A useful method to estimate future FlexProtect runtime is to use old repair runtimes as a guide, if available.

The drives in the PowerScale chassis-based platforms have a bay-grid nomenclature, where A-E indicates each of the sleds and 0-6 would point to the drive position in the sled. The drive closest to the front is 0, whereas the drive closest to the back is 2/3/5, depending on the drive sled type.

When it comes to updating and refreshing hardware in a large cluster, swapping nodes can be a lengthy process of somewhat unpredictable duration. Data has to be evacuated from each old node during the Smartfail process prior to its removal, and restriped and balanced across the new hardware’s drives. During this time there will also be potentially impactful group changes as new nodes are added and the old ones removed.

However, if replacing an entire node-pool as part of a tech refresh, a SmartPools filepool policy can be crafted to migrate the data to another nodepool across the back-end network. When complete, the nodes can then be Smartfailed out, which should progress swiftly because they are now empty.

If multiple nodes are Smartfailed simultaneously, at the final stage of the process the node remove is serialized with around 60 seconds pause between each. The Smartfail job places the selected nodes in read-only mode while it copies the protection stripes to the cluster’s free space. Using SmartPools to evacuate data from a node or set of nodes in preparation to remove them is generally a good idea, and is usually a relatively fast process.

Another efficient approach can often be to swap drives out into new chassis. In addition to being considerably faster, the drive swapping process focuses the disruption on a single whole cluster down event. Estimating the time to complete a drive swap, or ‘disk tango’ process, is simpler and more accurate and can typically be completed in a single maintenance window.

With PowerScale chassis-based platforms, such as the H700 and A300, the available hardware ‘tango’ options are expanded and simplified. Given the modular design of these platforms, the compute and chassis tango strategies typically replace the disk tango:

Replacement Strategy




Chassis-based Nodes


Disk tango

Drives / drive sleds



Swapping out data drives or drive sleds

Compute tango

Chassis Compute modules



Rather than swapping out the twenty drive sleds in a chassis, it’s usually cleaner to exchange the four compute modules

Chassis tango

4RU Chassis



Typically only required if there’s an issue with the chassis mid-plane.

Note that any of the above ‘tango’ procedures should only be executed under the recommendation and supervision of Dell support.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

data protection PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Smartfail

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 27 Jun 2022 21:03:17 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

OneFS protects data stored on failing nodes or drives in a cluster through a process called smartfail. During the process, OneFS places a device into quarantine and, depending on the severity of the issue, the data on it into a read-only state. While a device is quarantined, OneFS reprotects the data on the device by distributing the data to other devices.

After all data eviction or reconstruction is complete, OneFS logically removes the device from the cluster, and the node or drive can be physically replaced. OneFS only automatically smartfails devices as a last resort. Nodes and/or drives can also be manually smartfailed. However, it is strongly recommended to first consult Dell Technical Support.

Occasionally a device might fail before OneFS detects a problem. If a drive fails without being smartfailed, OneFS automatically starts rebuilding the data to available free space on the cluster. However, because a node might recover from a transient issue, if a node fails, OneFS does not start rebuilding data unless it is logically removed from the cluster.

A node that is unavailable and reported by isi status as ‘D’, or down, can be smartfailed. If the node is hard down, likely with a significant hardware issue, the smartfail process will take longer because data has to be recalculated from the FEC protection parity blocks. That said, it’s well worth attempting to bring the node up if at all possible – especially if the cluster, and/or node pools, is at the default +2D:1N protection. The concern here is that, with a node down, there is a risk of data loss if a drive or other component goes bad during the smartfail process.

If possible, and assuming the disk content is still intact, it can often be quicker to have the node hardware repaired. In this case, the entire node’s chassis (or compute module in the case of Gen 6 hardware) could be replaced and the old disks inserted with original content on them. This should only be performed at the recommendation and under the supervision of Dell Technical Support. If the node is down because of a journal inconsistency, it will have to be smartfailed out. In this case, engage Dell Technical Support to determine an appropriate action plan.

The recommended procedure for smartfailing a node is as follows. In this example, we’ll assume that node 4 is down:

From the CLI of any node except node 4, run the following command to smartfail out the node:

# isi devices node smartfail --node-lnn 4

Verify that the node is removed from the cluster.

# isi status –q

(An ‘—S-’ will appear in node 4’s ‘Health’ column to indicate it has been smartfailed).

Monitor the successful completion of the job engine’s MultiScan, FlexProtect/FlexProtectLIN jobs:

# isi job status

Un-cable and remove the node from the rack for disposal.

As mentioned previously, there are two primary Job Engine jobs that run as a result of a smartfail:

  • MultiScan
  • FlexProtect or FlexProtectLIN

MultiScan performs the work of both the AutoBalance and Collect jobs simultaneously, and it is triggered after every group change. The reason is that new file layouts and file deletions that happen during a disruption to the cluster might be imperfectly balanced or, in the case of deletions, simply lost.

The Collect job reclaims free space from previously unavailable nodes or drives. A mark and sweep garbage collector, it identifies everything valid on the filesystem in the first phase. In the second phase, the Collect job scans the drives, freeing anything that isn’t marked valid.

When node and drive usage across the cluster are out of balance, the AutoBalance job scans through all the drives looking for files to re-layout, to make use of the less filled devices.

The purpose of the FlexProtect job is to scan the file system after a device failure to ensure that all files remain protected. Incomplete protection levels are fixed, in addition to missing data or parity blocks caused by drive or node failures. This job is started automatically after smartfailing a drive or node. If a smartfailed device was the reason the job started, the device is marked gone (completely removed from the cluster) at the end of the job.

Although a new node can be added to a cluster at any time, it’s best to avoid major group changes during a smartfail operation. This helps to avoid any unnecessary interruptions of a critical job engine data reprotection job. However, because a node is down, there is a window of risk while the cluster is rebuilding the data from that cluster. Under pressing circumstances, the smartfail operation can be paused, the node added, and then smartfail resumed when the new node has happily joined the cluster.

Be aware that if the node you are adding is the same node that was smartfailed, the cluster maintains a record of that node and may prevent the re-introduction of that node until the smartfail is complete. To mitigate risk, Dell Technical Support should definitely be involved to ensure data integrity.

The time for a smartfail to complete is hard to predict with any accuracy, and depends on:



OneFS release

Determines OneFS job engine version and how efficiently it operates.

System hardware

Drive types, CPU, RAM, and so on.

File system

Quantity and type of data (that is, small vs. large files), protection, tunables, and so on.

Cluster load

Processor and CPU utilization, capacity utilization, and so on.

Typical smartfail runtimes range from minutes (for fairly empty, idle nodes with SSD and SAS drives) to days (for nodes with large SATA drives and a high capacity utilization). The FlexProtect job already runs at the highest job engine priority (value=1) and medium impact by default. As such, there isn’t much that can be done to speed up this job, beyond reducing cluster load.

Smartfail is also a valuable tool for proactive cluster node replacement, such as during a hardware refresh. Provided that the cluster quorum is not broken, a smartfail can be initiated on multiple nodes concurrently – but never more than n/2 – 1 nodes (rounded up)!

If replacing an entire node pool as part of a tech refresh, a SmartPools filepool policy can be crafted to migrate the data to another node pool across the backend network. When complete, the nodes can then be smartfailed out, which should progress swiftly because they are now empty.

If multiple nodes are smartfailed simultaneously, at the final stage of the process the node remove is serialized with roughly a 60 second pause between each. The smartfail job places the selected nodes in read-only mode while it copies the protection stripes to the cluster’s free space. Using SmartPools to evacuate data from a node or set of nodes, in preparation to remove them, is generally a good idea, and usually a relatively fast process.

SmartPools’ Virtual Hot Spare (VHS) functionality helps ensure that node pools maintain enough free space to successfully re-protect data in the event of a smartfail. Though configured globally, VHS actually operates at the node pool level so that nodes with different size drives reserve the appropriate VHS space. This helps ensure that while data may move from one disk pool to another during repair, it remains on the same class of storage. VHS reservations are cluster wide and configurable, as either a percentage of total storage (0-20%), or as a number of virtual drives (1-4), with the default being 10%.

Note: a smartfail is not guaranteed to remove all data on a node. Any pool in a cluster that’s flagged with the ‘System’ flag can store /ifs/.ifsvar data. A filepool policy to move the regular data won’t address this data. Also, because SmartPools ‘spillover’ may have occurred at some point, there is no guarantee that an ‘empty’ node is completely devoid of data. For this reason, OneFS still has to search the tree for files that may have blocks residing on the node.

Nodes can be easily smartfailed from the OneFS WebUI by navigating to Cluster Management > Hardware Configuration and selecting ‘Actions > More > Smartfail Node’ for the desired node(s):

Similarly, the following CLI commands first initiate and then halt the node smartfail process, respectively. First, the ‘isi devices node smartfail’ command kicks off the smartfail process on a node and removes it from the cluster.

# isi devices node smartfail -h
# isi devices node smartfail
[--node-lnn <integer>]
[--force | -f]
[--verbose | -v]

If necessary, the ‘isi devices node stopfail’ command can be used to discontinue the smartfail process on a node.

# isi devices node stopfail -h
isi devices node stopfail
[--node-lnn <integer>]
[--force | -f]
[--verbose | -v]

Similarly, individual drives within a node can be smartfailed with the ‘isi devices drive smartfail’ CLI command.

# isi devices drive smartfail { <bay> | --lnum <integer> | --sled <string> }
        [--node-lnn <integer>]
        [{--force | -f}]
        [{--verbose | -v}]
        [{--help | -h}]

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SmartPools

OneFS SmartPools and the FilePolicy Job

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 24 Jun 2022 18:22:15 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Traditionally, OneFS has used the SmartPools jobs to apply its file pool policies. To accomplish this, the SmartPools job visits every file, and the SmartPoolsTree job visits a tree of files. However, the scanning portion of these jobs can result in significant random impact to the cluster and lengthy execution times, particularly in the case of the SmartPools job. To address this, OneFS also provides the FilePolicy job, which offers a faster, lower impact method for applying file pool policies than the full-blown SmartPools job.

But first, a quick Job Engine refresher…

As we know, the Job Engine is OneFS’ parallel task scheduling framework, and is responsible for the distribution, execution, and impact management of critical jobs and operations across the entire cluster.

The OneFS Job Engine schedules and manages all data protection and background cluster tasks: creating jobs for each task, prioritizing them, and ensuring that inter-node communication and cluster wide capacity utilization and performance are balanced and optimized. Job Engine ensures that core cluster functions have priority over less important work and gives applications integrated with OneFS – Isilon add-on software or applications integrating to OneFS by means of the OneFS API – the ability to control the priority of their various functions to ensure the best resource utilization.

Each job, such as the SmartPools job, has an “Impact Profile” comprising a configurable policy and a schedule that characterizes how much of the system’s resources the job will take – plus an Impact Policy and an Impact Schedule. The amount of work a job has to do is fixed, but the resources dedicated to that work can be tuned to minimize the impact to other cluster functions, like serving client data.

Here’s a list of the specific jobs that are directly associated with OneFS SmartPools:




Job that runs and moves data between the tiers of nodes within the same cluster. Also executes the CloudPools functionality if licensed and configured.


Enforces SmartPools file policies on a subtree.


Efficient changelist-based SmartPools file pool policy job.


Creates and updates an efficient file system index for FilePolicy job.


Applies the default file policy. This job is disabled if SmartPools is activated on the cluster.

In conjunction with the IndexUpdate job, FilePolicy improves job scan performance by using a ‘file system index’, or changelist, to find files needing policy changes, rather than a full tree scan.


Avoiding a full treewalk dramatically decreases the amount of locking and metadata scanning work the job is required to perform, reducing impact on CPU and disk – albeit at the expense of not doing everything that SmartPools does. The FilePolicy job enforces just the SmartPools file pool policies, as opposed to the storage pool settings. For example, FilePolicy does not deal with changes to storage pools or storage pool settings, such as:

  • Restriping activity due to adding, removing, or reorganizing node pools
  • Changes to storage pool settings or defaults, including protection

However, most of the time, SmartPools and FilePolicy perform the same work. Disabled by default, FilePolicy supports the full range of file pool policy features, reports the same information, and provides the same configuration options as the SmartPools job. Because FilePolicy is a changelist-based job, it performs best when run frequently – once or multiple times a day, depending on the configured file pool policies, data size, and rate of change.

Job schedules can easily be configured from the OneFS WebUI by navigating to Cluster Management > Job Operations, highlighting the desired job, and selecting ‘View\Edit’. The following example illustrates configuring the IndexUpdate job to run every six hours at a LOW impact level with a priority value of 5:

When enabling and using the FilePolicy and IndexUpdate jobs, the recommendation is to continue running the SmartPools job as well, but at a reduced frequency (monthly).

In addition to running on a configured schedule, the FilePolicy job can also be executed manually.

FilePolicy requires access to a current index. If the IndexUpdate job has not yet been run, attempting to start the FilePolicy job will fail with the error shown in the following figure. Instructions in the error message appear, prompting to run the IndexUpdate job first. When the index has been created, the FilePolicy job will run successfully. The IndexUpdate job can be run several times daily (that is, every six hours) to keep the index current and prevent the snapshots from getting large.

Consider using the FilePolicy job with the job schedules below for workflows and datasets with the following characteristics:

  • Data with long retention times
  • Large number of small files
  • Path-based File Pool filters configured
  • Where the FSAnalyze job is already running on the cluster (InsightIQ monitored clusters)
  • There is already a SnapshotIQ schedule configured
  • When the SmartPools job typically takes a day or more to run to completion at LOW impact

For clusters without the characteristics described above, the recommendation is to continue running the SmartPools job as usual and not to activate the FilePolicy job.

The following table provides a suggested job schedule when deploying FilePolicy:






Every day at 22:00




Every six hours, every day




Monthly – Sunday at 23:00



Because no two clusters are the same, this suggested job schedule may require additional tuning to meet the needs of a specific environment.

Note that when clusters running older OneFS versions and the FSAnalyze job are upgraded to OneFS 8.2.x or later, the legacy FSAnalyze index and snapshots are removed and replaced by new snapshots the first time that IndexUpdate is run. The new index stores considerably more file and snapshot attributes than the old FSA index. Until the IndexUpdate job effects this change, FSA keeps running on the old index and snapshots.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS SnapRevert Job

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 21 Jun 2022 19:44:06 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

There have been a couple of recent inquiries from the field about the SnapRevert job.

For context, SnapRevert is one of three main methods for restoring data from a OneFS snapshot. The options are shown here: 

CopyCopying specific files and directories directly from the snapshot
CloneCloning a file from the snapshot
RevertReverting the entire snapshot using the SnapRevert job

However, the most efficient of these approaches is the SnapRevert job, which automates the restoration of an entire snapshot to its top-level directory. This allows for quickly reverting to a previous, known-good recovery point (for example, if there is a virus outbreak). The SnapRevert job can be run from the Job Engine WebUI, and requires adding the desired snapshot ID.


There are two main components to SnapRevert:

  • The file system domain that the objects are put into.
  • The job that reverts everything back to what’s in a snapshot.

So, what exactly is a SnapRevert domain? At a high level, a domain defines a set of behaviors for a collection of files under a specified directory tree. The SnapRevert domain is described as a restricted writer domain, in OneFS parlance. Essentially, this is a piece of extra filesystem metadata and associated locking that prevents a domain’s files from being written to while restoring a last known good snapshot.

Because the SnapRevert domain is essentially just a metadata attribute placed onto a file/directory, a best practice is to create the domain before there is data. This avoids having to wait for DomainMark (the aptly named job that marks a domain’s files) to walk the entire tree, setting that attribute on every file and directory within it.

The SnapRevert job itself actually uses a local SyncIQ policy to copy data out of the snapshot, discarding any changes to the original directory. When the SnapRevert job completes, the original data is left in the directory tree. In other words, after the job completes, the file system (HEAD) is exactly as it was at the point in time that the snapshot was taken. The LINs for the files or directories do not change because what is there is not a copy.

To manually run SnapRevert, go to the OneFS WebUI > Cluster Management > Job Operations > Job Types > SnapRevert, and click the Start Job button.

Also, you can adjust the job’s impact policy and relative priority, if desired.

Before a snapshot is reverted, SnapshotIQ creates a point-in-time copy of the data that is being replaced. This enables the snapshot revert to be undone later, if necessary.

Also, individual files, rather than entire snapshots, can also be restored in place using the isi_file_revert command-line utility.

# isi_file_revert
isi_file_revert -l lin -s snapid
isi_file_revert -p path -s snapid
-d (debug output)
-f (force, no confirmation)

This can help drastically simplify virtual machine management and recovery, for example.

Before creating snapshots, it is worth considering that reverting a snapshot requires that a SnapRevert domain exist for the directory that is being restored. As such, we recommend that you create SnapRevert domains for those directories while the directories are empty. Creating a domain for an empty (or sparsely populated) directory takes considerably less time.

Files may belong to multiple domains. Each file stores a set of domain IDs indicating which domain they belong to in their inode’s extended attributes table. Files inherit this set of domain IDs from their parent directories when they are created or moved. The domain IDs refer to domain settings themselves, which are stored in a separate system B-tree. These B-tree entries describe the type of the domain (flags), and various other attributes.

As mentioned, a Restricted-Write domain prevents writes to any files except by threads that are granted permission to do so. A SnapRevert domain that does not currently enforce Restricted-Write shows up as (Writable) in the CLI domain listing.

Occasionally, a domain will be marked as (Incomplete). This means that the domain will not enforce its specified behavior. Domains created by the job engine are incomplete if not all files that are part of the domain are marked as being members of that domain. Since each file contains a list of domains of which it is a member, that list must be kept up to date for each file. The domain is incomplete until each file’s domain list is correct.

Besides SnapRevert, OneFS also uses domains for SyncIQ replication and SnapLock immutable archiving.

A SnapRevert domain must be created on a directory before it can be reverted to a particular point in time snapshot. As mentioned before, we recommend creating SnapRevert domains for a directory while the directory is empty.

The root path of the SnapRevert domain must be the same root path of the snapshot. For instance, a domain with a root path of /ifs/data/marketing cannot be used to revert a snapshot with a root path of /ifs/data/marketing/archive.

For example, for snapshot DailyBackup_04-27-2021_12:00 which is rooted at /ifs/data/marketing/archive, you would perform the following:

1. Set the SnapRevert domain by running the DomainMark job (which marks all files).

# isi job jobs start domainmark --root /ifs/data/marketing --dm-type SnapRevert

2. Verify that the domain has been created.

# isi_classic domain list –l

To restore a directory back to the state it was in at the point in time when a snapshot was taken, you need to:

  • Create a SnapRevert domain for the directory
  • Create a snapshot of a directory

 To accomplish this, do the following:

1. Identify the ID of the snapshot you want to revert by running the isi snapshot snapshots view command and picking your point in time (PIT).

For example:

# isi snapshot snapshots view DailyBackup_04-27-2021_12:00
ID: 38
Name: DailyBackup_04-27-2021_12:00
Path: /ifs/data/marketing
Has Locks: No
Schedule: daily
Alias: -
Created: 2021-04-27T12:00:05
Expires: 2021-08-26T12:00:00
Size: 0b
Shadow Bytes: 0b
% Reserve: 0.00%
% Filesystem: 0.00%
State: active

2. Revert to a snapshot by running the isi job jobs start command. The following command reverts to snapshot ID 38 named DailyBackup_04-27-2021_12:00.

# isi job jobs start snaprevert --snapid 38

You can also perform this action from the WebUI. Go to Cluster Management > Job Operations > Job Types > SnapRevert, and click the Start Job button.

OneFS automatically creates a snapshot before the SnapRevert process reverts the specified directory tree. The naming convention for these snapshots is of the form: <snapshot_name>.pre_revert.*

# isi snap snap list | grep pre_revert
39 DailyBackup_04-27-2021_12:00.pre_revert.1655328160 /ifs/data/marketing

This allows for an easy rollback of a SnapRevert if the desired results are not achieved.

If a domain is currently preventing the modification or deletion of a file, a protection domain cannot be created on a directory that contains that file. For example, if files under /ifs/data/smartlock are set to a WORM state by a SmartLock domain, OneFS will not allow a SnapRevert domain to be created on /ifs/data/.

If desired or required, SnapRevert domains can also be deleted using the job engine CLI. For example, to delete the SnapRevert domain at /ifs/data/marketing:

# isi job jobs start domainmark --root /ifs/data/marketing --dm-type SnapRevert --delete


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

data storage PowerScale OneFS

OneFS In-line Dedupe

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 12 May 2022 14:48:01 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Among the features and functionality delivered in the new OneFS 9.4 release is the promotion of in-line dedupe to enabled by default, further enhancing PowerScale’s dollar-per-TB economics, rack density and value.

Part of the OneFS data reduction suite, in-line dedupe initially debuted in OneFS 8.2.1. However, it was enabled manually, so many customers simply didn’t use it. But with this enhancement, new clusters running OneFS 9.4 now have in-line dedupe enabled by default.

Cluster configuration

In-line dedupe

In-line compression

New cluster running OneFS 9.4



New cluster running OneFS 9.3 or earlier



Cluster with in-line dedupe enabled that is upgraded to OneFS 9.4



Cluster with in-line dedupe disabled that is upgraded to OneFS 9.4



That said, any clusters that upgrade to 9.4 will not see any change to their current in-line dedupe config during upgrade. Also, there is also no change to the behavior for in-line compression, which remains enabled by default in all OneFS versions from 8.1.3 onwards.

But before we examine the-under-the-hood changes in OneFS 9.4, let’s have a quick dedupe refresher.

Currently, OneFS in-line data reduction, which encompasses compression, dedupe, and zero block removal, is supported on the F900, F600, and F200 all-flash nodes, plus the F810, H5600, H700/7000, and A300/3000 Gen6.x chassis.

Within the OneFS data reduction pipeline, zero block removal is performed first, followed by dedupe, and then compression. This order allows each phase to reduce the scope of work each subsequent phase.

Unlike SmartDedupe, which performs deduplication once data has been written to disk, or post-process, in-line dedupe acts in real time, deduplicating data as is ingested into the cluster. Storage efficiency is achieved by scanning the data for identical blocks as it is received and then eliminating the duplicates.

When in-line dedupe discovers a duplicate block, it moves a single copy of the block to a special set of files known as shadow stores. These are file-system containers that allow data to be stored in a sharable manner. As such, files stored under OneFS can contain both physical data and pointers, or references, to shared blocks in shadow stores.

Shadow stores are similar to regular files but are hidden from the file system namespace, so they cannot be accessed through a pathname. A shadow store typically grows to a maximum size of 2 GB, which is around 256 K blocks, and each block can be referenced by 32,000 files. If the reference count limit is reached, a new block is allocated, which may or may not be in the same shadow store. Also, shadow stores do not reference other shadow stores. And snapshots of shadow stores are not permitted because the data contained in shadow stores cannot be overwritten.

When a client writes a file to a node pool configured for in-line dedupe on a cluster, the write operation is divided up into whole 8 KB blocks. Each block is hashed, and its cryptographic ‘fingerprint’ is compared against an in-memory index for a match. At this point, one of the following will happen:

  1. If a match is discovered with an existing shadow store block, a byte-by-byte comparison is performed. If the comparison is successful, the data is removed from the current write operation and replaced with a shadow reference.
  2. When a match is found with another LIN, the data is written to a shadow store instead and is replaced with a shadow reference. Next, a work request is generated and queued that includes the location for the new shadow store block, the matching LIN and block, and the data hash. A byte-by-byte data comparison is performed to verify the match and the request is then processed.
  3. If no match is found, the data is written to the file natively and the hash for the block is added to the in-memory index.

For in-line dedupe to perform on a write operation, the following conditions need to be true:

  • In-line dedupe must be globally enabled on the cluster.
  • The current operation is writing data (not a truncate or write zero operation).
  • The no_dedupe flag is not set on the file.
  • The file is not a special file type, such as an alternate data stream (ADS) or an EC (endurant cache) file.
  • Write data includes fully overwritten and aligned blocks.
  • The write is not part of a rehydrate operation.
  • The file has not been packed (containerized) by small file storage efficiency (SFSE).

 OneFS in-line dedupe uses the 128-bit CityHash algorithm, which is both fast and cryptographically strong. This contrasts with the OneFS post-process SmartDedupe, which uses SHA-1 hashing.

Each node in a cluster with in-line dedupe enabled has its own in-memory hash index that it compares block fingerprints against. The index lives in system RAM and is allocated using physically contiguous pages and is accessed directly with physical addresses. This avoids the need to traverse virtual memory mappings and does not incur the cost of translation lookaside buffer (TLB) misses, minimizing dedupe performance impact.

The maximum size of the hash index is governed by a pair of sysctl settings, one of which caps the size at 16 GB, and the other which limits the maximum size to 10% of total RAM. The strictest of these two constraints applies. While these settings are configurable, the recommended best practice is to use the default configuration. Any changes to these settings should only be performed under the supervision of Dell support.

Since in-line dedupe and SmartDedupe use different hashing algorithms, the indexes for each are not shared directly. However, the work performed by each dedupe solution can be used by each other. For instance, if SmartDedupe writes data to a shadow store, when those blocks are read, the read-hashing component of in-line dedupe sees those blocks and indexes them.

When a match is found, in-line dedupe performs a byte-by-byte comparison of each block to be shared to avoid the potential for a hash collision. Data is prefetched before the byte-by-byte check and is compared against the L1 cache buffer directly, avoiding unnecessary data copies and adding minimal overhead. Once the matching blocks are compared and verified as identical, they are shared by writing the matching data to a common shadow store and creating references from the original files to this shadow store.

In-line dedupe samples every whole block that is written and handles each block independently, so it can aggressively locate block duplicity. If a contiguous run of matching blocks is detected, in-line dedupe merges the results into regions and processes them efficiently.

In-line dedupe also detects dedupe opportunities from the read path, and blocks are hashed as they are read into L1 cache and inserted into the index. If an existing entry exists for that hash, in-line dedupe knows there is a block-sharing opportunity between the block it just read and the one previously indexed. It combines that information and queues a request to an asynchronous dedupe worker thread. As such, it is possible to deduplicate a data set purely by reading it all. To help mitigate the performance impact, the hashing is performed out-of-band in the prefetch path, rather than in the latency-sensitive read path.

The original in-line dedupe control path design had its limitations, since it did not provide gconfig control settings for the default-disabled in-line dedupe. The previous control-path logic had no gconfig control settings for default-disabled in-line dedupe. But in OneFS 9.4, there are now two separate features that interact together to distinguish between a new cluster or an upgrade to an existing cluster configuration:

For the first feature, upon upgrade to 9.4 on an existing cluster, if there is no in-line dedupe config present, the upgrade explicitly sets it to disabled in gconfig. This has no effect on an existing cluster since it’s already disabled. Similarly, if the upgrading cluster already has an existing in-line dedupe setting in gconfig, OneFS takes no action.

For the other half of the functionality, when booting OneFS 9.4, a node looks in gconfig to see if there’s an in-line dedupe setting. If no config is present, OneFS enables it by default. Therefore, new OneFS 9.4 clusters automatically enable dedupe, and existing clusters retain their legacy setting upon upgrade.

Since the in-line dedupe configuration is binary (either on or off across a cluster), you can easily control it manually through the OneFS command line interface (CLI). As such, the isi dedupe inline settings modify CLI command can either enable or disable dedupe at will—before, during, or after the upgrade. It doesn’t matter.

For example, you can globally disable in-line dedupe and verify it using the following CLI command:

# isi dedupe inline settings viewMode: enabled# isi dedupe inline settings modify –-mode disabled
# isi dedupe inline settings view
Mode: disabled

Similarly, the following syntax enables in-line dedupe:

# isi dedupe inline settings view
Mode: disabled
# isi dedupe inline settings modify –-mode enabled
# isi dedupe inline settings view
Mode: enabled

While there are no visible userspace changes when files are deduplicated, if deduplication has occurred, both the disk usage and the physical blocks metrics reported by the isi get –DD CLI command are reduced. Also, at the bottom of the command’s output, the logical block statistics report the number of shadow blocks. For example:

Metatree logical blocks:    zero=260814 shadow=362 ditto=0 prealloc=0 block=2 compressed=0

In-line dedupe can also be paused from the CLI:

# isi dedupe inline settings modify –-mode paused
# isi dedupe inline settings view
Mode: paused

However, it’s worth noting that this global setting states what you’d like to happen, after which each node attempts to enact the new configuration. However, it can’t guarantee the change, because not all node types support in-line dedupe. For example, the following output is from a heterogenous cluster with an F200 three-node pool supporting in-line dedupe, and an H400 four-node pool not supporting it.

Here, we can see that in-line dedupe is globally enabled on the cluster:

# isi dedupe inline settings view
Mode: enabled

However, you can use the isi_for_array isi_inline_dedupe_status command to display the actual setting and state of each node:

# isi dedupe inline settings view
Mode: enabled
# isi_for_array -s isi_inline_dedupe_status
1: OK Node setting enabled is correct
2: OK Node setting enabled is correct
3: OK Node setting enabled is correct
4: OK Node does not support inline dedupe and current is disabled
5: OK Node does not support inline dedupe and current is disabled
6: OK Node does not support inline dedupe and current is disabled
7: OK Node does not support inline dedupe and current is disabled

Also, any changes to the dedupe configuration are also logged to /var/log/messages, you can find them by grepping for inline_dedupe.

In a nutshell, in-line compression has always been enabled by default since its introduction in OneFS 8.1.3. For new clusters running 9.4 and above, in-line dedupe is on by default. For clusters running 9.3 and earlier, in-line dedupe remains disabled by default. And existing clusters that upgrade to 9.4 will not see any change to their current in-line dedupe config during upgrade.

And here’s the OneFS in-line data reduction platform support matrix for good measure:

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale data management OneFS

OneFS Data Reduction and Efficiency Reporting

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 04 May 2022 14:36:26 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Among the objectives of OneFS reduction and efficiency reporting is to provide ‘industry standard’ statistics, allowing easier comprehension of cluster efficiency. It’s an ongoing process, and prior to OneFS 9.2 there was limited tracking of certain filesystem statistics – particularly application physical and filesystem logical – which meant that data reduction and storage efficiency ratios had to be estimated. This is no longer the case, and OneFS 9.2 and later provides accurate data reduction and efficiency metrics at a per-file, quota, and cluster-wide granularity.

The following table provides descriptions for the various OneFS reporting metrics, while also attempting to rationalize their naming conventions with other general industry terminology:

OneFS Metric

Also Known As


Protected logical

Application logical

Data size including sparse data, zero block eliminated data, and CloudPools data stubbed to a cloud tier.

Logical data



Filesystem logical

Data size excluding protection overhead and sparse data, and including data efficiency savings (compression and deduplication).

Zero-removal saved


Capacity savings from zero removal.

Dedupe saved


Capacity savings from deduplication.

Compression saved


Capacity savings from in-line compression.

Preprotected physical



Application physical

Data size excluding protection overhead and including storage efficiency savings.

Protection overhead


Size of erasure coding used to protect data.

Protected physical



Filesystem physical

Total footprint of data including protection overhead FEC erasure coding) and excluding data efficiency savings (compression and deduplication).

Dedupe ratio


Deduplication ratio. Will be displayed as 1.0:1 if there are no deduplicated blocks on the cluster.

Compression ratio


Usable reduction ratio from compression, calculated by dividing ‘logical data’ by ‘preprotected physical’ and expressed as x:1.

Inlined data ratio


Efficiency ratio from storing small files’ data within their inodes, thereby not requiring any data or protection blocks for their storage.

Data reduction ratio

Effective to Usable

Usable efficiency ratio from compression and deduplication. Will display the same value as the compression ratio if there is no deduplication on the cluster.

Efficiency ratio

Effective to Raw

Overall raw efficiency ratio expressed as x:1

So let’s take these metrics and look at what they represent and how they’re calculated.

  • Application logical, or protected logical, is the application data that can be written to the cluster, irrespective of where it’s stored.
  • Removing the sparse data from application logical results in filesystem logical, also known simply as logical data or effective. This can be data that was always sparse, was zero block eliminated, or data that has been tiered off-cluster by means of CloudPools, and so on.

  (Note that filesystem logical was not accurately tracked in releases prior to OneFS 9.2, so metrics prior to this were somewhat estimated.)

  • Next, data reduction techniques such as compression and deduplication further reduce filesystem logical to application physical, or pre-protected physical. This is the physical size of the application data residing on the filesystem drives, and does not include metadata, protection overhead, or data moved to the cloud.

  • Filesystem physical is application physical with data protection overhead added – including inode, mirroring, and FEC blocks. Filesystem physical is also referred to as protected physical.

  • The data reduction ratio is the amount that’s been reduced from the filesystem logical down to the application physical.

  • Finally, the storage efficiency ratio is the filesystem logical divided by the filesystem physical.

With the enhanced data reduction reporting in OneFS 9.2 and later, the actual statistics themselves are largely the same, just calculated more accurately.

The storage efficiency data was available in releases prior to OneFS 9.2, albeit somewhat estimated, but the data reduction metrics were introduced with OneFS 9.2.

The following tools are available to query these reduction and efficiency metrics at file, quota, and cluster-wide granularity:


OneFS Command

OneFS Platform API


isi get -D


isi quota list -v



isi statistics data-reduction


Detailed Cluster-wide



Note that the ‘isi_cstats’ CLI command provides some additional, behind-the-scenes details. The interface goes through platform API to fetch these stats.

The ‘isi statistics data-reduction’ CLI command is the most comprehensive of the data reduction reporting CLI utilities. For example:

# isi statistics data-reduction
                      Recent Writes Cluster Data Reduction
                           (5 mins)
--------------------- ------------- ----------------------
Logical data                  6.18M                  6.02T
Zero-removal saved                0                      -
Deduplication saved          56.00k                  3.65T
Compression saved             4.16M                  1.96G
Preprotected physical         1.96M                  2.37T
Protection overhead           5.86M                910.76G
Protected physical            7.82M                  3.40T
Zero removal ratio         1.00 : 1                      -
Deduplication ratio        1.01 : 1               2.54 : 1
Compression ratio          3.12 : 1               1.02 : 1
Data reduction ratio       3.15 : 1               2.54 : 1
Inlined data ratio         1.04 : 1               1.00 : 1
Efficiency ratio           0.79 : 1               1.77 : 1

The ‘recent writes’ data in the first column provides precise statistics for the five-minute period prior to running the command. By contrast, the ‘cluster data reduction’ metrics in the second column are slightly less real-time but reflect the overall data and efficiencies across the cluster. Be aware that, in OneFS 9.1 and earlier, the right-hand column metrics are designated by the ‘Est’ prefix, denoting an estimated value. However, in OneFS 9.2 and later, the ‘logical data’ and ‘preprotected physical’ metrics are tracked and reported accurately, rather than estimated.

The ratio data in each column is calculated from the values above it. For instance, to calculate the data reduction ratio, the ‘logical data’ (effective) is divided by the ‘preprotected physical’ (usable) value. From the output above, this would be:

6.02 / 2.37 = 1.76              Or a Data Reduction ratio of 2.54:1

Similarly, the ‘efficiency ratio’ is calculated by dividing the ‘logical data’ (effective) by the ‘protected physical’ (raw) value. From the output above, this yields:

6.02 / 3.40 = 0.97              Or an Efficiency ratio of 1.77:1

OneFS SmartQuotas reports the capacity saving from in-line data reduction as a storage efficiency ratio. SmartQuotas reports efficiency as a ratio across the desired data set as specified in the quota path field. The efficiency ratio is for the full quota directory and its contents, including any overhead, and reflects the net efficiency of compression and deduplication. On a cluster with licensed and configured SmartQuotas, this efficiency ratio can be easily viewed from the WebUI by navigating to File System > SmartQuotas > Quotas and Usage. In OneFS 9.2 and later, in addition to the storage efficiency ratio, the data reduction ratio is also displayed. 

Similarly, the same data can be accessed from the OneFS command line by using the ‘isi quota quotas list’ CLI command. For example:

# isi quota quotas list
Type    AppliesTo   Path  Snap  Hard   Soft  Adv  Used   Reduction  Efficiency
directory DEFAULT    /ifs   No    -     -      -    6.02T 2.54 : 1   1.77 : 1

Total: 1

More detail, including both the physical (raw) and logical (effective) data capacities, is also available by using the ‘isi quota quotas view <path> <type>’ CLI command. For example:

# isi quota quotas view /ifs directory
                        Path: /ifs
                        Type: directory
                   Snapshots: No
                    Enforced: No
                   Container: No
                      Linked: No
                           Files: 5759676
         Physical(With Overhead): 6.93T
        FSPhysical(Deduplicated): 3.41T
         FSLogical(W/O Overhead): 6.02T
        AppLogical(ApparentSize): 6.01T
                   ShadowLogical: -
                    PhysicalData: 2.01T
                      Protection: 781.34G
     Reduction(Logical/Data): 2.54 : 1
Efficiency(Logical/Physical): 1.77 : 1

To configure SmartQuotas for in-line data efficiency reporting, create a directory quota at the top-level file system directory of interest, for example /ifs. Creating and configuring a directory quota is a simple procedure and can be performed from the WebUI by navigating to File System > SmartQuotas > Quotas and Usage and selecting Create a Quota. In the Create a quota dialog, set the Quota type to ‘Directory quota’, add the preferred top-level path to report on, select ’Application logical size’ for Quota Accounting, and set the Quota Limits to ‘Track storage without specifying a storage limit’. Finally, click the ‘Create Quota’ button to confirm the configuration and activate the new directory quota.

The efficiency ratio is a single, current-in time efficiency metric that is calculated per quota directory and includes the sum of in-line compression, zero block removal, in-line dedupe, and SmartDedupe. This is in contrast to a history of stats over time, as reported in the ‘isi statistics data-reduction’ CLI command output, described above. As such, the efficiency ratio for the entire quota directory will reflect what is actually there.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Caching Hierarchy

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 22 Mar 2022 20:05:56 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Caching occurs in OneFS at multiple levels, and for a variety of types of data. For this discussion we’ll concentrate on the caching of file system structures in main memory and on SSD.

OneFS’ caching infrastructure design is based on aggregating each individual node’s cache into one cluster wide, globally accessible pool of memory. This is done by using an efficient messaging system, which allows all the nodes’ memory caches to be available to each and every node in the cluster.

For remote memory access, OneFS uses the Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) over an Ethernet or Infiniband (IB) backend interconnect on the cluster. SDP provides an efficient, socket-like interface between nodes which, by using a switched star topology, ensures that remote memory addresses are only ever one hop away. While not as fast as local memory, remote memory access is still very fast due to the low latency of the backend network.

OneFS uses up to three levels of read cache, plus an NVRAM-backed write cache, or write coalescer. The first two types of read cache, level 1 (L1) and level 2 (L2), are memory (RAM) based, and analogous to the cache used in CPUs. These two cache layers are present in all PowerScale storage nodes. An optional third tier of read cache, called SmartFlash, or Level 3 cache (L3), is also configurable on nodes that contain solid state drives (SSDs). L3 cache is an eviction cache that is populated by L2 cache blocks as they are aged out from memory.

The OneFS caching subsystem is coherent across the cluster. This means that if the same content exists in the private caches of multiple nodes, this cached data is consistent across all instances. For example, consider the following scenario:

  1. Node 2 and Node 4 each have a copy of data located at an address in shared cache.
  2. Node 4, in response to a write request, invalidates node 2’s copy.
  3. Node 4 then updates the value.
  4. Node 2 must re-read the data from shared cache to get the updated value.

OneFS uses the MESI Protocol to maintain cache coherency, implementing an “invalidate-on-write” policy to ensure that all data is consistent across the entire shared cache. The various states that in-cache data can take are:

M – Modified: The data exists only in local cache, and has been changed from the value in shared cache. Modified data is referred to as ‘dirty’.

E – Exclusive: The data exists only in local cache, but matches what is in shared cache. This data referred to as ‘clean’.

S – Shared: The data in local cache may also be in other local caches in the cluster.

I – Invalid: A lock (exclusive or shared) has been lost on the data.

L1 cache, or front-end cache, is memory that is nearest to the protocol layers (such as NFS, SMB, and so on) used by clients, or initiators, connected to that node. The main task of L1 is to prefetch data from remote nodes. Data is pre-fetched per file, and this is optimized to reduce the latency associated with the nodes’ IB back-end network. Because the IB interconnect latency is relatively small, the size of L1 cache, and the typical amount of data stored per request, is less than L2 cache.

L1 is also known as remote cache because it contains data retrieved from other nodes in the cluster. It is coherent across the cluster, but is used only by the node on which it resides, and is not accessible by other nodes. Data in L1 cache on storage nodes is aggressively discarded after it is used. L1 cache uses file-based addressing, in which data is accessed by means of an offset into a file object. The L1 cache refers to memory on the same node as the initiator. It is only accessible to the local node, and typically the cache is not the primary copy of the data. This is analogous to the L1 cache on a CPU core, which may be invalidated as other cores write to main memory. L1 cache coherency is managed using a MESI-like protocol using distributed locks, as described above.

L2, or back-end cache, refers to local memory on the node on which a particular block of data is stored. L2 reduces the latency of a read operation by not requiring a seek directly from the disk drives. As such, the amount of data prefetched into L2 cache for use by remote nodes is much greater than that in L1 cache.

L2 is also known as local cache because it contains data retrieved from disk drives located on that node and then made available for requests from remote nodes. Data in L2 cache is evicted according to a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. Data in L2 cache is addressed by the local node using an offset into a disk drive which is local to that node. Because the node knows where the data requested by the remote nodes is located on disk, this is a very fast way of retrieving data destined for remote nodes. A remote node accesses L2 cache by doing a lookup of the block address for a particular file object. As described above, there is no MESI invalidation necessary here and the cache is updated automatically during writes and kept coherent by the transaction system and NVRAM.

L3 cache is a subsystem that caches evicted L2 blocks on a node. Unlike L1 and L2, not all nodes or clusters have an L3 cache, because it requires solid state drives (SSDs) to be present and exclusively reserved and configured for caching use. L3 serves as a large, cost-effective way of extending a node’s read cache from gigabytes to terabytes. This allows clients to retain a larger working set of data in cache, before being forced to retrieve data from higher latency spinning disk. The L3 cache is populated with “interesting” L2 blocks dropped from memory by L2’s least recently used cache eviction algorithm. Unlike RAM based caches, because L3 is based on persistent flash storage, once the cache is populated, or warmed, it’s highly durable and persists across node reboots, and so on. L3 uses a custom log-based file system with an index of cached blocks. The SSDs provide very good random read access characteristics, such that a hit in L3 cache is not that much slower than a hit in L2.

To use multiple SSDs for cache effectively and automatically, L3 uses a consistent hashing approach to associate an L2 block address with one L3 SSD. In the event of an L3 drive failure, a portion of the cache will obviously disappear, but the remaining cache entries on other drives will still be valid. Before a new L3 drive can be added to the hash, some cache entries must be invalidated.

OneFS also uses a dedicated inode cache in which recently requested inodes are kept. The inode cache frequently has a large impact on performance, because clients often cache data, and many network I/O activities are primarily requests for file attributes and metadata, which can be quickly returned from the cached inode.

OneFS provides tools to accurately assess the performance of the various levels of cache at a point in time. These cache statistics can be viewed from the OneFS CLI using the isi_cache_stats command. Statistics for L1, L2, and L3 cache are displayed for both data and metadata. For example:

# isi_cache_stats
l1_data: a 224G 100% r 226G 100% p 318M 77%, l1_encoded: a 0.0B 0% r 0.0B 0% p 0.0B 0%, l1_meta: r 4.5T 99% p 152K 48%,
l2_data: r 1.2G 95% p 115M 79%, l2_meta: r 27G 72% p 28M 3%,
l3_data: r 0.0B 0% p 0.0B 0%, l3_meta: r 8G 99% p 0.0B 0%

For more detailed and formatted output, a verbose option of the command is available using the ‘isi_cache_stats -v’ option.

It’s worth noting that for L3 cache, the prefetch statistics will always read zero, since it’s a pure eviction cache and does not use data or metadata prefetch.

Due to balanced data distribution, automatic rebalancing, and distributed processing, OneFS is able to leverage additional CPUs, network ports, and memory as the system grows. This also allows the caching subsystem (and, by virtue, throughput and IOPS) to scale linearly with the cluster size.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS NFS

OneFS Endurant Cache

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 22 Mar 2022 18:27:04 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

My earlier blog post on multi-threaded I/O generated several questions on synchronous writes in OneFS. So, this seemed like a useful topic to explore in a bit more detail.

OneFS natively provides a caching mechanism for synchronous writes – or writes that require a stable write acknowledgement to be returned to a client. This functionality is known as the Endurant Cache, or EC.

The EC operates in conjunction with the OneFS write cache, or coalescer, to ingest, protect, and aggregate small synchronous NFS writes. The incoming write blocks are staged to NVRAM, ensuring the integrity of the write, even during the unlikely event of a node’s power loss.  Furthermore, EC also creates multiple mirrored copies of the data, further guaranteeing protection from single node and, if desired, multiple node failures.

EC improves the latency associated with synchronous writes by reducing the time to acknowledgement back to the client. This process removes the Read-Modify-Write (R-M-W) operations from the acknowledgement latency path, while also leveraging the coalescer to optimize writes to disk. EC is also tightly coupled with OneFS’ multi-threaded I/O (Multi-writer) process, to support concurrent writes from multiple client writer threads to the same file. And the design of EC ensures that the cached writes do not impact snapshot performance.

The endurant cache uses write logging to combine and protect small writes at random offsets into 8KB linear writes. To achieve this, the writes go to special mirrored files, or ‘Logstores’. The response to a stable write request can be sent once the data is committed to the logstore. Logstores can be written to by several threads from the same node and are highly optimized to enable low-latency concurrent writes.

Note that if a write uses the EC, the coalescer must also be used. If the coalescer is disabled on a file, but EC is enabled, the coalescer will still be active with all data backed by the EC.

So what exactly does an endurant cache write sequence look like?

Say an NFS client wishes to write a file to a PowerScale cluster over NFS with the O_SYNC flag set, requiring a confirmed or synchronous write acknowledgement. Here is the sequence of events that occurs to facilitate a stable write.

1. A client, connected to node 3, begins the write process sending protocol level blocks. 4K is the optimal block size for the endurant cache.


2. The NFS client’s writes are temporarily stored in the write coalescer portion of node 3’s RAM. The Write Coalescer aggregates uncommitted blocks so that the OneFS can, ideally, write out full protection groups where possible, reducing latency over protocols that allow “unstable” writes. Writing to RAM has far less latency that writing directly to disk.

3. Once in the write coalescer, the endurant cache log-writer process writes mirrored copies of the data blocks in parallel to the EC Log Files.

The protection level of the mirrored EC log files is the same as that of the data being written by the NFS client.

4. When the data copies are received into the EC Log Files, a stable write exists and a write acknowledgement (ACK) is returned to the NFS client confirming the stable write has occurred. The client assumes the write is completed and can close the write session.

5. The write coalescer then processes the file just like a non-EC write at this point. The write coalescer fills and is routinely flushed as required as an asynchronous write to the block allocation manager (BAM) and the BAM safe write (BSW) path processes.

6. The file is split into 128K data stripe units (DSUs), parity protection (FEC) is calculated, and FEC stripe units (FSUs) are created.

7. The layout and write plan is then determined, and the stripe units are written to their corresponding nodes’ L2 Cache and NVRAM. The EC logfiles are cleared from NVRAM at this point. OneFS uses a Fast Invalid Path process to de-allocate the EC Log Files from NVRAM.

8. Stripe Units are then flushed to physical disk.

9. Once written to physical disk, the data stripe Unit (DSU) and FEC stripe unit (FSU) copies created during the write are cleared from NVRAM but remain in L2 cache until flushed to make room for more recently accessed data.

As far as protection goes, the number of logfile mirrors created by EC is always one more than the on-disk protection level of the file. For example:

File Protection Level

Number of EC Mirrored Copies















The EC mirrors are only used if the initiator node is lost. In the unlikely event that this occurs, the participant nodes replay their EC journals and complete the writes.

If the write is an EC candidate, the data remains in the coalescer, an EC write is constructed, and the appropriate coalescer region is marked as EC. The EC write is a write into a logstore (hidden mirrored file) and the data is placed into the journal.

Assuming the journal is sufficiently empty, the write is held there (cached) and only flushed to disk when the journal is full, thereby saving additional disk activity.

An optimal workload for EC involves small-block synchronous, sequential writes – something like an audit or redo log, for example. In that case, the coalescer will accumulate a full protection group’s worth of data and be able to perform an efficient FEC write.

The happy medium is a synchronous small block type load, particularly where the I/O rate is low and the client is latency-sensitive. In this case, the latency will be reduced and, if the I/O rate is low enough, it won’t create serious pressure.

The undesirable scenario is when the cluster is already spindle-bound and the workload is such that it generates a lot of journal pressure. In this case, EC is just going to aggravate things.

So how exactly do you configure the endurant cache?

Although on by default, setting the sysctl to value ‘1’ will enable the Endurant Cache:

# isi_sysctl_cluster

EC can also be enabled and disabled per directory:

# isi set -c [on|off|endurant_all|coal_only] <directory_name>

To enable the coalescer but switch off EC, run:

# isi set -c coal_only

And to disable the endurant cache completely:

# isi_for_array –s isi_sysctl_cluster

A return value of zero on each node from the following command will verify that EC is disabled across the cluster:

# isi_for_array –s sysctl 0

If the output to this command is incrementing, EC is delivering stable writes.

Be aware that if the Endurant Cache is disabled on a cluster, the sysctl output on each node will not return to zero, because this sysctl is a counter, not a rate. These counters won’t reset until the node is rebooted.

As mentioned previously, EC applies to stable writes, namely:

  • Writes with O_SYNC and/or O_DIRECT flags set
  • Files on synchronous NFS mounts

When it comes to analyzing any performance issues involving EC workloads, consider the following:

  • What changed with the workload?
  • If upgrading OneFS, did the prior version also have EC enabled? 

If the workload has moved to new cluster hardware:

  • Does the performance issue occur during periods of high CPU utilization?
  • Which part of the workload is creating a deluge of stable writes?
  • Was there a large change in spindle or node count?
  • Has the OneFS protection level changed?
  • Is the SSD strategy the same?

Disabling EC is typically done cluster-wide and this can adversely impact certain workflow elements. If the EC load is localized to a subset of the files being written, an alternative way to reduce the EC heat might be to disable the coalescer buffers for some particular target directories, which would be a more targeted adjustment. This can be configured using the isi set –c off command.

One of the more likely causes of performance degradation is from applications aggressively flushing over-writes and, as a result, generating a flurry of ‘commit’ operations. This can generate heavy read/modify/write (r-m-w) cycles, inflating the average disk queue depth, and resulting in significantly slower random reads. The isi statistics protocol CLI command output will indicate whether the ‘commit’ rate is high.

It’s worth noting that synchronous writes do not require using the NFS ‘sync’ mount option. Any programmer who is concerned with write persistence can simply specify an O_FSYNC or O_DIRECT flag on the open() operation to force synchronous write semantics for that file handle. With Linux, writes using O_DIRECT will be separately accounted for in the Linux ‘mountstats’ output. Although it’s almost exclusively associated with NFS, the EC code is actually protocol-agnostic. If writes are synchronous (write-through) and are either misaligned or smaller than 8k, they have the potential to trigger EC, regardless of the protocol.

The endurant cache can provide a significant latency benefit for small (such as 4K), random synchronous writes – albeit at a cost of some additional work for the system.

However, it’s worth bearing the following caveats in mind:

  • EC is not intended for more general purpose I/O.
  • There is a finite amount of EC available. As load increases, EC can potentially ‘fall behind’ and end up being a bottleneck.
  • Endurant Cache does not improve read performance, since it’s strictly part of the write process.
  • EC will not increase performance of asynchronous writes – only synchronous writes.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Writes

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 14 Mar 2022 23:13:12 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

OneFS runs equally across all the nodes in a cluster such that no one node controls the cluster and all nodes are true peers. Looking from a high-level at the components within each node, the I/O stack is split into a top layer, or initiator, and a bottom layer, or participant. This division is used as a logical model for the analysis of OneFS’ read and write paths.

At a physical-level, CPUs and memory cache in the nodes are simultaneously handling initiator and participant tasks for I/O taking place throughout the cluster. There are caches and a distributed lock manager that are excluded from the diagram below for simplicity’s sake.


When a client connects to a node to write a file, it is connecting to the top half or initiator of that node. Files are broken into smaller logical chunks called stripes before being written to the bottom half or participant of a node (disk). Failure-safe buffering using a write coalescer is used to ensure that writes are efficient and read-modify-write operations are avoided. The size of each file chunk is referred to as the stripe unit size. OneFS stripes data across all nodes and protects the files, directories, and associated metadata via software erasure-code or mirroring.

OneFS determines the appropriate data layout to optimize for storage efficiency and performance. When a client connects to a node, that node’s initiator acts as the ‘captain’ for the write data layout of that file. Data, erasure code (FEC) protection, metadata, and inodes are all distributed on multiple nodes, and spread across multiple drives within nodes. The following figure shows a file write occurring across all nodes in a three node cluster.

OneFS uses a cluster’s Ethernet or Infiniband back-end network to allocate and automatically stripe data across all nodes. As data is written, it’s also protected at the specified level.

When writes take place, OneFS divides data out into atomic units called protection groups. Redundancy is built into protection groups, such that if every protection group is safe, then the entire file is safe. For files protected by FEC, a protection group consists of a series of data blocks as well as a set of parity blocks for reconstruction of the data blocks in the event of drive or node failure. For mirrored files, a protection group consists of all of the mirrors of a set of blocks.

OneFS is capable of switching the type of protection group used in a file dynamically, as it is writing. This allows the cluster to continue without blocking in situations when temporary node failure prevents the desired level of parity protection from being applied. In this case, mirroring can be used temporarily to allow writes to continue. When nodes are restored to the cluster, these mirrored protection groups are automatically converted back to FEC protected.

During a write, data is broken into stripe units and these are spread across multiple nodes as a protection group. As data is being laid out across the cluster, erasure codes or mirrors, as required, are distributed within each protection group to ensure that files are protected at all times.

One of the key functions of the OneFS AutoBalance job is to reallocate and balance data and, where possible, make storage space more usable and efficient. In most cases, the stripe width of larger files can be increased to take advantage of new free space, as nodes are added, and to make the on-disk layout more efficient.

The initiator top half of the ‘captain’ node uses a modified two-phase commit (2PC) transaction to safely distribute writes across the cluster, as follows:

Every node that owns blocks in a particular write operation is involved in a two-phase commit mechanism, which relies on NVRAM for journaling all the transactions that are occurring across every node in the storage cluster. Using multiple nodes’ NVRAM in parallel allows for high-throughput writes, while maintaining data safety against all manner of failure conditions, including power failures. If a node should fail mid-transaction, the transaction is restarted instantly without that node involved. When the node returns, it simply replays its journal from NVRAM.

In a write operation, the initiator also orchestrates the layout of data and metadata, the creation of erasure codes, and lock management and permissions control. OneFS can also optimize layout decisions to better suit the workflow. These access patterns, which can be configured at a per-file or directory level, include:

Concurrency: Optimizes for current load on the cluster, featuring many simultaneous clients.

Streaming: Optimizes for high-speed streaming of a single file, for example to enable very fast reading with a single client.

Random: Optimizes for unpredictable access to the file, by adjusting striping and disabling the use of prefetch.


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS File Locking and Concurrent Access

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Mon, 14 Mar 2022 23:03:37 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

There has been a bevy of recent questions around how OneFS allows various clients attached to different nodes of a cluster to simultaneously read from and write to the same file. So it seemed like a good time for a quick refresher on some of the concepts and mechanics behind OneFS concurrency and distributed locking.


File locking is the mechanism that allows multiple users or processes to access data concurrently and safely. For reading data, this is a fairly straightforward process involving shared locks. With writes, however, things become more complex and require exclusive locking, because data must be kept consistent.

OneFS has a fully distributed lock manager that marshals locks on data across all the nodes in a storage cluster. This locking manager is highly extensible and allows for multiple lock types to support both file system locks, as well as cluster-coherent protocol-level locks, such as SMB share mode locks or NFS advisory-mode locks. OneFS supports delegated locks such as SMB oplocks and NFSv4 delegations.

Every node in a cluster can act as coordinator for locking resources, and a coordinator is assigned to lockable resources based upon a hashing algorithm. This selection algorithm is designed so that the coordinator almost always ends up on a different node than the initiator of the request. When a lock is requested for a file, it can either be a shared lock or an exclusive lock. A shared lock is primarily used for reads and allows multiple users to share the lock simultaneously. An exclusive lock, on the other hand, allows only one user access to the resource at any given moment, and is typically used for writes. Exclusive lock types include:

Mark Lock: An exclusive lock resource used to synchronize the marking and sweeping processes for the Collect job engine job.

Snapshot Lock: As the name suggests, the exclusive snapshot lock that synchronizes the process of creating and deleting snapshots.

Write Lock: An exclusive lock that’s used to quiesce writes for particular operations, including snapshot creates, non-empty directory renames, and marks.

The OneFS locking infrastructure has its own terminology, and includes the following definitions:

Domain: Refers to the specific lock attributes (recursion, deadlock detection, memory use limits, and so on) and context for a particular lock application. There is one definition of owner, resource, and lock types, and only locks within a particular domain might conflict.

Lock Type: Determines the contention among lockers. A shared or read lock does not contend with other types of shared or read locks, while an exclusive or write lock contends with all other types. Lock types include:

  • Advisory
  • Anti-virus
  • Data
  • Delete
  • LIN
  • Mark
  • Oplocks
  • Quota
  • Read
  • Share Mode
  • SMB byte-range
  • Snapshot
  • Write

Locker: Identifies the entity that acquires a lock.

Owner: A locker that has successfully acquired a particular lock. A locker may own multiple locks of the same or different type as a result of recursive locking.

Resource: Identifies a particular lock. Lock acquisition only contends on the same resource. The resource ID is typically a LIN to associate locks with files.

Waiter: Has requested a lock but has not yet been granted or acquired it.

Here’s an example of how threads from different nodes could request a lock from the coordinator:

  1. Node 2 is selected as the lock coordinator of these resources.
  2. Thread 1 from Node 4 and thread 2 from Node 3 request a shared lock on a file from Node 2 at the same time.
  3. Node 2 checks if an exclusive lock exists for the requested file.
  4. If no exclusive locks exist, Node 2 grants thread 1 from Node 4 and thread 2 from Node 3 shared locks on the requested file.
  5. Node 3 and Node 4 are now performing a read on the requested file.
  6. Thread 3 from Node 1 requests an exclusive lock for the same file as being read by Node 3 and Node 4.
  7. Node 2 checks with Node 3 and Node 4 if the shared locks can be reclaimed.
  8. Node 3 and Node 4 are still reading so Node 2 asks thread 3 from Node 1 to wait for a brief instant.
  9. Thread 3 from Node 1 blocks until the exclusive lock is granted by Node 2 and then completes the write operation.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

OneFS Time Synchronization and NTP

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 11 Mar 2022 16:08:05 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

OneFS provides a network time protocol (NTP) service to ensure that all nodes in a cluster can easily be synchronized to the same time source. This service automatically adjusts a cluster’s date and time settings to that of one or more external NTP servers.

You can perform NTP configuration on a cluster using the isi ntp command line (CLI) utility, rather than modifying the nodes’ /etc/ntp.conf files manually. The syntax for this command is divided into two parts: servers and settings. For example:

# isi ntp settings
    View and modify cluster NTP configuration.
Required Privileges:
    isi ntp settings <action>
        [--timeout <integer>]
        [{--help | -h}]
    modify    Modify cluster NTP configuration.
    view      View cluster NTP configuration.
  Display Options:
    --timeout <integer>
        Number of seconds for a command timeout (specified as 'isi --timeout NNN
    --help | -h
        Display help for this command.

There is also an isi_ntp_config CLI command available in OneFS that provides a richer configuration set and combines the server and settings functionality:

Usage: isi_ntp_config COMMAND [ARGUMENTS ...]
      Print this help and exit.
      List all configured info.
    add server SERVER [OPTION]
      Add SERVER to ntp.conf.  If ntp.conf is already
      configured for SERVER, the configuration will be replaced.
      You can specify any server option. See NTP.CONF(5)
    delete server SERVER
      Remove server configuration for SERVER if it exists.
 add exclude NODE [NODE...]
      Add NODE (or space separated nodes) to NTP excluded entry.
      Excluded nodes are not used for NTP communication with external
      NTP servers.
    delete exclude NODE [NODE...]
      Delete NODE (or space separated Nodes) from NTP excluded entry.
    keyfile KEYFILE_PATH
      Specify keyfile path for NTP auth. Specify "" to clear value.
      KEYFILE_PATH has to be a path under /ifs.
    chimers [COUNT | "default"]
      Display or modify the number of chimers NTP uses.
      Specify "default" to clear the value.

By default, if the cluster has more than three nodes, three of the nodes are selected as chimers. Chimers are nodes which can contact the external NTP servers. If the cluster consists of three nodes or less, only one node is selected as a chimer. If no external NTP server is set, they use the local clock instead. The other non-chimer nodes use the chimer nodes as their NTP servers. The chimer nodes are selected by the lowest node number which is not excluded from chimer duty.

If a node is configured as a chimer. its /etc/ntp.conf entry will resemble:
# This node is one of the 3 chimer nodes that can contact external NTP
# servers. The non-chimer nodes will use this node as well as the other
# chimers as their NTP servers.
# The other chimer nodes on this cluster:
server iburst
server iburst
# If none or bad connection to external servers this node may become
# the time server for this cluster. The system clock will be a time
# source and run at a high stratum

Besides managing NTP servers and authentication, you can exclude individual nodes from communicating with external NTP servers.

The local clock of the node is set as an NTP server at a high stratum level. In NTP, a server with lower stratum number is preferred, so if an external NTP server is set, the system prefers an external time server if configured. The stratum level for the chimer is determined by the chimer number. The first chimer is set to stratum 9, the second to stratum 11, and the others continue to increment the stratum number by 2. This is so the non-chimer nodes prefer to get the time from the first chimer if available.

For a non-chimer node, its /etc/ntp.conf entry will resemble:

# This node is _not_ one of the 3 chimer nodes that can contact external
# NTP servers. These are the cluster's chimer nodes:
server iburst true
server iburst true
server iburst true

When configuring NTP on a cluster, you can specify more than one NTP server to synchronize the system time from. This ability allows for full redundancy of ysnc targets. The cluster periodically contacts the server or servers and adjusts the time, date or both as necessary, based on the information it receives.

You can use the isi_ntp_config CLI command to configure which NTP servers a cluster will reference. For example, the following syntax adds the server

# isi_ntp_config add server

Alternatively, you can manage the NTP configuration from the WebUI by going to Cluster Management > General Settings > NTP.

NTP also provides basic authentication-based security using symmetrical keys, if preferred.

If no NTP servers are available, Windows Active Directory (AD) can synchronize domain members to a primary clock running on the domain controller or controllers. If there are no external NTP servers configured and the cluster is joined to AD, OneFS uses the Windows domain controller as the NTP time server. If the cluster and domain time become out of sync by more than four minutes, OneFS generates an event notification.

Be aware that if the cluster and Active Directory drift out of time sync by more than five minutes, AD authentication will cease to function.

If both NTP server and domain controller are not available, you can manually set the cluster’s time, date and time zone using the isi config CLI command. For example:

1. Run the isi config command. The command-line prompt changes to indicate that you are in the isi config subsystem:

# isi config
Welcome to the Isilon IQ configuration console.
Copyright (c) 2001-2017 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Enter 'help' to see list of available commands.
Enter 'help <command>' to see help for a specific command.
Enter 'quit' at any prompt to discard changes and exit.
        Node build: Isilon OneFS v8.2.2 B_8_2_2(RELEASE)Node serial number: JWXER170300301

2. Specify the current date and time by running the date command. For example, the following command sets the cluster time to 9:20 AM on April 23, 2020:

>>> date 2020/04/23 09:20:00
Date is set to 2020/04/23 09:20:00

3. The help timezone command lists the available timezones. For example:

>>> help timezone
timezone [<timezone identifier>]
Sets the time zone on the cluster to the specified time zone.
Valid time zone identifiers are:
        Greenwich Mean Time
        Eastern Time Zone
        Central Time Zone
        Mountain Time Zone
        Pacific Time Zone

4. To verify the currently configured time zone, run the timezone command. For example:

>>> timezone
The current time zone is: Greenwich Mean Time

5. To change the time zone, enter the timezone command followed by one of the displayed options. For example, the following command changes the time zone to Alaska:

>>> timezone Alaska
Time zone is set to Alaska

A message confirming the new time zone setting displays. If your preferred time zone did not display when you ran the help timezone command, enter timezone Advanced. After a warning screen displays, you will see a list of regions. When you select a region, a list of specific time zones for that region appears. Select the preferred time zone (you may need to scroll), and enter OK or Cancel until you return to the isi config prompt.

6. When done, run the commit command to save your changes and exit isi config.

>>> commit
Commit succeeded.

Alternatively, you can manage these time and date parameters from the WebUI by going to Cluster Management > General Settings > Date and Time.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Multi-writer

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 04 Mar 2022 21:09:19 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In one of my other blog articles, we looked at write locking and shared access in OneFS. Next, we’ll delve another layer deeper into OneFS concurrent file access.

The OneFS locking hierarchy also provides a mechanism called Multi-writer, which allows a cluster to support concurrent writes from multiple client writer threads to the same file. This granular write locking is achieved by sub-dividing the file into separate regions and granting exclusive data write locks to these individual ranges, as opposed to the entire file. This process allows multiple clients, or write threads, attached to a node to simultaneously write to different regions of the same file.

Concurrent writes to a single file need more than just supporting data locks for ranges. Each writer also needs to update a file’s metadata attributes such as timestamps or block count. A mechanism for managing inode consistency is also needed, since OneFS is based on the concept of a single inode lock per file.

In addition to the standard shared read and exclusive write locks, OneFS also provides the following locking primitives, through journal deltas, to allow multiple threads to simultaneously read or write a file’s metadata attributes:

OneFS Lock Types include:

Exclusive: A thread can read or modify any field in the inode. When the transaction is committed, the entire inode block is written to disk, along with any extended attribute blocks.

Shared: A thread can read, but not modify, any inode field.

DeltaWrite: A thread can modify any inode fields which support delta-writes. These operations are sent to the journal as a set of deltas when the transaction is committed.

DeltaRead: A thread can read any field which cannot be modified by inode deltas.

These locks allow separate threads to have a Shared lock on the same LIN, or for different threads to have a DeltaWrite lock on the same LIN. However, it is not possible for one thread to have a Shared lock and another to have a DeltaWrite. This is because the Shared thread cannot perform a coherent read of a field which is in the process of being modified by the DeltaWrite thread.

The DeltaRead lock is compatible with both the Shared and DeltaWrite lock. Typically the file system will attempt to take a DeltaRead lock for a read operation, and a DeltaWrite lock for a write, since this allows maximum concurrency, as all these locks are compatible.

Here’s what the write lock incompatibilities looks like:

OneFS protects data by writing file blocks (restriping) across multiple drives on different nodes. The Job Engine defines a restripe set comprising jobs which involve file-system management, protection and on-disk layout. The restripe set contains the following jobs:

  • AutoBalance & AutoBalanceLin
  • FlexProtect & FlexProtectLin
  • MediaScan
  • MultiScan
  • SetProtectPlus
  • SmartPools
  • Upgrade

Multi-writer for restripe allows multiple restripe worker threads to operate on a single file concurrently. This, in turn, improves read/write performance during file re-protection operations, plus helps reduce the window of risk (MTTDL) during drive Smartfails or other failures. This is particularly true for workflows consisting of large files, while one of the above restripe jobs is running. Typically, the larger the files on the cluster, the more benefit multi-writer for restripe will offer.

With multi-writer for restripe, an exclusive lock is no longer required on the LIN during the actual restripe of data. Instead, OneFS tries to use a delta write lock to update the cursors used to track which parts of the file need restriping. This means that a client application or program should be able to continue to write to the file while the restripe operation is underway.

An exclusive lock is only required for a very short period of time while a file is set up to be restriped. A file will have fixed widths for each restripe lock, and the number of range locks will depend on the quantity of threads and nodes which are actively restriping a single file.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS SmartPools

OneFS FilePolicy Job

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:25:02 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Traditionally, OneFS has used the SmartPools jobs to apply its file pool policies. To accomplish this, the SmartPools job visits every file, and the SmartPoolsTree job visits a tree of files. However, the scanning portion of these jobs can result in significant random impact to the cluster and lengthy execution times, particularly in the case of SmartPools job.

To address this, OneFS also provides the FilePolicy job, which offers a faster, lower impact method for applying file pool policies than the full-blown SmartPools job.

But first, a quick Job Engine refresher…

As we know, the Job Engine is OneFS’ parallel task scheduling framework, and is responsible for the distribution, execution, and impact management of critical jobs and operations across the entire cluster.

The OneFS Job Engine schedules and manages all the data protection and background cluster tasks: creating jobs for each task, prioritizing them, and ensuring that inter-node communication and cluster wide capacity utilization and performance are balanced and optimized. Job Engine ensures that core cluster functions have priority over less important work and gives applications integrated with OneFS – Isilon add-on software or applications integrating to OneFS via the OneFS API – the ability to control the priority of their various functions to ensure the best resource utilization.

Each job (such as the SmartPools job) has an “Impact Profile” comprising a configurable policy and a schedule that characterizes how much of the system’s resources the job will take – plus an Impact Policy and an Impact Schedule. The amount of work a job has to do is fixed, but the resources dedicated to that work can be tuned to minimize the impact to other cluster functions, like serving client data.

Here’s a list of the specific jobs that are directly associated with OneFS SmartPools:




Job that runs and moves data between the tiers of nodes within the same cluster. Also executes the CloudPools functionality if licensed and configured.


Enforces SmartPools file policies on a subtree.


Efficient changelist-based SmartPools file pool policy job.


Creates and updates an efficient file system index for FilePolicy job.


Applies the default file policy. This job is disabled if SmartPools is activated on the cluster.

In conjunction with the IndexUpdate job, FilePolicy improves job scan performance by using a ‘file system index’, or changelist, to find files needing policy changes, rather than a full tree scan.

Avoiding a full treewalk dramatically decreases the amount of locking and metadata scanning work the job is required to perform, reducing impact on CPU and disk – albeit at the expense of not doing everything that SmartPools does. The FilePolicy job enforces just the SmartPools file pool policies, as opposed to the storage pool settings. For example, FilePolicy does not deal with changes to storage pools or storage pool settings, such as:

  • Restriping activity due to adding, removing, or reorganizing node pools
  • Changes to storage pool settings or defaults, including protection

However, the majority of the time SmartPools and FilePolicy perform the same work. Disabled by default, FilePolicy supports the full range of file pool policy features, reports the same information, and provides the same configuration options as the SmartPools job. Because FilePolicy is a changelist-based job, it performs best when run frequently – once or multiple times a day, depending on the configured file pool policies, data size, and rate of change.

Job schedules can easily be configured from the OneFS WebUI by navigating to Cluster Management > Job Operations, highlighting the desired job, and selecting ‘View\Edit’. The following example illustrates configuring the IndexUpdate job to run every six hours at a LOW impact level with a priority value of 5:

When enabling and using the FilePolicy and IndexUpdate jobs, the recommendation is to continue running the SmartPools job as well, but at a reduced frequency (monthly).

In addition to running on a configured schedule, the FilePolicy job can also be executed manually.

FilePolicy requires access to a current index. If the IndexUpdate job has not yet been run, attempting to start the FilePolicy job will fail with the error shown in the following figure. Instructions in the error message are displayed, prompting to run the IndexUpdate job first. When the index has been created, the FilePolicy job will run successfully. The IndexUpdate job can be run several times daily (that is, every six hours) to keep the index current and prevent the snapshots from getting large.

Consider using the FilePolicy job with the job schedule shown in the table below for workflows and datasets that have these characteristics:

  • Data with long retention times
  • Large number of small files
  • Path-based File Pool filters configured
  • Where FSAnalyze job is already running on the cluster (InsightIQ monitored clusters)
  • There is already a SnapshotIQ schedule configured
  • When the SmartPools job typically takes a day or more to run to completion at LOW impact

For clusters without these characteristics, the recommendation is to continue running the SmartPools job as usual and not to activate the FilePolicy job.

The following table provides a suggested job schedule when deploying FilePolicy:






Every day at 22:00




Every six hours, every day




Monthly – Sunday at 23:00



Because no two clusters are the same, this suggested job schedule may require additional tuning to meet the needs of a specific environment.

Note that when clusters running older OneFS versions and the FSAnalyze job are upgraded to OneFS 8.2.x or later, the legacy FSAnalyze index and snapshots are removed and replaced by new snapshots the first time that IndexUpdate is run. The new index stores considerably more file and snapshot attributes than the old FSA index. Until the IndexUpdate job effects this change, FSA keeps running on the old index and snapshots.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS

OneFS and Long Filenames

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 28 Jan 2022 21:24:39 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Another feature debut in OneFS 9.3 is support for long filenames. Until now, the OneFS filename limit has been capped at 255 bytes. However, depending on the encoding type, this could potentially be an impediment for certain languages such as Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Thai, and can create issues for customers who work with international languages that use multi-byte UTF-8 characters.

Since some international languages use up to 4 bytes per character, a file name of 255 bytes could be limited to as few as 63 characters when using certain languages on a cluster.

To address this, the new long filenames feature provides support for names up to 255 Unicode characters, by increasing the maximum file name length from 255 bytes to 1024 bytes. In conjunction with this, the OneFS maximum path length is also increased from 1024 bytes to 4096 bytes.

Before creating a name length configuration, the cluster must be running OneFS 9.3. However, the long filename feature is not activated or enabled by default. You have to opt-in by creating a “name length” configuration. That said, the recommendation is to only enable long filename support if you are actually planning on using it. This is because, once enabled, OneFS does not track if, when, or where, a long file name or path is created.

The following procedure can be used to configure a PowerScale cluster for long filename support:

Step 1: Ensure cluster is running OneFS 9.3 or later

The ‘uname’ CLI command output will display a cluster’s current OneFS version.

For example:

# uname -sr
Isilon OneFS v9.3.0.0

The current OneFS version information is also displayed at the upper right of any of the OneFS WebUI pages. If the output from Step 1 shows the cluster running an earlier release, an upgrade to OneFS 9.3 will be required. This can be accomplished either using the ‘isi upgrade cluster’ CLI command or from the OneFS WebUI, by going to Cluster Management > upgrade.

Once the upgrade has completed it will need to be committed, either by following the WebUI prompts, or using the ‘isi upgrade cluster commit’ CLI command.

Step 2. Verify cluster’s long filename support configuration: Viewing a cluster’s long filename support settings

The ‘isi namelength list’ CLI command output will verify a cluster’s long filename support status. For example, the following cluster already has long filename support enabled on the /ifs/tst path:

# isi namelength list
Path     Policy     Max Bytes   Max Chars
/ifs/tst restricted 255         255
Total: 1

Step 3. Configure long filename support

The ‘isi namelength create <path>’ CLI command can be run on the cluster to enable long filename support.

# mkdir /ifs/lfn
# isi namelength create --max-bytes 1024 --max-chars 1024 /ifs/lfn

By default, namelength support is created with default maximum values of 255 bytes in length and 255 characters.

Step 4: Confirm long filename support is configured

The ‘isi namelength list’ CLI command output will confirm that the cluster’s /ifs/lfn directory path is now configured to support long filenames:

# isi namelength list
Path     Policy     Max Bytes   Max Chars
/ifs/lfn custom      1024       1024
/ifs/tst restricted 255         255
Total: 2

Name length configuration is set up per directory and can be nested. Plus, cluster-wide configuration can be applied by configuring at the root /ifs level.

Filename length configurations have two defaults:

  • “Full” – which is 1024 bytes, 255 characters.
  • “Restricted” – which is 255 bytes, 255 characters, and the default if no long additional filename configuration is specified.

Note that removing the long name configuration for a directory will not affect its contents, including any previously created files and directories with long names. However, it will prevent any new long-named files or subdirectories from being created under that directory.

If a filename is too long for a particular protocol, OneFS will automatically truncate the name to around 249 bytes with a ‘hash’ appended to it, which can be used to consistently identify and access the file. This shortening process is referred to as ‘name mangling’. If, for example, a filename longer than 255 bytes is returned in a directory listing over NFSv3, the file’s mangled name will be presented. Any subsequent lookups of this mangled name will resolve to the same file with the original long name. Be aware that filename extensions will be lost when a name is mangled, which can have ramifications for Windows applications, and so on.

If long filename support is enabled on a cluster with active SyncIQ policies, all source and target clusters must have OneFS 9.3 or later installed and committed, and long filename support enabled.

However, the long name configuration does not need to be identical between the source and target clusters -- it only needs to be enabled. This can be done via the following sysctl command:

# sysctl efs.bam.long_file_name_enabled=1

When the target cluster for a Sync policy does not support long file names for a SyncIQ policy and the source domain has long file names enabled, the replication job will fail. The subsequent SyncIQ job report will include the following error message:

Note that the OneFS checks are unable to identify a cascaded replication target running an earlier OneFS version and/or without long filenames configured.

So there are a couple of things to bear in mind when using long filenames:

  • Restoring data from a 9.3 NDMP backup containing long filenames to a cluster running an earlier OneFS version will fail with an ‘ENAMETOOLONG’ error for each long-named file. However, all the files with regular length names will be successfully restored from the backup stream.
  • OneFS ICAP does not support long filenames. However CAVA, ICAP’s replacement, is compatible.
  • The ‘isi_vol_copy’ migration utility does not support long filenames.
  • Neither does the OneFS WebDAV protocol implementation.
  • Symbolic links created via SMB are limited to 1024 bytes due to the size limit on extended attributes.
  • Any pathnames specified in long filename pAPI operations are limited to 4068 bytes.
  • And finally, while an increase in long named files and directories could potentially reduce the number of names the OneFS metadata structures can hold, the overall performance impact of creating files with longer names is negligible.

Author: Nick Trimbee

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PowerScale OneFS

OneFS Virtual Hot Spare

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Fri, 28 Jan 2022 21:12:37 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

There have been several recent questions from the field around how a cluster manages space reservation and pre-allocation of capacity for data repair and drive rebuilds.

OneFS provides a mechanism called Virtual Hot Spare (VHS), which helps ensure that node pools maintain enough free space to successfully re-protect data in the event of drive failure.

Although globally configured, Virtual Hot Spare actually operates at the node pool level so that nodes with different size drives reserve the appropriate VHS space. This helps ensure that, while data may move from one disk pool to another during repair, it remains on the same class of storage. VHS reservations are cluster wide and configurable as either a percentage of total storage (0-20%) or as a number of virtual drives (1-4). To achieve this, the reservation mechanism allocates a fraction of the node pool’s VHS space in each of its constituent disk pools.

No space is reserved for VHS on SSDs unless the entire node pool consists of SSDs. This means that a failed SSD may have data moved to HDDs during repair, but without adding additional configuration settings. This avoids reserving an unreasonable percentage of the SSD space in a node pool.

The default for new clusters is for Virtual Hot Spare to have both “subtract the space reserved for the virtual hot spare…” and “deny new data writes…” enabled with one virtual drive. On upgrade, existing settings are maintained.

It is strongly encouraged to keep Virtual Hot Spare enabled on a cluster, and a best practice is to configure 10% of total storage for VHS. If VHS is disabled and you upgrade OneFS, VHS will remain disabled. If VHS is disabled on your cluster, first check to ensure the cluster has sufficient free space to safely enable VHS, and then enable it.

VHS can be configured via the OneFS WebUI, and is always available, regardless of whether SmartPools has been licensed on a cluster. For example:


From the CLI, the cluster’s VHS configuration is part of the storage pool settings, and can be viewed with the following syntax:

# isi storagepool settings view
     Automatically Manage Protection: files_at_default
Automatically Manage Io Optimization: files_at_default
Protect Directories One Level Higher: Yes
       Global Namespace Acceleration: disabled
       Virtual Hot Spare Deny Writes: Yes
        Virtual Hot Spare Hide Spare: Yes
      Virtual Hot Spare Limit Drives: 1
     Virtual Hot Spare Limit Percent: 10
             Global Spillover Target: anywhere
                    Spillover Enabled: Yes
        SSD L3 Cache Default Enabled: Yes
                     SSD Qab Mirrors: one
            SSD System Btree Mirrors: one
            SSD System Delta Mirrors: one

Similarly, the following command will set the cluster’s VHS space reservation to 10%.

# isi storagepool settings modify --virtual-hot-spare-limit-percent 10

Bear in mind that reservations for virtual hot sparing will affect spillover. For example, if VHS is configured to reserve 10% of a pool’s capacity, spillover will occur at 90% full.

Spillover allows data that is being sent to a full pool to be diverted to an alternate pool. Spillover is enabled by default on clusters that have more than one pool. If you have a SmartPools license on the cluster, you can disable Spillover. However, it is recommended that you keep Spillover enabled. If a pool is full and Spillover is disabled, you might get a “no space available” error but still have a large amount of space left on the cluster.

If the cluster is inadvertently configured to allow data writes to the reserved VHS space, the following informational warning will be displayed in the SmartPools WebUI:

There is also no requirement for reserved space for snapshots in OneFS. Snapshots can use as much or little of the available file system space as desirable and necessary.

A snapshot reserve can be configured if preferred, although this will be an accounting reservation rather than a hard limit and is not a recommend best practice. If desired, snapshot reserve can be set via the OneFS command line interface (CLI) by running the ‘isi snapshot settings modify –reserve’ command.

For example, the following command will set the snapshot reserve to 10%:

# isi snapshot settings modify --reserve 10

It’s worth noting that the snapshot reserve does not constrain the amount of space that snapshots can use on the cluster. Snapshots can consume a greater percentage of storage capacity specified by the snapshot reserve.

Additionally, when using SmartPools, snapshots can be stored on a different node pool or tier than the one the original data resides on.

For example, as above, the snapshots taken on a performance aligned tier can be physically housed on a more cost effective archive tier.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

data storage Isilon PowerScale

PowerScale Gen6 Chassis Hardware Resilience

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 16:48:24 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In this article, we’ll take a quick look at the OneFS journal and boot drive mirroring functionality in PowerScale chassis-based hardware:

PowerScale Gen6 platforms, such as the new H700/7000 and A300/3000, stores the local filesystem journal and its mirror in the DRAM of the battery backed compute node blade.  Each 4RU Gen 6 chassis houses four nodes. These nodes comprise a ‘compute node blade’ (CPU, memory, NICs), plus drive containers, or sleds, for each.

A node’s file system journal is protected against sudden power loss or hardware failure by OneFS journal vault functionality – otherwise known as ‘powerfail memory persistence’ (PMP). PMP automatically stores the both the local journal and journal mirror on a separate flash drive across both nodes in a node pair:

This journal de-staging process is known as ‘vaulting’, during which the journal is protected by a dedicated battery in each node until it’s safely written from DRAM to SSD on both nodes in a node-pair. With PMP, constant power isn’t required to protect the journal in a degraded state since the journal is saved to M.2 flash and mirrored on the partner node.

So, the mirrored journal is comprised of both hardware and software components, including the following constituent parts:

Journal Hardware Components

  • System DRAM
  • 2 Vault Flash
  • Battery Backup Unit (BBU)
  • Non-Transparent Bridge (NTB) PCIe link to partner node
  • Clean copy on disk

Journal Software Components

  • Power-fail Memory Persistence (PMP)
  • Mirrored Non-volatile Interface (MNVI)
  • IFS Journal + Node State Block (NSB)
  • Utilities

Asynchronous DRAM Refresh (ADR) preserves RAM contents when the operating system is not running. ADR is important for preserving RAM journal contents across reboots, and it does not require any software coordination to do so.

The journal vault feature encompasses the hardware, firmware, and operating system support that ensure the journal’s contents are preserved across power failure. The mechanism is similar to the NVRAM controller on previous generation nodes but does not use a dedicated PCI card.

On power failure, the PMP vaulting functionality is responsible for copying both the local journal and the local copy of the partner node’s journal to persistent flash. On restoration of power, PMP is responsible for restoring the contents of both journals from flash to RAM and notifying the operating system.

A single dedicated flash device is attached via M.2 slot on the motherboard of the node’s compute module, residing under the battery backup unit (BBU) pack. To be serviced, the entire compute module must be removed.

If the M.2 flash needs to be replaced for any reason, it will be properly partitioned and the PMP structure will be created as part of arming the node for vaulting.

The battery backup unit (BBU), when fully charged, provides enough power to vault both the local and partner journal during a power failure event.

A single battery is utilized in the BBU, which also supports back-to-back vaulting.

On the software side, the journal’s Power-fail Memory Persistence (PMP) provides an equivalent to the NVRAM controller‘s vault/restore capabilities to preserve Journal. The PMP partition on the M.2 flash drive provides an interface between the OS and firmware.

If a node boots and its primary journal is found to be invalid for whatever reason, it has three paths for recourse:

  • Recover journal from its M.2 vault.
  • Recover journal from its disk backup copy.
  • Recover journal from its partner node’s mirrored copy.

A single battery is utilized in the BBU, which also supports back-to-back vaulting.

On the software side, the journal’s Power-fail Memory Persistence (PMP) provides an equivalent to the NVRAM controller‘s vault/restore capabilities to preserve Journal. The PMP partition on the M.2 flash drive provides an interface between the OS and firmware.

If a node boots and its primary journal is found to be invalid for whatever reason, it has three paths for recourse:

  • Recover journal from its M.2 vault.
  • Recover journal from its disk backup copy.
  • Recover journal from its partner node’s mirrored copy.

The mirrored journal must guard against rolling back to a stale copy of the journal on reboot. This necessitates storing information about the state of journal copies outside the journal. As such, the Node State Block (NSB) is a persistent disk block that stores local and remote journal status (clean/dirty, valid/invalid, etc), as well as other non-journal information. NSB stores this node status outside the journal itself and ensures that a node does not revert to a stale copy of the journal upon reboot.

Here’s the detail of an individual node’s compute module:

Of particular note is the ‘journal active’ LED, which is displayed as a white hand icon.

When this white hand icon is illuminated, it indicates that the mirrored journal is actively vaulting, and it is not safe to remove the node!

There is also a blue ‘power’ LED, and a yellow ‘fault’ LED per node. If the blue LED is off, the node may still be in standby mode, in which case it may still be possible to pull debug information from the baseboard management controller (BMC).

The flashing yellow ‘fault’ LED has several state indication frequencies:

Blink Speed

Blink Frequency


Fast blink

¼ Hz


Medium blink

1 Hz

Extended POST

Slow blink

4 Hz

Booting OS



OS running

The mirrored non-volatile interface (MNVI) sits below /ifs and above RAM and the NTB, provides the abstraction of a reliable memory device to the /ifs journal. MNVI is responsible for synchronizing journal contents to peer node RAM, at the direction of the journal, and persisting writes to both systems while in a paired state. It upcalls into the journal on NTB link events and notifies the journal of operation completion (mirror sync, block IO, etc.).

For example, when rebooting after a power outage, a node automatically loads the MNVI. It then establishes a link with its partner node and synchronizes its journal mirror across the PCIe Non-Transparent Bridge (NTB).

Prior to mounting /ifs, OneFS locates a valid copy of the journal from one of the following locations in order of preference:


Journal Location



Local disk

A local copy that has been backed up to disk


Local vault

A local copy of the journal restored from Vault into DRAM


Partner node

A mirror copy of the journal from the partner node


If the node was shut down properly, it will boot using a local disk copy of the journal.  The journal will be restored into DRAM and /ifs will mount. On the other hand, if the node suffered a power disruption the journal will be restored into DRAM from the M.2 vault flash instead (the PMP copies the journal into the M.2 vault during a power failure).

In the event that OneFS is unable to locate a valid journal on either the hard drives or M.2 flash on a node, it will retrieve a mirrored copy of the journal from its partner node over the NTB.  This is referred to as ‘Sync-back’.

Note: Sync-back state only occurs when attempting to mount /ifs.

On booting, if a node detects that its journal mirror on the partner node is out of sync (invalid), but the local journal is clean, /ifs will continue to mount.  Subsequent writes are then copied to the remote journal in a process known as ‘sync-forward’.

Here’s a list of the primary journal states:

Journal State



State in which writes to a journal are mirrored to the partner node.


Journal is copied back from the partner node. Only occurs when attempting to mount /ifs.


Storing a copy of the journal on M.2 flash during power failure. Vaulting is performed by PMP.

 During normal operation, writes to the primary journal and its mirror are managed by the MNVI device module, which writes through local memory to the partner node’s journal via the NTB. If the NTB is unavailable for an extended period, write operations can still be completed successfully on each node. For example, if the NTB link goes down in the middle of a write operation, the local journal write operation will complete. Read operations are processed from local memory.

Additional journal protection for Gen 6 nodes is provided by OneFS powerfail memory persistence (PMP) functionality, which guards against PCI bus errors that can cause the NTB to fail.  If an error is detected, the CPU requests a ‘persistent reset’, during which the memory state is protected and node rebooted. When back up again, the journal is marked as intact and no further repair action is needed.

If a node loses power, the hardware notifies the BMC, initiating a memory persistent shutdown.  At this point the node is running on battery power. The node is forced to reboot and load the PMP module, which preserves its local journal and its partner’s mirrored journal by storing them on M.2 flash.  The PMP module then disables the battery and powers itself off.

Once power is back on and the node restarted, the PMP module first restores the journal before attempting to mount /ifs.  Once done, the node then continues through system boot, validating the journal, setting sync-forward or sync-back states, etc.

During boot, isi_checkjournal and isi_testjournal will invoke isi_pmp. If the M.2 vault devices are unformatted, isi_pmp will format the devices.

On clean shutdown, isi_save_journal stashes a backup copy of the /dev/mnv0 device on the root filesystem, just as it does for the NVRAM journals in previous generations of hardware.

If a mirrored journal issue is suspected, or notified via cluster alerts, the best place to start troubleshooting is to take a look at the node’s log events. The journal logs to /var/log/messages, with entries tagged as ‘journal_mirror’.

The following new CELOG events have also been added in OneFS 8.1 for cluster alerting about mirrored journal issues:




Non-transparent bridge (NTP) PCIe link is unavailable


No valid journal copy found on node

Another reliability optimization for the Gen6 platform is boot mirroring. Gen6 does not use dedicated bootflash devices, as with previous generation nodes. Instead, OneFS boot and other OS partitions are stored on a node’s data drives. These OS partitions are always mirrored (except for crash dump partitions). The two mirrors protect against disk sled removal. Since each drive in a disk sled belongs to a separate disk pool, both elements of a mirror cannot live on the same sled.

The boot and other OS partitions are 8GB and reserved at the beginning of each data drive for boot mirrors. OneFS automatically rebalances these mirrors in anticipation of, and in response to, service events. Mirror rebalancing is triggered by drive events such as suspend, softfail and hard loss.

The following command will confirm that boot mirroring is working as intended:

# isi_mirrorctl verify

When it comes to smartfailing nodes, here are a couple of other things to be aware of with mirror journal and the Gen6 platform:

  • When you smartfail a node in a node pair, you do not have to smartfail its partner node.
  • A node will still run indefinitely with its partner missing. However, this significantly increases the window of risk since there’s no journal mirror to rely on (in addition to lack of redundant power supply, etc).
  • If you do smartfail a single node in a pair, the journal is still protected by the vault and powerfail memory persistence.


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

data storage Isilon PowerScale

OneFS Path-based File Pool Policies

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 16:30:42 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

As we saw in a previous article, when data is written to the cluster, SmartPools determines which pool to write to based on either path or on any other criteria.

If a file matches a file pool policy which is based on any other criteria besides path name, SmartPools will write that file to the Node Pool with the most available capacity.

However, if a file matches a file pool policy based on directory path, that file will be written into the Node Pool dictated by the File Pool policy immediately.



If the file matches a file pool policy that places it on a different Node Pool than the highest capacity Node Pool, it will be moved when the next scheduled SmartPools job runs.

If a filepool policy applies to a directory, any new files written to it will automatically inherit the settings from the parent directory. Typically, there is not much variance between the directory and the new file. So, assuming the settings are correct, the file is written straight to the desired pool or tier, with the appropriate protection, etc. This applies to access protocols like NFS and SMB, as well as copy commands like ‘cp’ issued directly from the OneFS command line interface (CLI). However, if the file settings differ from the parent directory, the SmartPools job will correct them and restripe the file. This will happen when the job next runs, rather than at the time of file creation.

However, simply moving a file into the directory (via the UNIX CLI commands such as cp, mv, etc.) will not occur until a SmartPools, SetProtectPlus, Multiscan, or Autobalance job runs to completion. Since these jobs can each perform a re-layout of data, this is when the files will be re-assigned to the desired pool. The file movement can be verified by running the following command from the OneFS CLI:

# isi get -dD <dir>

So the key is whether you’re doing a copy (that is, a new write) or not. As long as you’re doing writes and the parent directory of the destination has the appropriate file pool policy applied, you should get the behavior you want.

One thing to note: If the actual operation that is desired is really a move rather than a copy, it may be faster to change the file pool policy and then do a recursive “isi filepool apply –recurse” on the affected files.

There’s negligible difference between using an NFS or SMB client versus performing the copy on-cluster via the OneFS CLI. As mentioned above, using isi filepool apply will be slightly quicker than a straight copy and delete, since the copy is parallelized above the filesystem layer.

A file pool policy may be crafted which dictates that anything written to path /ifs/path1 is automatically moved directly to the Archive tier. This can easily be configured from the OneFS WebUI by navigating to File System > Storage Pools > File Pool Policies:


In the example above, a path based policy is created such that data written to /ifs/path1 will automatically be placed on the cluster’s F600 node pool.

For file Pool Policies that dictate placement of data based on its path, data typically lands on the correct node pool or tier without a SmartPools job running.  File Pool Policies that dictate placement of data on other attributes besides path name get written to Disk Pool with the highest available capacity and then moved, if necessary, to match a File Pool policy, when the next SmartPools job runs.  This ensures that write performance is not sacrificed for initial data placement.

Any data not covered by a File Pool policy is moved to a tier that can be selected as a default for exactly this purpose.  If no Disk Pool has been selected for this purpose, SmartPools will default to the Node Pool with the most available capacity.

Be aware that, when reconfiguring an existing path-based filepool policy to target a different nodepool or tier, the change will not immediately take effect for the new incoming data. The directory where new files will be created must be updated first and there are a several options available to address this:

  • Running the SmartPools job will achieve this. However, this can take a significant amount of time, as the job may entail restriping or migrating a large quantity of file data.
  • Invoking the ’isi filepool apply <path>’ command on a single directory in question will do it very rapidly. This option is ideal for a single, or small number, of ‘incoming’ data directories.
  • To update all directories in a given subtree, but not affect the files’ actual data layouts, use:
# isi filepool apply --dont-restripe --recurse /ifs/path1

  • OneFS also contains the SmartPoolsTree job engine job specifically for this purpose. This can be invoked as follows:
# isi job start SmartPoolsTree --directory-only  --path /ifs/path

For example, a cluster has both an F600 pool and an A2000 pool. A directory (/ifs/path1) is created and a file (file1.txt) written to it:

# mkdir /ifs/path1
# cd !$; touch file1.txt

As we can see, this file is written to the default A2000 pool:

# isi get -DD /ifs/path1/file1.txt | grep -i pool
*  Disk pools:         policy any pool group ID -> data target a2000_200tb_800gb-ssd_16gb:97(97), metadata target a2000_200tb_800gb-ssd_16gb:97(97)

Next, a path-based file pool policy is created such that files written to /ifs/test1 are automatically directed to the cluster’s F600 tier:

# isi filepool policies create test2 --begin-filter --path=/ifs/test1 --and --data-storage-target f600_30tb-ssd_192gb --end-filter
# isi filepool policies list
Name  Description  CloudPools State
Path1              No access
Total: 1
# isi filepool policies view Path1
Name: Path1
                   CloudPools State: No access
                CloudPools Details: Policy has no CloudPools actions
                       Apply Order: 1
             File Matching Pattern: Path == path1 (begins with)
          Set Requested Protection: -
               Data Access Pattern: -
                  Enable Coalescer: -
                    Enable Packing: -
               Data Storage Target: f600_30tb-ssd_192gb
                 Data SSD Strategy: metadata
           Snapshot Storage Target: -
             Snapshot SSD Strategy: -
                        Cloud Pool: -
         Cloud Compression Enabled: -
          Cloud Encryption Enabled: -
              Cloud Data Retention: -
Cloud Incremental Backup Retention: -
       Cloud Full Backup Retention: -
               Cloud Accessibility: -
                  Cloud Read Ahead: -
            Cloud Cache Expiration: -
         Cloud Writeback Frequency: -
                                ID: Path1

The ‘isi filepool apply’ command is run on /ifs/path1 in order to activate the path-based file policy:

# isi filepool apply /ifs/path1

A file (file-new1.txt) is then created under /ifs/path1:

# touch /ifs/path1/file-new1.txt

An inspection shows that this file is written to the F600 pool, as expected per the Path1 file pool policy:

# isi get -DD /ifs/path1/file-new1.txt | grep -i pool
*  Disk pools:         policy f600_30tb-ssd_192gb(9) -> data target f600_30tb-ssd_192gb:10(10), metadata target f600_30tb-ssd_192gb:10(10)

The legacy file (/ifs/path1/file1.txt) is still on the A2000 pool, despite the path-based policy. However, this policy can be enacted on pre-existing data by running the following:

# isi filepool apply --dont-restripe --recurse /ifs/path1

Now, the legacy files are also housed on the F600 pool, and any new writes to the /ifs/path1 directory will also be written to the F600s:

# isi get -DD file1.txt | grep -i pool
*  Disk pools:         policy f600_30tb-ssd_192gb(9) -> data target a2000_200tb_800gb-ssd_16gb:97(97), metadata target a2000_200tb_800gb-ssd_16gb:97(97)


Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

data storage Isilon PowerScale

OneFS File Pool Policies

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:56:39 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

A OneFS file pool policy can be easily generated from either the CLI or WebUI. For example, the following CLI syntax creates a policy which archives older files to a lower storage tier.

# isi filepool policies modify ARCHIVE_OLD --description "Move older files to archive storage" --data-storage-target TIER_A --data-ssd-strategy metadata-write --begin-filter --file-type=file --and --birth-time=2021-01-01 --operator=lt --and --accessed-time= 2021-09-01 --operator=lt --end-filter

After a file match with a File Pool policy occurs, the SmartPools job uses the settings in the matching policy to store and protect the file. However, a matching policy might not specify all settings for the match file. In this case, the default policy is used for those settings not specified in the custom policy. For each file stored on a cluster, the system needs to determine the following:

  • Requested protection level
  • Data storage target for local data cache
  • SSD strategy for metadata and data
  • Protection level for local data cache
  • Configuration for snapshots
  • SmartCache setting
  • L3 cache setting
  • Data access pattern
  • CloudPools actions (if any)

 If no File Pool policy matches a file, the default policy specifies all storage settings for the file. The default policy, in effect, matches all files not matched by any other SmartPools policy. For this reason, the default policy is the last in the file pool policy list, and, as such, always the last policy that SmartPools applies.

Next, SmartPools checks the file’s current settings against those the policy would assign to identify those which do not match.  Once SmartPools has the complete list of settings that it needs to apply to that file, it sets them all simultaneously, and moves to restripe that file to reflect any and all changes to Node Pool, protection, SmartCache use, layout, etc.

Custom File Attributes, or user attributes, can be used when more granular control is needed than can be achieved using the standard file attributes options (File Name, Path, File Type, File Size, Modified Time, Create Time, Metadata Change Time, Access Time).  User Attributes use key value pairs to tag files with additional identifying criteria which SmartPools can then use to apply File Pool policies. While SmartPools has no utility to set file attributes, this can be done easily by using the ‘setextattr’ command.

Custom File Attributes are generally used to designate ownership or create project affinities. Once set, they are leveraged by SmartPools just as File Name, File Type or any other file attribute to specify location, protection and performance access for a matching group of files.

For example, the following CLI commands can be used to set and verify the existence of the attribute ‘key1’ with value ‘val1’ on a file ‘attrib.txt’:

# setextattr user key1 val1 attrib.txt
# getextattr user key1 attrib.txt
 file    val1

A File Pool policy can be crafted to match and act upon a specific custom attribute and/or value.

For example, the File Policy below, created via the OneFS WebUI, will match files with the custom attribute ‘key1=val1’ and move them to the ‘Archive_1’ tier:


Once a subset of a cluster’s files have been marked with a custom attribute, either manually or as part of a custom application or workflow, they will then be moved to the Archive_1 tier upon the next successful run of the SmartPools job.

The file system explorer (and ‘isi get –D’ CLI command) provides a detailed view of where SmartPools-managed data is at any time by both the actual Node Pool location and the File Pool policy-dictated location (i.e. where that file will move after the next successful completion of the SmartPools job).

When data is written to the cluster, SmartPools writes it to a single Node Pool only.  This means that, in almost all cases, a file exists in its entirety within a Node Pool, and not across Node Pools.  SmartPools determines which pool to write to based on one of two situations:

  • If a file matches a file pool policy based on directory path, that file will be written into the Node Pool dictated by the File Pool policy immediately.
  • If a file matches a file pool policy which is based on any other criteria besides path name, SmartPools will write that file to the Node Pool with the most available capacity.

If the file matches a file pool policy that places it on a different Node Pool than the highest capacity Node Pool, it will be moved when the next scheduled SmartPools job runs.

For performance, charge back, ownership or security purposes it is sometimes important to know exactly where a specific file or group of files is on disk at any given time.  While any file in a SmartPools environment typically exists entirely in one Storage Pool, there are exceptions when a single file may be split (usually only on a temporary basis) across two or more Node Pools at one time.

SmartPools generally only allows a file to reside in one Node Pool. A file may temporarily span several Node Pools in some situations.  When a file Pool policy dictates a file move from one Node Pool to another, that file will exist partially on the source Node Pool and partially on the Destination Node Pool until the move is complete.  If the Node Pool configuration is changed (for example, when splitting a Node Pool into two Node Pools) a file may be split across those two new pools until the next scheduled SmartPools job runs.  If a Node Pool fills up and data spills over to another Node Pool so the cluster can continue accepting writes, a file may be split over the intended Node Pool and the default Spillover Node Pool.  The last circumstance under which a file may span more than One Node Pool is for typical restriping activities like cross-Node Pool rebalances or rebuilds.

Author: Nick Trimbee


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OneFS and SMB Encryption

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:49:36 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Received a couple of recent questions around SMB encryption, which is supported in addition to the other components of the SMB3 protocol dialect that OneFS supports, including multi-channel, continuous availability (CA), and witness.

OneFS allows encryption for SMB3 clients to be configured on a per share, zone, or cluster-wide basis. When configuring encryption at the cluster-wide level, OneFS provides the option to also allow unencrypted connections for older, non-SMB3 clients.

The following CLI command will indicate whether SMB3 encryption has already been configured globally on the cluster:

# isi smb settings global view | grep -i encryption
     Support Smb3 Encryption: No

The following table lists what behavior a variety of Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS versions will support with respect to SMB3 encryption:

Operating System


Windows Vista/Server 2008

Can only access non-encrypted shares if cluster is configured to allow non-encrypted connections

Windows 7/Server 2008 R2

Can only access non-encrypted shares if cluster is configured to

allow non-encrypted connections

Windows 8/Server 2012

Can access encrypted share (and non-encrypted shares if cluster is configured to allow non-encrypted connections)

Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2

Can access encrypted share (and non-encrypted shares if cluster is configured to allow non-encrypted connections)

Windows 10/Server 2016

Can access encrypted share (and non-encrypted shares if cluster is configured to allow non-encrypted connections)


Can access encrypted share (and non-encrypted shares if cluster is configured to allow non-encrypted connections)

 Note that only operating systems which support SMB3 encryption can work with encrypted shares. These operating systems can also work with unencrypted shares, but only if the cluster is configured to allow non-encrypted connections. Other operating systems can access non-encrypted shares only if the cluster is configured to allow non-encrypted connections.

If encryption is enabled for an existing share or zone, and if the cluster is set to only allow encrypted connections, only Windows 8/Server 2012 and later and OSX 10.12 will be able to access that share or zone. Encryption cannot be turned on or off at the client level.

The following CLI procedures will configure SMB3 encryption on a specific share, rather than globally across the cluster:

As a prerequisite, ensure that the cluster and clients are bound and connected to the desired Active Directory domain (for example in this case,

To create a share with SMB3 encryption enabled from the CLI:

# mkdir -p /ifs/smb/data_encrypt
# chmod +a group "AD1\\Domain Users" allow generic_all /ifs/smb/data_encrypt
# isi smb shares create DataEncrypt /ifs/smb/data_encrypt --smb3-encryption-enabled true
 # isi smb shares permission modify DataEncrypt --wellknown Everyone -d allow -p full

To verify that an SMB3 client session is actually being encrypted, launch a remote desktop protocol (RDP) session to the Windows client, log in as administrator, and perform the following:

  1. Ensure a packet capture and analysis tool such as Wireshark is installed.
  2. Start Wireshark capture using the capture filter “port 445
  3. Map the DataEncrypt share from the second node in the cluster
  4. Create a file on the desktop on the client (e.g., README-W10.txt).
  5. Copy the README-W10.txt file from the Desktop on the client to the DataEncrypt shares using Windows explorer.exe
  6. Stop the Wireshark capture
  7. Set the Wireshark the display filter to “smb2 and ip.addr for node 1
    1. Examine the SMB2_NEGOTIATE packet exchange to verify the capabilities, negotiated contexts and protocol dialect (3.1.1)
    2. Examine the SMB2_TREE_CONNECT to verify that encryption support has not been enabled for this share
    3. Examine the SMB2_WRITE requests to ensure that the file contents are readable.
  8. Set the Wireshark the display filter to “smb2 and ip.addr for node 2
    1. Examine the SMB2_NEGOTIATE packet exchange to verify the capabilities, negotiated contexts and protocol dialect (3.1.1)
    2. Examine the SMB2_TREE_CONNECT to verify that encryption support has been enabled for this share
    3. Examine the communication following the successful SMB2_TREE_CONNECT response that the packets are encrypted
  9. Save the Wireshark Capture to the DataEncrypt share using the name Win10-SMB3EncryptionDemo.pcap.

SMB3 encryption can also be applied globally to a cluster. This will mean that all the SMB communication with the cluster will be encrypted, not just with individual shares. SMB clients that don’t support SMB3 encryption will only be able to connect to the cluster so long as it is configured to allow non-encrypted connections. The following table presents the available global SMB3 encryption config options:




Encryption for SMBv3 clients in not enabled on this cluster.

Enable SMB3 encryption

Permits encrypted SMBv3 client connections to Isilon clusters but does not make encryption mandatory. Unencrypted SMBv3 clients can still connect to the cluster when this option is enabled. Note that this setting does not actively enable SMBv3 encryption: To encrypt SMBv3 client connections to the cluster, you must first select this option and then activate encryption on the client side. This setting applies to all shares in the cluster.


Reject unencrypted SMB3 client connections

Makes encryption mandatory for all SMBv3 client connections to the cluster. When this setting is active, only encrypted SMBv3 clients can connect to the cluster. SMBv3 clients that do not have encryption enabled are denied access. This setting applies to all shares in the cluster.

The following CLI syntax will configure global SMB3 encryption:

# isi smb settings global modify --support-smb3-encryption=yes

Verify the global encryption settings on a cluster by running:

# isi smb settings global view | grep -i encrypt
Reject Unencrypted Access: Yes
     Support Smb3 Encryption: Yes

Global SMB3 encryption can also be enabled from the WebUI by browsing to Protocols > Windows Sharing (SMB) > SMB Server Settings: 


 Author: Nick Trimbee

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OneFS Hardware Fault Tolerance

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:42:03 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

There have been several inquiries recently around PowerScale clusters and hardware fault tolerance, above and beyond file level data protection via erasure coding. It seemed like a useful topic for a blog article, so here are some of the techniques which OneFS employs to help protect data against the threat of hardware errors:

File system journal

Every PowerScale node is equipped with a battery backed NVRAM file system journal. Each journal is used by OneFS as stable storage, and guards write transactions against sudden power loss or other catastrophic events. The journal protects the consistency of the file system and the battery charge lasts up to three days. Since each member node of a cluster contains an NVRAM controller, the entire OneFS file system is therefore fully journaled.

Proactive device failure

OneFS will proactively remove, or SmartFail, any drive that reaches a particular threshold of detected Error Correction Code (ECC) errors, and automatically reconstruct the data from that drive and locate it elsewhere on the cluster. Both SmartFail and the subsequent repair process are fully automated and hence require no administrator intervention.

Data integrity

ISI Data Integrity (IDI) is the OneFS process that protects file system structures against corruption via 32-bit CRC checksums. All OneFS blocks, both for file and metadata, utilize checksum verification. Metadata checksums are housed in the metadata blocks themselves, whereas file data checksums are stored as metadata, thereby providing referential integrity. All checksums are recomputed by the initiator, the node servicing a particular read, on every request.

In the event that the recomputed checksum does not match the stored checksum, OneFS will generate a system alert, log the event, retrieve and return the corresponding error correcting code (ECC) block to the client and attempt to repair the suspect data block.

Protocol checksums

In addition to blocks and metadata, OneFS also provides checksum verification for Remote Block Management (RBM) protocol data. As mentioned above, the RBM is a unicast, RPC-based protocol used over the back-end cluster interconnect. Checksums on the RBM protocol are in addition to the InfiniBand hardware checksums provided at the network layer and are used to detect and isolate machines with certain faulty hardware components and exhibiting other failure states.

Dynamic sector repair

OneFS includes a Dynamic Sector Repair (DSR) feature whereby bad disk sectors can be forced by the file system to be rewritten elsewhere. When OneFS fails to read a block during normal operation, DSR is invoked to reconstruct the missing data and write it to either a different location on the drive or to another drive on the node. This is done to ensure that subsequent reads of the block do not fail. DSR is fully automated and completely transparent to the end-user. Disk sector errors and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) mismatches use almost the same mechanism as the drive rebuild process.


MediaScan’s role within OneFS is to check disk sectors and deploy the above DSR mechanism in order to force disk drives to fix any sector ECC errors they may encounter. Implemented as one of the phases of the OneFS job engine, MediaScan is run automatically based on a predefined schedule. Designed as a low-impact, background process, MediaScan is fully distributed and can thereby leverage the benefits of a cluster’s parallel architecture.


IntegrityScan, another component of the OneFS job engine, is responsible for examining the entire file system for inconsistencies. It does this by systematically reading every block and verifying its associated checksum. Unlike traditional ‘fsck’ style file system integrity checking tools, IntegrityScan is designed to run while the cluster is fully operational, thereby removing the need for any downtime. In the event that IntegrityScan detects a checksum mismatch, a system alert is generated and written to the syslog and OneFS automatically attempts to repair the suspect block.

The IntegrityScan phase is run manually if the integrity of the file system is ever in doubt. Although this process may take several days to complete, the file system is online and completely available during this time. Additionally, like all phases of the OneFS job engine, IntegrityScan can be prioritized, paused or stopped, depending on the impact to cluster operations and other jobs.

Fault isolation

Because OneFS protects its data at the file-level, any inconsistencies or data loss is isolated to the unavailable or failing device—the rest of the file system remains intact and available.

For example, a ten node, S210 cluster, protected at +2d:1n, sustains three simultaneous drive failures—one in each of three nodes. Even in this degraded state, I/O errors would only occur on the very small subset of data housed on all three of these drives. The remainder of the data striped across the other two hundred and thirty-seven drives would be totally unaffected. Contrast this behavior with a traditional RAID6 system, where losing more than two drives in a RAID-set will render it unusable and necessitate a full restore from backups.

Similarly, in the unlikely event that a portion of the file system does become corrupt (whether as a result of a software or firmware bug, etc.) or a media error occurs where a section of the disk has failed, only the portion of the file system associated with this area on disk will be affected. All healthy areas will still be available and protected.

As mentioned above, referential checksums of both data and meta-data are used to catch silent data corruption (data corruption not associated with hardware failures). The checksums for file data blocks are stored as metadata, outside the actual blocks they reference, and thus provide referential integrity.

Accelerated drive rebuilds

The time that it takes a storage system to rebuild data from a failed disk drive is crucial to the data reliability of that system. With the advent of four terabyte drives, and the creation of increasingly larger single volumes and file systems, typical recovery times for multi-terabyte drive failures are becoming multiple days or even weeks. During this MTTDL period, storage systems are vulnerable to additional drive failures and the resulting data loss and downtime.

Since OneFS is built upon a highly distributed architecture, it’s able to leverage the CPU, memory and spindles from multiple nodes to reconstruct data from failed drives in a highly parallel and efficient manner. Because a PowerScale cluster is not bound by the speed of any particular drive, OneFS is able to recover from drive failures extremely quickly and this efficiency grows relative to cluster size. As such, a failed drive within a cluster will be rebuilt an order of magnitude faster than hardware RAID-based storage devices. Additionally, OneFS has no requirement for dedicated ‘hot-spare’ drives.

Automatic drive firmware updates

Clusters support automatic drive firmware updates for new and replacement drives, as part of the non-disruptive firmware update process. Firmware updates are delivered via drive support packages, which both simplify and streamline the management of existing and new drives across the cluster. This ensures that drive firmware is up to date and mitigates the likelihood of failures due to known drive issues. As such, automatic drive firmware updates are an important component of OneFS’ high availability and non-disruptive operations strategy.



Author: Nick Trimbee

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OneFS Protocol Auditing

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:38:26 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Auditing can detect potential sources of data loss, fraud, inappropriate entitlements, access attempts that should not occur, and a range of other anomalies that are indicators of risk. This can be especially useful when the audit associates data access with specific user identities.

In the interests of data security, OneFS provides ‘chain of custody’ auditing by logging specific activity on the cluster. This includes OneFS configuration changes plus NFS, SMB, and HDFS client protocol activity, which are required for organizational IT security compliance, as mandated by regulatory bodies like HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, MPAA, etc.

OneFS auditing uses Dell EMC’s Common Event Enabler (CEE) to provide compatibility with external audit applications. A cluster can write audit events across up to five CEE servers per node in a parallel, load-balanced configuration. This allows OneFS to deliver an end to end, enterprise grade audit solution which efficiently integrates with third party solutions like Varonis DatAdvantage.

OneFS auditing provides control over exactly what protocol activity is audited. For example:

  • Stops collection of unneeded audit events that 3rd party applications do not register for
  • Reduces the number of audit events collected to only what is needed. Less unneeded events are stored on ifs and sent off cluster.

OneFS protocol auditing events are configurable at CEE granularity, with each OneFS event mapping directly to a CEE event. This allows customers to configure protocol auditing to collect only what their auditing application requests, reducing both the number of events discarded by CEE and stored on /ifs.

The ‘isi audit settings’ command syntax and corresponding platform API are used to specify the desired events for the audit filter to collect.

A ‘detail_type’ field within OneFS internal protocol audit events allows a direct mapping to CEE audit events. For example:

"fileName":"\\ifs\\test\\New folder",

Old audit events are processed and mapped to the same CEE audit events as in previous releases. Backwards compatibility is maintained with previous audit events such that old versions ignore the new field. There are no changes to external audit events sent to CEE or syslog.

  • New default audit events when creating an access zone

Here are the protocol audit events:

New OneFS Audit Event

Pre-8.2 Audit Event







































Audit Event




The ‘isi audit settings’ CLI command syntax is a follows:

    isi audit <subcommand>
    settings    Manage settings related to audit configuration.
    topics      Manage audit topics.
    logs        Delete out of date audit logs manually & monitor process.
    progress    Get the audit event time.

All options that take <events> use the protocol audit events:

# isi audit settings view –zone=<zone>
# isi audit settings modify --audit-success=<events> --zone=<zone>
# isi audit settings modify --audit-failure=<events> --zone=<zone>
# isi audit settings modify --syslog-audit-events=<events> --zone=<zone>

When it comes to troubleshooting audit on a cluster, the ‘isi_audit_viewer’ utility can be used to list protocol audit events collected.

# isi_audit_viewer -h
Usage: isi_audit_viewer [ -n <nodeid> | -t <topic> | -s <starttime>|
         -e <endtime> | -v ]
         -n <nodeid> : Specify node id to browse (default: local node)
         -t <topic>  : Choose topic to browse.
            Topics are "config" and "protocol" (default: "config")
         -s <start>  : Browse audit logs starting at <starttime>
         -e <end>    : Browse audit logs ending at <endtime>
         -v verbose  : Prints out start / end time range before printing

The new audit event type is in the ‘detail_type’ field. Additionally, any errors that are encountered while processing audit events, and when delivering them to an external CEE server, are written to the log file ‘/var/log/isi_audit_cee.log’. Additionally, the protocol specific logs will contain any issues the audit filter has collecting while auditing events.

These protocol log files are:


Log file










Author: Nick Trimbee

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OneFS NFS Netgroups

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:17:23 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

A OneFS network group, or netgroup, defines a network-wide group of hosts and users. As such, they can be used to restrict access to shared NFS filesystems, etc. Network groups are stored in a network information services, such as LDAP, NIS, or NIS+, rather than in a local file. Netgroups help to simplify the identification and management of people and machines for access control.

The isi_netgroup_d service provides netgroup lookups and caching for consumers of the ‘isi_nfs’ library.  Only mountd and the ‘isi nfs’ command-line interface use this service.  The isi_netgroup_d daemon maintains a fast, persistent cluster-coherent cache containing netgroups and netgroup members.  isi_netgroup_d enforces netgroup TTLs and netgroup retries.  A persistent cache database (SQLite) exists to store and recover cache data across reboots.  Communication with isi_netgroup_d is via RPC and it will register its service and port with the local rpcbind.

Within OneFS, the netgroup cache possesses the following gconfig configuration parameters:

# isi_gconfig -t nfs-config | grep cache

shared_config.bypass_netgroup_cache_daemon (bool) = false

netcache_config.nc_ng_expiration (uint32) = 3600000

netcache_config.nc_ng_lifetime (uint32) = 604800

netcache_config.nc_ng_retry_wait (uint32) = 30000

netcache_config.ncdb_busy_timeout (uint32) = 900000

netcache_config.ncdb_write (uint32) = 43200000

netcache_config.nc_max_hosts (uint32) = 200000

Similarly, the following files are used by the isi_netgroup_d daemon:




The pid of the currently running isi_netgroup_d


Server configuration file


Persistent cache database


Log output file

 In general, using IP addresses works better than hostnames for netgroups. This is because hostnames require a DNS lookup and resolution from FQDN to IP address. Using IP addresses directly saves this overhead.

Resolving a large set of hosts in the allow/deny list is significantly faster when using netgroups. Entering a large host list in the NFS export means OneFS has to look up the hosts for each individual NFS export. In Netgroups, once looked up, it is cached by netgroups, so it doesn’t have to be looked up again if there are overlap between exports. It is also better to use an LDAP (or NIS) server when using Netgroups instead of the flat file. If you have a large list of hosts in the netgroups file, it can take a while to resolve as it is single threaded and sequential. LDAP/NIS provider based netgroups lookup is parallelized.

The OneFS netgroup cache has a default limit in gconfig of 200,000 host entries.

# isi_gconfig -t nfs-config | grep max

netcache_config.nc_max_hosts (uint32) = 200000

So, what is the waiting period between when /etc/netgroup is updated to when the NFS export realizes the change? OneFS uses a netgroup cache and both its expiration and lifetime are both tunable. The netgroup expiration and lifetime can be configured with this following CLI command:

# isi nfs netgroup modify

--expiration or -e <duration> 

Set the netgroup expiration time.

--lifetime or -l <duration>

Set the netgroup lifetime.

OneFS also provides the ‘isi nfs netgroups flush’ CLI command, which can be used to force a reload of the file.

# isi nfs netgroup flush

        [--host <string>]

        [{--verbose | -v}]

        [{--help | -h}]


    --host <string>

        IP address of the node to flush. Defaults is all nodes.

  Display Options: 

    --verbose | -v

        Display more detailed information.

    --help | -h

        Display help for this command.

However, it is not recommended to flush the cache as a part of normal cluster operation. Refresh will walk the file and update the cache as needed.

Another area of caution is applying a netgroup with unresolved hostname(s). This will also slow down resolution of the hosts in the file when a refresh or startup of node happens. The best practice is to ensure that each host in the netgroups file is resolvable in DNS, or to just use IP addresses rather than names in the netgroup.

When it comes to switching to a netgroup for clients already on an export, a netgroup can be added and clients removed in one step (#1 –add-client netgroup –remove-clients 1,2,3 ,etc.). The cluster allows a mix of netgroup and host entries, so duplicates are tolerated. However, it’s worth noting that if there are unresolvable hosts in both areas, the startup resolution time will take that much longer.



Author: Nick Trimbee

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OneFS & Files Per Directory

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:00:46 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Had several recent inquiries from the field recently asking about the low impact methods to count the number of files in large directories containing hundreds of thousands to millions of files).

Unfortunately, there’s no ‘silver bullet’ command or data source available that will provide that count instantaneously: Something will have to perform a treewalk to gather these stats.  That said, there are a couple of approaches to this, each with its pros and cons:

  • If the customer has a SmartQuotas license, they can configure an advisory directory quota on the directories they want to check. As mentioned, the first job run will require working the directory tree, but they can get fast, low impact reports moving forward.
  • Another approach is using traditional UNIX commands, either from the OneFS CLI or, less desirably, from a UNIX client. The two following commands will both take time to run: “
# ls -f /path/to/directory | wc –l
# find /path/to/directory -type f | wc -l

It’s worth noting that when counting files with ls, you’ll probably get faster results by omitting the ‘-l’ flag and using ‘-f’ flag instead. This is because ‘-l’ resolves UID & GIDs to display users/groups, which creates more work thereby slowing the listing. In contrast, ‘-f’ allows the ‘ls’ command to avoid sorting the output. This should be faster and reduce memory consumption when listing extremely large numbers of files.

Ultimately, there really is no quick way to walk a file system and count the files – especially since both ls and find are single threaded commands.  Running either of these in the background with output redirected to a file is probably the best approach.

Depending on your arguments for the ls or find command, you can gather a comprehensive set of context info and metadata on a single pass.

# find /path/to/scan -ls > output.file

It will take quite a while for the command to complete, but once you have the output stashed in a file you can pull all sorts of useful data from it.

Assuming a latency of 10ms per file it would take 33 minutes for 200,000 files. While this estimate may be conservative, there are typically multiple protocol ops that need to be done to each file, and they do add up. Plus, as mentioned before, ‘ls’ is a single threaded command.

  • If possible, ensure the directories of interest are stored on a file pool that has at least one of the metadata mirrors on SSD (metadata-read).
  • Windows Explorer can also enumerate the files in a directory tree surprisingly quickly. All you get is a file count, but it can work pretty well.
  • If the directory you wish to know the file count for just happens to be /ifs, you can run the LinCount job, which will tell you how many LINs there are in the file system.

Lincount (relatively) quickly scans the filesystem and returns the total count of LINs (logical inodes). The LIN count is essentially equivalent to the total file and directory count on a cluster. The job itself runs by default at the LOW priority and is the fastest method of determining object count on OneFS, assuming no other job has run to completion.

The following syntax can be used to kick off the Lincount job from the OneFS CLI:

# isi job start lincount

The output from this will be along the lines of “Added job [52]”.

Note: The number in square brackets is the job ID.

To view results, run the following command from the CLI:

# isi job reports view [job ID]

For example:

# isi job reports view 52
LinCount[52] phase 1 (2021-07-06T09:33:33)
Elapsed time 1 seconds
Errors 0
Job mode LinCount
LINs traversed 1722
SINs traversed 0

The "LINs traversed" metric indicates that 1722 files and directories were found.

Note: The Lincount job will also include snapshot revisions of LINs in its count.

Alternatively, if another treewalk job has run against the directory you wish to know the count for, you might be in luck.

At any rate, hundreds of thousands of files is a large number to store in one directory. To reduce the directory enumeration time, where possible divide the files up into multiple subdirectories.

When it comes to NFS, the behavior is going to partially depend on whether the client is doing READDIRPLUS operations vs READDIR. READDIRPLUS is useful if the client is going to need the metadata. However, ff all you’re trying to do is list the filenames, it actually makes that operation much slower.

If you only read the filenames in the directory, and you don’t attempt to stat any associated metadata, then this requires a relatively small amount of I/O to pull the names from the meta-tree and should be fairly fast.

If this has already been done recently, some or all of the blocks are likely to already be in L2 cache. As such, a subsequent operation won’t need to read from hard disk and will be substantially faster.

NFS is more complicated regarding what it will and won’t cache on the client side, particularly with the attribute cache and the timeouts that are associated with it.

Here are some options from fastest to slowest:

  • If NFS is using READDIR, as opposed to READDIRPLUS, and the ‘ls’ command is invoked with the appropriate arguments to prevent it polling metadata or sorting the output, execution will be relatively swift.
  • If ‘ls’ polls the metadata (or if NFS uses READDIRPLUS) but doesn’t sort the results, output will be fairly immediately, but will take longer to complete overall.
  • If ‘ls’ sorts the output, nothing will be displayed until ls has read everything and sorted it, then you’ll get the output in a deluge at the end.


Author: Nick Trimbee


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PowerScale OneFS node exclusion

OneFS Job Execution and Node Exclusion

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 23:26:13 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Up through OneFS 9.2, a job engine job was an all or nothing entity. Whenever a job ran, it involved the entire cluster – regardless of individual node type, load, or condition. As such, any nodes that were overloaded or in a degraded state could still impact the execution ability of the job at large.

To address this, OneFS 9.3 provides the capability to exclude one or more nodes from participating in running a job. This allows the temporary removal of any nodes with high load, or other issues, from the job execution pool so that jobs do not become stuck.

The majority of the OneFS job engine’s jobs have no default schedule and are typically manually started by a cluster administrator or process. Other jobs such as FSAnalyze, MediaScan, ShadowStoreDelete, and SmartPools, are normally started via a schedule. The job engine can also initiate certain jobs on its own. For example, if the SnapshotIQ process detects that a snapshot has been marked for deletion, it will automatically queue a SnapshotDelete job.

The Job Engine will also execute jobs in response to certain system event triggers. In the case of a cluster group change, for example the addition or subtraction of a node or drive, OneFS automatically informs the job engine, which responds by starting a FlexProtect job. The coordinator notices that the group change includes a newly-smart-failed device and then initiates a FlexProtect job in response.

Job administration and execution can be controlled via the WebUI, CLI, or platform API. A job can be started, stopped, paused and resumed, and this is managed via the job engines’ check-pointing system. For each of these control methods, additional administrative security can be configured using roles-based access control (RBAC).

The job engine’s impact control and work throttling mechanism can limit the rate at which individual jobs can run. Throttling is employed at a per-manager process level, so job impact can be managed both granularly and gracefully.


Every twenty seconds, the coordinator process gathers cluster CPU and individual disk I/O load data from all the nodes across the cluster. The coordinator uses this information, in combination with the job impact configuration, to decide how many threads can run on each cluster node to service each running job. This can be a fractional number, and fractional thread counts are achieved by having a thread sleep for a given percentage of each second.

Using this CPU and disk I/O load data, every sixty seconds the coordinator evaluates how busy the various nodes are and makes a job throttling decision, instructing the various job engine processes as to the action they need to take. This enables throttling to be sensitive to workloads in which CPU and disk I/O load metrics yield different results. There are also separate load thresholds tailored to the different classes of drives used in OneFS powered clusters, from capacity optimized SATA disks to flash-based SSDs.

Configuration is via the OneFS CLI and gconfig and is global, such that it applies to all jobs on startup. However, the exclusion configuration is not dynamic, and once a job is started with the final node set, there is no further reconfiguration permitted. So if a participant node is excluded, it will remain excluded until the job has completed. Similarly, if a participant needs to be excluded, the current job will have to be cancelled and a new job started. Any nodes can be excluded, including the node running the job engine’s coordinator process. The coordinator will still monitor the job, it just won’t spawn a manager for the job.

The list of participating nodes for a job are computed in three phases:

  1. Query the cluster’s GMP group.
  2. Call to job.get_participating_nodes to get a subset from the gmp group.
  3. Remove the nodes listed in core.excluded_participants from the subset.

The CLI syntax for configuring an excluded nodes list on a cluster is as follows (in this example, excluding nodes one through three):

# isi_gconfig –t job-config core.excluded_participants="{1,2,3}"

The ‘excluded_participants’ are entered as a comma-separated devid value list with no spaces, specified within parentheses and double quotes. All excluded nodes must be specified in full, since there’s no aggregation. Note that, while the excluded participant configuration will be displayed via gconfig, it is not reported as part of the ‘sysctl’ output.

A job engine node exclusion configuration can be easily reset to avoid excluding any nodes by assigning the “{}” value.

# isi_gconfig –t job-config core.excluded_participants="{}"
A ‘core.excluded_participant_percent_warn’ parameter defines the maximum percentage of removed nodes.
# isi_gconfig -t job-config core.excluded_participant_percent_warn
core.excluded_participant_percent_warn (uint) = 10

This parameter defaults to 10%, above which a CELOG event warning is generated.

As many nodes as desired can be removed from the job group. CELOG informational event will notify of removed nodes. If too many nodes have been removed (the gconfig parameter sets too many node thresholds), CELOG will fire a warning event. If some nodes are removed but they’re not part of the GMP group, a different warning event will trigger.

If all nodes are removed, a CLI/pAPI error will be returned, the job will fail, and a CELOG warning will fire. For example:

# isi job jobs start LinCount

Job operation failed: The job had no participants left. Check core.excluded_participants setting and make sure there is at least one node to run the job:  Invalid argument

# isi job status

10   LinCount         Failed    2021-10-24T:20:45:23


Total: 9

Note, however, that the following core system maintenance jobs will continue to run across all nodes in a cluster even if a node exclusion has been configured:

  • AutoBalance
  • Collect
  • FlexProtect
  • MediaScan
  • MultiScan

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS Dell EMC PowerScale data inlining

OneFS Data Inlining – Performance and Monitoring

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 16 Nov 2021 19:57:36 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

In the second of this series of articles on data inlining, we’ll shift the focus to monitoring and performance.

The storage efficiency potential of inode inlining can be significant for data sets comprising large numbers of small files, which would have required a separate inode and data blocks for housing these files prior to OneFS 9.3.

Latency-wise, the write performance for inlined file writes is typically comparable or slightly better as compared to regular files, because OneFS does not have to allocate extra blocks and protect them. This is also true for reads, because OneFS doesn’t have to search for and retrieve any blocks beyond the inode itself. This also frees up space in the OneFS read caching layers, as well as on disk, in addition to requiring fewer CPU cycles.

The following figure illustrates the levels of indirection a file access request takes to get to its data. Unlike a standard file, an inline file skips the later stages of the path, which involve the inode metatree redirection to the remote data blocks.

Access starts with the Superblock, which is located at multiple fixed block addresses on each drive in the cluster. The Superblock contains the address locations of the LIN Master block, which contains the root of the LIN B+ Tree (LIN table).  The LIN B+Tree maps logical inode numbers to the actual inode addresses on disk, which, in the case of an inlined file, also contains the data. This saves the overhead of finding the address locations of the file’s data blocks and retrieving data from them.

For hybrid nodes with sufficient SSD capacity, using the metadata-write SSD strategy automatically places inlined small files on flash media. However, because the SSDs on hybrid nodes default to 512byte formatting, when using metadata read/write strategies, you must set the ‘–force-8k-inodes’ flag for these SSD metadata pools in order for files to be inlined. This can be a useful performance configuration for small file HPC workloads, such as EDA, for data that is not residing on an all-flash tier. But keep in mind that forcing 8KB inodes on a hybrid pool’s SSDs will result in a considerable reduction in available inode capacity than would be available with the default 512 byte inode configuration.

You can use the OneFS ‘isi_drivenum’ CLI command to verify the drive block sizes in a node. For example, the following output for a PowerScale Gen6 H-series node shows drive Bay 1 containing an SSD with 4KB physical formatting and 512byte logical sizes, and Bays A to E comprising hard disks (HDDs) with both 4KB logical and physical formatting.

# isi_drivenum -bz
Bay 1  Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   512
Bay 2  Physical Block Size: N/A     Logical Block Size:   N/A
Bay A0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay A1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay A2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay B0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay B1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay B2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay C0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay C1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay C2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay D0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay D1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay D2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay E0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay E1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096
Bay E2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Note that the SSD disk pools used in PowerScale hybrid nodes that are configured for meta-read or meta-write SSD strategies use 512 byte inodes by default. This can significantly save space on these pools, because they often have limited capacity, but it will prevent data inlining from occurring. By contrast, PowerScale all-flash nodepools are configured by default for 8KB inodes.

The OneFS ‘isi get’ CLI command provides a convenient method to verify which size inodes are in use in a given node pool. The command’s output includes both the inode mirrors size and the inline status of a file.

When it comes to efficiency reporting, OneFS 9.3 provides three CLI improved tools for validating and reporting the presence and benefits of data inlining, namely:

  1. The ‘isi statistics data-reduction’ CLI command has been enhanced to report inlined data metrics, including both a capacity saved and an inlined data efficiency ratio:
# isi statistics data-reduction
                      Recent Writes Cluster Data Reduction
                           (5 mins)
--------------------- ------------- ----------------------
Logical data                 90.16G                 18.05T
Zero-removal saved                0                      -
Deduplication saved           5.25G                624.51G
Compression saved             2.08G                303.46G
Inlined data saved            1.35G                  2.83T
Preprotected physical        82.83G                 14.32T
Protection overhead          13.92G                  2.13T
Protected physical           96.74G                 26.28T
Zero removal ratio         1.00 : 1                      -
Deduplication ratio        1.06 : 1               1.03 : 1
Compression ratio          1.03 : 1               1.02 : 1
Data reduction ratio       1.09 : 1               1.05 : 1
Inlined data ratio         1.02 : 1               1.20 : 1
Efficiency ratio           0.93 : 1               0.69 : 1

Be aware that the effect of data inlining is not included in the data reduction ratio because it is not actually reducing the data in any way – just relocating it and protecting it more efficiently. However, data inlining is included in the overall storage efficiency ratio.

The ‘inline data saved’ value represents the count of files which have been inlined, multiplied by 8KB (inode size).  This value is required to make the compression ratio and data reduction ratio correct.

  1. The ‘isi_cstats’ CLI command now includes the accounted number of inlined files within /ifs, which is displayed by default in its console output.
# isi_cstats
Total files                 : 397234451
Total inlined files         : 379948336
Total directories           : 32380092
Total logical data          : 18471 GB
Total shadowed data         : 624 GB
Total physical data         : 26890 GB
Total reduced data          : 14645 GB
Total protection data       : 2181 GB
Total inode data            : 9748 GB
Current logical data        : 18471 GB
Current shadowed data       : 624 GB
Current physical data       : 26878 GB
Snapshot logical data       : 0 B
Snapshot shadowed data      : 0 B
Snapshot physical data      : 32768 B
Total inlined data savings  : 2899 GB
Total inlined data ratio    : 1.1979 : 1
Total compression savings   : 303 GB
Total compression ratio     : 1.0173 : 1
Total deduplication savings : 624 GB
Total deduplication ratio   : 1.0350 : 1
Total containerized data    : 0 B
Total container efficiency  : 1.0000 : 1
Total data reduction ratio  : 1.0529 : 1
Total storage efficiency    : 0.6869 : 1
Raw counts
{ type=bsin files=3889 lsize=314023936 pblk=1596633 refs=81840315 data=18449 prot=25474 ibyte=23381504 fsize=8351563907072 iblocks=0 }
{ type=csin files=0 lsize=0 pblk=0 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=0 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }
{ type=hdir files=32380091 lsize=0 pblk=35537884 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=1020737587200 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }
{ type=hfile files=397230562 lsize=19832702476288 pblk=2209730024 refs=81801976 data=1919481750 prot=285828971 ibyte=9446188553728 fsize=17202141701528 iblocks=379948336 }
{ type=sdir files=1 lsize=0 pblk=0 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=32768 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }
{ type=sfile files=0 lsize=0 pblk=0 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=0 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }
  1. The ‘isi get’ CLI command can be used to determine whether a file has been inlined. The output reports a file’s logical ‘size’, but indicates that it consumes zero physical, data, and protection blocks. There is now also an ‘inlined data’ attribute further down in the output that also confirms that the file is inlined.
# isi get -DD file1
* Size:              2
* Physical Blocks:  0
* Phys. Data Blocks: 0
* Protection Blocks: 0
* Logical Size:      8192
* Dynamic Attributes (6 bytes):
Policy Domains      0      6

So, in summary, some considerations and recommended practices for data inlining in OneFS 9.3 include the following:

  • Data inlining is opportunistic and is only supported on node pools with 8KB inodes.
  • No additional software, hardware, or licenses are required for data inlining.
  • There are no CLI or WebUI management controls for data inlining.
  • Data inlining is automatically enabled on applicable nodepools after an upgrade to OneFS 9.3 is committed.
  • However, data inlining occurs for new writes and OneFS 9.3 does not perform any inlining during the upgrade process. Any applicable small files are instead inlined upon their first write.
  • Since inode inlining is automatically enabled globally on clusters running OneFS 9.3, OneFS recognizes any diskpools with 512 byte inodes and transparently avoids inlining data on them.
  • In OneFS 9.3, data inlining is not performed on regular files during tiering, truncation, upgrade, and so on.
  • CloudPools Smartlink stubs, sparse files, and writable snapshot files are also not candidates for data inlining in OneFS 9.3.
  • OneFS shadow stores do not apply data inlining. As such:
  • Small file packing is disabled for inlined data files.
  • Cloning works as expected with inlined data files.
  • Inlined data files do not apply deduping. Non-inlined data files that are once deduped will not inline afterwards.
  • Certain operations may cause data inlining to be reversed, such as moving files from an 8KB diskpool to a 512 byte diskpool, forcefully allocating blocks on a file, sparse punching, and so on.

The new OneFS 9.3 data inlining feature delivers on the promise of small file storage efficiency at scale, providing significant storage cost savings, without sacrificing performance, ease of use, or data protection.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS Dell EMC PowerScale data inlining

OneFS Small File Data Inlining

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Tue, 16 Nov 2021 19:41:09 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

OneFS 9.3 introduces a new filesystem storage efficiency feature that stores a small file’s data within the inode, rather than allocating additional storage space. The principal benefits of data inlining in OneFS include:

  • Reduced storage capacity utilization for small file datasets, generating an improved cost per TB ratio
  • Dramatically improved SSD wear life
  • Potential read and write performance improvement for small files
  • Zero configuration, adaptive operation, and full transparency at the OneFS file system level
  • Broad compatibility with other OneFS data services, including compression and deduplication

Data inlining explicitly avoids allocation during write operations because small files do not require any data or protection blocks for their storage. Instead, the file content is stored directly in unused space within the file’s inode. This approach is also highly flash media friendly because it significantly reduces the quantity of writes to SSD drives.

OneFS inodes, or index nodes, are a special class of data structure that store file attributes and pointers to file data locations on disk.  They serve a similar purpose to traditional UNIX file system inodes, but also have some additional unique properties. Each file system object, whether it be a file, directory, symbolic link, alternate data stream container, or shadow store, is represented by an inode.

Within OneFS, SSD node pools in F series all-flash nodes always use 8KB inodes. For hybrid and archive platforms, the HDD node pools are either 512 bytes or 8KB in size, and this is determined by the physical and logical block size of the hard drives or SSDs in a node pool. 

There are three different styles of drive formatting used in OneFS nodes, depending on the manufacturer’s specifications:

Drive Formatting


Native 4Kn (native)

A native 4Kn drive has both a physical and logical block size of 4096B.

512n (native)

A drive that has both physical and logical size of 512 is a native 512B drive.

512e (emulated)

A 512e (512 byte-emulated) drive has a physical block size of 4096, but a logical block size of 512B.

If the drives in a cluster’s nodepool are native 4Kn formatted, by default the inodes on this nodepool will be 8KB in size.  Alternatively, if the drives are 512e formatted, then inodes by default will be 512B in size. However, they can also be reconfigured to 8KB in size if the ‘force-8k-inodes’ setting is set to true.

A OneFS inode is composed of several sections. These include:

  • A static area, which is typically 134 bytes in size and contains fixed-width, commonly used attributes like POSIX mode bits, owner, and file size. 
  • Next, the regular inode contains a metatree cache, which is used to translate a file operation directly into the appropriate protection group. However, for inline inodes, the metatree is no longer required, so data is stored directly in this area instead. 
  • Following this is a preallocated dynamic inode area where the primary attributes, such as OneFS ACLs, protection policies, embedded B+ Tree roots, timestamps, and so on, are cached. 
  • And lastly a sector where the IDI checksum code is stored.

When a file write coming from the writeback cache, or coalescer, is determined to be a candidate for data inlining, it goes through a fast write path in BSW (BAM safe write - the standard OneFS write path). Compression will be applied, if appropriate, before the inline data is written to storage.

The read path for inlined files is similar to that for regular files. However, if the file data is not already available in the caching layers, it is read directly from the inode, rather than from separate disk blocks as with regular files.

Protection for inlined data operates the same way as for other inodes and involves mirroring. OneFS uses mirroring as protection for all metadata because it is simple and does not require the additional processing overhead of erasure coding. The number of inode mirrors is determined by the nodepool’s achieved protection policy, according to the following table:

OneFS Protection Level

Number of Inode Mirrors


2 inodes per file


3 inodes per file


3 inodes per file


4 inodes per file


4 inodes per file


4 inodes per file


5 inodes per file


5 inodes per file


5 inodes per file

Unlike file inodes above, directory inodes, which comprise the OneFS single namespace, are mirrored at one level higher than the achieved protection policy. The root of the LIN Tree is the most critical metadata type and is always mirrored at 8x.

Data inlining is automatically enabled by default on all 8KB formatted nodepools for clusters running OneFS 9.3, and does not require any additional software, hardware, or product licenses in order to operate. Its operation is fully transparent and, as such, there are no OneFS CLI or WebUI controls to configure or manage inlining.

In order to upgrade to OneFS 9.3 and benefit from data inlining, the cluster must be running a minimum OneFS 8.2.1 or later. A full upgrade commit to OneFS 9.3 is required before inlining becomes operational.

Be aware that data inlining in OneFS 9.3 does have some notable caveats. Specifically, data inlining will not be performed in the following instances:

  • When upgrading to OneFS 9.3 from an earlier release which does not support inlining
  • During restriping operations, such as SmartPools tiering, when data is moved from a 512 byte diskpool to an 8KB diskpool
  • Writing CloudPools SmartLink stub files
  • On file truncation down to non-zero size
  • Sparse files (for example, NDMP sparse punch files) where allocated blocks are replaced with sparse blocks at various file offsets
  • For files within a writable snapshot

Similarly, in OneFS 9.3 the following operations may cause inlined data inlining to be undone, or spilled:

  • Restriping from an 8KB diskpool to a 512 byte diskpool
  • Forcefully allocating blocks on a file (for example, using the POSIX ‘madvise’ system call)
  • Sparse punching a file
  • Enabling CloudPools BCM (BAM cache manager) on a file

These caveats will be addressed in a future release.

Author: Nick Trimbee

Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Blogs

PowerScale OneFS protection levels

Unstructured Data Quick Tips - OneFS Protection Overhead

Nick Trimbee Nick Trimbee

Wed, 08 Sep 2021 20:40:29 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

There have been several questions from the field recently about how to calculate the OneFS storage protection overhead for different cluster sizes and protection levels. But first, a quick overview of the fundamentals…

OneFS supports several protection schemes. These include the ubiquitous +2d:1n, which protects against two drive failures or one node failure. The best practice is to use the recommended protection level for a particular cluster configuration. This recommended level of protection is clearly marked as ‘suggested’ in the OneFS WebUI storage pools configuration pages and is typically configured by default. For all current Gen6 hardware configurations, the recommended protection level is “+2d:1n”.

The hybrid protection schemes are particularly useful for Gen6 chassis high-density node configurations, where the probability of multiple drives failing far surpasses that of an entire node failure. In the unlikely event that multiple devices have simultaneously failed, such that the file is “beyond its protection level”, OneFS will re-protect everything possible and report errors on the individual files affected to the cluster’s logs.

OneFS also provides a variety of mirroring options ranging from 2x to 8x, allowing from two to eight mirrors of the specified content. Metadata, for example, is mirrored at one level above FEC (forward error correction) by default. For example, if a file is protected at +2n, its associated metadata object will be 3x mirrored.

The full range of OneFS protection levels are as follows:

Protection Level



Tolerate failure of 1 drive OR 1 node


Tolerate failure of 2 drives OR 1 node


Tolerate failure of 2 drives OR 2 nodes


Tolerate failure of 3 drives OR 1 node


Tolerate failure of 3 drives OR 1 node AND 1 drive


Tolerate failure of 3 drives or 3 nodes


Tolerate failure of 4 drives or 1 node


Tolerate failure of 4 drives or 2 nodes


Tolerate failure of 4 nodes

2x to 8x

Mirrored over 2 to 8 nodes, depending on configuration

The charts below show the ‘ideal’ protection overhead across the range of node counts and OneFS protection levels (noted within brackets). For each field in this chart, the overhead percentage is calculated by dividing the sum of the two numbers by the number on the right.

x+y => y/(x+y)

So, for a 5-node cluster protected at +2d:1n, OneFS uses an 8+2 layout – hence an ‘ideal’ overhead of 20%.

8+2 => 2/(8+2) = 20%

Number of nodes











2 +1 (33%)

4 + 2 (33%)

6 + 3 (33%)

3 + 3 (50%)

8 + 4 (33%)


3 +1 (25%)

6 + 2 (25%)

9 + 3 (25%)

5 + 3 (38%)

12 + 4 (25%)

4 + 4 (50%)


4 +1 (20%)

8+ 2 (20%)

3 + 2 (40%)

12 + 3 (20%)

7 + 3 (30%)

16 + 4 (20%)

6 + 4 (40%)


5 +1 (17%)

10 + 2 (17%)

4 + 2 (33%)

15 + 3 (17%)

9 + 3 (25%)

16 + 4 (20%)

8 + 4 (33%)

The ‘x+y’ numbers in each field in the table also represent how files are striped across a cluster for each node count and protection level.

Take for example, with +2n protection on a 6-node cluster, OneFS will write a stripe across all 6 nodes, and use two of the stripe units for parity/ECC and four for data.

In general, for FEC protected data the OneFS protection overhead will look something like below.

Note that the protection overhead % (in brackets) is a very rough guide and will vary across different datasets, depending on quantities of small files, and so on.

Number of nodes











2 +1 (33%)

4 + 2 (33%)

6 + 3 (33%)

3 + 3 (50%)

8 + 4 (33%)


3 +1 (25%)

6 + 2 (25%)

9 + 3 (25%)

5 + 3 (38%)

12 + 4 (25%)

4 + 4 (50%)


4 +1 (20%)

8 + 2 (20%)

3 + 2 (40%)

12 + 3 (20%)

7 + 3 (30%)

16 + 4 (20%)

6 + 4 (40%)


5 +1 (17%)

10 + 2 (17%)

4 + 2 (33%)

15 + 3 (17%)

9 + 3 (25%)

16 + 4 (20%)

8 + 4 (33%)


6 +1 (14%)

12 + 2 (14%)

5 + 2 (29%)

15 + 3 (17%)

11 + 3 (21%)

4 + 3 (43%)

16 + 4 (20%)

10 + 4 (29%)


7 +1 (13%)

14 + 2 (12.5%)

6 + 2 (25%)

15 + 3 (17%)

13 + 3 (19%)

5 + 3 (38%)

16 + 4 (20%)

12 + 4 (25%)


8 +1 (11%)

16 + 2 (11%)

7 + 2 (22%)

15 + 3 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

6 + 3 (33%)

16 + 4 (20%)

14 + 4 (22%)

5 + 4 (44%)


9 +1 (10%)

16 + 2 (11%)

8 + 2 (20%)

15 + 3 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

7 + 3 (30%)

16 + 4 (20%)

16 + 4 (20%)

6 + 4 (40%)


11 +1 (8%)

16 + 2 (11%)

10 + 2 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

9 + 3 (25%)

16 + 4 (20%)

16 + 4 (20%)

6 + 4 (40%)


13 +1 (7%)

16 + 2 (11%)

12 + 2 (14%)

15 + 3 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

11 + 3 (21%)

16 + 4 (20%)

16 + 4 (20%)

10 + 4 (29%)


15 +1 (6%)

16 + 2 (11%)

14 + 2 (13%)

15 + 3 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

13 + 3 (19%)

16 + 4 (20%)

16 + 4 (20%)

12 + 4 (25%)


16 +1 (6%)

16 + 2 (11%)

16 + 2 (11%)

15 + 3 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

15 + 3 (17%)

16 + 4 (20%)

16 + 4 (20%)

14 + 4 (22%)


16 +1 (6%)

16 + 2 (11%)

16 + 2 (11%)

16 + 3 (16%)

16 + 3 (16%)

16 + 3 (16%)

16 + 4 (20%)

16 + 4 (20%)

14 + 4 (22%)


16 +1 (6%)

16 + 2 (11%)

16 + 2 (11%)

16 + 3 (16%)

16 + 3 (16%)

16 + 3 (16%)

16 + 4 (20%)

16 + 4 (20%)

14 + 4 (22%)

The protection level of the file is how the system decides to layout the file. A file may have multiple protection levels temporarily (because the file is being restriped) or permanently (because of a heterogeneous cluster). The protection level is specified as “n + m/b@r” in its full form. In the case where b, r, or both equal 1, it may be shortened to get “n + m/b”, “n + m@r”, or “n + m”.

Layout Attribute



Number of data drives in a stripe.


Number of FEC drives in a stripe.


Number of drives per stripe allowed on one node.


Number of drives per node to include in a file.

The OneFS protection definition in terms of node and/or drive failures has the advantage of configuration simplicity. However, it does mask some of the subtlety of the interaction between stripe width and drive spread, as represented by the n+m/b notation displayed by the ‘isi get’ CLI command. For example:

# isi get README.txt
default   6+2/2 concurrency on    README.txt

In particular, both +3/3 and +3/2 allow for a single node failure or three drive failures and appear the same according to the web terminology. Despite this, they do in fact have different characteristics. +3/2 allows for the failure of any one node in combination with the failure of a single drive on any other node, which +3/3 does not. +3/3, on the other hand, allows for potentially better space efficiency and performance because up to three drives per node can be used, rather than the 2 allowed under +3/2.

Another factor to keep in mind is OneFS neighborhoods. A neighborhood is a fault domain within a node pool. The purpose of neighborhoods is to improve reliability in general – and guard against data unavailability from the accidental removal of Gen6 drive sleds. For self-contained nodes like the PowerScale F200, OneFS has an ideal size of 20 nodes per node pool, and a maximum size of 39 nodes. On the addition of the 40th node, the nodes split into two neighborhoods of 20 nodes.

With the Gen6 platform, the ideal size of a neighborhood changes from 20 to 10 nodes. It also means that a Gen6 nodes pool will never reach the large stripe width (for example 16+3) since the pool will have already split.

This 10-node ideal neighborhood size helps protect the Gen6 architecture against simultaneous node-pair journal failures and full chassis failures. Partner nodes are nodes whose journals are mirrored. Rather than each node storing its journal in NVRAM as in the PowerScale platforms, the Gen6 nodes’ journals are stored on SSDs – and every journal has a mirror copy on another node. The node that contains the mirrored journal is referred to as the partner node. 

There are several reliability benefits gained from the changes to the journal. For example, SSDs are more persistent and reliable than NVRAM, which requires a charged battery to retain state. Also, with the mirrored journal, both journal drives have to die before a journal is considered lost. As such, unless both of the mirrored journal drives fail, both of the partner nodes can function as normal.

With partner node protection, where possible, nodes will be placed in different neighborhoods – and hence different failure domains. Partner node protection is possible once the cluster reaches five full chassis (20 nodes) when, after the first neighborhood split, OneFS places partner nodes in different neighborhoods:

Partner node protection increases reliability because if both nodes go down, they are in different failure domains, so their failure domains only suffer the loss of a single node.

With chassis protection, when possible, each of the four nodes within a chassis will be placed in a separate neighborhood. Chassis protection becomes possible at 40 nodes, as the neighborhood split at 40 nodes enables every node in a chassis to be placed in a different neighborhood. As such, when a 38 node Gen6 cluster is expanded to 40 nodes, the two existing neighborhoods will be split into four 10-node neighborhoods:

Chassis protection ensures that if an entire chassis failed, each failure domain would only lose one node.


Author: Nick Trimbee