Physical Deployment
Configuring the switches
Configuring the PowerEdge MX7000 Chassis
Configuring the PowerFlex R640 Management Node
Deploying a Jump Server
Configuring the MX740c ESXi Compute Sleds
Deploying PowerFlex Two-Layer
Deploy SDC on ESXi Servers
Validated Components
Technical Resources
Physical Deployment
Configuring the switches
Configuring the PowerEdge MX7000 Chassis
2Deploying the PowerFlex MX7000 chassis
3Configuring OpenManage Enterprise – Modular Edition
4Managing the OpenManage Enterprise – Modular Edition firmware
5Configuring the management, production, and uplink network
6Configuring the storage uplink network
7Configuring MX740c sleds
Configuring the PowerFlex R640 Management Node
2Installing and configuring VMware ESXi
3Installing vCSA
4Adding ESXi host to the VMware vCenter
5Creating the Front-End DVSwitch
6Creating the FE_dvSwitch distributed port groups
7Creating the Back-End DVSwitch
8Creating the BE_dvswitch distributed port groups
9Create LAG on the new DVSwitches
10Modifying Failover Order for BE_dvSwitch
11Migrating Interfaces to BE_dvswitch
12Modifying the failover order for the FE_dvSwitch
13Adding first uplink to FE_dvswitch
14Migrating vCenter to FE_dvswitch
15Migrating the second uplink and VMkernel port
16Creating the Out of Band dvswitch
17Creating the oob_dvswitch distributed port group
18Adding a host to oob_dvswitch
19Deleting the Standard Switch (vSwitch0)
Deploying a Jump Server
Configuring the MX740c ESXi Compute Sleds
Deploying PowerFlex Two-Layer
2Installing PowerFlex Manager
3Deploying PowerFlex Manager
4Setting up PowerFlex Manager
5Configuring PowerFlex Manager
6Discovering resources
7Defining networks in PowerFlex Manager
8Deploying the PowerFlex Presentation UI
9Deploying the PowerFlex Gateway
10Deploying PowerFlex storage-only node service