Before you begin:
- Verify that the iDRAC firmware and BIOS are at the correct version of RCM 3.6
- Ensure that the IDRAC network is configured.
- Verify that the ESXi RCM ISO file is on the same network as the host.
Mount the VMware vSphere ESXi ISO
- Connect to the iDRAC and launch a virtual remote console.
- Use the Virtual Media option to attach the ESXi ISO to the DVD ISO.
- Click Close.
- Set Boot to Virtual CD/DVD/ISO.
- Reboot the server.
- Click Power > Reset System (warm boot).
Install VMware ESXi
- When the VMware ESXi installer is loaded and the installation Welcome screen is displayed, press Enter to continue.
- Press F11 to accept the end-user license agreement.
- Select DELLBOSS VD as the install location and press Enter to continue.
If the selected storage contains any other installation of ESXi and VMFS datastore, you are prompted to select an option about the existing ESXi and VMFS.
- Select Install ESXi, overwrite the VMFS datastore to proceed with a fresh installation, and press Enter to continue.
- Select the keyboard type for the host and press Enter to continue
- When prompted, type the root password and press Enter to start the installation.
- Press F11 to confirm the installation.
- When the installation is complete, remove the installation media and press Enter to reboot the server.
Configure the Management Network
- Press F2 to customize the system.
- Provide the password for the root user and press Enter.
- Select Configure Management Network and set the following options:
- Network Adapters: Select vmnic4.
- Set the ESXi MGMT VLAN (the standard is 105 VLAN).
- Set the DNS.
- Set the DNS suffix.
- Go to DCUI troubleshooting Options.
- Select Enable ESXi Shell and Enable SSH.
- Press <Alt>-F1.
- Log in as root.
- Press <Alt>-F2 to return to the DCUI.
- Select Troubleshooting Options > Disable ESXi Shell.
- Go to DCUI IPv6 Configuration.
- Select Configure Management Network > IPv6 Configuration.
- Disable IPv6.
- Press ESC to return to the DCUI.
- Type Y to commit the changes and the node restarts.
Modify the existing VM Network
- Log in to the ESXi host as root user.
- Click Networking on the left menu.
- Right Click VM Network and select Edit Settings.
- Change the VLAN ID to <flex-node-mgmt-vlan>.
Configure NTP on the host
- Log in to the ESXi host as root user.
- Click Manage in the VMware Host Client inventory and click System.
- Click Time & date.
- Click Edit settings.
- Click Use Network Time Protocol (enable NTP client).
- Click Start and Stop with host.
- Enter NTP IP Addresses.
- Click Save.
- Select Services.
- Select ntpd and click Start.
Rename the BOSS datastore
- Log in to the ESXi host as root user.
- Click Storage on the left menu.
- Click Datastores.
- Right-click datastore1 and click Rename.
- Enter <PFMC-host-short-name-DAS>.
- Click Save.
Create the PERC datastore
- Click New Datastore.
- Click create a new VMFS datastore and click Next.
- Type PERC-01 for Name, click Local Dell Disk, and then click Next.
- Verify that Use Full Disk and VMFS 6 are selected, and then click Next.
- Review the summary and click Finish.
- Click Yes on the content warning pop-up panel.