PAAC testing on Dell VDI solutions is carried out using a carefully designed, holistic methodology that monitors both hardware resource utilization parameters and end-user experience (EUE) during typical VDI load-testing. Because EUE is the primary focus for this design guide, we used the nVector performance tool for solution validation.
NVIDIA nVector Lite performance attributes
We used nVector Lite to assess and validate the EUE. This tool measured the following user experience attributes:
- End-user latency—This metric defines the level of response of a remote desktop or application. It measures the duration of any lag that an end-user experiences when interacting with a remote desktop or application. The metric is based on the graphics driver on the user’s endpoint device and is measured along the whole graphics pipeline from the VDI desktop to the remote screen.
- Frame rate—This metric is a common measure of user experience and defines how smooth the experience is. It measures the rate at which frames per second (FPS) are delivered on the screen of the endpoint device.
- Image quality—This index metric defines the impact of remoting on image quality. It uses the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) to compare an image that is rendered on the target desktop or workstation VM with the image that is displayed on the endpoint device. The average SSIM index of all pairs of images is computed for a single point in time for the VDI session. The index score is calculated once during the workload, so a single value score is given for each workload.
Remote user experience
When considering the deployment of the solution architectures shown in Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 in a remote collaboration scenario, see the following Dell Technologies white paper, which describes performance considerations and best practices for optimizing remote user experience with several professional graphics-accelerated applications: Remote User Experience with Graphics Software for Higher Education on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.