- In a browser, connect to the OMNI web UI, https://omni.dell.lab in this example.
- Select Launch OMNI Fabric Management Portal.
- Enter the username admin and the OMNI admin password configured earlier.
- Click SIGN IN.
- On the OMNI Home > SFS/SFSS tab, click the radio button next to the SmartFabric instance as shown.
- Click EDIT.
- In the Edit a Service Instance window, enter the REST_USER Password that is configured on the SmartFabric switches and check the Register for Events box. Note: The default REST_USER password is admin. If the password is still set to admin, see the OpenManage Network Integration User Guide, Release 3.2 to change it.
- Click SUBMIT. The Success message displays.
- Take the SmartFabric Instance out of maintenance mode by clicking the toggle button in the Maintenance Mode column and then click OK. The toggle color changes from green (enabled) to gray (disabled) and the Status column displays a green checkmark, as shown.