Home > Networking Solutions > Enterprise/Data Center Networking Solutions > SmartFabric OS10 Networking Solutions > Guides > Dell Networking Layer 3 Leaf-Spine Deployment and Best Practices with OS10 release > VRRP interface state object tracking (non-VLT Domain)
It is a use case of tracking interface state object under VRRP group running eBGP protocol in non-VLT deployment. A server/host connects to a layer 2 switches with two upstream connections toward Leaf 1 and Leaf 2 running with VRRP group 50 (Active/Standby) in Figure 17. The tracking interface state object for VRRP group in place on the upstream interface of leaf switches in layer 3 between Leaf and spine running BGP/OSPFv3/OSPFv2 protocol.
Figure 17. Layer 2 switches with two upstream connections toward Leaf 1 and Leaf 2 under VRRP group 50 with interface state object tracking in layer 3 leaf-spine
Peer 1 (Leaf 1) | Peer 2 (Leaf 2) |
configure terminal interface vlan 50 vrrp-group 50 track 1 priority-cost 60
leaf1(config)# track 1 leaf1(conf-track-1)# interface Ethernet 1/1/53 line-protocol leaf1(conf-track-1)# delay up 20 leaf1(conf-track-1)# delay down 10
| configure terminal interface vlan 50 vrrp-group 50 track 1 priority-cost 60
Leaf2(config)# track 1 Leaf2(conf-track-1)# interface Ethernet 1/1/53 line-protocol Leaf2(conf-track-1)# delay up 20 Leaf2(conf-track-1)# delay down 10 |
Leaf1# show track brief
TrackID Resource Parameter Status LastChange
1 line-protocol ethernet1/1/53 UP 2022-04-25T11:08:48Z1
Leaf2# show track brief
TrackID Resource Parameter Status LastChange
1 line-protocol ethernet1/1/53 UP 2022-04-25T11:08:48Z1
Leaf1#show running-configuration interface vlan 50
interface vlan50
no shutdown
IP address
vrrp-group 50
priority 150
track 1 priority-cost 60
Leaf2#show running-configuration interface vlan 50
interface vlan50
no shutdown
IP address
vrrp-group 50
priority 150
track 1 priority-cost 60