CDP Private Cloud delivers powerful analytic, transactional, and machine learning workloads in a hybrid data platform. It combines the agility and flexibility of a public cloud with the control of the data center. With elastic analytics and scalable object storage, CDP Private Cloud modernizes traditional single-cluster deployments into a scalable and efficient end-to-end data platform.
CDP Private Cloud Base can be a stand-alone data analytics platform. It can also be used with CDP Private Cloud Data Services to form the complete CDP Private Cloud solution. CDP Private Cloud is a hybrid or multicluster solution, where compute tasks can be separated from data storage, and where data can be accessed from remote clusters. In this case, the CDP Private Cloud Base cluster is deployed alongside CDP Private Cloud Data Services, a separate computing cluster running on a container platform that can be deployed with CDP Private Cloud Base. This approach provides a foundation for containerized applications by managing storage, table schema, authentication, authorization, and governance in CDP Private Cloud Base. It consists of various components such as Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Hive, Apache HBase, and Apache Impala, along with many other components for specialized workloads. You can select any combination of these services to create clusters that address your business requirements and analytic workloads.
Dell Technologies and Cloudera have designed and validated two separate architectures as the basis for deploying CDP Private Cloud Base; one on AMD-powered Dell infrastructure and one on Intel-powered Dell infrastructure. Both architectures are based on PowerEdge servers, PowerSwitch networking, and PowerScale storage to provide optimized configurations for deploying and operating CDP Private Cloud Base.
The new generation of PowerEdge servers is purpose built, intelligent, and cyber resilient to accelerate transformation anywhere. As the scope of IT expands, Dell Technologies is applying all its expertise to provide infrastructure that addresses the new challenges and opportunities arising outside of the traditional data center. This architecture includes servers and solutions designed and optimized for new workloads in AI, ML, and data analytics applications, and addresses emerging thermal and environmental challenges as well.
In summary, CDP Private Cloud Base is a complete data platform and stand-alone instance of CDP for the on-premises data center that can be deployed on a choice of optimized Dell infrastructure. CDP Private Cloud Base can also be deployed with the CDP Private Cloud Data Services cluster to form the complete CDP Private Cloud. Dell Technologies encourages CDH and HDP customers to upgrade to CDP Private Cloud Base for improved enterprise data management capabilities, new platform innovations, and the ability to add the Data Services cluster when needed.