This white paper provides an overview of what an enterprise data platform is, along with benefits and typical use cases. It provides a description of CDP, including the component clusters of CDP Private Cloud Base and CDP Private Cloud Data Services. It provides a high-level description of the solution architecture for CDP on Dell infrastructure, which is further detailed in a companion design guide. Lastly, it discusses the journey to CDP, including:
- Upgrades and migrations to CDP Private Cloud Base
- The relation of CDP Private Cloud Base as a foundation for CDP Private Cloud
For more information about the architecture and design of the solution, see the companion design guides for Data Management with Cloudera Data Platform Private Cloud Base on the Dell Technologies Info Hub for Data Analytics:
- Data Management with Cloudera Data Platform on AMD-powered Dell Infrastructure Design Guide
- Data Management with Cloudera Data Platform on Intel-powered Dell Infrastructure Design Guide
This document can also be used with CDP Private Cloud Base and CDP Private Cloud Data Services documentation on the Cloudera documentation website.
Dell Technologies and Cloudera have been collaborating for nearly ten years to provide customers with guidance on optimal hardware to streamline the design, planning, and configuration of their Cloudera deployments. This document is based on the collective experience of both companies in deploying and running enterprise production environments.