Home > Storage > PowerFlex > White Papers > Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1 with Dell EMC PowerFlex family > Solution Admin Host deployment
This section gives the detail about SAH node and the infrastructure VMs deployment.
If you do not have a management node present in your environment, complete the following pre-requisites:
Note: For a production deployment, Dell EMC recommends configuring HA for SAH node and any mission critical VMs.
Below infrastructure VMs were deployed using RHVM:
Domain Name System is used for name resolution on both the undercloud and overcloud. A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is required to install and configure undercloud VM.
A Network Time Protocol server is used to synchronize time. For a HA cluster deployment, it is essential that controllers are synchronized to a single time source. Configure NTP in DNS VM or install and configure NTP in a new VM with minimal configuration.
As already mentioned in the OpenStack components part of this document, the undercloud or director node is used to deploy, control, and monitor the overcloud. In this solution, the undercloud is deployed as VM. RHOSP overcloud section provides prerequisites and deployment guide for Director (undercloud) installation.
The PowerFlex Installation Manager is installed as part of the PowerFlex deployment. The PowerFlex Gateway also includes the REST gateway and SNMP trap sender functionality. The PowerFlex Gateway is installed as a VM on the SAH node.
For PowerFlex Gateway installation, see Install PowerFlex Gateway on Linux.
Note: In this paper, the terms PowerFlex Installation Manager and PowerFlex Gateway are synonymous.
Install PowerFlex presentation server as a VM on SAH node. From PowerFlex 3.5 version onwards, a PowerFlex Presentation Server is used rather than the Java based client software.
For more details, see Install the PowerFlex presentation server.
Three overcloud controller VMs are deployed on the SAH nodes. These VMs are not deployed with an operating system as this will be done as part of the overcloud deployment process. RHOSP overcloud section provides prerequisites and deployment guide for Overcloud deployment.