Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > Guides > Planning Guide—VMware Cloud Foundation 5.x on VxRail > Introduction
A complete planning phase of the physical and logical networking is critical for a successful deployment of Cloud Foundation on VxRail and the ongoing operations of the Cloud Foundation management and VI workload domains. VxRail clusters are dependent on a set of physical Ethernet switches to serve as the backplane for all networking communications. The Cloud Foundation management and VI workload domains are also dependent on the supporting physical network layer to enable virtual machine connectivity within a domain, between domains, and to the external network. The supporting physical network for VxRail must be properly configured before building the cluster, and the same interconnected network must also meet the requirements for VMware Cloud Foundation before attempting initial deployment. Before moving to a planning and design phase, ensure that the key requirements for Cloud Foundation on VxRail are understood. As a starting point, have a good understanding of the interdependencies between the applications targeted for the Cloud Foundation VI workload domains.