Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > Guides > Planning Guide—VMware Cloud Foundation 5.1 on VxRail > Planning the VI workload domain resource requirements
At least one VI workload domain must be created to support guest virtual machines for a standard architecture, and at least one VxRail cluster of any supported size and configuration must be used as the resource foundation for a VI workload domain. A VxRail cluster that is assigned to support the workload of a Cloud Foundation domain is dedicated to that domain, and its resources cannot be shared with other Cloud Foundation domains.
For each VI workload domain that is created, SDDC Manager deploys a vCenter virtual machine in the management workload domain. A standard Cloud Foundation on VxRail architecture has a minimum of two NSX instances: one for the management domain and one for the VI workload domains. For new VI workload domains, NSX instances can be shared, or a new NSX instance can be deployed. For every new NSX instance, a new set of NSX management virtual appliances are deployed in the management workload domain. Depending on the use case, additional virtual machines might need to be deployed to support those specific applications.
Use the tables in Appendix B: Cloud Foundation on VxRail footprints for sizing for an understanding of the baseline sizing at the creation of the management workload domain, and for estimating the sizing requirements for additional components based on planned use cases.