With each new VI workload domain, there is the option to deploy three new NSX management virtual appliances to manage network requirements, or to reuse existing NSX managers. The use cases that trigger this decision include:
- Test/Development or pre-production workloads that do not use the production network
- Applications in the workload domain have an NSX version dependency.
- Applications that require more isolation and security
- Cloud Foundation deployments that have a multitenant workload requirement
- A new VLAN-backed transport zone is required.
If a new set of NSX management virtual appliances is planned for the management workload domain, the following points must be considered:
- Each NSX manager has a resource reservation of 48 GB of memory.
- NSX managers are subject to vSphere HA admission control.
- NSX manager virtual appliances can be CPU intensive depending on workload activity.
Figure 10. VI workload domain deployment using existing NSX managers
Figure 11. Overview of initial deployment of NSX-based VI workload by SDDC Manager