Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > Guides > Planning Guide—VMware Cloud Foundation 5.1 on VxRail > Capture the Application Virtual Network region settings
The Application Virtual Network supports two regions for the Aria Suite components. The local instance, referred to as ‘Region A’ is for the management components assigned to a specific region, whereas the region with cross-instance mobility, referred to as ‘xRegion’, is for the pool of Aria management components that require mobility between regions.
Each region is connected to an NSX Tier-1 gateway configured for the Application Virtual Network. The Tier-1 gateway is a logical router used for managing network traffic within the NSX network. The NSX Tier-1 gateway is positioned just below the NSX Tier-0 gateway that peers with external routing services, enabling upstream access for the Aria management components.
Each region must be given an IP address range or VLAN that is used to assign to the management components running in each respective region. If using VLAN-backed segments, VLANs are required for both segments. If dual regions are being planned with NSX Federation, the VLAN option is not supported. The table in Appendix H: Application virtual network configuration outlines the settings that must be captured to enable AVN:
Specific details for the deployment and configuration of the Aria software product are out of scope for this guide. See the VMware Validated Design Documentation for more information.