Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > Guides > Planning Guide—VMware Cloud Foundation 3.x on VxRail > VMware Cloud Foundation on VxRail Deployment
The Cloud Foundation on VxRail cloud platform in a data center will have a transformational effect on the way IT resources are delivered to support applications and users. The deployment of a Cloud Foundation on VxRail cloud platform in your environment involves careful and deliberate planning and preparation to ensure an efficient and seamless deployment experience.
The Cloud Foundation on VxRail deployment lifecycle starts before a purchase order is issued. In the initial phase, the business and operational requirements are captured and applied toward the overall solution. The requirements process captures the use cases for the planned Cloud Foundation on VxRail deployment. At this stage, decisions can be made about requirements such as site locations and availability. In addition, various organizations and business units can be aligned with their application requirements to propose a high-level design. Dell Technologies specialists work jointly with the account team at this stage of the effort.
After acceptance of a high-level design and proposal, technologists and subject matter experts will join the effort. The applications and virtual machines targeted for the Cloud Foundation on VxRail platform are used in a sizing exercise to produce a detailed VxRail infrastructure bill-of-materials needed to support the planned workload.
Figure 5 Anatomy of a Cloud Foundation on VxRail deployment experience
Also, during this phase, the dependencies between the planned sets of applications for Cloud Foundation are analyzed, and used to produce a high-level network design. These requirements are then used as the baseline in the planning efforts for the upstream external network and for the virtual networks in the management workload domain and the VI workload domains.