Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Product Documentation > Data Protection > Dell PowerScale SmartSync > Replication accounts
By default, a local account for the source cluster is already configured. Run the isi dm accounts list command, and the output displays the DM Local Account.
The steps in this section assume a traditional push policy that is defined and initiated from the source cluster. After reviewing this information in this section, see Pull policy to define an account for a pull policy on the target cluster.
Note: Although the steps in this section reference specific sections for push and pull policies, you may use a single account for a push and pull policy depending on the data-replication topology. The steps in this section reference the push and pull to provide an example.
After encryption is configured, the next step is to add a replication account to the source cluster, pointing replication to a target cluster.
On the source cluster, add a replication account by running the following command:
source-cluster# isi dm accounts create DM dm://[Target Cluster IP]:7722 [Account name: For example ‘target-acc’]
Note: The target cluster IP address may be a hostname, IPv4, or IPv6 address. As a best practice, use a SmartConnect round-robin DNS name for the target cluster IP address.
Optionally, now you can specify the local and remote SmartConnect pools for the source and target clusters, respectively, with the --local-network-pool and --remote-network-pool fields. The fields are specified with the isi dm accounts modify command and the associated account –-access-id found under isi dm accounts list.
Note: The local and remote pool options only apply to PowerScale-to-PowerScale replication. They are not applicable to cloud copy replication.
To perform a pull policy from the target cluster, add the replication account on the target cluster and enter the source cluster’s IP address.
The command is now issued on the target cluster and is updated as follows:
target-cluster# isi dm accounts create DM dm://[Source Cluster IP]:7722 [Account name: For example ‘source-acc’]
To replicate object data to GCP, AWS, Azure, or ECS using SmartSync cloud copy, add the bucket information with the isi dm accounts create command and specify the following:
As an example, to add an AWS S3 bucket as a cloud copy account: isi dm account create --account-type AWS_S3 --name [Account Name] --access-id [access-id] --uri https://s3.amazonaws.com/[bucket-name] --auth-mode CLOUD --secret-key [secret-key]
When the account is added, the bucket name may be a new or existing bucket. If the bucket is new, it is created when the isi dm account create command is issued, otherwise, the existing bucket is used.
Run the isi dm accounts list command to verify that the account has been created. The new account and the local account are listed, as shown in the following figure:
The output in this example lists the DM Local Account, which is the source cluster’s account. demo-acc is the target cluster’s account and IP address. However, the isi dm accounts list is run on the target cluster for a pull policy account; the DM Local Account would be the target cluster, while demo-acc would be the source cluster.