Home > Storage > PowerScale (Isilon) > Product Documentation > Data Protection > Dell PowerScale SmartSync > Dataset creation policy
A dataset must be available before a copy or repeat-copy data replication policy runs, as shown in Figure 6. The dataset creation step is required for SmartSync cluster replication and for cloud copy. If a dataset is unavailable, the copy or repeat-copy replication policy fails. For more information about the copy and repeat-copy policies, see Replication policies.
The steps in this section assume a traditional push dataset creation that is defined and initiated on the source cluster. After reviewing this section, see Pull dataset creation policy to define a pull dataset.
To create a dataset, run the isi dm policies create command with the CREATION policy option. For example:
isi dm policies create [Policy Name] NORMAL true CREATION --creation-account-id=[DM local account] --creation-base-path= --creation-dataset-retention-period= --creation-dataset-reserve= --creation-dataset-expiry-action=DELETE ––recurrence=”cron expression” --start-time="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
In this example:
For more options on dataset creation, see the CLI Administration Guide on Dell Support.
Check the dataset creation policy's status by running isi dm jobs list and isi dm historical-jobs list. For more information about options for a running policy, see Troubleshooting. Once the dataset is created, it is listed under isi dm datasets list. The dataset creation uses a SnapshotIQ snapshot. It is displayed under isi snapshot list, with an isi_dm preceding the snapshot name.
A pull dataset creation policy is defined and initiated on the target cluster. To perform a pull dataset creation on the source cluster, run the isi dm policies create command on the target cluster. However, the --creation-account-id is updated to the source cluster’s account, found under isi dm accounts list on the target cluster. All other fields in the command remain as previously described.