Home > Storage > PowerFlex > White Papers > Dell PowerFlex Storage with VxRail Dynamic Nodes > VxRail dynamic node configuration
PowerFlex recommends having a dedicated data networks for communication between the VxRail dynamic nodes. Once the VxRail dynamic node cluster is set up using VxRail Manager wizard, configure vDS and port groups for dynamic nodes as recommended by PowerFlex.
Use the following steps to configure the VMware vCenter network switch. This configuration creates additional vDS switches that are required for storage data traffic that is used by the PowerFlex system.
To create vDS in VMware vCenter:
1. Log in to the VMware vSphere Web Client.
2. From the drop-down Menu select Networking. The Networking page is displayed.
3. Right-click the data center name and select Distributed Switch > New Distributed Switch.
d. On the Ready to complete page, review the settings that you have selected, and click Finish.
4. Right-click the newly created dvswitch and select Settings > Edit Settings.
5. Create four port groups (flex_data1, flex_data2, flex_data3 and flex_data4) on the newly created vDS:
6. Add the VxRail dynamic nodes to the newly created virtual distributed switches.
To create VMkernel interfaces for PowerFlex data1, data2, data3, and data4 networks:
1. In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to Menu a Hosts and Clusters.
2. Select one of the deployed VxRail dynamic nodes.
3. Go to Configure Networking VMkernel adapters.
4. Perform step 1-3 for flex_data2, flex_data3 and flex_data4 networks. The following figure shows the Kernel adapters:
5. Complete steps 1–4 for all the VxRail dynamic nodes.
Perform the following steps to check the storage network configuration.
Before you start
Validate the network configuration on each node.
1. Log in to the node using SSH and run the following command:
vmkping-s 8972 -d xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (replace xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with the 1st PowerFlex storage VIP IP Address)
vmkping-s 8972 -d xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (replace xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with the 2nd PowerFlex storage VIP IP Address)
2. Review the output and validate the ping communication.
WARNING: Do not proceed further until the ping test passes successfully. Double-check all network settings and ensure that jumbo frames are properly set up in the network.
3. Perform the preceding two steps for each of the nodes.
Perform the following steps to manually install the PowerFlex SDC (storage data client) driver on each VxRail dynamic CO node. This allows PowerFlex volumes to be mapped to the ESXi hosts.
Note: Most of the following steps are automated by using the Dell VSI plug-in. For more information, see Dell VSI capabilities for PowerFlex.
1. Copy the appropriate (based on ESXi version) PowerFlex SDC VIB file to each of the VxRail dynamic nodes. This solution requires the VIB for ESXi 7.x.
2. SSH to the node and run the following command to set the acceptance level:
esxcli software acceptance set --level=PartnerSupported
3. Install SDC by running following command :
esxcli software vib install -d /sdc-3.5.x.xxx-esx7.x- comp.zip
4. Reboot the ESXi node. For a first-time installation, the SDC will not automatically initialize. Further configuration and an additional reboot are required.
5. Once the host is up, run the following command to set the IP address of the MDM:
Note: See the local IP allocation table for the correct SDC, SDS, and MDM IPs.
esxcli system module parameters set -m scini -p "IoctlIniGuidStr=<GUID ID> IoctlMdmIPStr=<List_VIP_MDM_IPS >"
Separate the IP addresses of the same MDM cluster with a “,” symbol.
If connecting to more than one PowerFlex cluster , separate multiple MDM clusters with the “+” symbol.
Note: Include the IP addresses of as many potential manager MDMs as possible to make it easier to switch MDMs in the future. A total of eight IP addresses is supported. If an MDM virtual IP address is not in use, obtain the IP addresses of all the MDM managers.
6. Perform a reboot on the VxRail dynamic nodes.
7. Run the following command to verify that the driver is loaded:
vmkload_mod -l | grep scini
8. Perform the preceding steps for each of the VxRail dynamic nodes.
Note: For detailed information, see Install the SDC on an ESXi server and connect it to PowerFlex using esxcli.
9. Verify the SDC connectivity and status from PowerFlex GUI: