Home > Storage > PowerFlex > White Papers > Building Azure Arc-enabled Data Services for a SQL Managed Instance on Dell PowerFlex > Appendix A: SQL MI and Hammer DB Test Harness details
This section provides best practices and recommendations for SQL MI and Hammer DB test harness.
Perform the following deployment steps for the multi-instance SQL MI test harness:
Note: All the tasks are authored and managed with VS Code.
1. Deploy a SQL MI with Azure Arc-enabled data services in indirect mode.
2. build the TPCC database on the first SQL MI and presize the SQL Server data and log files.
3. Retrieve the SQL MI endpoint IP for the instance that we were restoring the database into.
4. Restore the database backup is to the arc-sqlmi container in the appropriate SQL MI pod.
The T-SQL Stored Procedure test harness is deployed.
5. Create a custom T-SQL procedure and deploy to the Master database on the instance and insert the results into a reporting table:
RowID_TPSvalues INT IDENTITY (1,1)
,ServerName VARCHAR(20)
,TPSvaluePerMinute BIGINT
,TPSvaluePerSecond AS (TPSvaluePerMinute / 60) PERSISTED
,UserCount INT
,[CommittedMemory(MB)] BIGINT
,[TargetMemoryGoal(MB)] BIGINT
) ;
Perform the following deployment steps for the HammerDB test harness:
A timed HammerDB workload is run with an incrementing user count. The autorundrive.tcl file is used and updated with the IP address of the SQL MI endpoint. Then the batch file is run using the integrated terminal from the HammerDB root directory in C:\Program Files\HammerDB-4.2.
The multiinstance test batch file included two execution statements per instance: