Home > Integrated Products > Microsoft HCI Solutions from Dell Technologies > White Papers > Building a Hybrid Database-as-a-Service Platform with Azure Stack HCI > Appendix A: SQL MI and HammerDB Test Harness details
Deployment steps for the multi-instance SQL MI test harness:
Note: We authored and managed all work with VS Code.
To improve both consistency and efficiency of our multiple SQL MI tests, many running at the exact same time, we added new PowerShell automation to our existing T-SQL test harness. We now can start with a single command using the following steps:
Sample configuration file that is the driver for test harness automation.
## --------------------------------------------------
# Kubernetes related configs
## --------------------------------------------------
$hammerdbNamespace = 'hammer-db-ns'
## --------------------------------------------------
# SQL Server related configs
## --------------------------------------------------
# Can be set to either of these two values (linux or windows)
# IP addresses of each SQL MI. Add prts if NodePort K8s configuratin
$mssqlips="", "", "", "", ""
# MI username
# MI Password
# TPC database
# SQL backup file location
# (do not provide back slash (/) at the end of the path)
## --------------------------------------------------
# Load run config
## --------------------------------------------------
# RampupTime and execTime in minutes per user load
# User load test groups
$loadRunUser='5 10 15 20 25'
# HammerDb Ramp up time
# Execute time per user group
Core T-SQL pulled from the HammerDB source code.
@cntr_value = cntr_value,
@datetime = getdate() at time zone 'Central Standard Time'
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE counter_name = 'Batch Requests/sec'
@UserCount = COUNT(es.session_id)-1
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS es WITH (NOLOCK)
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(es.session_id, NULL) AS ib
WHERE es.database_id = DB_ID(@DatabaseName)
AND es.session_id > 50
AND es.session_id <> @@SPID
AND program_name = 'tclsh8.6'
Sample logging table that resides in the master database for each SQL MI
RowID_TPSvalues INT IDENTITY (1,1)
,ServerName VARCHAR(20)
,ValueReportTime smalldatetime
,TPSvaluePerMinute BIGINT
,TPSvaluePerSecond AS (TPSvaluePerMinute / 60) PERSISTED
,UserCount INT
,[CommittedMemory(MB)] BIGINT
,[TargetMemoryGoal(MB)] BIGINT
) ;