Home > Integrated Products > VxBlock 1000 and 3-Tier Platform Reference Architectures > White Papers > VMware Cloud Foundation Stretched Cluster on Dell VxBlock 1000 Multi-Site > Metro node Metro
Metro node Metro consists of two metro node clusters connected by inter-cluster links with less than or equal to 10ms Round Trip Time (RTT).
Metro node Metro:
Metro clusters can be placed up to 100 km apart, allowing them to be located at opposite ends of an equipment room, on different floors, or in different fire suppression zones; all of which might be the difference between riding through a local fault or fire without an outage.
Deploy metro node Metro between data centers for:
Combine metro node Metro virtual storage and virtual servers to:
Distance between clusters is limited by physical distance, by host, and by application requirements. Metro node Metro clusters contain additional I/O modules to enable the inter-cluster WAN communication over IP.