Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > Guides > VDI Deployment Guide—VMware Horizon 7 for VxRail and vSAN Ready Nodes > Document purpose
This deployment guide describes how to install and configure the following VMware Horizon 7 core components for a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) on Dell EMC VxRail appliances or Dell EMC vSAN Ready Nodes:
This guide does not replace the VMware Horizon documentation. The VMware Horizon 7 Product Documentation and VMware Best Practices for Published Application and Desktops in VMware Horizon Apps and VMware Horizon 7 provide more information about deploying Horizon 7.
Microsoft Windows 10 optimizations are not within the scope of this guide because they depend on business IT policies. For more information, see Performance Best Practices for VMware vSphere 6.5 and refer to your local IT policies.