After the ESXi installation is complete and the server restarts, configure the ESXi management network as follows:
- Press F2 to log in to the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI).
- At Authentication Required, type the credentials that you created during setup and press Enter.
- At System Customization, select Configure Management Network.
- Under Configure Management Network, select Network Adapters.
- Ensure that the vmnic0 and vmnic1 NIC ports are displayed under Network Adapters, and then press Esc.
- Select VLAN (optional) and press Enter.
- On the VLAN (optional) page, type the VLAN ID for the management network and press Enter.
- Select IPv4 Configuration and press Enter.
- On the IPv4 Configuration page, select Set static IPv4 address and network configuration, and then press the spacebar.
- Type the information for IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway, and press Enter to confirm.
- Select DNS Configuration and press Enter.
- On the DNS Configuration page, type the IP address of the DNS servers and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the host.
- At Configure Management Network: Confirm, press Esc to return to the main menu and press Y to confirm changes and restart the management network.
- Select Test Management Network.
The Test Management Network page displays the items that will be tested.
- Press Enter to continue.