Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > White Papers > Elastic Stack on Dell EMC VxRail > Dell EMC VxRail
VxRail is a Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) platform jointly developed by Dell EMC and VMware. It is the only fully integrated, pre-configured, and tested HCI system optimized for VMware vSAN software-defined storage and the VMware vSphere ESXi hypervisor. VxRail is managed through the VMware vCenter Server interface, providing the familiar vSphere experience.
VxRail is the only HCI system that fully integrates Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers with VMware vSphere and vSAN. VxRail seamlessly integrates with and can fully leverage the existing VMware ecosystem and cloud management solutions.
For more information about VxRail, or about VMware vSphere and vSAN, refer to the References section.