The network is designed to meet the needs of a high performance and scalable cluster, while providing redundancy and access to management capabilities. The architecture is a leaf and spine model that is based on Ethernet networking technologies. It uses PowerSwitch S5248F-ON switches for the leaves and PowerSwitch Z9432F-ON switches for the spine.
Physical networking in this architecture is straightforward since most of the advanced capabilities of the system are implemented using software defined networking. The logical network is described in Container platform implementation. This architecture has three physical networks, as shown in Physical network infrastructure.
- iDRAC (or BMC) network
- The iDRAC (or BMC) network is a secured and isolated network for switch and server hardware management, including access to the iDRAC9 module and Serial-over-LAN. This network optionally connects to corporate network management allowing more direct access to the hardware infrastructure. Each node on this network is assigned an individual IP address from the management address space.
- Cluster data network
- The Cluster data network is the primary network for internode communication between all server and storage nodes. Each server node on this network is assigned a single IP address on this network.
- Core data center network
- The Core data center network is the existing enterprise network. The Cluster data network is interfaced with this network through switching and routing allowing cluster services to be exposed to system users.