Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > White Papers > Dell VxRail: Comprehensive Security by Design > CloudIQ
CloudIQ combines proactive monitoring, machine learning, and predictive analytics so you can take quick action and simplify operations of your on-premises infrastructure and data protection in the cloud. It is included with many Dell offerings to enable our customers a way to manage a broader set of their infrastructure real estate to make more efficient decisions. CloudIQ supports a broad range of Dell Technologies products including: Storage, data protection, converged and hyperconverged infraastucture, networking and APEX services. CloudIQ supports VxRail by providing multiple cluster views, including: health score, system configuration, capacity, and performance. These views provide information across the cluster, and system health issues provide recommended remediations or links to relevant Knowledge Base (KB) articles.
Telemetry data sent to Cloud IQ is secured by end-to-end Transport Layer Security (TLS) 256-bit encrypted tunnels, and is handled in accordance with Dell’s customer data policy. No customer data is sent, only data generated by the customer’s systems. Customers control which systems send information over these channels. Further technical detail on CloudIQ’s security posture is available in the CloudIQ Security Paper.
VxRail users can access CloudIQ using their Dell support credentials.