Home > Workload Solutions > High Performance Computing > White Papers > Dell Validated Design for HPC pixstor Storage > MDtest
The following command is an example to run the metadata tests:
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np $Threads --hostfile my_hosts.$Threads –map-by node --mca btl_openib_allow_ib 1 --oversubscribe --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-4.1.2a1 /usr/local/bin/mdtest -v -d $working_dir -P -i ${repetitions} -b $n_directories -z 1 -L -I 1024 -u -t -F
The following table describes the MDtest command-line options:
Option | Description |
-d | Directory in which the tests will run |
-v | Verbosity (each instance of option increments by one) |
-i | Number of iterations that the test will run |
-b | Branching factor, how many directories to create (used with -z) |
-z | Depth of hierarchical directory structure |
-L | Files only at leaf level of tree |
-I | Number of files to create per directory |
-y | Sync file after writing |
-u | Unique working directory for each task |
-t | Time unique working directory overhead |
-F | Perform test on files only (no directories) |
-w=N | Bytes to write to each file after it is created |
-e=N | Bytes to read from each file |