A Dell GDDR complex consists of a minimum mix of two (local and remote) Dell PowerMax 8000, 2500, 8500, and or VMAX storage systems and one or more GDDR control systems (C-Systems), and z/OS (and even open systems) hosts.
GDDR is unique in the ability of a single GDDR complex to support multiple z/OS parallel sysplexes and can manage both CKD and FBA disk, providing an enterprise-wide disaster restart solution.
- SRDF/S with ConGroup — The two-site SRDF/S with ConGroup configuration provides disaster restart capabilities at site DC2.
- SRDF/S with AutoSwap — The two-site SRDF/S with AutoSwap configuration provides for continuous availability through device failover between DC1 and DC2.
- SRDF/A — The two-site SRDF/A configuration provides disaster restart capabilities at site DC3.
- SRDF/Star with ConGroup — The three-site SRDF/Star configuration provides disaster restart capabilities at either DC2 or DC3. Concurrent and Cascaded SRDF support options further minimize the DC3 recovery time objective.
- SRDF/Star with AutoSwap — The three-site SRDF/Star configuration provides both continuous availability between DC1 and DC2, and disaster restart capabilities at either DC2 or DC3. Concurrent and Cascaded SRDF support options further minimize the DC3 recovery time objective.
- Concurrent SRDF/Star-A — The three-site Concurrent SRDF/Star-A configuration provides disaster restart capabilities at DC3 or DC4.
- Four Site:
- SRDF/SQAR with AutoSwap — The four-site SRDF/SQAR with AutoSwap configuration provides for continuous availability through device failover between DC1 and DC2, and continuous disaster recovery protection through redundant SRDF/A replication out of region to DC3 and DC4. Any of these topologies can be augmented with one or more Cyber Recovery (CRx) sites when the Cyber Protection Automation (zCPA) feature is added to a GDDR configuration to populate a dedicated cyber recovery vault array.
- Any site in any of these topologies can be augmented with one Cyber Recovery (CRx) site when the Cyber Protection Automation (zCPA) feature is added to a GDDR configuration to populate the array(s) at a dedicated cyber recovery vault site.
GDDR can be configured to operate in any of these configurations. GDDR functionality is controlled by a parameter library. During GDDR implementation, this parameter library is customized to reflect:
- The prerequisite Dell software components
- The desired data center topology (two-site, three-site, four-site, synchronous or asynchronous, concurrent and/or cascaded, and any Cyber Recovery vault sites).