Several tests are performed to invoke YCSB processes to insert a fixed number of records into the database. Each test cycle consists of the following steps:
- Reboot the database VMs to clear out memory cache.
- Delete the data previously loaded to clear out the operating system and PowerStore data reduction saving information from the previous test.
- Start YCSB processes to insert 200,000,000 records into the replica set.
- After each test, the following information is collected:
- Guest operating system statistics: CPU and memory utilization
- Guest operating system disk space: File system usage
- PowerStore data reduction statistics: Physical and logical used
- YCSB results: Operations per second, average latencies, and thread counts
After completing all the tests using different compressions, the results collected are analyzed and compared based on the following metrics:
- Runtime of the data load reported by YCSB
- Total disk consumption reported by MongoDB and the operating system
- Data reduction saving reported by PowerStore X appliance
- Guest operating system CPU and memory utilization reported by atop