Home > Storage > ObjectScale and ECS > Industry Solutions and Verticals > Dell EMC ECS: Splunk SmartStore Configuration > Introduction
The explosive growth of unstructured data and cloud-native applications has created demand for scalable on-premises cloud storage infrastructure in the modern data center. Dell EMC ECS, the third generation of object store by Dell EMC, is designed from the ground up to take advantage of modern cloud storage APIs and distributed data protection, providing active/active or active/passive availability spanning multiple data centers.
As data volumes continue to increase in both capacity and long-term business analytics value, Splunk SmartStore indexes and raw data can be stored externally using a cost-effective object store compatible with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), such as ECS. This allows customers to scale their indexer storage resources separately.
This white paper is a reference guide for configuring Splunk SmartStore with ECS and includes recommended best practices.