Home > Storage > ObjectScale and ECS > Industry Solutions and Verticals > cuno S3 Performance and Validation Testing > Testing results
The results of the testing are broken down into two results sets. One is based on Mb/s; the other is based on time.
PetaGene claims that cuno supports POSIX ACL permissions, users/groups, symbolic/hard links, timestamps, and other POSIX attributes on standard S3-compatible storage. This was not explicitly tested here.
This testing was done by transferring five 32 GB files from the server to ECS and from ECS to the server.
Read (Gb/s) | Write (Gb/s) | Read (sec) | Write (sec) |
44.53 | 48.99 | 48.71 | 30.25 |
The following image represents testing that cuno has performed in the past and is provided here as reference to the testing that was performed in the Dell Healthcare labs.
This part of the testing was done by transferring 75,000 small files of varying sizes from the server to ECS and back. The focus on this testing was the length of time transferring many small files. This test included transferring the files to ECS, deleting them from the server, transferring them back to the server, and deleting them from ECS. Each test ran 30 cycles and used the average of these cycles as the result. This test was run many times.
Read (Gb/s) | Write (Gb/s) | Read (sec) | Write (sec) |
28.80 | 9.06 | 54.50 | 137.82 |
The image below represents testing that cuno has performed in the past and is provided as a reference to the testing that was performed in the Dell Healthcare labs.