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What’s new in UnityOS 5.4?

Louie Sasa Louie Sasa

Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:00:00 -0000


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Dell UnityOS 5.4 is now the latest software release on the UnityXT platform. This blog will briefly cover the File, Serviceability, and Host connectivity features that UnityOS 5.4 has to offer.

Below is a short list of the features pertaining to File, Serviceability, and Host connectivity:

  • Serviceability: A multitude of serviceability features for this release includes NTP stratum flexibility, password complexity requirements, secure file upload using SupportAssist, blocked thread alert enhancements, and Storage Processor cache disabling. 
  • File: For end users leveraging SMB file storage, there have been a few updates that include SMB share policies for client access, SMBv2 disable, and Deep Instinct AV support. 
  • Host Connectivity: We have enhanced our Host CLI commands and introduced sorting VMFS volumes using Storage Processor ownership.


NTP Stratum Flexibility

NTP Stratum flexibility allows end users to configure a device’s distance to the reference clock with an NTP Stratum value. In UnityOS 5.4, we have implemented a new service (svc_ntp) command to allow an end user to modify the Unity system’s stratum value ranging from 1 – 15. If an end user does have the requirement to adjust the NTP Stratum level from the default of 6 – the system will require a resync with the new NTP Stratum value.

Note: If there is a large time adjustment regarding the NTP stratum values, this modification may cause the Storage Processors to reboot in order to completely sync to NTP.

Password Complexity Requirements

To adhere to the latest federal requirement Office of Management and Budget (OMB) M-22-09 memorandum, UnityOS 5.4 has updated the systems password requirements to the following criteria outlined in the M-22-09 memorandum:

  • 8-64 characters in length
  • At least 1 uppercase character
  • At least 1 lower case character
  • At least 1 digit
  • No characters from the following set: And ' space tab
  • The password must be unique from the previous 3

Note: Special characters are no longer a requirement for Unisphere user or service user passwords but are still allowed.

Secure file upload using SupportAssist

UnityOS 5.4 introduces the highly anticipated Secure file upload feature, which provides users with a new option to transfer specific files back to Dell leveraging SupportAssist/SRS connectivity. In Unisphere, the UI has been updated with a cloud icon that allows users to send Data Collections and Core Dump files back to Dell directly from the system.


A new option of "--sendhome" has been added to the existing service commands of svc_supportassist (physical systems) and svc_esrs_ve (UnityVSA systems only). This new option allows end users to send home unique log files such as TCP network traces or unique log output files directly back to Dell from the Unity system.

Customers leveraging ESRS/SupportAssist functionalities will no longer need to download logs to a local workstation and upload them to a portal. Being able to send files to Dell directly from the system will improve the efficiency of Support receiving the requested logs.

Note: Only uploading 1 file at a time is supported, a secure file upload job will fail if there is a concurrent secure upload operation.  

Blocked Thread alert enhancements

In the UnityOS 5.4 release, enhancements have been made around identifying and reporting blocked threads for the NAS server. The system will now report when a blocked thread has been experienced as well as create a dialhome once blocked threads have been experienced for an extended duration. These enhancements will allow for quicker identification and resolution of block thread issues, avoiding further impacts on the user’s file system.

Storage Processor Cache Automatic Disabling

When performing SP maintenance activities such as IO module additions or hardware replacements with Unity systems running the current UnityOS release, Dell recommended disabling the write cache on the system for the safety of the user’s data. Disabling of write cache usually requires a service call to have an authorized Dell service engineer disable the write cache before performing the maintenance activity.

With the UnityOS 5.4 release, the system will now automatically disable write-cache by default when the SP is placed into service mode. This new enhancement allows for service activity to take place without having to require an authorized Dell engineer to disable and enable write-cache.


SMB Share Policies

In current UnityOS releases, system administrators can allow/restrict host access to NFS exports in Unisphere using export policies. In UnityOS 5.4, we have introduced SMB share policies in order to have similar feature parity with NFS exports.

To reach feature parity for SMB shares, UnityOS 5.4 has added a new host tab under SMB share properties. The host access tab allows the end user flexibility on how to manage access to their SMB shares through using default access or customized access configurations. Default access defines the default access type for the entire SMB share, while Customized access allows users to define which hosts will have access to the SMB share. Customized host access entries will override the default access type of the share since it is explicitly defined for that specific host.

In UnityOS 5.4, SMB Share policies allow two access types:

  • No Access
  • Read/Write

Note: Host access can only be configured after initial SMB share creation and only admin/storage admin user roles can perform it.


SMBv2 Disable

With vulnerabilities identified in the SMBv2 dialect, UnityOS 5.4 provides system administrators the ability to disable the SMBv2 dialect at the NAS server level through a service level command.  

Utilizing SMBv3 over SMBv2 can provide better authentication, encryption, and performance between the NAS server and client. UnityOS 5.4 not only allows end users to disable SMBv1 but also forces SMBv2 clients to use the more secure dialect of SMBv3.

Below are both command outputs to modify and display the SMBv2 configuration at the NAS server level:


Deep Instinct AV Support

Common Anti-Virus Agent (CAVA) allows AV engines to scan files stored on Unity file systems. CAVA leverages third-party AV software to mitigate known viruses before they infect files on the storage system. Below is a table of the current AV engines and versions supported on the Unity XT platform:

In UnityOS 5.4, we are now supporting Deep Instinct AV software to scan files on the system as part of Unity XT’s CAVA implementation.  

Host Connectivity

Host CLI Enhancements

In previous UnityOS releases, if a system administrator wanted to add host access to a storage object using the command line (uemcli) - the user would need to explicitly define each host the storage object is connected to by using the [set] argument. 

In UnityOS 5.4 we have added an -add and -remove switches to the [set] argument to be able to incrementally add and remove host access to a storage object. These switches allow the end user to no longer must fully define a set of hosts each time they modify host access using uemcli. This greatly reduces the chances of accidental removal of host access, which may cause access issues.

Below we see a host uemcli command being issued to incrementally add and remove host access to LUN ID: sv_4.



Sorting VMware Datastores using SP ownership

Prior to UnityOS 5.4, system administrators were only able to sort Block LUNs under the Unisphere Block tab for SP ownership. System administrators have found the capability to sort by SP ownership to be beneficial as it aids in troubleshooting and load balancing of the storage appliance.

With customers heavily using Unity’s integration with VMware, UnityOS 5.4 introduces the ability to sort VMware based LUN or VMFS volumes by their SP ownership!  

Note: Sorting by SP ownership does not apply to vVol datastores and NFS file systems.

A new column has been added in Unisphere called SP Owner to allow end users to sort, identify, and change SP ownership for VMware VMFS volumes. Also, administrators are now able to change VMFS volumes LUN ownership using the volume’s details card.



This blog has outlined several of the major features of the Dell UnityOS 5.4 release. Check out the Resources section for additional information about its features!


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What’s New in Unity OE 5.3?

Stephen Granger Stephen Granger

Fri, 05 May 2023 14:27:52 -0000


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Dell Unity OE version 5.3 is the latest software release for the Dell Unity platform. Because this release focuses on Serviceability and Security features and enhancements, this blog covers a high-level overview of its major features.

Here’s what to expect in this software release, followed by additional details about each category:

  • Serviceability – Multiple serviceability enhancements and features that include Dynamic PUHC, Periodic ODFU, and our next-generation remote connectivity service called SupportAssist.
  • Security – Multiple security enhancements and features including Remote Secure Credentials (RSC) for remote connectivity, vCenter Certificate Verification for SSL communication, and HTTP security headers for further protection against malicious attacks.


Dynamic Pre-Upgrade Health Checks

The Dell Unity system has always incorporated a Pre-Upgrade Health Check (PUHC) into its OE, which is used to detect problems on a system that would prevent a successful software or hardware upgrade. With Dell Unity OE version 5.3, a Pre-Upgrade Health Check file can now be remotely pushed and installed to a Dell Unity system through its SupportAssist connection.

This feature helps ensure that connected systems are always running the latest recommended health check version, to aid in identifying and resolving issues that would prevent a successful upgrade. Once a day, the Dell Unity systems will reach out and check for a newer version of a Pre-Upgrade Health Check through its SupportAssist connection.

Periodic Online Drive Firmware Update

Since Dell Unity OE version 5.0, the latest drive firmware has been bundled with the OE upgrade file. This allows for a single file to be uploaded to the system for upgrading both OE and drive firmware at the same time. With Dell Unity OE 5.3, the system now periodically checks for any drives running lower revision firmware than the last accepted one, and runs the Online Disk Firmware Upgrade (ODFU) package on the system. This process is called Periodic ODFU and is designed to address any drives that have been added or replaced in the system that may be running on out-of-date drive firmware.

The system runs the periodic ODFU once a week to check and upgrade any out-of-date drives that are installed on the Dell Unity system. If the periodic ODFU process identifies any offending disks, the system first runs a pre-upgrade health check to ensure that the system is healthy. It then runs the drive firmware upgrade. This process also only uses a drive firmware bundle that has been previously run on the system.


Dell Unity’s existing remote support and connect home capability is called Secure Remote Services (SRS). SRS can be configured in two different topologies: Integrated mode and Centralized mode. With the release of Dell Unity OE version 5.3, SupportAssist is replacing SRS for physical Dell Unity systems. SupportAssist is Dell’s next generation of connect home software with the latest automated health and system monitoring capabilities.

SupportAssist still retains the two topologies:

  • Centralized mode, now referred to as “Connect through a Gateway Server”
  • Integrated mode, now referred to as “Connect Directly”

The requirement for a Gateway Server configuration with Dell Unity OE 5.3 is Secure Connect Gateway (SCG) version 5.12 or higher. Any user that currently is using a version of SCG below 5.12 or is still using ESRS gateway should upgrade or migrate to a minimum SCG version of 5.12 or later before upgrading to Dell Unity OE 5.3 release.

Table 1.  Remote support changes for physical Dell Unity systems (OE version 5.3)





Secure Remote Services (SRS)



  • Centralized mode
  • Connect through a Gateway Server
  • Integrated mode
  • Connect Directly

For each of the connect home methods, there are two additional options that can be enabled. The “Inbound connectivity for remote access” option allows authorized Dell Technologies service personnel to securely troubleshoot your system remotely. When not selected, only outbound communications and remote file transfer are allowed. The last option is the Remote Secure Credentials (RSC) option, which is described in the Security section of this blog.


Remote Secure Credentials (RSC)

With the Dell Unity OE version 5.3 release, Dell Technologies has implemented Remote Secure Credentials (RSC) connectivity for remote access. The RSC option can be enabled through the Unisphere GUI under Settings > SupportAssist. The RSC option allows authorized Dell Technologies service personnel to authenticate with your system by using a unique one-time Dell-generated credential. This feature enables quicker responses and better security because there is no longer a need to provide Dell Technologies service personnel with access credentials for the system.

vCenter certificate verification

Starting with Dell Unity OE version 5.3, Dell Unity can now reach out to vCenter when establishing its initial connection and present the vCenter certificate to the end user for verification and acceptance. When the vCenter's certificate is accepted, Unisphere is then able to securely establish an SSL-authenticated session with the vCenter.

When a system is upgraded to OE 5.3, Unisphere sets the Health Status for existing vCenters to the Warning state, and requests that you review and accept the vCenter certificate. When the certificate has been accepted, the vCenter's connection is upgraded from a non-secure session to an SSL-secured session.

HTTP security headers

HTTP headers are designed to provide instructions to the end user’s web browser on how to behave when interacting with web services. These headers are implemented in each web page, including the Unisphere GUI. The HTTP implementation on current Dell Unity systems can trigger security scan tools to flag the Unisphere web services as vulnerable due to additional security headers not being set. 

With the Dell Unity OE 5.3 release, we address these security concerns by implementing two new HTTP security headers for port 443:

  • X-Content-Type-Options of type “nosniff” 
  • Content-Security-Policy set to “self”

These HTTP headers further harden Dell Unity's security posture by providing an additional layer of defense against cross-site scripting attacks and Media Type (MIME) sniffing attacks against the Dell Unity system from vulnerable browsers.


This blog has outlined just a few of the major features in the Dell Unity OE version 5.3 release. Check out the Resources section for additional information about its features!


Author: Stephen Granger, Senior Engineering Technologist

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  • Dell Unity XT
  • SUSE Rancher

Dell PowerStore and Unity XT CSI Drivers Now Available in the Rancher Marketplace

Henry Wong Henry Wong

Tue, 31 Jan 2023 17:36:00 -0000


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I am excited to announce that the PowerStore CSI driver and the Unity XT CSI driver are now available in the Rancher Marketplace. Customers have always been able to deploy the CSI drivers on any compatible Kubernetes cluster through a series of manual steps and command lines. If you are using Rancher to manage your Kubernetes clusters, you can now seamlessly deploy the drivers to the managed Kubernetes clusters through the familiar Rancher UI.

Dell CSI drivers

PowerStore CSI driver and Unity XT CSI driver are storage providers for Kubernetes that provide persistent storage for containers. Many containerized workloads, such as databases, often require storing data for a long period of time. The data also needs to follow the containers whenever they move between the Kubernetes nodes. With Dell CSI drivers, database applications can easily request and mount the storage from Dell storage systems as part of the automated workflow. Customers also benefit from the advanced data protection and data reduction features of Dell storage systems.

SUSE Rancher

Rancher is a high-performing open-source Kubernetes management platform. For those who operate and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters across on-premises and in the cloud, Rancher is an attractive solution because of its powerful features that unify the management and security of multiple Kubernetes clusters. Rancher can deploy and manage clusters running on on-premises infrastructure, such as VMware vSphere and on cloud providers such as Azure AKS, Google GKS, and Amazon EKS. Rancher also enhances and simplifies security with centralized user authentication, access control, and observability. The integrated App Catalog provides easy access to third-party applications and simplifies the deployment of complex applications.

The benefits of deploying Dell CSI drivers through the Rancher App Catalog are:

  • The App Catalog is based on Helm, a Kubernetes package manager. Dell CSI drivers include the Helm charts in the App Catalog to facilitate the installation and deployment process.
  • You can be confident that both Dell and SUSE have validated the deployment process.
  • A single management UI to manage all aspects of your Kubernetes clusters.
  • Enhances and centralizes user authentication and access control.
  • Simplifies the deployment process with fewer command lines and an intuitive HTML5 UI.
  • Pre-defined configurations are supplied. You can take the default values or make any necessary adjustments based on your needs.
  • Makes it easy to monitor and troubleshoot issues. You can view the status and log files of the cluster components and applications directly in the UI.

How to deploy the CSI driver in Rancher

Let me show you a simple deployment of the CSI driver in Rancher here.

NOTE: Dell CSI drivers are regularly updated for compatibility with the latest Kubernetes version. Keep in mind that the information in this article might change in future releases. To get the latest updates, check the documentation on the Dell Github page (

1.  First, review the requirements of the CSI driver. On the Rancher home page, click on a managed cluster. Then, on the left side panel, go to Apps > Charts. In the filter field, enter dell csi to narrow down the results. Click on the CSI driver you want to install. The install page displays the driver’s readme file that describes the overall installation process and the prerequisites for the driver. Perform all necessary prerequisite steps before moving on to the next step.

These prerequisites include, but are not limited to, ensuring that the iSCSI software, NVMe software, and NFS software are available on the target Kubernetes nodes, and that FC zoning is in place.

2.  Create a new namespace for the CSI driver in which the driver software will be installed. On the left side panel, go to Cluster > Projects/Namespaces and create a new namespace. Create a csi-powerstore namespace for PowerStore or a unity namespace for Unity XT.

You can optionally define the Container Resource Limit if desired.

3.  The CSI driver requires the array connection and credential information. Create a secret to store this information for the storage systems. On the left side panel, go to Cluster > Storage > Secrets.

For PowerStore:

  • Create an Opaque (generic) secret using a key-value pair in the csi-powerstore namespace.
  • The secret name must be powerstore-config, with the single key name config. Copy the contents of the secret.yaml file to the value field. A sample secret.yaml file with parameter definitions is available here.
  • You can define multiple arrays in the same secret.

For Unity XT:

  • Create an Opaque (generic) secret using the key-value pair in the unity namespace.
  • The secret name must be unity-creds, with the single key name config. Copy the contents of the secret.yaml file to the value field. A sample secret.yaml file is available here.
  • You can define multiple arrays in the same secret.
  • The Unity XT CSI driver also requires a certificate secret for Unity XT certificate validation. The secrets are named unity-certs-0, unity-certs-1, and so on. Each secret contains the X509 certificate of the CA that signed the Unisphere SSL certificate, in PEM format. More information is available here.

4.  Now, we are ready to install the CSI driver. Go to Apps > Charts and select the CSI driver. Click Install to start the guided installation process.

Select the appropriate namespace (csi-powerstore or unity) for the corresponding driver.

The guided installation also pre-populates the driver configuration in key/value parameters. Review and modify the configuration to suit your requirements. You can find the detailed information about these parameters in the Helm Chart info page (Click the ViewChart Info button on the installation page). (A copy of the values.yaml file that the installation uses is available here for PowerStore and here for Unity XT.)

When the installation starts, you can monitor its progress in Rancher and observe the different resources being created and started. The UI also offers easy access to the resource log files to help troubleshooting issues during the installation.

5.  Before using the CSI driver to provision Dell storage, we need to create StorageClasses that define which storage array to use and their attributes. The StorageClasses are used in Persistent Volumes to dynamically provision persistent storage.

To create StorageClasses for Dell storage systems, we use the Import YAML function to create them. If you use the Create function under Storage > StorageClasses, the UI does not offer the Dell storage provisioners in the drop-down menu. Copy and paste the contents of the StorageClass yaml file to the Import Dialog window. (Sample PowerStore StorageClasses yaml files are available here; sample Unity XT StorageClasses yaml files are available here.)

Congratulations! You have now deployed the Dell CSI driver in a Kubernetes Cluster using Rancher and are ready to provision persistent storage for the cluster applications.


Deploying and managing Dell CSI drivers on multiple Kubernetes clusters is made simple with Rancher. Dell storage systems are ideal storage platforms for containers to satisfy the need for flexible, scalable, and highly efficient storage. The powerful features of Rancher streamline the deployment and operation of Kubernetes clusters with unified management and security.


Author: Henry Wong, Senior Principal Engineering Technologist

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What’s New with Dell Unity OE Version 5.2?

Ryan Poulin Ryan Poulin

Tue, 10 May 2022 21:06:27 -0000


Read Time: 0 minutes

Did you know that Dell Unity had a new software release on April 29, 2022? No? With all the hype of Dell Technologies World 2022, which included a number of new products, software, and company partnership announcements, Dell Unity may have flown under the radar with one of the most important software updates in its history. But fear not, I have you covered. This software release delivers several important storage technologies designed to simplify how users address capacity expansion and recover data faster, expand disaster recovery topologies, increase storage utilization, and cost-effectively upgrade Dell Unity XT systems while lowering capital and operating expenses. The following sections highlight the updates in this release.


Unity XT data-in-place conversions

So, you purchased a Unity XT 480/F or 680/F system, but now it’s under-sized and handling more than you planned for. With storage architects and administrators trying to do more with less, it is not uncommon that new requirements come up and a storage system is pushed to its limits. Whether you are maxing out performance and capacity, or are looking for higher limits, a data-in-place (DIP) conversion may be just what is needed.

In OE version 5.2, Hybrid (HFA) or All Flash (AFA) Unity XT 480 and 680 systems can be upgraded to a higher Dell Unity model of the same type. This means that an HFA system can upgrade to a higher model HFA system, and an AFA system can be upgraded to a higher model AFA system. For the Unity XT 480, it can be directly upgraded to a Unity XT 680 or 880 model system. The Unity XT 680 can be upgraded to the Unity XT 880 model system. This upgrade not only increases the performance potential of the Storage Processors, but the higher models also include higher system limits. Data-in-place upgrades reuse the same I/O modules, SFPs, and power supplies from the replaced Storage Processors, and can either be completed online or offline.

During an online upgrade, one Storage Processor (SP) is replaced at a time. All hosts/servers that are configured with high availability can remain online and run I/O to the system. This procedure closely mimics a software non-disruptive upgrade where one SP is upgraded at a time. An offline DIP upgrade needs to occur during complete application downtime. Although the system is offline, this upgrade process does complete faster because both storage processors are replaced at the same time. After completing the upgrade, the model will be seen in Unisphere, Unisphere CLI, and REST API as the new model, as if it came from the factory.


Target Model













































I/O module conversions

Performance is always impacted by the slowest component in an environment, almost like the weakest link in a chain. For some, infrastructure within an environment may be upgraded, leaving the storage system limited due to its current configuration. Do you have your Unity XT 16Gb Fibre Channel front end ports connected to a 32Gb switch? If your answer is Yes, then why not upgrade the storage too? OE version 5.2 supports upgrading 16Gb Fibre Channel modules in existing Unity XT systems to the 32Gb Fibre Channel modules.

What used to be a non-data-in-place conversion can now be achieved through a new service script without impacting the data on the system. During the upgrade procedure, the Fibre Channel I/O modules are upgraded in an NDU manner. One Fibre Channel module is replaced in one storage processor, while any I/O to the system is serviced by the peer SP. After the upgrade is complete and the system is utilizing the new 32 Gb I/O modules and SFPs, the front end ports on the Unity XT system are no longer the weakest link.

For more information about Unity XT data-in-place upgrades or I/O module conversions, see the Dell Unity XT: Introduction to the Platform white paper. 

Hybrid flash system enhancements

Dell Unity hybrid systems continue to be a compelling storage solution for small to mid-size enterprises, supporting general purpose workloads that don’t need the speed and low latency of All Flash or NVMe architectures. The following are software enhancements for hybrid systems in OE version 5.2.

Dynamic pools

Dynamic pools were first introduced in OE version 4.2 for All Flash systems. This pool type drops the traditional pool RAID Group based configuration in favor of advanced RAID techniques and distributed sparing. Dynamic pools allow for better storage utilization than the previous pool type, and more simplified planning. Users no longer need to add multiples of drive sets to achieve a particular capacity. In most cases, a dynamic pool can be expanded with a single drive.

Just like my youngest child watching his older brother do things he can’t, hybrid systems have been left wondering when it will be their turn. With OE version 5.2, the time has come. In OE version 5.2, dynamic pools can be created on any hybrid flash system, not just Unity XT if that is what you are thinking. A dynamic pool can also be a single drive type or include multiple drive types just like their traditional pool counterparts. For each drive type within a dynamic pool, a minimum drive count is required, but expanding an existing tier with a single drive is possible in most situations. Dynamic pools also support FAST VP and FAST Cache on hybrid systems.

For more details see the Dell Unity: Dynamic Pools white paper.

Data reduction

Do you have a hybrid Unity XT system and could use some extra capacity? What if I told you, it’s free? While I can’t send you free drives through a blog, I can let you know that data reduction and advanced deduplication are now supported on hybrid pools within hybrid model Unity XT systems. 

To support Data Reduction, the pool must contain a flash tier whose total usable capacity meets or exceeds 10% of the total pool capacity. Once the system is running OE version 5.2, you can enable data reduction with and without advanced deduplication on existing resources or new resources. The pool type can also either be traditional or dynamic.

For more details see the Dell Unity: Data Reduction white paper.

File enhancements


Are you feeling limited by the replication topologies that are currently supported? The OE version 5.2 release may just have what you need to support the file replication topology of your dreams, or maybe just what your data protection requirements dictate. In this release, each file resource supports a maximum of four replication sessions, which includes the inbound replication sessions and the outbound replication sessions. What’s different in this release is that one of the four replication sessions can be synchronous, and you can also create a replication session outbound from a synchronous replication destination. The picture below shows a replication topology that is now possible using the OE version 5.2 release. Note: All systems within the topology must be running version OE version 5.2 or later to support these new topologies.

For more details see the Dell Unity: Replication Technologies white paper.

LDAP aliases

Have you ever had an IP address change in your environment, which required you to update each component within the environment that used it? I have, and even though I only use a test lab, it still caused me heartburn. Depending on the environment, the changes required can be a long and tedious process. 

In OE version 5.2, an update to LDAP can save you some time in the future. Now when configuring LDAP server addresses manually on a NAS Server, users can either enter the LDAP server IP or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). By entering the FQDN, an IP change on the LDAP server no longer requires changing the LDAP configuration on each NAS server. The NAS server automatically picks up the new IP using DNS. Taking the time to update an existing configuration can save a bunch of time in the future, especially when the change needs to occur late at night or on weekends.

For more details see the Dell Unity: NAS Capabilities white paper.


I’ve outlined just a few of the major features in the Dell Unity OE version 5.2 release. For more information about other features in this release, check out these resources:

Author: Ryan Poulin

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