Home > Integrated Products > VxRail > White Papers > VMware Cloud Foundation on Dell VxRail > Integrated platform management
The SDDC Manager and the VxRail Manager software integration allows the VMware Cloud Foundation to build a complete SDDC on VxRail. The SDDC Manager orchestrates the deployment, configuration, and life cycle management of vCenter, NSX, and VMware Aria (formerly vRealize Suite, resulting from integration with VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) above the ESXi and vSAN layers of VxRail. It unifies multiple VxRail clusters as workload domains or as multicluster workload domains. Integrated with the SDDC Manager management experience, VxRail Manager is used to deploy, configure, and life cycle manage ESXi, vSAN, and hardware firmware. It takes advantage of the native VxRail Continuously Validated State update bundle framework, which is only available through the VxRail HCI System Software. The deployment of VxRail clusters uses the native VxRail Manager first run cluster creation process. VxRail life cycle management is integrated into the SDDC Manager orchestrated LCM workflows that use the VxRail Manager to perform it natively. VxRail Manager also monitors health of hardware components and provides remote service support.