Home > Data Protection > PowerProtect Data Manager > Videos > PowerProtect Data Manager: Methods to restore SQL Databases
This video describes the various methods to restore a Microsoft SQL server instance during a disaster. In case of disaster, PowerProtect Data Manager supports multiple business continuity solutions to keep the business running and to get the backup infrastructure back online with minimal RTO. In this video, we are demonstrating 3 methods for restoring assets from the original SQL server: o The first method is directly, by launching an SSMS plugin from an alternate SQL agent host and giving the details of the PowerProtect DD and the storage unit, on which the original SQL agent’s data were protected. In this case, in order to restore the data, the user must create the lockbox manually for the storage unit. o The second method is when the primary site is down and not reachable, and when the PowerProtect Data Manager has the ‘Remote Systems’ option enabled. (This option provides business continuity from remote systems, with Quick Recovery.) This means restoring from an alternate SQL host that is registered to the destination PowerProtect Data Manager. A third method, after performing the Disaster recovery of the source PowerProtect Data Manager, is to register an alternate SQL host with the same name as the source hostname to the recovered Data Manager, and then perform a restore to that SQL host.