Home > Workload Solutions > SAP > Guides > SAP HANA TDI Guides > Storage Configuration Best Practices for SAP HANA TDI with Dell Unity Storage > SAP HANA certification for Unity
Since SAP introduced the TDI deployment model, two certification scenarios have been used to test the performance of the SAP HANA persistence (data and log) and validate that the storage array meets the SAP KPIs for bandwidth (MB/s) and latency (microseconds): HANA-HWC-ES 1.0 and HANA-HWC-ES 1.1.
With SAP HANA 1.0 SPS 10 and higher, SAP introduced a new scenario for enterprise storage certifications. Version 1.1 now uses the underlying file system performance tool (fsperf) for file system performance validation. With fsperf, random I/O operations required additional resources and the KPIs could be achieved only with more disks (HDDs) or flash disks.