Ensure there is a NAS Server configured to support the file system that you want (NFS) and a pool with enough available storage space.
To create a NAS server:
- Select Storage > File in the left panel. The File page appears.
- Click the File Systems link and then click the plus sign in the upper left corner. The Configure the Protocols the File System Supports screen
- Select the NAS Server that was previously configured for SAP HANA. Click Next. The Provide a Name and Description page appears.
- Enter a name and description for the file system. Click Next. The
Configure the File System Storage Characteristics page appears, as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23. Configure the File System Storage Characteristics page
- Select the pool in which to create the file system, and then enter the size
of the file system required and the tiering policy requirements. Click Next.
The Configure the Initial Share page appears, as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24. Configure the Initial Share page
- Check the NFS Share (Linux/Unix) and type a name for the share.
Click Next. The Configure Access page appears.
- To allow access to hosts, click the plus symbol in the Customize access for the following hosts page. The Select Host Access page appears, as shown in Figure 25.
Figure 25. Select Host Access page
- Select the Access Type required from the list box and check the
hosts that need access to the NFS share.
Note: For the hosts to be visible, a network address must be assigned to the host.
Click OK and then click Next. The Summary page appears, as shown in
Figure 26.
Figure 26. Summary
- Review the information you have provided. If you are satisfied that it is correct, click Finish. The file system and NFS share are created.