The deployment wizard guides you through the creation of an Azure Stack HCI cluster.
In the wizard, you specify all cluster and node level details.
To start the wizard from Home > Azure Stack HCI, select Deploy Azure Stack HCI. The wizard guides you through the following windows:
- Basics
- Configuration
- Networking
- Management
- Security
- Advanced
- Tags (optional)
- Validation
- Review and create
- In the Basics window, as shown in the following figure, under Project details, select the Subscription and Resource group from the options lists.
- Under Instance details, enter the Cluster name, Region.
- To create a new key vault, enter a Key vault name, and then click Create a new key vault. Note: If a previously created key vault for a decommissioned cluster with the same name exists, you must first delete and purge the old key vault before creating a new one.
- To validate the servers for use, select one or more, and then click Validate selected servers. After you validate the servers, a green checkbox displays next to Validate selected servers.
- To go to the next window, click Next: Configuration.
- In the Configuration window, enter details about the cluster.
- To go to the next window, click Next: Networking, shown in the following figure.
- In the Networking window, for Storage connectivity, choose whether you use a network switch for the storage network.
- Under Group network traffic types by intent, based on your network topology, select the Networking pattern. For a single-node cluster, Dell Technologies recommends that you select Group Management and Compute (no storage).
- Under Provide intent details, for management-network-intent creation, select the network adapters
- Under Allocate IP addresses to the system and services, provide the required details as shown in the following figure.
- Under Compute_Management, to update information such as network intent, data center bridging, and adapter properties including Jumbo Frame size and RDMA protocol, click Customize network settings. Note: For management network intents, Dell Technologies recommends that you disable RDMA, as shown in the following figure.
For more information about this step, see Specify network settings.
- Under Management shown in the following figure, to identify this system when creating resources, enter the Custom location name.
- Enter the Active Directory and deployment account details.
For more information, see Specify management settings.
- Click Next: Security.
- Under Security shown in the following figure, Dell Technologies recommends that you choose Recommended security settings, which offers the highest level of security settings.
- Click Next: Advanced.
- Under Advanced, choose Create workload volumes and required infrastructure volumes.
For more information, see Optiohnally change advanced settings and apply tags.
- Click Next: Tags.
- Under Tags, enter tag information (optional).
- Click Next: Validation.
- Under Validation, click Start validation, as shown in the following figure.
For more information, see Validate the system.
The system creates a resource object and its components for the cluster. The validation takes about 15 minutes, for a single-server deployment, to assess the system readiness to deploy the cluster. - Click Next: Review + create.
- The Review + create window shows the configuration information that you entered or selected in the previous steps for creating the cluster. To return to a previous step to modify any settings, click Previous.
- To start the cluster creation process, review and confirm your settings, and then click Create .
- To view the deployment progress in the Azure portal, go to <cluster name > > Deployments. To view the latest update, click Refresh. When the deployment is complete, all tasks have a status of Success.
- To access your cluster remotely, enable a remote desktop.
For more information about deploying a cluster, see Deploy the cluster.