Dell Technologies recommends you to plan appropriate antivirus exclusions as part of best practices.
For optimal performance on an antivirus installed clusters nodes, it is recommended to exclude the following file types, folders, and processes.
Table 3. Types of antivirus exclusions File types | - *.vhd, *.vhdx, *.avhd, *.avhdx, *.vsv, *.iso, *.rct, *.vmcx, *.vmrs, *.xml, *. vmgs, *.bin
Folders | - %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V
- %ProgramFiles%\Hyper-V
- %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Snapshots
- %Public%\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks
- %SystemDrive%\ClusterStorage
- %clusterserviceaccount%\Local Settings\Temp
- %SystemDrive%\mscs
- C:\ClusterStorage
Processes | - %systemroot%\System32\Vmms.exe
- %systemroot%\System32\Vmwp.exe
- %systemroot%\System32\Vmsp.exe
- %systemroot%\System32\Vmcompute.exe
Note: It is recommended to turn off scanning for the c:\ClusterStorage folder.
For more information on antivirus exclusions with Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows Server, visit Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions on Windows Server. For more information, see Post deployment tasks.