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With more than 70 airport deployments worldwide according to Ipsotek, their VISuite is AI software for video analysis that turns real-time video feeds, either directly from the CCTV feed or a video management system (VMS), into actionable intelligence and alerting for transportation hubs. By extracting metadata directly from real-time video feeds, Ipsotek accelerates response times, drives greater operational efficiency, and enables operators to perform forensic searches across multiple video feeds. The ability to visually correlate travelers with retail activity behaviors with Ipsotek enables customers to increase revenue and profitability from retail locations within transportation hubs, by more efficiently matching staff to traveler usage statistics. The real time updates and alerts from key pain points within the transportation hub, such as queue lengths, help to spot trends and patterns that can be used to inform staff on next steps to alleviate the challenges. Security response times can be boosted through 24x7 incident detection and integration with mobile devices. Overall passenger experience is optimized through the visualization of passenger flow, reducing delays, and enhancing the travelers' experience. Being able to identify situations, such as an unattended child or passengers with reduced mobility, can enable staff to be rapidly deployed, addressing those situations, and turn a potential incident into a positive outcome.
The Dell Validated Design for Computer Vision and Milestone Systems XProtect creates a unified VMS platform that streamlines setup, administration, and management, is highly scalable, and offers high levels of performance and compatibility. Milestone XProtect running on the Dell Validated Design for Computer Vision has undergone rigorous interoperability and performance testing in our Dell Technologies engineering validation labs, so you know what to expect before the system is deployed. By choosing a solution that Dell Technologies has already validated, you can reduce implementation costs and have a functional solution in less time.