This section provides the PowerShell commands to perform host operating system network configuration choices described in the earlier sections. These commands must be run on each host that will be a part of the Azure Stack HCI cluster. Update the variables defined at the beginning of the command block based on the number of cluster nodes and management network information. Each clustered node needs a unique ID number in order to calculate storage network connectivity and IPv4 addresses.
Unique private storage networks and IPv4 addresses are required based on the full mesh topologies described in previous sections. The script automates the creation of these network names and IPv4 addresses. Modify the private storage subnet variable if it conflicts with any external networking subnets in the environment.
A SET is implemented for management/VM traffic using the LOM/rNDC/OCP, and Ports 1 and 2. The script automatically selects all of the RDMA-capable PCIe network adapters for storage traffic, beginning with the lowest PCIe slot. Depending on the full mesh switchless topology required, any remaining network adapters and ports can be used for other needs. Depending on NIC vendor, the iWARP, RoCE, or RDMA protocol is enabled on all storage network adapters.
To run the script, the following prerequisites are required:
- Hyper-V
- Failover clustering
- FS-FileServer
- Data-Center-Bridging
- BitLocker
- RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell
- FS-Data-Deduplication
For instructions on installing the prerequisite features, see the HCI Deployment Guide.
When the prerequisites are installed, run the following script:
# Set the Management IP
$SwitchlessNodeID = 1 #Update to the current Node number being configured.
$SwitchlessClusterNodes = 4 #Edit with number of nodes in the cluster.
$ManagementSwitchName = 'Management'
$ManagementNetAdapterName = @('Integrated NIC 1 Port 3',’Integrated NIC 1 Port 4') #Update based on Get-Netdapter output for Management NICs
$ManagementAdapterName = 'Management'
$ManagementVlanId = 70
$ManagementGateway = '' #Update to customer provided Gateway
$ManagementDns = '' #Update to customer provided DNS
$ManagementIPAddress = @('','','','') #Update based on Customer IPs
$ManagementAddressPrefix = 19
$ManagementIPAddress = $ManagementIPAddress[$SwitchlessNodeID-1]
$null = New-VMSwitch -Name $ManagementSwitchName -AllowManagementOS 0 -NetAdapterName $ManagementNetAdapterName -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -Verbose
$managementAdapter = Add-VMNetworkAdapter -SwitchName $ManagementSwitchName -ManagementOS -Passthru -Name $ManagementAdapterName -Verbose
if ($ManagementVlanId -and ($ManagementVlanId -ne 0)) {
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $managementAdapter -Access -VlanId $ManagementVlanId -Verbose
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
#check if adapter vlan is properly created
get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS
#configure DNS
Write-Output "Management IP address: $ManagementIPAddress"
$null = New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet ($ManagementAdapterName)" -IPAddress $ManagementIPAddress -DefaultGateway $ManagementGateway -PrefixLength $ManagementAddressPrefix -Verbose
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet ($ManagementAdapterName)" -ServerAddresses $ManagementDns -Verbose
#Disable unwanted ports – ensure that only the ports for Switchless Storage are up and connected in the right order based on the Cabling instructions provided above. If there are additional NICs or ports not being used for Storage Network Up and Available, the script will assign IP and rename the Network Storage Adapter use Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Sort MacAddress to get a list of all the available ports and disable by selecting the ifIndex, example;
#Get-NetAdapter | ? ifIndex -like #<add desired port to disable> | Disable-NetAdapter
#Setup Storage Network for Switchless Topology
$StorageSubnet = ''
$SingleStorageIPAddress = @('172.16.12','172.16.13','172.16.14','172.16.23','172.16.24','172.16.34')
$DualStorageIPAddress = @('172.16.21','172.16.31','172.16.41','172.16.32','172.16.42','172.16.43')
$SingleAdapterNames = @('Storage1-2','Storage1-3','Storage1-4','Storage2-3','Storage2-4','Storage3-4')
$DualAdapterNames = @('Storage2-1','Storage3-1','Storage4-1','Storage3-2','Storage4-2','Storage4-3')
$StorageAddressPrefix = 29
$supportedAdapters = @("Mellanox", "QLogic", "E810")
$StorageAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where InterfaceDescription -Match ($supportedAdapters -Join "|") | ? Status -like Up | sort Name | Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo | ? Slot -GE 1 | Sort-Object Slot,Function
if ( $StorageAdapter ) {
Write-Output 'These adapters will be used for storage (dependant on cluster size):'
Write-Output $($StorageAdapter | Format-Table Name,Description,Slot,Function)
} else {
throw 'No RDMA Storage Adapters found!'
$SingleStorageIPAddress = $SingleStorageIPAddress | ForEach-Object { if (($_).Substring(($_).Length -2) -match $SwitchlessNodeID) { $_ } }
$DualStorageIPAddress = $DualStorageIPAddress | ForEach-Object { if (($_).Substring(($_).Length -2) -match $SwitchlessNodeID) { $_ } }
$SingleStorageIPAddress = $SingleStorageIPAddress | ForEach-Object { $_ + '.' + $SwitchlessNodeID }
$DualStorageIPAddress = $DualStorageIPAddress | ForEach-Object { $_ + '.' + $SwitchlessNodeID }
$StorageSubnet = $StorageSubnet.Split('.')[0] + '.' + $StorageSubnet.Split('.')[1]
$SingleStorageIPAddress = $SingleStorageIPAddress | ForEach-Object { $_.Replace('172.16',$StorageSubnet) }
$DualStorageIPAddress = $DualStorageIPAddress | ForEach-Object { $_.Replace('172.16',$StorageSubnet) }
$SingleAdapterNames = $SingleAdapterNames | ForEach-Object { if ( $_ -match $SwitchlessNodeID) { $_ } }
$DualAdapterNames = $DualAdapterNames | ForEach-Object { if ( $_ -match $SwitchlessNodeID) { $_ } }
Write-Output "Storage IP Addresses: $(($SingleStorageIPAddress)[0..($SwitchlessClusterNodes -2)]) ($(($DualStorageIPAddress )[0..($SwitchlessClusterNodes -2)]))"
Write-Output "Storage Adapter Names: $(($SingleAdapterNames)[0..($SwitchlessClusterNodes -2)]) ($(($DualAdapterNames)[0..($SwitchlessClusterNodes -2)]))"
$mlnx=$StorageAdapter.InterfaceDescription -Match "Mellanox"
$qlogic=$StorageAdapter.InterfaceDescription -Match "QLogic"
$e810 =$StorageAdapter.InterfaceDescription -Match "E810"
if (($mlnx -and $qlogic) -or ($mlnx -and $e810) -or ($e810 -and $qlogic)) {
throw 'Multiple vendors for storage adapters found'
} else {
if ($mlnx) {
$NetProtocol = "RoCEv2"
} elseif ($qlogic) {
$NetProtocol = "iWarp"
} elseif ($e810) {
$NetProtocol = "iWarp"
} else {
Throw 'No RDMA storage adapters found!'
## Enable RDMA and Assign IPs and Rename Adapters for Storage Network
$StorageAdapter | Enable-NetAdapterRdma
## Assing Storage IP and Rename Storage Adapters
if ( ($SwitchlessClusterNodes -1) -le $StorageAdapter.Count ) {
Write-Output 'Configuring Single-Link Full Mesh Switchless Networks…'
for ($i=0;$i -lt ($SwitchlessClusterNodes -1);$i++) {
Write-Output "Adapter: $(($StorageAdapter)[$i].Description) Name: $($SingleAdapterNames[$i]) IP: $($SingleStorageIPAddress[$i])"
$null = New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias ($StorageAdapter)[$i].Name -IPAddress $SingleStorageIPAddress[$i] -PrefixLength $StorageAddressPrefix -Verbose
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name ($StorageAdapter)[$i].Name -DisplayName 'NetworkDirect Technology' -DisplayValue $NetProtocol
Get-NetAdapter -Name ($StorageAdapter)[$i].Name | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $SingleAdapterNames[$i]
if ( ($SwitchlessClusterNodes -1)*2 -le $StorageAdapter.Count ) {
Write-Output 'Configuring Dual-Link Full Mesh Switchless Networks…'
$n = $SwitchlessClusterNodes -1
for ($i=0;$i -lt ($SwitchlessClusterNodes -1);$i++) {
Write-Output "Adapter: $(($StorageAdapter)[$n].Description) Name: $($DualAdapterNames[$i]) IP: $($DualStorageIPAddress[$i])"
$null = New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias ($StorageAdapter)[$n].Name -IPAddress $DualStorageIPAddress[$i] -PrefixLength $StorageAddressPrefix -Verbose
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name ($StorageAdapter)[$n].Name -DisplayName 'NetworkDirect Technology' -DisplayValue $NetProtocol
Get-NetAdapter -Name ($StorageAdapter)[$n].Name | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $DualAdapterNames[$i]
} else {
throw "Not enough Storage NICs available based on cluster size of $SwitchlessClusterNodes!"