After you create the cluster, live migration is configured by default to use all available networks.
During normal operations, using the host management network for live migration traffic might impede the overall cluster role functionality and availability. Rather than disabling live migration traffic on the host management network, configure the host management network as a lower-priority network in the live migration network order:
$clusterResourceType = Get-ClusterResourceType -Name 'Virtual Machine'
$hostNetworkID = Get-ClusterNetwork | Where-Object { $_.Address -eq ‘’ } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ID
$otherNetworkID = (Get-ClusterNetwork).Where({$_.ID -ne $hostnetworkID}).ID
$newMigrationOrder = ($otherNetworkID + $hostNetworkID) -join ';'
Set-ClusterParameter -InputObject $clusterResourceType -Name MigrationNetworkOrder -Value $newMigrationOrder