Use the following procedure to restart a cluster node or to take a cluster node offline for maintenance: - Verify the health status of your cluster and volumes:
Get-ClusterPerformanceHistory -FriendlyName *Cluster* | Get-StorageHealthReport
- Suspend the cluster node:
Suspend-ClusterNode -name “Hostname” -Drain
- Enable storage maintenance mode:
Get-StorageFaultDomain -type StorageScaleUnit | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq "<Hostname>"} | Enable-StorageMaintenanceMode
- Suspend the BitLocker:
Suspend-BitLocker -MountPoint "C:" -RebootCount 0
- Restart the server or shut it down for maintenance.
- Disable storage maintenance mode.
Get-StorageFaultDomain -type StorageScaleUnit | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq "<Hostname>"} | Disable-StorageMaintenanceMode
- Resume the cluster node:
Resume-ClusterNode -Name “Hostname” -Failback Immediate
Resume-BitLocker -MountPoint "C:"