The Capacity tab for a switch provides port usage details for both Connectrix and PowerSwitch. The upper left portion of the view shows a breakdown of the ports on the switch broken down by Online, Offline, and Error status. The Ports by Type bar charts show a filtered list of ports broken down by port type. For Connectrix, the Nodes Attached bar charts show a breakdown of attached nodes by Host Ports, Storage Ports, and Switch ports. The bottom of the page displays a filtered list of ports based on the filters selected in the top half of the page. The following columns are displayed at the bottom of the page:
- Interface – Location of the port, shown as slot/port number. For Connectrix, it is also a hyperlink which directs user to port performance charts.
- Alias/Description – Switch port alias, if defined.
- State – Status of the switch port.
- Licensed – Shows whether the port is licensed, not licensed, or N/A for directors.
- Protocol – Protocol configured for the switch port.
- Switch Port Type – Logical configuration of the switch port. Possible values include F_PORT, N_PORT, E_PORT, Unknown, or Disabled for FC ports. Set to Unknown for Ethernet ports.
- Port Mode (PowerSwitch only) – Logical configuration of the interface, such as Access or Trunk.
- Trunks (B-Series)/Simple Channel (MDS) – Value of trunk or port channel if the physical port is being aggregated.
- Partition ID (Connectrix only)
- Brocade: If Virtual Fabrics (VF) are enabled, this field displays the VF ID for each VF defined on the switch. If not enabled, this field is set to 128.
- Cisco: This field shows the VSAN ID.
- Attached Node Type (Connectrix only) – Describes the device attached to the switch port.
- Attached Device (Connectrix only) – Worldwide name of the attached device.
Capacity tab for Connectrix:
Capacity tab for PowerSwitch: