To manage and update the Cloud Admin credentials:
- Start a PEP session. For example:
$PEP = New-PSSession -ComputerName <PEP IP Address> -ConfigurationName "PrivilegedEndpoint" -Credential (Get-Credential) -SessionOption (New-PSSessionOption -Culture en-US -UICulture en-US)
- To view the current CloudAdmin user list, run the following command:
Invoke-Command -Session $PEP -ScriptBlock {
} | ft Name, DateCreated, PasswordLastUpdatedThis command should return a result that is similar to the following figure:
- To view the current CloudAdmin user list, run the following command:
Invoke-Command -Session $PEP -ScriptBlock {
New-CloudAdminUser -UserName CloudAdmin2
} - When prompted, enter the new password.
- To verify that the account was created, rerun the Get-CloudAdminUserList command, as shown in the following figure:
- To update the cloud admin credentials for an admin named CloudAdmin2, run the following command:
Invoke-Command -Session $PEP -ScriptBlock {
Set-CloudAdminUserPassword -UserName CloudAdmin2
} - When prompted, enter the current and new passwords.
- To verify that the account was created, rerun the Get-CloudAdminUserList command and view PasswordLastUpdated.