The ProHawk sizing is important because if the VM is underpowered then the real-time restoration of video will be slowed down potentially delaying the detection of a critical event.
ProHawk Base Requirements
The base requirements (per stream) as stated by ProHawk are:
- 4 vCPU (2.2 GHz)
- 500 CUDA cores
- 500 MB Memory per stream
- 5 Mb ingress
- 15 Mb Egress
It is important to note that hardware-based video decoding and encoding needs to be supported by the GPU. A large portion of the time spent by ProHawk servers relates to decoding then reencoding video streams.
Base VM Size
After extensive testing with both the A16 and the A40 the optimal VM size for ProHawk is as follows:
- 8
- Memory
- 16 GB
- 1/4 of A16 GPU (equivalent to A2)
This base VM can support a total of 2 ProHawk streams. The details relating to optimal sizing are in the use cases section.
Milestone XProtect Smart Client Plugin
If ProHawk video restoration is integrated into the Milestone XProtect Smart Client for playback, then it is critical to ensure that GPU resources are made available to the Smart Client. When designing a system, it is important to identify how many Milestone XProtect Smart Client plug-in installations will be made as this will reduce the number of GPUs available for ProHawk real-time processing.